Update on The Gabbra of Kenya

Ibraia was born January 25 to our good friends Abudo & Robe. Due to a deformity on his head, he was flown down to a missionary hospital. He returned to us a few days later, with the prognosis that he would quickly die. He is still alive in spite of doctors’ prediction, but they have warned that if he does live, he will not be able to do much more than basic reflexive actions. Please join us in praying for this family. Pray for the Lord’s comfort to surround this hurting family and for there to be opportunities to share with them how Jesus is with them in the midst of their suffering and pain.

Update on The Gabbra of Kenya

Every day hundreds of camels, cattle, goats and sheep come across the plains to drink water from one of the hand dug wells. Grazing is scarce and in some places entire households have left behind everything in search of water. All but one mechanical pump has stopped working, including the government well and the well at the local school. The disruption of not having water for school children does not mean an end to the school day. Everyone continues to plod along, queuing up for water for their homes and their animals. Please pray for the Lord to open up the heavens and rain down on this very dry and thirsty land and for this to also provide many opportunities to talk about God’s living water, available to all through His precious Son Jesus.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

Storying has been very successfully done among some of the Toposa. Praise God for His Word bearing fruit. A group of concerned people of various churches and mission organizations met the last week of January to discuss how to reach more of the Toposa, One man reported, “When I let prayer supporters know of a specific place, God starts to work. When I tell them of particular individuals needing prayer there, His works takes off!!” Pray for the Kenyan missionaries and their families involved in these storying ministries; ask God to supply all that they need, and give them much fruit for their labors!

Update on The Bara of Madagascar

The group of Bara translators is currently in a village testing the draft of Acts. Pray that they would make good progress and that God’s Word would work powerfully in the hearts of the hearers. Pray especially for one man, J.M., who was part of the translation team and has drifted away, that God would bring him back to Himself and to this work, that many other Bara would hear God’s Word in their own language.

Update on The Mbororo of CAR and Chad

In a recent visit to the Central African Republic, we were able to meet with the Mbororo Chief Omar and some elders. They spoke of extreme tension in their town, where just recently fighting broke out between the Mbororo and the Zande tribes–there was gunfire and burning of houses. Chief Omar revealed his desire to move out of the town and resettle in a smaller, distant village. Clearly there is a dire need for peace in this town. Pray for God’s intervention, which would allow the Mbororo to stay and allow a future ministry initiative to these same Mbororo to be able to go through!

Update on The Rangi of Tanzania

We are very thankful for the Resource Center the team living here built before they left. 17 people are regularly coming to visit and make use of the Resource center. The books in this Resource Center have great value in this ministry of outreach to the Rangi people. Some leaders are hearing the gospel message and although there have been no personal public confessions of faith yet, the center has been such a help for the Rangi communities. Pray for the community as they access this center, for truth and Jesus’ love for them to be seen.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

As Mark 4:14-20 are being lived here in Karamoja, please pray that the seed falls on good soil and will receive it, let the roots of God’s love go deep and bring forth fruit that is pleasing to God and lasts eternally.

Update on The Mwani of Mozambique

Christmas is not a day celebrated among the Mwani – in Mozambique, Dec 25 is a national holiday known as ‘FAMILY DAY’. Please pray that the knowledge of the saving plan of the world through Jesus would be made known to them, and that many would come to be part of our big FAMILY in Christ.

Update on The Gabbra of Kenya

Practical help in the community creates opportunity to present the Gospel. We see how God uses our gifts to open up doors to share the Gift of Life. Pray for the hearts of the Gabbra to be open to hear the truth of the Gospel.

Update on The Laarim of South Sudan

-Pray for the cycle of violence to be broken. Pray the younger generation of Laarim would see and follow the example of Christ rather than follow the example of those who raid cattle and fight against their neighbors.
-Pray for perseverance and spiritual growth for the Laarim believers so that they may be effective gospel witnesses in their communities.
-Ps 145:18 Pray that the Laarim would call upon the Lord in truth and experience his nearness both personally and corporately.

Update on The Bara of Madagascar

The Bara area remains in turmoil due to cattle thieves. Pray that this would cause the Bara to turn from the animistic ways of their ancestors to the one true God.
Pray that God would change the hearts of the cattle thieves and that they would bring change to many other Bara.
Pray that the churches in the Bara area would have a burden for the Bara and that they would reach out effectively in word and deed.
Scripture: Continue praying Luke 10:2, as well as Galatians 6:9, that the workers God sends would not grow weary but persevere.

Update on The Mbororo of CAR and Chad

Our verse is Mal. 4:2 “ But for those who revere my name the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings… and you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.” The Mbororo are the cattle herders of the larger Fulani People Group, so this verse seems especially applicable to them. Please pray it would be so.

Update on The Mwani of Mozambique

“…I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. – Jesus.
Pray: 1. That the Mwani will see the abundant life they can have in Jesus alone and believe.
2. That the few existing believers will press on in their walk with the Lord and not lose heart, sharing their faith with others.

