Four Tribes

Pastors and evangelists from Gabra, Samburu, Rendille, and Turkana are coming to the March module (1st ~ 26th) at Northern Bible Training Center. May the Lord grant the students good health and give them understanding of the word of God, and may they apply it to their lives. May God provide their families’ needs and protect them while the students are here to learn God’s word.

Needing rain and workers

We got about 2.5 inches of rain Monday morning. People were able to collect some water, and they are very happy for that. Please pray that this is just the start of more rain.
There are many villages in Gabbra land with open doors for the Gospel. However the workers are few. As the Lord has taught us to pray for more workers to His harvest, we would appreciate you joining us for more passionate, bold and equipped workers to engage reaching the nomadic and other people in the desert and mountains of Northern Kenya.

Calling and Begging for Rain

The combination of high elevation and volcanic rock mean that there are no wells in Hurri Hills. Everyone completely relies on rain water to run off the hills and fill their underground tanks. We haven’t had a heavy enough rain to have runoff since May last year. We have been doing what we can to have water brought in, but transportation is expensive. A water truck divided by an entire village only gives each family a few small oil drums of water. That doesn’t last that long. Everyone is asking us for help at the moment. Everyone here is getting to the end of their money buying water and they are now getting desperate. And there have been a lot of fires. And there is a leopard hanging around our house wanting water. A couple nights ago I heard a noise, got up and found a leopard sitting on our deck right outside our window. It sat there squinting at me as I shone the flashlight on it. Please pray for rain for the north region of Kenya.

Guide them back!

Please pray this week for the Gabbra people. The last few weeks in Dukana we have seen a decline in Church attendance and the drums of the Iyana (shaman) have been drumming at night. Please pray that the hearts of the new believers and seekers will not be turned away after false promises and superstition! Pray that they might be guided back to Christ and the Church body!

The Hope of the Gospel

Please pray for the Gabbra of Kenya during this time of Covid-19. Public meetings have been greatly restricted, so the believers and new churches are having a hard time meeting. Groups that used to gather to worship the Lord and prepare for baptism have stopped. Pray that there will be creative ways for believers to keep learning the Word of God, meeting together however possible in order to encourage each other and share the gospel with others. Pray for the Gabbra believers to rapidly multiply as they share the hope of the gospel.

Staff on Their Own

Please keep the radio staff and equipment in prayer as the missionaries will be on home assignment this summer for a few months, which means they won’t be on the ground as managers or to do maintenance, so the staff will have to be more independent! Pray that it will be a time of growth and maturity and increased impact! Pray for many Gabbra and Borana to come to Christ through the Christian radio programs.


Many Gabbra villages have begun turning to Christ from folk Islam. They are asking for evangelists and pastors to be sent to teach them the Bible. But the restrictions on gatherings have made evangelism and Bible teaching more difficult these days. Pray for the Word of God to continue to spread rapidly through radio programs, and that soon people can meet together again.

Water Catchment

A water catchment is being built by a group of faithful believers in a Gabbra community. This water project aims to bless many families during drought season. These believers have faced so much opposition by non believers, but they have shown humility and have been praying that those who have been mocking them would repent and follow Jesus. Our prayer is that through this water catchment, many who are thirsty will come, experience God’s love and provision and will desire to drink from the Living Water.

Gabbra Neighbors

One of the communities in the Hurri Hills of Kenya is populated by the Waata People. This community is very reluctant to receive the Gospel. They follow traditional beliefs and worship evil spirits. Pray for strategically open doors for building relationships and sharing the Good News. Pray that this community may see God’s almighty wonders and turn their hearts to our Lord Jesus!

Comments and Questions

Gabbra radio listeners keep calling in to the station with comments and questions. In fact one comment that really blessed us was a caller calling to say that our sermons were too short. He said the message was so sweet he did not want it to end. Another wonderful call last week was a man saying to keep an eye out for him because he was going to spread this wonderful message of Christ wherever he went and would tell the people to tune in to our station to hear more. Praise God for spiritual fruit! Pray that the radio will continue to broadcast with a strong, steady signal.

Fasting and Seeking

As we go through the month of Ramadan, let’s pray for those who are fasting in the name of their religion and ask God to reveal himself for those who are in darkness and perhaps are seeking for answers. Let’s pray that many Muslims, both Gabbra and Borana, will be soon claiming Jesus as their Only Saviour and Final Sacrifice.

Moved by the Holy Spirit

All those involved with church ministry are deeply missing gathering for fellowship, visiting, and encouraging each other. However, we know that the Holy Spirit is not restricted by this crisis and He continues working in people’s lives. Our prayer is that during this time of social distancing, each believer would feel moved by the Holy Spirit to seek to get to know Him more and more intimately. Let’s also pray that this be a time when each believer can take the initiative to be a voice of Jesus among their own families and neighbors.

Perfect Timing

We praise God for the rain in Gabbra territory. This rain has come at such perfect timing. Now people don’t need to walk long distances for water and for grass for their flocks. All villages are well supplied which helps people to be more settled in this period of traveling restrictions. God is sovereign and does watch over His people. Let’s pray that people recognize this as a provision of our dear Father and how much He loves us.

Listening and Understanding

Praise God more and more people listening to our Gabbra/Borana radio station. We had handed out 200 radios to many villages before lockdown so they could listen. They are certainly using the radios and more villages have requested we send them radios. Some have even called the station to say they have understood sin and salvation and have received Christ as Saviour due to the special COVID programs we have put on air! Please pray we can stay on the air and keep broadcasting the Word of God.

Wide Radio Outreach During Times of Trouble

Please lift up our radio station at this time, BHB Chalbi FM. With all services and gathering on hold by Government request, we have moved all our outreaches and services ‘on air’ with lots of interactive programs. It is a huge increased load to our studio staff and to our power capabilities (due to ongoing rains and overcast skies, our solar and wind power sources are failing to keep up). So pray for power and for the radio staff to be able to keep up. Also, pray for more and more listeners and open hearts to hear the Good News! This may be their only life line at the moment.

They Heard It On The Radio

Praise the Lord for many Gabbra villages that have heard the Scriptures via Christian radio and are begging for evangelists and missionaries to come share more with them. Pray for leaders to be trained quickly, and for this new openness and hunger for the gospel to continue to spread far and wide. Pray for a reproducing, Christ-centered church among the Gabbra, and for the missionaries who work among them to be full of wisdom and strength.

Plentiful Harvest

From Dukana: please pray for more workers in the Vineyard! Villages are asking for Bible teachers to come each week as they hear the radio and hear testimonials from others. We want to be consistent and reach all but we are few!

For the First Time

Please pray for so many Gabbra families who for the first time would like to send their kids to school but have no means to do so!

By Faith He Goes to School

Please pray for a young Gabbra man who is going to the Northern Bible Training Centre. Pray that he remains faithful to the calling God has placed on his heart. Pray for his wife that is expecting their second child. Pray for provision for this family as he is away to study. As well pray against any evil attack. We know that enemy doesn’t want these plans to succeed but we believe in the victory that Jesus has won for us!

First Christmas Ever

For many of our outreach Gabbra church plants this will be their first Christmas ever. So as a ministry team we are praying about how to make this year memorable and use the great event to draw more people to Christ. Pray that their hearts would be open to accepting the Prince of Peace! Also, praise God for all the rain this last month: grass is tall and livestock are full!

Radio ministry update

Pray for the second transmission tower we want to put up to reach even more peoples in Northern Kenya. We’ve run into some snags. Please ask God to help us resolve the issues and move forward. The call- in program is a huge success. Every day 1000 people call in with a wide range of questions. Pray for stamina and wisdom for the 2 men answering the phones!

2 church dedications

We are so grateful for the dedication of two church buildings in Hurri Hills. The dedication was full of praise, joyful songs, testimonies, powerful prayer and a motivational sermon for living Christlike and being a church that goes out and reaches the community!
We praise God for His faithfulness. The dedication of these churches represents a new beginning of ministry as well. Please pray that as we continue to do ministry as the body of Christ many people will be listening, learning about the word of God and converting their ways and hearts to Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

Three Wells

Please pray that funds will come in for three very needed wells for the Gabbra.
And that many will come to Christ though the current crisis of drought and famine!

Powerful Name!

During their whole lives, a husband and wife followed and worshiped Ayana (evil spirits). Once he understood that everything they had was being stolen by Satan, and convinced by the Holy Spirit of the Truth, he repented and accepted Jesus as his Savior. His wife, though, hadn’t yet surrendered to Jesus and was being tormented by evil spirits. Her husband asked for prayers and we went for several weeks visiting and praying in their house asking that in the name of Jesus she would be set free. Now, at last, this lady has been rescued from darkness and delivered to eternal life! Before, she wouldn’t leave her bed, but today, for the second time, she came to fellowship and worshiped Jesus with others!
Jesus has overcome!!! There’s none like YOU, Lord!

Asking for healing and salvation

Today, in one of the Gabbra villages, we were visiting some families and a couple came to ask us for medication for their baby who has a swelling on his neck. We couldn’t help with medication but we asked if we could pray for healing in the Name of Jesus.
Me: “Have you heard and understood who Jesus is and the power that there is in His Name?”
Mama: “I never really wanted to hear but now that my baby boy is sick I would.”

So I explained the life of Jesus and His mighty love and sovereignty. Then I asked again, “Can I pray for healing over your child and also for salvation?”
They agreed and received the prayer with opened hearts.
Before leaving, we gave the family the audio scripture so they can continue listening to the Word of God!

Please join us in prayer! May the Holy Spirit speak to this family’s heart and may they surrender their lives to Jesus as their Savior. Pray for healing for the baby and may the Name of Jesus be glorified among the Gabbra people!

Finding freedom

For a few weeks we have been praying for two ladies who are being spiritually oppressed. They are living in very simple huts, not eating and spending most of their time laying down on camel skin inside of their dark huts. They and their families have previously worshipped evil spirits.
These ladies’ relatives and husbands started joining us in our fellowship, and understood and confessed that they need to be free from all darkness.
We frequently have visited their houses, praying for these ladies and with their families.
And last week one of these two ladies voluntarily came to a fellowship! She was smiling and interacting with others. We praise Jesus for the freedom that there is in His Name!
Please pray for all those who are still in darkness and need to know about the truth that sets us free.

Message to the Shepherds

We thank Jesus for the number of shepherds who have come for fellowship every Sunday morning. There is usually a different group of people (nomads) gathering. But most of them get very interested in learning more about the work Jesus has done on the cross and the gift of Salvation. This week they watched a whole Bible Study about the King of Glory and all have the audio Bible with them to listen as they shepherd their flocks. Pray that by the teaching and by listening to the Word of God they will be taught by the Holy Spirit and become sons and daughters of God and not only receivers of the Great Message, but messengers of the King Jesus!

Church Building Construction

After nine years of building the church in people’s hearts, the time has come to put buildings together so people can meet in the building! It’s been a month of a lot of excitement for two church buildings that are being set up in two different Gabbra communities. Praise Jesus that the Gospel has come to the Gabbra people and that many of them have received and believed in this powerful message. An elder recently declared to the missionaries saying: “We’re very grateful that God sent us you to tell us about the Good News. We were like blind people, now we know the Truth!” Pray for all those who are helping in the construction, pray that people will be witnessing God’s faithfulness as the work goes on, and pray for the remaining funds that we still need to finish these buildings.

Holy-Spirit-Led Leaders

Please pray for rain. Pray for more strength and health for Christian staff as colds and flus have been going around during this time of drought and famine. Also please pray for more fully sold-out men and women who would be willing and called to leadership in the churches and that they would be Holy Spirit-led and grounded in the Word.

Needing Heavenly and physical bread!

More and more villages are asking for Bible studies, which is awesome. Yet, the drought is very severe and more and more people are crying out for food!
Please keep praying for more people to share the Good news and that hearts would continue to open to Jesus! Also, pray for Rain!

Fellowship with nomads

We’re having wonderful moments with the nomadic people who have brought their flocks to the pastures near our house. Each Sunday morning we fellowship and worship Jesus together. Almost each Sunday it’s a different group of nomadic people. Many have already gotten the audio Bible device and have been listening during the nights.
Today another four nomads left with their audio Bible and one of them with the written Bible. It was beautiful to see the joy on his face to be able to read for the first time his own Bible and he is thirsty to learn more about the gift of salvation.
Please pray for the nomadic people. Pray that they become faithful witnesses of Jesus’ love for all wherever they travel.
Also pray for the Literacy Program for adults. Our desire is that many more still have the opportunity to read and study the written Bible.

Sewing project

There’s a wonderful mobilization among the ladies for community development. God has placed a beautiful sense of unity among them. A sewing project started in April. Please pray for the ladies who are volunteering to come and start the project, pray for the local Gabbra lady who learned to sew to assist the volunteers with language and culture. Pray that this ministry will be an amazing opportunity to share the Gospel through words, love and actions.

Drought opening doors

Keep praying for an end to the drought- people are still struggling to eat and animals are weak. Yet, thank God that some rain as fallen in a few places so some heads are starting to recover, but broad rains are needed. The drought has allowed greater openings for the gospel -more and more villages are asking for Bible study, almost weekly new villages send elders to us to ask for them to be taught. Word has gotten around that Jesus is real! As an example two villages have told me so far “we love you (our elders) coming because you know God! When you pray God answers. Please teach us more!”

Father, send rain!

Friends… please pray that our Dear Lord sends abundant rain to the Hurri Hills and other places in northern Kenya.
People are struggling without water and food, animals are weak and many have died, so many fires because of the very dry grass. It’s been 9 months of drought. Cry out to the Lord with us for rain

Speed the People Movement

The Gabbra are beginning to come to Christ in many villages. Preaching points have been established; Bible studies are gathering; new leaders are emerging and being trained; believers are growing. Pray that the Holy Spirit will speed this movement and that very soon the Gabbra will have a reproducing, indigenous, Christ-centered church.

Faithful men

Three local men are being very helpful and are eager to make a difference among their own people. Pray that they continue to be faithful to the Lord and that their neighbors see the changes these men have made for Christ’s love and will seek to follow their examples. Pray for more local workers.

Training project

There’s a wonderful mobilization among the ladies for community development. God has placed a beautiful sense of unity among them. A sewing project is being developed and it will start in April. Please pray for the ladies who are volunteering to come and start the project, pray for the local Gabbra lady who’s currently learning sewing to assist the volunteers with language and culture. Pray that this ministry will be an amazing opportunity to share the Gospel through words, love and actions.

Needing help

Yesterday another strong wind devastated 44 houses in Hurri Hills! Please pray for all the families that will need to rebuild. May love and hospitality be shown to those in need and the name of Jesus be glorified!

Listening, Considering

Recently a group of nomads have watched the Jesus Film and have been listening to the audio Bible. They have also gotten some health care from the missionaries. Pray that they will be moved by the Holy Spirit and understand that Jesus is the Son of God and turn their lives to Him.

Desperately Needed

Pray for rain! Many villages in Gabbra land are starting to struggle with the lack of water. Pray that through hardship people will seek for the Lord and trust that He will never forsake His children. Pray for unity and open hearts to help one another.