Love through relief food

It’s a hard and long dry season for the O since they missed the April/May rainy season. A gift of relief food is being given through the people of Jesus. Pray for the ones organising and distributing the food. Pray that the Love of God through Jesus will be accurately expressed and understood, and would draw many to Him. Pray that the Nov/Dec rainy season will be early and ample – that both physical and spiritual needs will be met by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Update on The O of East Africa

There are 2 young men who seem to be emerging as potential ‘facilitators’ for sharing more of God’s Word…they’ve got access to 100 Bible lessons in the O. language through memory cards they can play in their phones…*Pray that God will empower and protect them…
The young woman who was forced to move ended up redirected to other relatives homes – but pray for her to shine in this different setting… Pray against the ‘powers of this dark world’ that cause fear and pull people to be disobedient.

Update on The O of East Africa

A believing young mother of 2 has been forced by her father in law to build another house in a more distantly related family’s compound for her and her husband to move into. The father in law’s ‘anti-Christ’ attitudes are repulsed by her gentle and quiet spirit of faith in the Messiah. Though this persecution has been hard for her, this new family compound has 6 others who are very open and seeking the truth. Pray that God will provide a strong facilitator to get an obedience based Bible study going in this family – and that the family Patriarch, Gabe himself, would approve and lead his family in receiving God’s grace through Jesus.

Update on The O of East Africa

Continue to pray that God will prepare and lead us to ‘men of peace’ from family groups who will become instrumental in leading their families/communities to become disciples of Jesus who will reach out to other family groups to make more disciples of Jesus – that a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) may begin among the O. Pray also that these men of peace will embrace and be strengthened be the persecution that is certain to come. Pray that all of our team-mates and all current O disciples may also be trained in Obedience Based Bible Studies – That each new disciple may obey all that Jesus commanded the first disciples.

Update on The O of East Africa

We sadly report that Sid refused to continue studying God’s Word because of the pressures his sons and neighbours put on him to stop. Pray against the spirit of fear which has such a grip on people! Pray for release from the bondage that is keeping people in darkness! Pray that God will lead us and provide for new ‘men (and women) of Peace’ as we continue to share the Good News – encouraged and empowered by God’s grace and the Holy Spirit.

Update on The O of East Africa

Col 1:13-14 is so wonderful for presenting the Gospel to the O. The realization of the two kingdoms, the kingdom of darkness, and the fear of Satan and all his evil spirits is so obvious and engrained in peoples’ lives here. To be rescued from it all is truly desired – it’s GOOD NEWS! Now we pray they realize, believe and accept that it’s Jesus who is the Rescuer and Redeemer! Tonight is the planned continuation of the Bible study group at ‘Sid’s’ place (first time after Ramadan ended) – pray that God’s Word will continue to go forth and be received with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction!

Prayers for ‘Sid’ and his community

One of the new Bible study groups is continuing on – set to start meeting again after Ramadan. God has confirmed the truth of the Gospel message shared through 2 healing miracles to the group. Pray that ‘Sid’ and his community will choose to continue listening, will be convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit, will RECEIVE God’s grace of Jesus as Savior as well as Healer, and will obey God’s Word and share what they learn with others.

Pray for best strategies among the O communities

Today our multicultural mission team meets to pray specifically about the best strategies for effective outreach into our O communities. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit for wisdom from above, and God’s clear guidance for each bit of discussion, choice and decisions as we seek to discard unhelpful practices and embrace all the fruitful practices He leads us into.

Update on The O of East Africa

One of the new Bible study groups is continuing on – set to start meeting again after Ramadan. God has confirmed the truth of the Gospel message shared through 2 healing miracles to the group. Pray that ‘Sid’ and his community will choose to continue listening, will be convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit, will RECEIVE God’s grace of Jesus as Savior as well as Healer, and will obey God’s Word and share what they learn with others.

Update on The O of East Africa

Today our multicultural mission team meets to pray specifically about the best strategies for effective outreach into our O communities. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit for wisdom from above, and God’s clear guidance for each bit of discussion, choice and decisions as we seek to discard unhelpful practices and embrace all the fruitful practices He leads us into.

Update on The O of East Africa

As Ramadan continues, pray that God will reveal Himself to many through dreams and visions, and use these as tools to draw people into His Kingdom. We’ve heard of 2 people in the last 2 days who have had dreams of Jesus coming to them and calling them to “come and follow me”. Pray that they will respond yes, instead of just continuing to wonder what it all means.

Update on The O of East Africa

Two new Bible study groups of men are hearing God’s Word. So many seeds have been planted over so many years! Pray in Jesus name against the spirits of fear and deception – pray that God’s Grace in all of it’s Truth will overwhelm people by the power of the Holy Spirit, and that the first big extended family group will RESPOND and become Jesus disciples – who will share with MANY others who will become disciples of Jesus….
PTL that the 1.18kg premie is now well over 2kgs and doing well! Pray that the mom will also GROW in knowledge and spiritual understanding!

Update on The O of East Africa

The O. New Testament! will be dedicated on the 10th of April. ***Pray that these Scriptures in O. will be fully accepted & honoured, and that they will be a blessing of much needed light and truth as they pierce the hearts! May many O be drawn into God’s eternal Kingdom through reading and hearing them.

