Pray for the Christians–evangelists, pastors, business owners–who are moving into Datooga towns in order to share the gospel and plant churches among them. Pray for them to be strong and courageous, and to persevere in the work. Pray for their sending churches to support them well, and pray for them. Pray for much fruit.
Diaspora in Minnesota
* Praise God that we are finding creative ways to connect with some refugee friends even amidst COVID and the cold weather. We have been able to go snowboarding and ice skating.
* Pray for these relationships to continue to develop. Pray that they understand the gospel message as Jesus is normally a significant part of our discussions.
Weekly training and studies
Pray for the weekly Bible studies and teachers’ training that Marlene continues to lead, that there would be a hunger and thirst for more knowledge and understanding of the Bible, that people would commit themselves to attending the studies and training, and that God’s Word would be a light that reveals truth and hope to all the Lopit.
Diaspora in South Carolina
* On a recent prayer walk we were praying for a Indian family and as we passed by their house a man came out of the garage and we were able to have a long chat with him(JD) and his father(BL). There are 4 generations living in the house. We mentioned we were followers of Jesus and found out they are Hindu and attend (pre covid) a nearby Hindu Temple. We expressed interest in getting to know them better. Pray for additional opportunities.
* Then just yesterday in another part of our walk we met another Indian (we think he is Hindu) who has been here for over 15 years. Pray as we plan time to meet up with these families.
* We did give our Liberian neighbor a children’s Nativity Christmas story book to read to her three young children. Pray for them.
God’s drawing power!
Pray for God to lead us to share with those who He’s been working in and drawing – that all of our team may bear much lasting fruit.
Diaspora in Malta
*Thankful for being able to serve here in Malta during a global pandemic and still see God moving in me and in the people around me.
* Praise to start using the 3 circles tool at our youth group so the teens can have an easy way of sharing Jesus with their friends. Pray for boldness and the Lord’s leading to open hearts.
* Praise to have been able to tell the story of Jesus’ birth to my Muslim friends. Pray the Lord will grant them faith to believe it.
School’s Open!
Praise God for the start of schools again! It’s so good to see the students back at Tirrim. We have new teachers, new students, and some new structure to the school. We praise God for all that He has done and is going to do here! Our prayer request is that the staff and students remain healthy, and for our new teachers who are not from Northern Kenya as they adjust to a new environment. Pray for disciples who make disciples to Jesus.
Diaspora in Kentucky
* Praise God for avenues both locally and globally to connect with and minister to S people.
* Praise God for our home church and other churches in Kentucky who are reaching out.
* Pray for opportunities to reconnect with S friends after a busy holiday season.
* Pray that those reaching out to S people would be prayerful, bold, and patient.
* Pray for a healthy S church, for sound doctrine, godliness, unity, and leadership.
The uncertainty of these times is causing S. Asians to feel insecure. Pray that they will realize the cornerstone and firm foundation is the Lord Jesus Christ, and that they will put their trust in Him.
Diaspora in Canada
* Praise that our seeker friend N is safe and happy in the believer’s home where she is now staying.
* Please pray for students, both young and old, and their families affected by our latest lockdown. We have a province wide lockdown going on right now, and many students in our area will not be back in school except online for the next month. Please pray for us to continue to have an effective witness in those families via ZOOM, or telephone.
* We’re still allowed outside meetings – please pray that our fireside chats about Jesus will continue and grow.
* Pray for Christians from our favorite people group struggling with mental, emotional and spiritual issues right now.
* Pray for renewed contacts with two young men who were on fire for Jesus and then dropped off the map.
Pray that the Word of God will dwell richly in the Borana, that they will speak to one another in Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in their hearts to Him. Pray that through this more Borana will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
Diaspora in Portland
* Pray about our next steps in the continuing discipleship of the local Ethiopian young people and their parents. On December 20th, we concluded 6 months of weekly Zoom Bible classes for Ethiopian youth! The day before, Pastor Wo. led us through Portland to deliver gift bags and cookies to most of the youth in our class. What fun! We were delighted to finally meet—most for the first time— parents and children in each family. We gave our students certificates of participation, and encouraged them to continue to make God’s Word a lamp for their feet and a light for their path!
* Pray for a job for our Christian Iranian friend, Sa., with his wife and 2 little boys. We would love it if the job was local so that after COVID we might continue to partner together.
Diaspora in South America
* Pray for the difficulties that we are finding to restart the ministries in different cities in Brazil this year. The Covid situation is complicated and many restrictions are making it hard to be close to everyone.
* Pray that this year 2021 we will begin to reap fruit from the seeds that we sowed in 2020. Pray that many will respond to the Gospel.
