Good conversations

The team shared the Truth with 5 people at the Guni hospital: Ma’ad, Ibra’im, Abu’aker, Sal’mon, and As’ta. They had good communication while sharing. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will lead them into a deep understanding and faith.

Pray for healing

During one homestay, we ended up praying for a 5-year-old boy named Aboubacar. He has a sickness that seems very spiritually related. He doesn’t speak and can’t eat on his own, though he used to be able to. We prayed for him in the name of Jesus and told the family we would continue to pray, so please pray that the Lord would heal Aboubacar and that the family would attribute the healing to the power of Jesus.

Seek the truth

Pray for Khal’, Had’, and Aish’ to continue to seek the truth. They are students and English club attendees, and they are willing to discuss scripture and read it for themselves. Pray God would reveal himself to them. Pray for Rawda who has stopped discussing and attending the English club. Pray for the truth she has heard to bear fruit.

Come to faith

Please pray for those who have heard the truth. May they come to faith in Christ.
Pray for the guidance of the holy spirit each day to share the gospel with those who have not heard about Jesus.

Come back

You’, Se’d, Mah’, and Brah’, going through 1 John, have all stopped coming and replying to messages. Pray they will restart communication. Pray that they see their need for a savior.

New students

Pray for many potential students to come to interviews tomorrow 8/28. Pray that God would bring those who are ready to hear truth. Pray specifically for female students to come. Pray for K, H, A, and R to continue to seek the truth. They are students and English club attendees, and they are willing to discuss scripture and read it for themselves. Pray God would reveal himself to them.

Find salvation

Pray for Ibrahim to continue to ask questions about Jesus and for God to open his eyes to the Truth. I have shared with him a lot, and he has audio recordings of the scripture. He loves to watch the Jesus film. Pray for Ibrahim and his son to find salvation in Jesus Christ.

See the Light

Continue to pray for Yous’, Se’d, Ma’amat, and Bra’am. We are currently going through 1 John together. Pray they continue to come as some have been traveling. Pray that they see the need for a savior.
Pray during the month of July that the students that Stephen and Alicia work with will see the light of Christ and be drawn to him.


Hali’ is very interested in the gospel, even praying in Jesus’ name. Please pray for her to continue to seek Jesus, as well as for her health. She had an accident and had to leave work and has not yet returned.
Pray for Si’, whom I work with at the village, he is asking many questions about Jesus and is very close to following. Pray for him to put his faith in Jesus Christ.

Continue the work

The team has planted a lot of seeds. Pray for these seeds to bear fruit and that God would reveal himself to many. Pray for the MBBs to be convicted to continue the work of reaching the lost.
Pray for Believer and Joy, that they would take on a new discipling role for the younger believers.

Believe the good news

Pray for the students who graduated last Saturday to believe the good news they have heard about Jesus. Ask God to reveal himself to them and that they will have visions or dreams of Jesus. Pray that they will be bold in speaking about what they are learning and will ask questions.
Pray that relationships with students will continue even after graduation. Students have been invited to continue to study more stories, so pray that many of them will want to study more.

Filled with doubt

Pray that during this month, as many strive to seek God more devoutly, that their hearts would be filled with doubt and a lack of peace about the path that they are on. Pray that many would begin to search for truth as they find Islam empty.

Open to the truth

Pray for the Muslims that we have been sharing Jesus with, that their hearts would be open to the truth of the Lord. Abdu, Adu, Rah, Mus, Sha, Abdu, Sali and Ani all have been hearing about Jesus and have a good relationship with us. Pray that God brings more opportunities during Ramadan to share the good news.

Planned from beginning

Pray for ‘Heather’, Nicola’, Mary’ and ‘Hannah’ with whom I have been going through a film from creation to Christ which explains how God has planned a saviour since the beginning and shows how sin brings sadness and destruction. Pray that this might lead them to see their need for Jesus and the lack of hope in their own religion.


Pray for Christians from a Muslim background who usually site this month as being one of the most difficult times for them as they are isolated and not a part of the nightly communal meals and festivities that mark this month. Pray that the Body of Christ would support and encourage these believers during this month and that they would find true community amongst their Christian brothers and sisters.

New term

Praise God for a good turnout to interviews at the center. 18 new students were accepted. Currently, there are 13 men and 5 women in Superior 1 (Old Testament class) and 13 men in Superior 2 (NT class). Classes started this week. Pray specifically for the 13 men in the NT class who will hear many truths this term. Pray they will have their eyes opened to THE truth and that God would supply the courage and humility needed for them to follow him. Pray against the enemy snatching away any seeds. Pray for God to make hearts of good soil.

