We will have a Christmas event on December 14th, where we will focus on the Redemption story and scripture. We are working on this right now, trying to put together the scriptures, drama, songs, challenges, questions, holy night candles, etc.
– Pray for open hearts and open ears for those who have already heard the Creation story and The Fall story. Now they are going to hear the Redemption story, in their language! The past gatherings were well attended, more and more people came. Please pray that the people would see Jesus as their Savior, coming for them, on Dec 14th. Please pray for deep comprehension of the message.
– Pray for Ladys and Matis, the leaders of the band, to be touched by the words they sing, over and over, as they create the songs. How we long to see them to become believers!
– Please pray this scripture verse: “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world”. John 4:42