Remain strong

Please pray for the small Digo church here as the team transitions out, that they would remain strong, and even thrive on their own. The Lord is building His Church! Pray many will be added to those who are being saved.

Holy Passion

The Digo have been known in the past for their zeal for Islam. Although there are small groups of believers, the progress of the gospel is not rapid. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give a holy passion to His people and that very soon the Digo will become known for their zeal and commitment to Jesus. Pray also that those who are involved in witchcraft will turn from darkness and walk in the light.

Fierce Opposition

Recently the enemy has brought many trials and hardships to the Christians among the Digo. It is obvious there is a spiritual battle raging, and the intent of the devil is to discourage and defeat those who are trying to share the gospel and foster the church. Please pray that Jesus will win decisive victories that demonstrate His Lordship, and that as the Digo have been known for their zeal for Islam, one day they will be known even more for their zeal for Jesus.

You prayed…He answered

On Mar 25, 2018 you prayed for this request: “Pray for the church in one Digo village as we plan to move on Easter Sunday. Pray for unity and for strength for M and his wife as they will without doubt receive much pressure for hosting the church in their home from now on.” And God answered: “As planned the church moved on Easter Sunday; after the move M and his family began to suffer a lot of spiritual warfare, and the church members were afraid to come to the service. After discussion among the leaders, the church was moved again and members have been returning. The next step is to erect a permanent church building.” Praise the Lord.

You prayed…He is answering

On Jul 20, 2018 you prayed for this request: “This past week a Mzee was seen exiting a local mosque, it was suprising because for the past 20 years this Digo man has been following Jesus. He said he is going because he knows what the Bible teaches about Jesus but he never learned what the Quran says. Even with the little time he’s spent at the mosque, it’s evident how quickly Satan works to turn people’s minds against God. Please pray that through conversations with missionaries and encounters with other Digo Christians this man would recognize the lies he is being told, and return to Jesus.” And God is answering: “While this Mzee has not returned to Christ yet, he has had several spiritual conversations with a local missionary and other Digo Christians. He’s also come seeking prayer in Jesus’ name. We continue to pray that the truth would be made known to him.”

O Lord, grant ‘R’ faith

This afternoon, “R” came to my house with the Qur’an in hand ready to talk. We started with, “What does the Bible and the Qur’an say about the birth of Jesus?” Interestingly, the Qur’an talks about the birth of Jesus as being miraculous.
Then we discussed, “Why was Jesus’ birth miraculous and no one else’s?” We wanted to see if this means that Jesus is just a prophet or more than a prophet. Please continue to pray for “R”. He has agreed to come back to talk. At the very end I posed a question to “R” which was hard for him to answer. I simply asked him, “If you were to die, where would you go…Heaven or Hell?” His answer was, “I can only follow the teachings of Islam and the five pillars and try to live a good life.” I asked him if it was guaranteed that he would make it to Heaven and he said no.
I explained that I know with certainty that when I die I will go to Heaven. In fact, it is not based on my good works at all but on the blood of Jesus. Pray the Lord would remove the veil and grant him understanding.

Evangelistic outreach

We are partnering with our Pastor from AIC and a local Digo Pastor to go visit more villages in this area. We plan to do a mixture of open air preaching, showing the Jesus film and door to door gospel presentation. Please pray with us for these events to be very fruitful for the Kingdom! Our first trip is tomorrow!


Please pray for our neighbors’ hearts to be good soil, and for the gospel seeds to take root. Pray our friend Ju will hear the gospel with open ears and a tender heart. Pray that “R” will want to know more about Jesus.

Lord have mercy

This past week a Mzee was seen exiting a local mosque, it was suprising because for the past 20 years this Digo man has been following Jesus. He said he is going because he knows what the Bible teaches about Jesus but he never learned what the Quran says. Even with the little time he’s spent at the mosque, it’s evident how quickly Satan works to turn people’s minds against God. Please pray that through conversations with missionaries and encounters with other Digo Christians this man would recognize the lies he is being told, and return to Jesus.

Pray for growth

In a village just outside of Kwale town, there is a Digo church which has been around for several years. There are plenty of kids and Mamas who attend the church and a handful of men, but it is the same people every week. Pray that the Digo Christians would be bold in inviting their neighbors, and that Jesus would convict the husbands of the women who already attend. We want to see that church grow, and their influence be spread all over that village and beyond!!