Dental students

Pray for two believers who have finished dentist training in Bitkine and are now trying to build a business. Pray for their protection and blessing. Pray for good clients, networks, and acceptance in the community.

New students

Pray for interviews happening Jan 3 to accept new students to our Superior 1 classes. Pray that God would bring the students who are ripe for the harvest and ready to hear.

Young seeker

Pray for a young seeker in Masenya and the brother who is encouraging and discipling him. His family is not happy with him, so pray for growth, protection, and wisdom to know how to follow Christ in that situation.

Dental training

Pray for two local brothers who will be participating in dental training in Bitkine, that they would be able to learn good tools for supporting their families and open doors to better serve and share with their communities.

Gospel conversations

Pray for all the opportunities to witness at the hospital, that God would grant us great wisdom in how to share and for God to open the doors for gospel conversations.
Pray for a woman who sat with us for a few hours wanting to hear all about Jesus. She was very interested and asked many questions. She is working at the hospital, so there are opportunities for follow-up.

Christmas party

Pray for an English club Christmas party on 11/29. We plan to watch the nativity story, share the “Christmas story,” discuss some Christmas hymns and do some fun activities connected with the story. Pray for our creativity and energy to make this day come alive to the ladies and for God to use it to show himself to them. Pray many of the ladies will come.

Really wants to know

Pray for an ambulance driver who has asked many questions about our faith over the course of three years and has moved on from argumentative questions and now really wants to know about Jesus. Pray also for his brother, an MBB who is experiencing mistreatment from his landlord because of his faith.

Believer and Joy

Pray for the small number of Chadian Arabs who are in the faith, including Believer and Joy. Pray for their public testimony as they have faced a great deal of persecution this year. Pray for courage to continue growing in Christ and sharing with others. Pray that they would trust one another and encourage each other in meaningful ways, and pray that God would provide for their physical needs in sustainable ways.


Pray that a small discipleship group would be launched in Arabic, and that it would touch people’s preexisting worldview with Biblical truth in a way that brings life and spiritual transformation. Pray for opportunities to connect with the wider network of believers from a Muslim background and for growth in their identity and solidarity.

Growing number

Pray for the growing number of seekers among Chadian Arabs. Pray for conviction and courage to pursue faith in Jesus, and for opportunities to connect with others exploring. Pray also for those who have expressed faith and then returned to old ways, that the HS would work anew in their hearts.

English classes

We hope to start English classes again in two weeks. Please pray that the right people would enroll and that the Lord would give them an openness to the gospel.

1 Peter 2:15 & 17

“For it is God’s will that by doing good, you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people…Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.”
Ask that the believers in D-town would have what they need from God’s Spirit and word, to live good lives among people who persecute them. Ask that they would have unity among themselves and that the enemy would not be able to divide them through fear or jealousy.

Work God requires

Pray for these Muslims as they try hard to please God and do His work. May they do the work that God requires- to believe on the One whom He has sent.

Tear down strongholds

Ask God to have mercy on Chadian Arabs and to tear down strongholds that keep people imprisoned in deception and fear. Pray for Chadian believers to be lights and ministers of the gospel to their neighbors.


Pray for Hannah, a long-time friend of many different workers, who is dying. Pray that the many words of truth and gospel she has heard over the years will penetrate her heart and God would remove the chains from her heart and lead her to belief as she battles her terminal illness.


We are hoping to see a conference take place in mid-June for MBB’s here in the capital city of N’Djamena. A brother from Egypt is coming to share and encourage the believers. Pray for the logistics of this happening. Pray that there would be great encouragement amongst the believers and that this might spur on more fellowships to form.

Persecuted brother

Pray for B, a young man who has been a believer for around a year now. B has been bold in sharing his faith and though this has brought him persecution, it has also led to a community of over 50 believers beginning to gather to study the word together. The Lord has used B to pray for and bring healing to several other people, including his uncle who had previously persecuted him (the uncle now also claims faith in Jesus). Last week B’s father declared his intent to kill him. He nearly did.
B was able to escape from being held captive and tortured, and is now in a secret safe location.
Please pray for physical and mental healing for B. Pray for a safe place and sympathetic doctors where he can get some medical care. Pray for continued protection as B’s father thinks that he is now dead and will likely seek to finish the job if he hears that B is still alive. Pray for the young community of believers that has been studying with B – their own faith and convictions will no doubt be challenged after hearing the news of what B has recently endured.

Update on Sally-Praise!

Good news! Sally is still alive and well!
The day before yesterday 32 people came to listen to Sally’s story, watch the Jesus film in its entirety, and also experienced Jesus’s love and power as Sally prayed over a 20 year old lady who was possessed by demons. Praise the Lord the lady is free from bondage and 10 women told Sally they will follow Jesus!
So yesterday ended up not being the day of Sally’s execution but the day God chose to bring 10 more people into His Kingdom!
Unstoppable, mighty to save, healer of the sick and possessed is the God we serve!

Update on Sally- Pray!

We have prayed for Sally, an outspoken believer being watched by the religious authorities. She has been threatened with death. Today, November 14 is the execution date for Sally, but there continues to be silence from the religious men. Rejoice that it seems God has seen fit to stop this wicked scheme.
Last Sunday, Sally was called and invited to speak to a group of ladies during their usual teaching hour. She was allowed to speak openly about her faith and all that God has done! Not one lady became angry or chased her out! This week a couple of the ladies from the group sought her out for more information. They are truly seeking the Way!

Bold witness needs prayer

A woman known as Sally, who came to faith after fifteen years of faithful gospel witness, has been courageously and obediently proclaiming Christ amongst her people. She has suffered for following Christ- her husband divorced her, she’s been abandoned by family, beaten, locked up with her children, and refused food and water. However, she has had many opportunities to share the Gospel – before women’s groups at the mosque, before the local Islamic council, and in surrounding villages. She has prayed for healing and freedom from demonic possession in Jesus’ name and seen people healed and delivered – opening the doors to further proclaim Christ. Just several weeks ago, people from two surrounding villages who had heard of this woman decided to come together to hear for themselves what the message was that she was willing to suffer for. With the help of some workers, the J-Film was shown and Sally shared. We’ve heard over thirty people from those two villages have chosen to follow Christ!
In the midst of this, Sally’s case is being brought before the supreme Islamic Council of Chad in the capital city and they are to decide what to do with her. We need to pray for all that the Spirit is doing in Sally’s location as well as for God to intervene in her situation before the Islamic Council.

Amazing protection!

Two local guys were led to the faith by another believer that our team was instrumental in leading to the Lord. During the month of Ramadan, the families and communities of these two new believers found out about their faith and took them before the local police to have them arrested and put in jail. Neither believer would recant their faith. Both family members and imams accused them of apostasy and wanted them to be beaten and imprisoned. The local police commissioner let them talk and then got in their faces and reminded them that Chad is a secular country – that anyone is free to worship as he pleases. The police commissioner went on to say that if they were to walk into his home right then that they would find an Injiil in his armoire! The commissioner continued on and actually threatened to imprison the family members and religious leaders if they ever gave the two new believers problems about their new faith! He then proceeded to give his personal phone number to the two believers and told them to give him a call anytime if they were given any more problems.

Beautiful believes!

This past week I received a phone call from Moussa, national missionary with whom we partner. He excitedly shared with me how a woman whom we had previously named, “Beautiful”, showed up at his house and talked for hours about the gospel with him and his wife. This woman is the older sister of two other believers in that town and she has heard the gospel many times, but never truly responded to it.  Moussa shared with us how Beautiful had come to truly understand and accept her need for Jesus and then went on to explain how she wanted Moussa to go and speak with her husband about the gospel when he returned from his trip. Moussa couldn’t believe her joy and enthusiasm for the gospel.
This very same day, a group of five Chadian Arab believers showed up in this same town, having fled from eastern Chad seeking a place of refuge. They were headed towards southern Chad when someone stopped them and told them they should go to this town and find Moussa. These five newer believers are now staying in the same town as Moussa and are hungry to be discipled and grow in their faith. Praise God for what is happening in this location!

Faithful witness

“Sally” came to faith several years ago due to the faithful witness of workers who live in her community. Since that time, Sally has grown both in her walk with the Lord and her boldness in sharing Him with others. This growth has led to much persecution – including being beaten, having her kids taken away, being kicked out of her house, and put in jail. In the past two months Sally has twice been given the opportunity to come and speak to a group of older women who teach their holy book in the community. Both times, Sally has boldly proclaimed the gospel message and the result has led to both greater persecution and interest from some of the women. There are now five others who are secretly following Christ as a result of Sally’s faithful and bold witness even in the face of persecution. She was recently brought before the local religious council, but no serious action has been taken against her yet. Pray for Sally and for her children as they continue to boldly live for Christ and face the consequences of doing so in their community.

Boldly sharing!

Several weeks ago we ‘dunked’ a brother. He is boldly sharing his faith and has men studying with him. He is also distributing micro-SD cards with portions of scripture and the Jesus Film on them to those who have been eagerly asking for them. Pray for many to believe!