Update on The Datooga of Tanzania

Pray for the 2 Datooga believers (Unene and Gilesoda). They both have health issues. Gilesoda suffers from epilepsy and still struggles with alcoholism. Pray for his healing and also victory over alcoholism. Unene has upper respiratory issues which flare up from time to time. Pray that they will grow in their faith and walk with God.
Pray for some Datooga here who have showed an interest in learning what it means for them to be Christians. They have been coming to church from time to time but have not taken the bold step to follow Jesus yet. Pray for us that we would be faithful and bold in sharing the gospel with them.
Praise the Lord with us for the 12 students who passed their standard 7 national exams and have the chance to go to secondary school. Pray specifically for them as most of them would love to go onto secondary school but there will not doubt be a lot of opposition from parents and other peers. This is their only real chance at a better life. Pray that God would provide the funds to make this a reality for them. If you can remember one girl especially – Uchambot – who has a 4 month old baby. Pray that her grandma would agree to watch her baby come January so that she can go to school.
Elections will be held in a few weeks. Pray that God’s will be done. It is hard to pray for godly leaders when there seems to be none around. But I am reminded that our thoughts are not His thoughts and our ways not His ways.
Praise God for a renewed focus and strategy ( with the help of Bruce Rossington) on developing a Datooga Bible story set to be used as an evangelistic tool. Pray for wisdom, strength and that God will provide the right people to be involved in the project as we work together to make this a reality.
Pray for encouragement for us and evangelist Gabriel and his family as we serve here. Sometimes it gets discouraging especially when faced with opposition. Pray that we will be a light and that our lives will bring honour to God as we walk this journey of faith in a world that desperately needs Him.

Update on The Alagwa of Tanzania

Please pray Romans 1:16-17:
“I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last…”
That many Alagwa would open their hearts to the gospel and receive God’s grace by faith.
That the Alagwa who are following Jesus, or who are moving towards Jesus, will be courageous and unashamed of the gospel in their communities.

Update on The Zaramo of Tanzania

1. Pray for the Christian school teachers who have a heart for church-planting who are
working in Zaramo areas. Pray that they would stand firm in their faith,
that they would “guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus,” and that
they wouldn’t “grow weary of doing good” but be encouraged that “at the
proper time they will reap a harvest if they do not give up” (Gal. 6:9).
2. Pray that God would remove the blindness from the Zaramo, that they would
“taste and see that the Lord is good”. Pray that God would also remove the
incredible fear which binds them so tightly to the lies that Satan has fed
them for years.
A verse: Isaiah 9:2 –
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in
the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” – pray that verse would
come true among the Zaramo!

Update on The Rendille of Kenya

1. Pray for the transition of the project, especially for the AIC church leadership in Korr.
2. That the work on completing the translation of the Rendille New Testament by end 2017 will go well.
3. That the church will continue to grow. The Messenger players with the translated Gospel of Luke on them are having a very big impact on the nomadic community.

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

I am happy to let you know that more missionaries have come to minister to the Wanyamwezi.
– Pray that all those who have come will be working together as one unit and therefor have a powerful witness of unity and love as they minister and reach out to this tribe.
– Pray for health and safety. We have already had some severe illnesses amongst those who have come to serve. Malaria and typhoid are the main health problems. (Tabora has the highest amount of Malaria mosquitoes in Tanzania)
– Pray that the Wanyamwezi will open their hearts to the Gospel. They are a tribe which seems aloof.
– Pray for a change of heart and understanding and accepting of the Gospel. There is a lot of drinking and sexual immorality and the Tabora region is the one area where HIV/AIDS continues to increase. Only God can help them overcome these problems.

Update on The Tanala of Madagascar

We did a survey of the villages south of Ikongo and found many remote villages without an evangelical church in the dialect. There was openness to having a team of Christian language and culture learners live among them in the forest.
Pray for Petera Solomandimby, a Tanala believer who has a burden for bringing the gospel back to his Tanala homeland. He has asked for some training that might equip him to plant churches and he has asked for co-workers to go with him. Pray for wisdom in how to enable Petera to get started.

Update on The Antandroy of Madagascar

I think we have team leaders for the Antandroy FOCUS Team, the Hofmanns arriving in July 2014 from Holland. We will be partnered with the Bible Baptist Church of Madagascar to plant 12 simple churches around the SUCOMA sugar cane plantation near Morondava where 6,000 Tandroy people live permanently, working as migrant labour for the plantation. There are 4 known believers.

Update on The Antanosy of Madagascar

Survey trip planned for September 2015 with Helimission, the METM church, and August Basson. The church would like to work with us to plant distinctly Antanosy churches, but the Antanosy villages are very remote, hence the partnership with Helimission. Pray that this survey comes together well. 0 known believers.

Update on The Antakarana of Madagascar

We did a survey of Bobaomby on the north tip of Madagascar. The Evangelical Baptist Church of Madagascar would like to partner with AIM in a church planting strategy for that area. We’re waiting for the denomination to present their strategy to us. Pray that we can work together. There are 12 known believers.

Update on The Antakarana of Madagascar

The TIMO Team arrived last week and just completed their orientation. They are now on Nosy Mitsio and have begun their homestays. Praise that they’re finally here and pray that they adjust well and start into some good relationships.

