Pray our Father draw many O to Jesus! May the Spirit of the living God fall in power, wisdom and freshness for all of the outreach AIC team and every MBB in O land, and use them to advance His Kingdom, to convict many O hearts and harvest much lasting fruit.
Mike is a strong, O MBB involved in the translation work. Pray he will stand firm and keep growing in the midst of trials. His wife continues to be used by her family and the community to try to punish, distract and pull him back. At times she has professed faith in Christ, now again she’s pleasing her family and turning against Mike. Pray for God’s grace and that she would surrender her full allegiance to Jesus and not agree with the divorce her family wants.
keep praying for ’Guyo and Mari’
Guyo and Mari are a key MBB O couple. Pray they grow to be stronger and stronger disciples who will share about the Kingdom of Light and disciple other herdsmen and wives. Pray they will stand firm in Christ amidst all the schemes of the enemy and the persecutions bound to come.
The joy of the Lord
Pray for the O AIC team and O believers to walk with the Joy of the Lord giving them much strength to give much wonderful testimony of the grace of God through Jesus! Pray many others would believe and be saved.
Pray for breakthrough of God’s Spirit drawing many O to become stronger disciples of Jesus who will make more disciples, so that a huge explosion of a disciple making movement will begin and powerfully advance God’s Kingdom. Pray for lasting fruit for all on our team!
Needing healing
Pray for the complete healing and restoration of T’ume’s finger- immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, and way beyond what the medical world predicts – by the grace, power and authority of Jesus -to bring glory and honor to Jesus, our Savior and Healer – and to return this valuable AICMD couple back to fruitful labor in O-land!
Team needs
Pray for continuing refreshment through the Holy Spirit for the AIC team and all O MBBs- that their witness may be strong and fruitful as they abide deeply in Jesus! One of the wives has a severe finger infection, turned osteomyelitis. Pray for complete healing and restoration as we pray and she seeks further treatment this coming week.
Beautiful witness
Pray for K who is a beautiful MBB witness in her community. Her gentle and quiet spirit speak loudly – may her words also be bold and wise. Pray that her husband would receive God’s gift and they could be a family united in Christ to reach out together.
Key couple
Keep praying for ’Guyo and Mari’, a key MBB couple for sharing about the Kingdom of Light and discipling other herdsmen and wives. Pray they will stand firm in Christ amidst all the schemes of the enemy and the persecutions bound to come.
Stand firm!
One of our strongest MBBs, Mike, has had so many troubles with his wife, who keeps going back-and-forth between Jesus and her all Islamic family. Currently, she is really struggling and even considering separation and divorce from Mike. Pray that the love of Jesus will overwhelm her so completely that the acceptance of her family will no longer have a pull on her. Pray for her and Mike and their six children to be able to have a strong home built on the solid foundation of Jesus!
God’s Spirit
Pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit in O hearts – that many will be drawn to Jesus and become His strong disciples!
Boldly share
Pray for new and prior O believers to be filled with God’s Spirit of wisdom and understanding to boldly share the truth of Grace to save – not works – and to stand firm and strong in God’s full armor against all persecution or temptations of Ramadan!
Resurrection Power
Pray for the team and all O believers to be filled with God’s Spirit of wisdom and revelation, to be growing, to know Him better, and to know and share His hope, riches and incomparably great Resurrection Power with many other O! (Eph.1:15-23). Pray that many O will be drawn to Jesus through them!
Disciple making disciples
PTL that one young man has been boldly sharing his faith and his changed life with his friends and neighbors! Pray for God’s protection for him and his family! PTL that he was used to bring another young man into God’s Kingdom! Pray for this to be the start of strong disciples who will make more disciples, who will make more disciples of Jesus!
New team
PTL for God’s provision of a young new team to cover for our Home Assignment. It is an amazing answer to prayer! Even a month ago we were still so uncertain of IF or WHO God would provide for coverage while we’re away. Now we have a Pastor & family, 2 nurses and a Teacher and family! Pray for each one to abide deeply in Jesus, and to be blessed with much lasting fruit! Pray for team unity for this new team, and also joining with our whole greater AIC team in 3 O-land villages! Pray for a huge explosion of a disciple making movement to begin and powerfully advance God’s Kingdom while we’re away!
