Update on The O of East Africa

***P-y for MANY FAMILY GROUPS of O. to accept the TRUTHS of so many seeds being planted – and ***for the H. Sp. to transform hearts and lives – that many would receive Salvation through G’s Grace and be eager to pass the wonder of it on to the next group of homes….. For a Church Planting MOVEMENT among the O.

Update on The O of East Africa

The O. New Testament Bible Translation final revisions are taking longer than expected, and are in full swing full time this whole month! Pray for God to continually pour out His Holy Spirit on the team – for all accuracy and empowering. Pray for protection from illness or any attacks of the ‘powers of this dark world’ which don’t want this work to keep moving forward!

Update on The O of East Africa

The O continue to have hard and resistant hearts! ***Pray that God will pour out His Holy Spirit all across O. land to convict peoples hearts of sin and DRAW THEM to accept His GRACE and have their hearts transformed to be new creatures in Christ! ***May they HUNGER and THIRST for TRUTH and for God’s RIGHTEOUSNESS through Jesus!