Diaspora in UK

Pray for more volunteers at the Thursday night Homework Club with middle and high school Somali girls.
Pray for the startup of another homework club using Christian University students as the tutors for the immigrant middle and high school children.
Pray for spiritual fruit within each ministry activity. Please join us in praying for at least one person from each ministry to accept Jesus as their Saviour in 2020. Bearing in mind that some ministries have gone on for years with no visible spiritual fruit, this is a bold request.

Direct Their Paths

Praise the Lord for the Dorobo churches, pastors and leaders, evangelists and missionaries who are planting new churches in areas where Christ is not yet known. Pray for the Dorobo who feel called by God to be cross-cultural missionaries to other tribes without the gospel. Pray for the Lord to direct their paths.

Diaspora in France

Praise God for E., an eastern-European Muslim teenager who wants to study the Bible and is drawn to Jesus. Her family has been coming to church regularly, but she is the first of the four to step forward like this, and she’s afraid of how they (and her extended family) may respond. Pray that we can start studying the Bible together.
Praise God for R., my friend who’s studying with me via text. We are discussing the Messianic prophecies, and she’s already linked them to Jesus. Pray that God would speak to her and her husband and reveal Himself to them both.

Datooga People Coming To Jesus

Praise the Lord that more and more churches are being planted among the Datooga. Praise the Lord for the Scripture recordings that have spread far and wide. Praise the Lord that there are many Datooga who are coming to faith in Christ. Please pray for missionaries to be raised up who will live among the Datooga in some of the villages that have no witness and no church yet. Pray that they will be able to stay a long time and train leaders who can carry on when they are gone.

Diaspora in Brazil

Pray for the B. family as they visit the city of Caxias do Sul in February so that we can prepare the last details of partnerships and they can start their assignment there in March.
Pray that God will help us to advance in the relationships that we already have with our African friends and we can start making new disciples of Christ among them.
Pray that the Brazilian church and its members will know how to welcome the refugees and the immigrants as Jesus welcomed us, without fear, but with generosity and love.

Continuing to Meet

Praise the Lord that the Borana Christians continue to meet for Scripture reading, worship, and evangelism. Pray that their churches will continue to be united in spirit, intent on the purpose of making the gospel known in every Borana village and town. Pray for a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit among the Borana.

Diaspora in USA

Pray for RAISE, a non-profit organization in Noel Missouri, to find a building to base its services for refugees. There’s a vacant grocery store building that would serve well but the asking price is too high.
Pray for wisdom in coming along side members who are in need of support and encouragement.
Pray for our (slowly) growing relationship with Mo from Noel.

Faith in Christ

Pray that in many towns and villages, Bara people will come to faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Pray that the Lord will gather them together into Christ-centered churches. Pray that those churches will multiply and plant more churches. Pray for a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit among the Bara.

Diaspora in Portland

Pray for the ministry in Portland through our friendship center. M & J particularly, have never had such intense opportunities AND opposition, all at the same time—there is definitely stuff going on behind the scenes! (even spiritually)
Remember our prayer request for the Iranian ESL student who is very ill with cancer? My Christian Iranian friend and I have set up three appointments with this student and his wife—and a medical emergency has stopped us each time. Finally, last week, MC and another Christian Iranian met with him, prayed, and shared the Gospel again. But he was still not ready. We are sad, but while he still has breath, we pray for a change of heart.

They Are Listening

Pray for two young Somali men who are in contact with Christians and enrolled in a program that includes Bible study several times a week. Pray that through the Scriptures and through the circumstances of their lives God will lead them to recognize that there is no salvation except through Jesus Christ. Pray that they will commit their lives to Him and become bold and faithful witnesses.

Diaspora in Wisconsin

Praise for a very fruitful Pastors/Imam meeting and lunch last month. Keep praying for the follow-up discussions with the imams. Pray for open and soften hearts and a willingness to hear the Gospel News. Pray that their presumptions about Christianity will not keep them from wanting to know the truth.

Lonely and Searching

A S. Asian Muslim woman is lonely and searching. What things are actually commanded by Islam and what things are just cultural? How can she be more free, more sure of herself, more “positive”? She has received a Bible and is willing to read it when her Christian friend comes to visit. Together they pray for her needs. Please pray for her salvation, and that of her family.

Diaspora in Detroit

Please pray for avenues for new connections. We would like to grow our influence with more immigrant families AND have more church people come alongside to help us.
Please pray for an evangelical Arabic church to partner with us.

Coming to Christ

Praise the Lord for Jiye who are coming to faith in Christ! Praise the Lord for spreading His Word among the Jiye! Pray for reproducing, indigenous, Christ-centered churches among the Jiye people by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Diaspora in Canada

Praise for good relationships already established with some of our Somali friends.
Pray that some hostility experienced by our intern from a very few people will not deter interaction with the rest.
Pray for A, a young Somali man from a Christian background who has lost hope. Please pray for SF as he ministers to him and other Somali Christians who are currently struggling.

