Seek the Savior

Praise the Lord that a South Asian family is spending a lot of time with friends who are Christian missionaries, some of whom will soon retire. There are years of shared memories and the gospel has been explained many times, but they still cling to Islam. Please pray that the Lord will work powerfully to bring the family to faith in Christ, and that this Easter they will seek out the Savior who is risen from the dead.

A New Friend

A new friend I met converted to Islam because she married a Somali man. We have a lot in common. Please pray that we can have deep conversations about what she understands about Islam and that she will come to understand what it means to be a Christ follower. Pray for her salvation, and that of her family.

Irresistible Narratives

A Tanzanian Christian teacher writes: “Personally I feel a strong call to God’s service. Please pray for me that: 1.God may give me peace in my heart to do his work, 2.God may open for me a door to reach Zaramo society, 3.God may prepare Zaramo hearts to hear the word and the voice of Jesus.” Pray for this man in his evangelistic work, that many Zaramo may be saved through him. Currently he is sharing Bible studies with 38 students from his secondary school on Friday and Sunday evenings. “12 of them are Muslims but they have been attracted to the Bible narratives. Please pray for them that God may meet them through his word.”

Family Saved

From an evangelist: I really feel so happy to live in God’s family as you have been praying for the work of God here among the Zaramo. God is still with us and his work. This year one family which was suffering from witchcraft decided to come to Jesus: A father, mother and their three daughters. Please pray they continue to grow in Christ.

At Work In Their Hearts

Praise the Lord for His work in the hearts of S. Asian Muslims. A number have heard the gospel repeatedly and some have seemed very close to faith in Christ. Pray for them to make the decision to follow Jesus, and confess Him openly. Pray for other family members to follow their example.

Meet Openly

Praise God for the Thursday group studying the Bible and praying together in one Alagwa village. Please pray for another village, where there are a few “secret” believers and some seekers, that they would also start to meet altogether regularly for fellowship and Bible study and prayer. May they gather and be able to encourage one another and spur one another on to love and witness.

Hearing Jesus Calling

Praise the Lord for a reproducing church among the Samburu! But there are still areas of Samburu villages where there are almost no believers in Christ. In one of them the missionaries are asking that the Lord will turn the hearts of the men to follow Jesus. Please pray that as the disciples of old were willing to leave all and follow Jesus when He said, “Come, follow Me,” in the same way the Samburu men will hear his call and obey.

Only Jesus

Please pray for the Holy Spirit to cause the Zaramo people to hunger and thirst for righteousness, and to be clearly shown how hopeless any other way to God is except for the Lord Jesus Christ.

They Haven’t Yet Come to Him

Pray for a number of South Asians in Nairobi who have Christian friends who have been sharing the gospel with them, yet have not believed in Christ. Pray that the Holy Spirit will break down all the barriers that hinder them from coming freely to the Savior. Pray that they will be disillusioned with their religion. Pray for a total turning of their hearts in love and faith to Jesus.

A Christ-Centered Church

Please pray for a movement of the Holy Spirit among the Ndengereko people to bring them to faith in Christ, and that they might have a reproducing, indigenous, Christ-centered church.

Freedom of the Children of God

The M have several evangelists who are sharing the gospel and making disciples through home Bible studies in many villages in the hills. In the past the M have been committed to Islam. They also have sought witchdoctors and have had much bondage to evil spirits. Pray for their deliverance from all that binds them into the freedom of the children of God.

Speed the People Movement

The Gabbra are beginning to come to Christ in many villages. Preaching points have been established; Bible studies are gathering; new leaders are emerging and being trained; believers are growing. Pray that the Holy Spirit will speed this movement and that very soon the Gabbra will have a reproducing, indigenous, Christ-centered church.

Holy Passion

The Digo have been known in the past for their zeal for Islam. Although there are small groups of believers, the progress of the gospel is not rapid. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give a holy passion to His people and that very soon the Digo will become known for their zeal and commitment to Jesus. Pray also that those who are involved in witchcraft will turn from darkness and walk in the light.

Speed the Process, Lord

The Datooga have several churches that are flourishing, and people within them who want to plant new churches and reach into areas of the Datooga that are still without the gospel. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to speed the process of planting a reproducing, indigenous, Christ-centered Datooga church.

His Burden

A Borana man has a burden for unreached groups. He is studying the Bible in order to be equipped for ministry. Pray for the Holy Spirit to keep him tender in heart and that he will be greatly used to reach the lost for Christ.