Needing comfort and courage
There have been two deaths in the immediate families of local believers… both were young and seemed healthy and then were suddenly dead within one day. Both believers are struggling with thoughts of family members facing eternity separate from Jesus… one had heard some of the gospel; the other was vocally Muslim. Pray for the faith of the believers… that they would not be crushed under guilt for not speaking and that they will not drift to lies of ‘all being saved’ because of their pain. May they have courage to speak the gospel to remaining family.
Diaspora in France
* Here in Strasbourg we are looking towards reopening our café, potentially just as take-away coffee and baked goods. Please pray that God gives us wisdom in this.
* Lockdown in France lifted on Dec 15, and I have been able to have friends over again! I’m looking forward to continuing that this month, but I need wisdom in whom to invite, and how often. Praise God for the good spiritual conversations – especially the recent occasion to tell the Christmas story with a new North African friend, Alice! She said she wants to invite me to her home sometime this month – please pray that this friendship develops! Please pray also for more conversations and openness with other friends that I meet up with.
* Pray for two Middle Eastern friends – one who is engaged and pregnant and looking for mom-friends, and her sister who is seeking. Please pray that God would use this time to draw them to Himself, and that He would show me how to be a good “older sister” and friend to them both.
Chiefs and leaders
Pray for our O chiefs and leaders, and their extended families to respond to the Gospel message! May they lead their people into the most important decisions ever made – to become disciples of Jesus who will be obedient to go and make more disciples.
Diaspora in UK
* We thank God for the Luke 1-2 presentations prior to Christmas. Pray that the ladies and international students who heard would accept Jesus as their Saviour.
* With the retirement of 2 colleagues in this coming year, ask God to provide volunteers for the ministries of His choosing.
Covid outbreak
Please pray for our little island. Covid is wreaking havoc. There have been 9 deaths since last night in a population of 36,000. I know 4 of the 9, 2 in my village were old men, but the other 2 I knew in town were much younger. Pray for people to cry out to God for mercy and be saved.
Diaspora in Portland
* Pray for my North African friend. I gave her an English/Arabic Gospel of Luke inviting her to read the story of Jesus’ birth. She gladly accepted it. Please pray that she will read it and keep on reading. I hope to meet with her soon to talk about it. Please pray that God will soften her heart towards Him and give her the faith to believe what she reads. Several of us have shared the Hope we have a number of times.
* Pray that I will make the most of every opportunity as I interact with neighbors and others in our community; that I will have good questions prepared that lead to Spirt-led conversations and open hearts.
Lonely Woman
Pray for a young S. Asian woman who miscarried her first child a few months ago. She is lonely and unhappy in her marriage. Pray for opportunities to spend time with Christians and for her genuine interest in friendship will turn into a desire to enter into friendship with Jesus Christ.
Diaspora in Washington
* We Praise Jesus! The brother of N was safely returned to his family the week of Christmas. N is proclaiming the power of God in mercifully answering our prayers with his return. (A ransom was paid by the family.) Please continue to pray this family sees the need for a final ransom payment paid by the blood of Jesus. Romans 5:8-9
* We praise Jesus! Mommy & Toddler class has had consistent attendance of at least 2 families each week with 5 other families coming sporadically. Please pray the Lord opens their hearts to the words of Jesus and salvation. Acts 16:14-15
* We praise Jesus! God has physically healed many of our friends and students for his glorious purposes. Psalm 96:3
* We praise Jesus! He has provided many spiritual conversations focused on his words among unreached people in this area and we ask him for more!! John 10:27-28.
Light in the darkness
In the village of Chapita, a church has acquired a piece of land and an evangelist and his family have moved to this village. We are praying with them for open doors to share the good news. This is the first church presence in this village and surrounding area.
Diaspora in Missouri
* Praise that our house church in Noel is growing.
* Pray for our Somali and Sudanese communities in Noel. The African store, the Mosque and another storefront burned to the ground on December 28th. One individual passed away from serious burns, several have lost their homes and belongings, and this business was a vital hub of these communities. Pray with us that this will be a unifying event for the local church and the city.
* We are planning to have question and answer sessions on medical topics with our different people groups beginning this month. Please pray for the planning, good participation, and opportunities for fruitful discussion pertaining to the Gospel beyond the sessions.
A genuine seeker.
Pray for O who is diligently seeking for answers and understanding of Scripture. May God convict his heart and draw him to become a wholehearted disciple of Jesus who will make more disciples who will make more…
Diaspora in Florida
* Pray for our two imam friends.
* Pray for Li. online Bible Study which starts today (Jan 6).
* Pray for Ladies Tea with Muslim friends on January 9
* Pray for “N”., a Muslim man, who is very aggressive and requires a lot of emotional energy from me.
