Pray for God’s blessing on the translation work. Pray for a good translation and for many to read the Word in their heart language and believe its message!
Church growing
The local church is growing more and more in taking ownership of the growth of the church, and of the children and youth ministries that our missionaries had launched. Praise God! Pray for His blessing on the church.
Translation update
The oral translation project with Spoken International is advancing at a steady pace. The book of Ruth and Mark is being broadcast on the radio and shared on phones. They are currently recording the book of Genesis, while also translating the book of Acts. Please pray for the translation team and all those who hear the Word of God in their heart language.
“We don’t have to get married early.”
The youth weekend last month went well. We taught on identity in Christ and boy-girl friendships as well as sexual relationships. The teachings were very much appreciated by the youth. When asked what they liked about the camp, several of the older youth replied, “We don’t have to get married early.” Pray they will remember the things they learned and put them into practice.
Audio Bible
The audio book of Ruth and Mark are being distributed and people are listening to the Word of God in their own language. The book of Genesis is going through a final edit.
Pray that many people would listen to the Word and believe it.
A violent cyclone is currently hitting Madagascar. There is damage in our village, houses destroyed, the road ruined, several boats have been destroyed because of the intensity of the waves, people can no longer work and lack money. The cyclone is even more violent on the East coast of Madagascar, Pray for the protection of the people, for courage to deal with the consequences of this cyclone, that the Church of Christ can show love and find ways to help and to bless these populations affected by the destruction. May God give us the wisdom to manage the urgent and countless needs of our neighbors, friends, brothers and sisters from the church of our village.
Inflation has hit Madagascar hard and people are struggling to buy daily necessities. Please pray that God would provide, especially for the Christians, local pastors, and missionaries.
Oral Bible
A team of local translators are working on orally translating the Bible for Sakalava and other northern tribes. This is in the form of audio recordings. Pray that the team would have wisdom, unity, and perseverance as they translate. Pray that God’s word would go forth to reach many, many people.
School for children
We have started a school and children’s ministry in the ‘forest village’. I want to see a new generation from this village—a generation who knows the true God in their heart language, a generation educated from an early age that we hope, in God’s providence, will help them in their future lives.
Last Christmas, before the school break, we organized a small party for the kids. I was so moved to see one little boy volunteering to pray. He prays to the true God in his own language. I trust God is in all of this. Please pray for these children and their school.
Oral Bible Translation
It is one year now since we started the Oral Bible Translation (with Spoken Worldwide) into the Northern Sakalava language. We have finished the books of Ruth and Mark and they have been released to the public through radio broadcasting, and to individuals’ phones. We are about to finish the book of Genesis—God willing this will be released this month.
The impact of the translation is great as people come to understand the word of God in their heart language. One of my friends in Ambilobe wrote to me: “So we went and taught using the audio of Ruth. They enjoyed listening and were very interested in discussing the meaning. After that two people decided to follow Jesus even before we asked anything! They said the story showed them they want to follow Him. I don’t know how God does it, but He did! Praise Jesus!”
Christmas play
We are preparing a Christmas play for the 25th with young people and children. Please pray for:
– practical aspects of putting on a play and peace to manage all the little unforeseen events
– that parents come to see the performance (the majority do not go to church)
– that the Christmas message touches many hearts
Teaching and encouraging
Pray for the project to teach youth and adults about relationships between boys and girls, couples and marriage. We need wisdom and guidance.
Hervé continues to encourage the group of musicians with weekly Bible studies. Pray for their maturity in the Lord.
This year our 2 summer camps are Aug. 14-19 for teenagers, and 21-26 for children. We thank you for praying for these camps: that hearts may be transformed, that we will all be protected from any accident or illness, that the staff will be committed and united and that we will all have the joy and strength to carry out this ministry.
New life
We are so thankful for men and women from all over the world—including African countries!-who have answered the call to bring the gospel to the Sakalava people. One young missionary man shares how encouraged he is for the opportunities to testify in the name of Jesus Christ. He was able to tell one Sakalava friend about the attributes of God and what the Bible says about the end of days. Another friend, as a result of their discussions about the Good News, has begun to attend church. God will fulfill his promise that his word will not go out void. Pray that it would cut these dear friends to the bone and marrow, bringing new life in the Prince of Peace!
Translation work
Many years ago a small team of mother tongue translators translated the book of Matthew. The Sakalava people began to listen to the word of God in their mother tongue. A local Sakalava (secular) band became friends of the team created songs made up of the translated Bible verses. Later they themselves became Christians, and many Sakalava people came to faith. One of our missionaries, Rosina—a Sakalava herself—writes, “I have been invited by an organization called Spoken to lead a team of mother-tongue translators. They are partnering with AIM and I will be based in Nosy Be, my home.” Pray that the translation work in Sakalava will bring the Bread of Life to the hungry, the Living Water to the thirsty; pray that the funding and resources needed would be generously provided; pray for those who will make up this team of Sakalava believers, that they would be committed and hard-working, all for the glory of God.
Embrace Him completely
Community programs continue across Sakalava, including children’s programs, Bible studies led by Malagasy missionaries, and incarnational ministry: seeds are being sown, and spiritual growth is happening amongst the people here. Lift up all of those who are ministered to and witnessed to would be strengthened, healed, cared for and most of all, found. That those who are found by the Good Shepherd would embrace him completely and enter into his fold, and share all that he has done for them with even more Sakalava—for His praise and glory!
Children’s camp
There is a children’s ministry growing in Sakalava: pray for an upcoming children’s camp, that the timing would be good and that it would bear much spiritual fruit. Lift up plans to celebrate Pentecost with a baptism, that it would be a great witness to the village/Sakalava people. Pray for leaders who can continue a Bible study started by 2 Malagasy missionaries, that many will see the light, for God’s glory
Open door
Jean and Melias (two of our Malagasy partners in Nosybe) did a survey in Ambanja this past week which went well and were able to have Bible Studies in different homes. Sadly they had to leave at the end of the week because of other commitments, however, we see this as an open door for when the CEFOI Bible students go there for a week of evangelism in June. Please pray for prepared hearts and that there will be much fruit for God’s glory. Please pray for leaders to be able to continue with these Bible Studies.
Ancestral worship is a strong force across Madagascar; some Sakalava church members continue to follow these practices. Pray for missionaries to have the wisdom in approaching them about this. Pray the Holy Spirit will convict them of their sin. Many couples in the village are struggling in their marriages and young girls get pregnant very early. Pray for God’s blessing on a training being offered about what the Bible teaches about marriage and relationships between boys and girls. Pray for open hearts.
Let the little children come
We are really seeing fruit in our children ministry: we have a children’s group each Friday and more than 50 children come. We also had a children’s camp last summer with 50 children and a special event at Christmas with 240 children! Please pray these children will trust in Christ.
Also pray for a musicians’ group which meets each week for discipleship. Pray they will grow strong and mature in their faith.
Marriage and relationships
We have heard that some church members continue ancestral worship. We need wisdom to find how to talk to them. Pray the Holy Spirit will convict them of their sin.
Many couples in the village are struggling in their marriages and young girls get pregnant very early. We would like to give a training about what the Bible teaches about marriage and relationships between boys and girls. Pray for open hearts.
Healings and Deliverances!
God is doing great things in this new village of Befotaka where Melias is based now. The village is full of spirit-possessed people and they know it is a power that controls them. They did not know that there is a more powerful name that can deliver them from this oppression. The gospel was made known to a very small circle of people and they were delivered from the oppression. They like studying the Bible, twice/ three times a week. God literally accompanied this ministry with miracles. A few got delivered and sick people got healed when they prayed to the Lord. People knocked on Melias’s door at night asking him to come to pray for their sick. They got healed. This is just God! Praise be to His name.
Leader’s Seminar
Our partners in Nosybe held a Leader’s Seminar from 15-20 November. This was for leaders from Diego, Ambilobe, Antsohihy, and Nosybe. The theme of this seminar was ‘Maturity in Leadership and in Marriage Because God is Mature’. We thank the Lord for the good attendance of 30 leaders. Pray that those who attended this seminar will apply the teaching taught and will mature in their responsibilities as leaders in the church.
Lord is working!
The Lord is working in the lives of many in the different villages around Nosybe and we praise Him! However, as we all know, when the Lord is working, Satan tries to hinder. Please pray for the Lord to protect His children. He is all powerful and the forces of evil must submit to Him.
Spiritual warfare
Melias experienced spiritual warfare in the middle of the night which lasted for quite a time. A day or so later the church gathered for prayer meeting and three ladies were delivered from evil spirits. They plan to have a baptism for a couple this coming Thursday. The churches from the other ministry locations will join them for this baptism. Praise the Lord!
This is the second case we have received this year from Missionaries/Malagasy partners of spiritual warfare activity in new outreach areas. Please pray with us for the Lord’s protection on all our missionaries and partners and that the way will remain open for sharing the gospel, and that lives will be changed for the Lord’s glory. Yes, we are in a battle, but we are on the victorious side. The Lord has already defeated the evil one.
Kids’ camp report
We praise God for a successful week-long children’s camp in Nosybe with 60 children. It seems all had a great time and wanted to continue for another week! We praise the Lord for good fellowship. Also, two of the campers made public professions of faith! Please pray for their continued growth and interest in the things of God. Many were from non-Christian homes, and some of them have told their parents that they want to keep attending children’s club. Pray that more of these children will come to personal faith in Christ.
Kids’ camp
Please pray for our kids’ camp! The pre-camp with the counselors starts on Thursday August 5th and the children arrive on Sunday August 8th. Pray for open hearts and transformed lives!