A Young Believer

Praise for ongoing internet contacts from a young Somali believer who was baptized in Kenya last year and is now part of small house church in a city in eastern Ethiopia. Pray for his growth in grace and knowledge of the Gospel.

Cross Cultural Missionaries

The Borana have been traditional enemies of the Gabbra, often at war with one another. Pray for the Borana churches to continue to reproduce, for leaders to be trained, and for the Borana believers to have a passion to reach across tribal lines and carry the gospel to the Gabbra, who are particularly open and receptive to the gospel just now. Pray for Jesus Christ to work mighty reconciliation between them.

Diaspora in Missouri

We have set a date for our first trauma healing group. It will be February 21-23. Please pray for the preparations and that each individual who comes will find healing in the Son.
One of our ESL classes has requested conversation partners for the students outside of class and JR has offered to help with this need. Pray for opportunities to connect with several of the students and build relationships with them.

Resistance Overcome

Pray for the Datooga churches to continue to multiply and for those Datooga communities that have been extremely resistant to the gospel to become open to it. Pray for long-term evangelists and missionaries who will not only come to stay a year or two in villages that are unreached, but for those who can stay a long time until leaders are trained who can continue planting new churches.

Diaspora in Canada

Praise for great gospel conversations with our Muslim friends this month. Particularly with three Algerian men (Ra, Lo and AbH) and an Algerian woman (Ka)
Praise for continued progress, good discussions and times of fellowship through our Al Massira introductory Bible study with an Algerian couple, Ri (believer) and Fa (still Muslim). After spending the last several months in the Old Testament we finally arrived at the birth of Jesus.
February 15 we are hosting a “Winter Carnival” for the families of Impact Kids (our kids drop-in program), their friends, and the community. Pray that all the planning and details go smoothly and that many people would sign up to come. Pray that this event would deepen our and the local church’s presence in the community and that those who come would feel the love of Christ through the Christian volunteers who will be running the event. Please also pray that through this event, many would sign up for our ESL courses and Kids drop-in program, through which we have the opportunity to deepen friendships and share the gospel.
Please pray for Ab H, an Algerian Berber, who is a devout Muslim. This week we discussed the gospel for four hours together. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would open his eyes to the truth!

Diaspora in Florida

Praise God for opportunities to share the gospel at a Winter’s Tea (lead by believers) and a cooking demonstration (lead by Muslim women)
Pray for God to supply a center for us to do ministry. We need wisdom on the right place to use.
Pray for DM as he travels to India February 15-23 to encourage and challenge his leadership team. There are some problem areas to deal with, pray for wisdom.

Mighty Mercy Poured Out

Recent unseasonal rains have caused floods and a lot of damage in local villages. A new church plant is located in one of these villages, the evangelist family who live there currently have 5 other families living with them! They say many have lost homes, or are at least displaced until the waters recede, but even then there will be lots of damage as many homes are simple mud buildings. The Lord is using even this though, as there have been many opportunities to share the Gospel and minister to those in need. Be praying for the Lord to strengthen and encourage the evangelist family and the new church plant out in the village – May the love of Christ shine through them as they help their community. Be praying for our team and church partners, that we would be able to know the best ways to serve and support them, both through supplies and prayers. Be praying for many to come to faith, for opened eyes to see Christ and His great love for the lost and for each unsaved person individually. May He pour out His mercy as mightily as He has poured out the rains!!

Divisions Completely Overcome in Jesus’ Name

Pray for the Lord to work mightily among Somali believers (and also among those Christians who are trying to reach them with the gospel), breaking down all that hinders them from coming to Christ and being completely “united in Him.” Pray for strongholds of Satan to be broken down in the name of Jesus.

Her Son Is Ill

Pray for a S. Asian neighbor whose son is suddenly ill. She needs the Lord Jesus as her Savior but is afraid to leave Islam. Please pray that this and all her circumstances may convince her that Jesus is truly the Savior who can be trusted with her whole life.


Praise God for the continuing discovery Bible studies led by team members, Maria, Logwe, and others. Pray for more local leaders to take the message to still unreached areas of Laarim, and even beyond!

Plentiful Harvest

From Dukana: please pray for more workers in the Vineyard! Villages are asking for Bible teachers to come each week as they hear the radio and hear testimonials from others. We want to be consistent and reach all but we are few!


Angelo, who helped us immensely with language and translation, continues to lead multiple discovery Bible studies each week, along with working at the local clinic. Pray for his strength physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He will travel soon to Kenya to explore the option of schooling later this year, to become a trained medical provider for his people.

Reading with Neighborhood Kids

Recently, the neighborhood kids have been coming around more and more frequently. We read a few stories together (always starting with a Bible story). They seem genuinely interested in reading together! Pray that the Lord would bless His word and truth as these children listen. That it would be like seed on good soil which takes root and bears fruit. That the children will grow up clinging to truths like “Jesus loves me because He died for me”, and “God is always listening to our prayer when we cry out for His help”, or “God is always with His people so we don’t need to be afraid”. May God use this younger generation to become passionate followers of Jesus in this place as they grow older!!