Diaspora in California
* Praise God that His mercies are new every morning! Great is His faithfulness.
* Pray for our team to be bold in our witness and united in spirit as we continue to meet up with International students. May they come to faith in Christ. Pray that the Lord softens their hearts so to be receptive to the Gospel.
God Has Come To Deliver Us!
Saved or unsaved, God loves the whole world. Pray that the Nyamwezi would not be blind to God’s love for them nor cold to the actions of God. Lord, open the hearts of individuals and their whole households to receiving You. Please deliver them from the domain of darkness and set them free. “And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them; I will remove their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh” Ezekiel 11:19
Outreach event
In Somanga leading up to new year’s eve, the EAGT held an outreach event. The average attendance at each service was around 200. Many people asked for and received prayer. And in spite of the dark, forbidding clouds each evening, the rains never started until half an hour after everything was finished. Please pray for continued boldness of the church in this dark area.
God’s Word Will Achieve His Purposes
As the rain and the snow, come down from heaven, and do not return to it
without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:10,11
These verses have been a great encouragement to me. God’s Word has gone out in Lchakwai and many surrounding communities. We are not there now to water the seed, yet God promises His word will accomplish what He desires and achieve the purpose for which He sent it. Remind God of this promise and pray for a rich harvest among the Samburu in these communities.
Answered prayer!
Thank you for praying. PTL that God has convicted Mike’s wife to turn away from seeking to please people, and commit to wholeheartedly following Jesus (again!) Pray that she’s genuine and will bear eternal fruit! Pray for God’s empowerment of Mike in Scripture translation, and that the organization will allow him to move back close to his home and family – who need him.
Seminar 6 and 7 January
We will be holding another training seminar this Wednesday and Thursday. Pray with us for God to touch the souls of the participants. The topic is entrepreneurship, and the principles come from the Bible, though many Muslims are participating. Pray for their salvation and open doors for the gospel.
Pande Plot
Ezekieli, one of the young national missionaries in Pande Plot, is getting married. Please pray that his wife would have a heart for ministry in this remote, unreached/unchurched village. Also pray for their marriage, that God would protect this symbol of His relationship with His church in a culture that does not honor marriage.
Also pray for the gathering of believers in Pande Plot. Ezekieli and his ministry partner, Ali, have gathered together the 8 people who identify as Christians into a church and started meeting regularly. Please pray that these believers would be bold in proclaiming their faith to those around them and reach out into the community.
Prayer requests
1. Pray for disciples and their leaders and sustainability.
2. Pray for growth and strength among disciples
3. Pray for disciples’ spiritual growth
4. Pray against the spirit of persecution in Toposaland
5. Pray for new areas to be reached
…50 long years!
Recently, a few of the disciples within Karamoja [Moroto] had the opportunity to share Christ in a village in Lotome. A gentleman stood up and declared that he was a witch doctor and hadn’t heard the Gospel since he was baptised as a baby. That was over 50 YEARS ago!! He invited them back and said that he was eager to hear the Gospel again and asked that a teacher of the Word be sent to his village. Please pray that God will raise up teachers of God’s Word to share with this man, his village and the other villages in the area.
Burdened for Special Insight
Pray that the Nyamwezi would leave the lie believing sacrificial practices unify the living to ancestors. May they instead be “wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus,” (2 Tim. 3:15) and be unified in fellowship with Christ, joining in worshipping God with other believers this Christmas season and throughout the New Year. Lord, solidify your church. Lord, draw more Nyamwezi to yourself, may they be wise for salvation.
Neem m’issionary update
Success comes at a price
I mentioned B, a new Neem MBB missionary, previously. Positive news is that he is helping record an audio version of portions of Genesis (already translated) and hopefully other scriptures available for testing. There has been one lady turn to Christ but her family is trying to have B evicted from his house. Pray that God will help him in all these circumstances and that the audio project might come to fruition soon and bring glory to God
Prayer requests
1. Pray for Joseph and his wife and their ministry
2. Pray for the young churches and disciples
3. Pray for provision for a motorcycle for Joseph
Incarnational living
Likawage is an outreach post where a Timo team is to begin late 2021. There is much to pray for: relationship building, house preparations, and incarnational living by the national team leader. Several people have already responded to the Gospel! Pray for boldness as they witness in this completely Islamic village in southern Tanzania.
Prayer requests
1. Pray for disciples, leaders, and sustainability
2. Pray for the young churches
3. Pray for water in lopyat
4. Pray for peace with neighbors
5. Pray for the outreach in January till March
Good sharing times
Thank God that we are having good sharing times with our friends and building more solid friendship with our students who are in training. Ask God to grant them faith.
Please also remember those who are divorced by their husbands and raising their kids alone with not much income. Pray for God’s mercy.