Update on The O of East Africa

A young O woman received the Gift of Salvation through Jesus this week! PTL! Getting people to participate in regular study/discipleship is such a challenge! ***May the baby Church in O-land faithfully evangelize her own people and even reach out to reproduce in other areas – BEARING MUCH FRUIT THAT WILL LAST FOR ALL ETERNITY!
PS: The 1.18kg premie baby with pneumonia was up to 1.32kg 2 weeks later, with pneumonia cleared! (She didn’t come for recheck this week.) Pray that both physical and spiritual followup will be possible this week.

Update on The O of East Africa

Pray for little 1.18kg baby R (who was born 8 weeks early, a preemie who is now 3 weeks old and has pneumonia). The mom, A, has done such an amazingly great job with her first baby these past 3 weeks – considering the normal situation of dirt floors and no running water or even outhouses. We shared and prayed with them during our worship time yesterday – and improvement was seen today! Pray for Jesus Healing Grace for this baby and family, physically and spiritually!

Update on The O of East Africa

A young Christian couple had a traditional ceremony to dedicate their first baby, a boy to the Lord. Pray that the seeds planted would sink in deep and bear much fruit! Pray that this couple will be used powerfully in boldly sharing and building in God’s Kingdom in O. land!

Update on The O of East Africa

A young lady having psychological problems recently made an initial decision to receive Jesus as Savior, Healer and Deliverer! Pray for Shah, and all of the O people to hunger and thirst for Truth and Righteousness through Jesus. Pray that Jesus disciples among the O will be faithful to share the Good News Boldly, and that the Holy Spirit will validate the message with the demonstration of His Power. Pray that MANY O will receive God’s greatest gift, like Shah did!

Update on The O of East Africa

P-y for a neighbor man (we’ll call him Mohammed), who was struggling with pain and weaknesses for 2 years. In May he proclaimed, “If Jesus heals me, I will follow Him!” He’s been miraculously healed by Jesus! He’s been struggling with what to do ever since, because his brothers and community don’t want him to follow Jesus. P-y he and his whole family will be willing to study God’s Word and will come together to follow Jesus! Last week we had been going to go on an evening visit to his home – but one of his wives got sick so it got postponed (seems it frequently gets postponed!) ***P-y against all the schemes of the rulers and authorities and powers of this dark world – that this whole extended family will be willing to listen, and that the H.Sp will convict their hearts and draw them!

Update on The O of East Africa

Ramadan Day 26 “The Night of Power”
Mu$lims will seek God’s power and revelation tonight. They believe they can have all their sins forgiven tonight. Pray that God will give many dreams and revelations of the One He sent to save us from our sins.

Update on The O of East Africa

Ramadan Day 10
Many seeds are being planted – pray against all the schemes of the Devil to snatch away or choke them. May God prepare rich fertile soil for seeds to sink in deeply – that a wonderful harvest of grace and salvation will be reaped! Pray that God will call ‘Men of Peace’ who are willing to find a group of trusted friends to search His Word together. Pray that God will reveal His grace in all its truth as they study. Pray for an extended family group to come into the kingdom, be on fire for the Lord and reach out to other family groups so that God’s Kingdom is advanced further and further and start a church planting movement!

Update on The O of East Africa

Ramadan Day 29: Pray for all the African missionaries that are serving in Africa. Pray their churches would support them well and that the Lord would encourage them. Pray many more would be sent out, especially to the Muslim unreached people groups.

Update on The O of East Africa

Ramadan Day 18: Pray God would show His power and start church planting movements among our Muslim unreached people groups- for His glory and for the salvation of many. He is doing it in other places! “All things are possible with God.”

Update on The O of East Africa

Ramadan Day 7: There are 5 pillars or obligations in Islam. The first is the shahadah or creed, “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.” Ask God to teach Muslims a new creed: “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all.” (1Tim 2:5-6)

Update on The O of East Africa

Last night, on the evening of June 28th the the cry went up in our village, “The moon has been sighted!” and so begins another month of fasting for the I$lamic O people, and Ms all over the world.

Day 1 of Ramadan: P-y that as the O are seeking to find favor with God this month, God would move in remarkable ways, and the power of the Holy Spirit would overshadow them – that as they fast, they will hunger and thirst for Truth and Righteousness! P-y that J. the Messiah would be revealed to many O FAMILY GROUPS, and that they would understand about God’s GRACE through J. and accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior!

Update on The O of East Africa

***P-y for MANY FAMILY GROUPS of O. to accept the TRUTHS of so many seeds being planted – and ***for the H. Sp. to transform hearts and lives – that many would receive Salvation through G’s Grace and be eager to pass the wonder of it on to the next group of homes….. For a Church Planting MOVEMENT among the O.

Update on The O of East Africa

The O. New Testament Bible Translation final revisions are taking longer than expected, and are in full swing full time this whole month! Pray for God to continually pour out His Holy Spirit on the team – for all accuracy and empowering. Pray for protection from illness or any attacks of the ‘powers of this dark world’ which don’t want this work to keep moving forward!

Update on The O of East Africa

The O continue to have hard and resistant hearts! ***Pray that God will pour out His Holy Spirit all across O. land to convict peoples hearts of sin and DRAW THEM to accept His GRACE and have their hearts transformed to be new creatures in Christ! ***May they HUNGER and THIRST for TRUTH and for God’s RIGHTEOUSNESS through Jesus!