Pray for the 2 Datooga believers (Unene and Gilesoda). They both have health issues. Gilesoda suffers from epilepsy and still struggles with alcoholism. Pray for his healing and also victory over alcoholism. Unene has upper respiratory issues which flare up from time to time. Pray that they will grow in their faith and walk with God.
Pray for some Datooga here who have showed an interest in learning what it means for them to be Christians. They have been coming to church from time to time but have not taken the bold step to follow Jesus yet. Pray for us that we would be faithful and bold in sharing the gospel with them.
Praise the Lord with us for the 12 students who passed their standard 7 national exams and have the chance to go to secondary school. Pray specifically for them as most of them would love to go onto secondary school but there will not doubt be a lot of opposition from parents and other peers. This is their only real chance at a better life. Pray that God would provide the funds to make this a reality for them. If you can remember one girl especially – Uchambot – who has a 4 month old baby. Pray that her grandma would agree to watch her baby come January so that she can go to school.
Elections will be held in a few weeks. Pray that God’s will be done. It is hard to pray for godly leaders when there seems to be none around. But I am reminded that our thoughts are not His thoughts and our ways not His ways.
Praise God for a renewed focus and strategy ( with the help of Bruce Rossington) on developing a Datooga Bible story set to be used as an evangelistic tool. Pray for wisdom, strength and that God will provide the right people to be involved in the project as we work together to make this a reality.
Pray for encouragement for us and evangelist Gabriel and his family as we serve here. Sometimes it gets discouraging especially when faced with opposition. Pray that we will be a light and that our lives will bring honour to God as we walk this journey of faith in a world that desperately needs Him.