Young family
Pray for energy, peace and joy as Don and Linda and their new baby return to their outreach ministry here among the O. It’s currently a challenging environment with the hot season, though many hearts seem to be warmed with an openness to the gospel. Pray for response to the gospel and much lasting fruit!
God’s Word go forward
Pray that the Holy Spirit will empower each one on our team, and the several new believers, that through us God’s Word may go forward in 2023 with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction!
Praise God that a young believer, Uf, has been talking with his friends about his newfound faith. Another young couple professes to have also taken the gift, and another young man as well! Pray that each of these would become strong disciples who will also make more disciples! Pray that Uf and the others would keep growing and sharing!
Conviction and DRAWING!
‘Roba’ is a young man with medical training who has worked on his breaks with us in our medical outreach. He is so smart & enthusiastic, and has such great potential! Pray that God would lead him to the right place for internship, and draw and convict him to submit wholeheartedly to Jesus as Lord and Savior! Pray this also for so many others of this younger generation – to start a disciple making movement here in O land!
Expanded Outreach
Our new team-mates, Don & Linda, relocated into the heart of our village – right next to the school where Don will be ministering. Pray God will open the hearts of neighbors and these relationships will bear much fruit. Praise God the rains have begun – pray they’ll continue! May God’s provisions draw many O people to Jesus and start the people movement.
New team members
A new young couple (expecting their first baby in December) have joined our outreach team. As they learn language & culture, pray that God would lead them to the relationships that will become lasting fruit. Pray neighbors would welcome them and be open to hearing the message they’ve come to bring.
Diagnosis and treatment
Jake & Sadie are back here in O land, feeling great and so grateful for a clear diagnosis of Addison’s Disease, and medicine to improve symptoms so quickly. THANKS for praying!! Pray for wisdom for the long-term management and medications – and praise God for energy and returning health and strength to continue their vital outreach ministry among the O. May many O respond to the gospel message which is shared so often through our whole team and the few O believers (like Jake and Sadie).
Retired chief
A retired chief and his wife spent 5 days staying in our home for his medical needs and follow up. We took many opportunities to share the Good News – pray that they will receive Jesus as Savior and lead their family and community into God’s grace in all of its truth.
Blessed to be a blessing
A new young Kenyan couple are joining our team early October for the next 2 years (and hopefully more). There has been opposition from the closest neighbors to their proposed housing. Pray for these neighbors to be drawn to Jesus! Pray that God will give our team and Don & Linda wisdom, grace and discernment for all details and decisions and that Don & Linda will be blessed to be a blessing in our communities and will abide deeply and bear much lasting fruit!
Spiritual attack
Jake & Sadie are O MBBs who have a powerful witness as part of our team. They’re under spiritual warfare attack with physical unexplained illness and symptoms. Pray that God’s full armor, and the weapons with divine power will demolish strongholds will protect them and break any of the enemies schemes through Jesus’ blood shed at the cross. Pray protection for their 2 kids! Pray that Jesus’ power and authority will be recognized in Jake and Sadie’s words & deeds and encouragement and for much lasting fruit.
Update: As of Wednesday Sadie was seriously ill and brought to Kijabe hospital where she is admitted- pray for a clear diagnosis and God’s blessings of grace for full healing and restoration!
Recent deaths
Several recent community deaths from hypertension, stroke, and cancer are causing many to ponder and worry about their future. May God draw them to respond to Jesus as their only hope of eternal peace and mercy through salvation!
I have been meeting with a young BMB (Believer of Muslim background) who has been so encouraging in his grasp of the meaning of Scriptures, despite no formal education. Pray that He will be bold and winsome in his witness, and many others will also respond and receive God’s Gift of grace through Jesus!