Christian band
Pray for the worship band made up of Sakalava believers, who came to Christ several years ago as a result of a church-planting team there: that they would spread the message of Christ through their music & personal lives. Pray for strength and wisdom in continuing to spread the Gospel according to the Lord’s plan. Pray for the people of Nosy Be, a tourist area: it has been a difficult year financially as the community relies on tourism for a great part of their economy. With the borders still closed due to covid, it has had a great impact on the tourism industry.
Pray for the people suffering with widespread hunger in their community as food supplies are depleted. Pray for physical relief through rice distribution and for Christ to become their Bread of Life. Ask the Lord to work through his people to bring the gospel to the lost, giving new life and freedom.
Pray for the leaders and members of the growing Sakalava church to continue to abide in Christ and share their testimonies with fellow Sakalava. Pray that the recorded worship songs and scriptures in their language would reach many more, that they’d be cut to the marrow by the Spirit’s Sword.
Growth is Happening!
Pray for continued growth in leadership and discipleship of our 2 Sakalava churches in Nosy Be.
And pray for the evangelistic outreach and Bible studies in Andrafia and Andimakabo villages.
Open Hearts and Open Homes
During this pandemic time, good things have been happening in Ambatozavavy – Nosybe with the church plant. Instead of having church service in one place, we now have house church three times a week. Christians are keen to lead meetings in turns and their close neighbours are not shy to attend. Also, new people are more interested and want to host the gatherings in their homes too. God is good!
Tourism Hit
There are currently no COVID19 cases confirmed on the island of Nosy Be, but people are still feeling its effects. The island depends heavily on tourism. Since Madagascar has closed its borders indefinitely, that source of income is completely gone. Many people pick ylang-ylang flowers and sell them to a factory to be turned into oil. But the price per kilo is one fifth of what it was last year. People are struggling to pay their loans and feed their families. Pray that the church would come together to help people. Pray that God would show Himself to them as the Great Provider.
Word and Deed
R is still in Ambondrona, a different part of the island, working on translation. It’s harder without a team. Pray that God would bring the right words to her mind and that He would use this story for His glory. The church in the village of Ambatozavavy is handing out packages of rice and beans to help old and frail people, and Christians in the village. The need is so huge at this strange time! Pray that people would be drawn to hear more from the church.
No tourism income
The island of Nosy Be, which is usually bustling with tourists, is being harshly affected by Coronavirus and all the travel bans that come with it. Lift up the small businesses and the people who were relying on this income. Ask that in the midst of the fear and uncertainty , they would meet Jesus. Ask that while they can only see lack, they would have their eyes opened to see abundant provision in their saviour. Ask that God would have mercy and use mysterious and miraculous ways to provide for their material needs.
Party in Heaven! Rejoice!
Saida came to our house and told me and the leader of our church plant that she is tired of worshipping spirits and wants to come to Jesus and go to church. She wanted to burn her witchcraft equipment. After talking to her and explaining the way of salvation, she accepted Christ as her saviour and the instruments used for witchcraft were burned the next day! She and her husband are now coming to church and worshipping with us.
Grief and Questions
Alexis has faced many challenges since he started Bible School here in Tana in preparation for serving the Lord full time. He left his wife and eight children back in Nosybe which was not an easy thing to do. This past week, Alexis was called back to Nosybe because his two year old daughter was very sick. Sadly the little girl died on Wednesday before Alexis made it back. Please pray for Alexis and Mbotizara (his wife) in this time of grief, may they find God is sufficient in this great time of loss. Alexis and Mbotizara are the first people to become Christians in their family and village. People in the village do not understand why Alexis has left his family for Bible Study in Tana. Now they have many thoughts concerning the death of his daughter, some thinking it is a curse from his ancestors, others are wondering if his studies are making him rich. We thank the Lord that Alexis is standing strong in his faith, and believes God is in control of everything. Please pray for the people of this village, that they will be challenged by Alexis’ life and testimony and they will come to believe in his God. Also pray for Alexis and his family during these remaining months of studies that they will remain well and that he will be able to focus on his studies.
memory cards
Lift up the work of producing memory cards for people in the village with portions of scripture and words from gospel songs on them. Ask that those who receive them really would commit them to memory and start to hide God’s word in their hearts.
For healed hearts
A thirteen year old boy has been sick for years with a heart condition. He was pale, always short of breath, and stick thin. They knew he needed to see a specialist, but just didn’t have the money. God provided the money and he has recently gone to see a specialist. They are still working out the exact nature of his heart condition, but already he is eating more, the color has returned to his skin, and he can walk across the room without being short of breath. Praise God he is getting the care he needs! Pray that he would be completely healed and that his healing would show God’s glory to his village.
Studying & Seeking
Mama and Papa Pepe have a lot of knowledge of the Bible. But they still think people need to pray hard and do good things to get into heaven. Mama Pepe told me she reads her Bible in official Malagasy and when there’s something she doesn’t understand, she listens to the Sakalava Matthew on her memory card and then writes in what it means. Praise God that she is reading and thinking about the Bible. Please pray that they would come to know that only trusting in Jesus will save them.