Update on The Sakalava of Madagascar

We will have a Christmas event on December 14th, where we will focus on the Redemption story and scripture. We are working on this right now, trying to put together the scriptures, drama, songs, challenges, questions, holy night candles, etc.
– Pray for open hearts and open ears for those who have already heard the Creation story and The Fall story. Now they are going to hear the Redemption story, in their language! The past gatherings were well attended, more and more people came. Please pray that the people would see Jesus as their Savior, coming for them, on Dec 14th. Please pray for deep comprehension of the message.
– Pray for Ladys and Matis, the leaders of the band, to be touched by the words they sing, over and over, as they create the songs. How we long to see them to become believers!
– Please pray this scripture verse: “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world”. John 4:42

Update on The Mbororo of CAR and Chad

Pray that these great, migratory herdsmen would come to know the true Shepherd of souls and the “abundant life” which only Jesus brings. Pray also that God would raise up His Church to have vision as well as hands and feet to reach out to the many Mbororo clans who migrate into areas where the Gospel is already planted. As a team prepares for ministry with the Mbororo, pray that God would provide just the right location for housing. A trip will be made in early December to address this very issue.

Update on The Makwe of Mozambique

Update from Patrick, Sheepfold Ministries, N. Mocambique.
Currently there are 4 missionaries, 1 couple from Dutch Reformed church, SA and 1 couple from Sheepfold. There is only 1 believer who is married to a lady from another people group. He has been to Bible school. Pray that the Lord would strengthen and protect him. pray that the local church would have a heart for the Makwe.

Update on The Mwani of Mozambique

Report from Patrick who works with the Mwani in Northern Mocambique, Sheepfold Ministries…
23 missionaries are now scatterd among the Mwani.(14 Westerners and 9 Africans) through 6 organisations. There are different ministry approaches…radio,chronological narratives, sports ministry,nursery school and jesus film. there are presently 24 believers scattered from Ibo to Mocimboa. please pray for unity among missionaries. Please pray that God would bring in thousands and that the seed which has been sewn for years may bear fruit.

Update on The Karamoja of Uganda

Please pray Romans 12:1-2 for all those in Karamoja who say they are Christians, that following Christ would be reflected by transformation into Christ’s character. That the mind and heart would be transformed into the living light of Christ.

Update on The Antakarana of Madagascar

The TIMO Antakarana team is in the air and on their way to Madagascar! Please pray for their safe travels and especially for their smooth adjustment to life and language on Nosy Mitsio. Also pray especially for their communities and host families during these first few weeks – that they will begin to sense the Holy Spirit bringing something new in their lives.

Update on The South Asians of Uganda

Pray for the power of God to impact an Indian man who have recently allowed prayers for healing in the name of JESUS! May he know deeply the real difference in our God, compared to his many gods, and may Our Father get much glory!

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

Investigations continue and seeking medical assistance is being sought after our last prayer request for the Kacipo. Continue to pray for this, but above all, that the Kacipo would seek our Lord during these very difficult days.

Update on The Lopit of South Sudan

Cholera has broken out in the Ohilang and surrounding villages. In the space of 4 short days, 6 people died. In one family they lost 2 of their children. There was a quick response by a team of health care workers from a nearby clinic, and they seem to have got some control of the situation. Please pray for this situation to cause the Lopit people to turn to the living Almighty God for their salvation. Please also pray for our TIMO team to remain healthy.

Update on The Laarim of South Sudan

We praise the Lord for raising up the beginnings of a great team to work and bring the precious gospel to the Laarim. Pray that the Lord would bring together the team of His choosing. That in this next year housing would be built and the team gathered together. Soon our young American man will no longer be soldiering on, on his own there. Thank you for praying for this. Please continue to pray for the Laarim, that their hearts would be being prepared and opened.

Update on The Didinga of South Sudan

It’s been a busy month as the Didinga planted their second crop of the year – wheat. Their first crop of maize was a good one, and the rains continue to water the wheat. Oh, if only they would turn and thank the wonderful, Almighty, Provider, Creator God. Please pray!!

Update on The Mwani of Mozambique

We have seen the interest of several ladies in hearing bible stories. They have been asking us to share with them each time we visit. As we open up the picture book, they call out to their family and neighbours to join them in hearing the stories. Praise God for this.

Update on The Mwani of Mozambique

This month, we were really encouraged by a bit of fruit that God has allowed us to see blossom in Pemba . We shared the story of Joseph with Mr. A, an opportunity that led him to admit his big concern of having “dreams of dying”. Mr. A acknowledged his need for a Saviour to cleanse his sins. Also, our neighbour, Mrs. S, who had been sick for several weeks, was open to listening to the good news and also acknowledged her desire to be cleansed of her sins. Please pray for both Mr. A and Mrs. S, that the seeds will not be stolen away by the evil one, but will grow well in good soil, without rocks or thorns choking them or preventing them from good growth.

Update on The Bara of Madagascar

The Bara translation team continues to work on the book of Acts. They are nearly finished with the rough draft & then will begin a series of checks. Next up is the book of Colossians. Please be praying for the Bara translators to remain committed to the work & to find the time to meet together for translation. Many things interrupt the work & cause divisions among the team.sage