A teammate was recently invited to show the Jesus film in a local Digo village and about 45 people showed up. 30 minutes into the movie a man came and demanded it be turned off, when that didnt happen he threatened to destroy the video equipment with his vehicle. At that point the movie was put away and everyone went home. Pray that this incident won’t keep people from returning the next time the movie is shown, or discourage the new Digo Christians as they move forward in their faith.

God’s power over idols and spirits

In the village, the church meets at the home of M. For a few days, spirits had been tormenting M’s family and they were unable to sleep. He thought there must be a protective idol in the house. The homeowner admitted an idol had been placed under the floorboard of the house when it was built. Recognizing that it must be removed in order for the church to continue meeting there, M removed the idol and called Adam. They read Acts 17 and Romans 8 together then burned the item. After watching it burn, M prayed, “God, thank you for having power over Satan and his spirits.” Thank God for M’s willingness to look for answers, to obey God’s promptings and Scripture, and follow through even when afraid. Ask for blessings on M’s family and the new church.


Please pray that as the Digo have been known for their zeal for Islam, they will turn and be known for their zeal for Christ. Pray that their churches will grow and multiply as believers commit their lives entirely to Jesus.

Seeking healing seeking Jesus!

There is a man by the name of Mo who is very well educated and knows the Koran well, unfortunately he’d been unhealthy for quite some time. He started going to a local Digo church because he was noticing the Muslim people doing one thing even though the Koran said something else.
Many locals said he would stop going to the church when he got the medicine he needed, but that hasn’t been the case! He’s been at the church regurlarly and asked for a Bible so he could start studying it. His wife is also coming to the church now!! Please pray for this couple, that they would become strong in their relationship with Jesus both seperately and together.

Pockets of Believers

Praise the Lord that although the Digo have previously been known for their zeal for Islam, now there are pockets of them turning with zeal to Jesus Christ. Pray for more and more churches to be formed, and for the Lord to greatly protect the believers who are so new in the faith. Pray for many Digo to turn to Christ.

Believers’ Fellowship

There is going to be a Digo believers’ fellowship starting on Friday and going through Saturday. There are unbelievers who are interested in following Jesus that have committed to attending. Please pray that the Digo believers will see that they are many, and that they can support each other through tough times. Pray also that the people who want to know more about being followers of Jesus will commit their lives to Him.

A New Group That May Become A Church

Pray for the new Digo fellowship group that we are meeting with on Saturday. Pray that they continue to grow and that this will develop into a church gathering. Praise God for this group of people who are studying God’s Word together.

A Church Moves

Pray for the church in one Digo village as we plan to move on Easter Sunday. Pray for unity and for strength for M and his wife as they will without doubt receive much pressure for hosting the church in their home from now on.

Zeal and Gladness

Pray for the Digo people to be saved. Many of them are coming to Christ in faith, and the enemy is fighting hard to discourage, divide and discredit the believers. Pray for great unity, boldness, and spiritual power among all the Christians. Pray for the Digo to follow Christ with zeal and gladness.

Unity shows He is God

Pray for Christians who live and share Jesus among the Digo people, that they will be so full of love and unity in Christ that the Digo people will be convinced without a shadow of a doubt that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world, and that He will save them, if they come to Him in faith.

Purposefully Sharing

Because so many of our team are purposefully sharing the gospel with their Digo neighbors through stories or language lesson, let’s pray that the hearts are prepared by the Holy Spirit. May the Digo people have sleepless nights where Jehovah visits them and shows himself real.


Please pray that the Digo will continue to listen as Christians share the good news of Jesus Christ. Pray that they will choose to follow Jesus and leave Islam. Pray that their zeal for Him will be unquenchable.

Love Growing

Please pray that as more and more Digo are coming to faith in Christ, they will learn to love one another truly from the heart, even those who might not normally be friends.

Like a Fire

Pray for the Word of God to spread rapidly and be multiplied among the Digo. Pray that everywhere it goes it will be like a fire, igniting passionate commitment and zeal for Jesus Christ.

Seeking prayer in the wrong place.

Recently a Digo woman came seeking a large loan so she could travel to another town and have a spiritual leader pray over her. She has been unable to sleep for many months, but the doctors can find nothing wrong with her physically. When prayer in the name of Jesus was offered instead of the loan, she was unable to accept it and went away.
Please pray that these disturbances will be used by the Holy Spirit to open her heart. Pray the Lord will appear to her in a dream.

A Language Teacher Ponders

Pray for a Digo man who has taught missionaries how to speak his language for over ten years. By using the Bible as their study guide, he has been exposed to the truths in it over and over. He seems to be pondering it seriously these days. Pray for him to cross over from death into life by putting his faith in Christ.

Prayer for unity

Please pray for unity among the Digo church in Kwale. We know that Satan will take advantage of any opportunity to sneak in and cause problems, but we also know that Jesus’s power is greater!

Known For Their Zeal

Please continue to pray for unity among believers who are ministering to the Digo, and that as the Digo have been known for their zeal for Islam, to that same degree they will become known for their zeal and commitment to Jesus. Pray for local churches who have believers from other tribes to be stirred up to share the gospel and receive the Digo as their brothers and sisters in Christ.

6 new believers baptized!

This week we have an awesome praise for the Digo!
It had been a difficult week for the Digo, dealing with illness & funerals. But in the midst of those trials God was working and on Sunday, 6 new Digo Christians were baptised!! Please pray for these believers as they return to family and friends and deal with the suffering that comes with following Jesus. May they have grace to stand firm in their faith.

Recovering and Responsive

When the Bibi (matriarch) of a local Digo village became very sick Saturday morning, all the usual Quranic rituals were performed. That didn’t bring results so the local missionary was asked to come to the house; he requested permission to pray for her and was hesitantly allowed. The Bibi was unresposive and seemed quite close to death so the family took her to the hospital, by the afternoon she was responsive and recovering! Pray that this Bibi would understand Jesus is the one who healed her, not the rituals. Pray that she’ll become accepting of the missionaries living in her village & will allow interaction between that family & hers. Pray for that entire family to become known for their passion for Jesus!

Zealous and Passionate

Please pray that as the Digo have been known for being zealous followers of Islam, they will change and become passionate followers of Christ. Pray that many will come to faith in Him during Ramadan.

Hearing About Jesus At the Same Time

As Ramadan has begun, the prayer of our team is that we’ll have opportunities to share with the Digo about who Jesus is. In a local village, one of our team members has been breaking the fast with a Muslim family and has had several opportunities to speak His name to them. Please pray for that family as they continue to observe the fast but are hearing about Jesus at the same time.

A Favourite Strategy

A favourite strategy of Satan is to divide Christians who are trying to share Christ in an unreached tribe. Pray that the Christians who are working among the Digo will be “united in spirit, intent on one purpose,” and that their unity will powerfully speak to the truth of the gospel.

They Helped Her Rebuild

Pray for the Digo Christians to help and serve others during a crisis time of many rains and flooding. One widow’s grass roof collapsed. The Christians gathered their resources and helped her rebuild. Pray that the love of Christ will be a powerful testimony of the truth of the gospel.

We Asked God for 100 Adults

A few weeks ago our small Digo church asked God for a big request, which was to bring 100 adults to our Easter celebration. For comparison, last Easter the church didn’t want to celebrate, and at Christmas we only had two others join us. In faith that God would provide, we rented a tent, 100 chairs and bought lots of food. As the Jesus film started I counted 98 adults, then I found 2 people whom I had not counted: an exact number of 100 adults present! With children included we served food to 165 people. Many stayed to watch the Jesus film and hear testimonies of other local believers. God is moving among the Digo!

God, Do Something Big!

Please join us in our prayer of faith: “Father God, please bring 100 adults to join us for chai at our church on Easter Sunday.”

Breakthrough prayer for Digo

Please pray that as the Digo have been known as the most zealous of the coastal peoples for Islam, that now they will become the most zealous for Jesus.

Now Filled With the Holy Spirit

Praise God for Abdullah, an older man who has been a powerful witchdoctor his whole life. He was told the Gospel and he fought with the spirits in him who were telling him to resist the good news. However, he decided to leave the work of being a witchdoctor, the spirits left him and he is now filled with the Holy Spirit. In this last month he has continued to remain firm in his decision, bringing 3 others to Christ as well. Pray that he can remain firm despite the fact he is now without a job or income. Pray that he can continue to be a bold witness in the face of much opposition.