A Perfect Opportunity

When I arrived at my friend’s house she was writing down verses from the Qur’an having to do with men and women’s roles. As we talked, it became evident she was doing it not only so she could be a good wife, but also so she could point out to her husband when he was not following their holy book! And I thought to myself: “They have a form of godliness but have denied its power.” Even if their book tells them to do good, it has no answer to the question, “But how?” Try harder. Try harder. Try harder. Please pray for this woman and her family as they read the Bible I left with them, that they may see the light of Christ and believe in Him.

Complete Deliverance Needed

Please pray for one lady who has been suffering with many demons for a long time. She was in her field and felt a demonic attack, and for some reason unknown to her the words “Jesus help me” came out of her mouth. Later on, one of our team “got lost” on the way to pray for the lady’s neighbor, ended up at her house instead that evening, and prayed for her. She came to church and was prayed for again the next Sunday. Please keep praying for her as she seeks Jesus and the complete healing she now knows only Jesus can bring.

Mission trip

Please continue praying for our team. Julius is now in Kakuma Refugee camp. We are starting discipleship among S.Sudanees in the camp. There are people from the Jie, Toposa, Didinga, Nubians( Kanyauro tribe) and Lotuko tribes. We are connecting with the groups and seeking for people of peace and soon we will start training them. Pray for receptiveness and for many to embrace God’s Word. Julius will be there for a week before he heads back to Naliel to followup with other groups. One of Julius needs is to get a motorbike to help him in his work. With God all things are possible.

Update on family struggling with demon

Last night about 20 believers (local, expat, and Malagasy) gathered in the family’s home to worship and cast out the evil spirit living there in the house. It had been attacking the daughter since Tuesday night – but from the outside, it couldn’t ‘enter’ her because she is a child of God! We sang, proclaimed the good news, and prayed. The spirit left! They all slept wonderfully! PTL! Pray still for the Muslim dad who was there in the midst of it all – he has great joy that his daughter is free but he doesn’t yet know that there is far greater joy awaiting him if only he would open his heart to Jesus.

Needing salvation and healing

Please pray for Z, a 15yr old Neem girl who has been lying on a mattress for about 4 years unable to move her arms, hands or legs because of calcification of her joints. She heard the gospel last week and seemed interested to find a source of hope in her desperate situation. Pray that when I return I can do Bible studies with her and that she will find the hope of life eternal which surpasses all other hope. Pray for healing too and for her family. How heart breaking would it be to be stuck like that with all your life ahead of you or to see your daughter stuck like that with nothing you can do about it?
Pray also for team members for this fledgling team (one member!) about to move into a Neem village.

Cattle camps

The cattle and cattle keepers (and many others) have gone to the cattle camps, which are about five hours’ walk from the village. Pray for safety there from raiders, and that they themselves will not be raiders.
Some of the believers, including Lokolong, have also gone to the cattle camps. There they will depend more on the stories and songs they’ve already heard, and the Holy Spirit within. Pray for them to be faithful to follow Jesus there, and share readily with those around them.


Three Arab and two Berber new believers are now talking about baptism. Please ask for unity and trust and discernment for each one to know what to do together/separately. Ask for obedience and growing faith.

Demon be gone in Jesus Name!

There is a family struggling with a demon tormenting their teenage daughter. After two intense prayer sessions, last night the demon left. However, several hours later, a demon returned. Satan wants to steal our faith in God’s ability to change this island. There is a clear choice before us, not just to stand in faith but to sound a full volume battle cry declaring that our God will be victorious. I think there is more at stake here than just freedom for this girl and for her family.
In battles there are turning points and I wonder in the long uphill struggle that is ministry here on the island, whether this is such a moment. If it is, we need to seize it, we need to stir others to join. I think this is a moment to step out. Please pray!

A Firm Foundation for this New Believer

A man from a nearby village joined us for worship this week and came saying he was ready to receive Christ! Pray for a firm foundation for his new faith and that his wife and children would receive salvation as well!

Sisters and Moms

Pray that God would continue to give boldness to his children to speak with their families! A set of sisters keep bringing their mom to hear the gospel and one courageously explained personally the gospel to her mom two days ago and her mom seemed ready to hear more. She said her third sister would believe if she heard, but her oldest believing sister is afraid for her to tell her.
In a separate family, the believing daughter is afraid to tell her family… but she brought a foreigner to share… and the mom wants to study the Word! The daughter also wants to invite a local sister to join in. Praise God for this boldness! May God continue to draw families to Himself!

memory cards

Lift up the work of producing memory cards for people in the village with portions of scripture and words from gospel songs on them. Ask that those who receive them really would commit them to memory and start to hide God’s word in their hearts.


We give thanks for several baptisms over Christmas. We also celebrated a number of believers who completed discipleship training. One is the wife of Immanuel. This couple desires to move to Mangasta to minister there. We thank the Lord that they seem to be working through some marriage difficulties and their passion for the gospel to come to Mangasta has been rekindled. Immanuel has not gone through the training but desires to do so. Pray that he will have that opportunity and that other barriers in Mangasta will be broken down.