Heart’s desire
Our hearts’ desire and prayer to God for the O is that they will be saved! We testify about the O that many of them are zealous for God – but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they do not know the righteousness of God (through Jesus), they seek to establish their own, and so they do not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ (the Messiah) is the fulfillment of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. Pray that many O will submit to their need for God’s Gift of Salvation and Righteousness through Jesus the Messiah! (Paraphrased from Rom. 10:1-4)
Jesus film
After so many years of delays, cancellations and postponements, the Jesus film in O
has been dubbed, and is due to be having the final review later in July. Pray for all final details to go well, and that much fruit and response will come through the use of this new tool for our team.
Our O teammates are expecting a baby any day. Pray for safe labor and delivery and a strong healthy baby and Mama at the end. Support this couple with prayer for protection from all the schemes of our enemy and the powers of this dark world – Jake and Saidi have such effective and good outreach that some of the community are demanding they be stopped from sharing.
Intense prayer needed
There seems to be a stronger hardness against Jesus right within our own village people and closest communities. They respond so differently from those coming from outside communities – perhaps they have been freshly warned by the religious leaders. Pray for God’s mercy and grace to be poured out, and to DRAW MANY to Jesus! Pray for more strong prayer supporters and faithful and intense prayers in Jesus name and authority, against those rulers and powers of this dark world that want to keep the people here in bondage and darkness!
Each of our team shares the gospel regularly. Pray that hard and resistant hearts would soften and be drawn by God to respond & receive Jesus as Lord and Savior- becoming strong disciples who would make more disciples…
Upcoming AICMD missionary conference
Pray for me as I speak at the missionary conference and interact with our AIC missionary colleagues. Pray for wisdom and anointing from the Holy Spirit and for fresh vision, renewal and encouragement for all who are reaching out among the O, and in many other UPG‘s and challenging ministries all across Kenya.
Drought threatens again. Pray with us that God will provide for all the physical and spiritual needs of the people, and draw many to Jesus!
Neighbors’ needs
A key young man from S’s family, who we’ve been reaching out to for regular teaching, has big changes coming as he was selected for a county position and has gone for training and an uncertain assignment location following that. Pray that God will put people in his path who will inspire his continuing to seek truth and embrace Jesus as Lord and Savior. Continue to pray for Gail’s complete healing from Lupus (same family)- she’s doing great physically and spiritually right now.
What’s it gonna take?
Pray for so many O who have heard and are hearing God‘s word regularly – that their hearts may be pierced, drawn and convicted by the Holy Spirit, and they too would ask, “what must we do to be saved?“ Pray that many would respond to the Good News of God‘s grace through Jesus, rather than their attempts at pleasing him through good works.
Breakthrough prayer
Pray for a breakthrough of God’s Spirit convicting, drawing and opening many O eyes to see and really perceive, their ears to hear, and their hearts to understand and turn and be healed! May God draw many O to become strong disciples of Jesus who will make more disciples – starting a Disciple Making Movement in O-land!
Our hearts’ desire and prayer for the O is that they may be saved. We can testify about them that many of them are zealous for God – but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they do not know the righteousness of God (through Jesus), they seek to establish their own, and so they do not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ (the Messiah) is the fulfillment of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. Pray that many O will submit to God’s Gift of Salvation and Righteousness through Jesus the Messiah!
Pray for Lasting Fruit from a wonderful 5 days of Kids Club with so much Gospel truth shared to over 200 kids! May the kids remember their memory verses, and many of them share with their families & bring about Response! Pray breakthrough prayers for us & our AIC team – for a breakthrough of God’s Spirit drawing many O to become strong disciples of Jesus who will make more disciples – starting that Disciple Making Movement in O-land!
Bible translation
Pray that Bible translation work will be blessed and empowered by God, with accuracy and good natural flow in the O language. Pray for O and J, the main translators, that they and their wives will be strong in the Lord. The Jesus film in O has been delayed over and over- pray against the powers of this dark world that work and scheme to keep the O in bondage and darkness! May God’s Word go forward with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction!