Zealous People

A number of Christian workers have recently had to leave the Digo. Please pray for many more to replace them, for believers in Christ to go live among the Digo and share the gospel and teach Scripture. Pray that as the Digo have been known for their zeal for Islam in the past, soon they will become known for an even greater zeal for Christ.


Pray for the outreach planned for next week among the Jiye. Ask God to prepare many hearts to hear and respond to the gospel.

More and More of Them

South Asian Muslims fear the reprisals if they leave Islam to follow Christ. They fear the reactions of their extended families. Nevertheless, more and more of them have a deep hunger to know more about the Bible and Jesus Christ. More and more of them are dissatisfied with their present way of life. Pray for spiritual breakthroughs. Pray for many to be saved and confess Christ openly.

Needing deliverance

Several of the new believers battle panic attacks and depression. Two have said that when they try to call on Jesus’ name, their tongues feel heavy, unable to move. Please ask for deliverance from fear, from unforgiveness and lies. Ask that each be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit and be freed by calling on the Name of Jesus in the moments that fears and lies try to rise. Pray that believers would ‘set aside any deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.’

Into the Sheepfold

Please pray for the Datooga to ponder what it means that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Pray for those who are Christian pastors to consider His example and follow in His steps. Pray for those who feel lost and like needy sheep to return to the Shepherd and Guardian of their souls. Pray for many Datooga who have wandered in the wilderness to find their way into the sheepfold of Jesus Christ, and His full salvation.

Falling in Love with Jesus

Pray for the Borana people to fall in love with Jesus Christ. Pray for them to hear the Word of God through Christian radio, through Scripture engagement, through friends who know and love Christ. Pray for the believers to walk worthy of the gospel and speak boldly of the salvation that is available to those who put their faith in Jesus. Pray for strong Christ-centered churches in every Borana town and village.

Needing Christ

There are very few Tuareg women who believe. Pray for women to come to faith. And pray for men to be delivered from alcohol. Many spend most of their salary on drink and have little left to provide for their families.

Arab believers interceding

Praise Jesus for online prayer groups of Arabic speaking believers from Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Egypt who pray sometimes through the night for their Berber sister when she is afraid . They have been faithful to call to repentance, to give words of knowledge, to battle with the Word on her behalf. Ask that these scattered Arabs continue to walk in the Spirit and pray fervently. Praise Jesus for how their prayers are changing lives here.

A Way To Reach Them?

A number of single young Zaramo men are interested in the gospel. Is there a way to reach them by using art? Or sports? Pray for guidance and enabling for the Tanzanian Christian teacher who lives among them and shares the gospel with them.

Falling in Love with Jesus

Pray for a S. Asian woman who needs Jesus as her Savior. Pray that she will read the Christian books and the Bible she has gladly received. Pray that she will meet regularly with her Christian friend to read Scripture together. Pray that she will fall in love with Jesus to such an extent that she does not care what she will sacrifice in order to be with Him. And pray for her whole family to follow her into that Love.

Transformational Development

Pray for our Dorobo leaders being invited to a transformational development seminar on March 23-28 at Malewa. Pray for the right ones to come and that they could influence in their communities with this teaching to teach them to rely on the Lord. These communities have been held back by honey-wine and the accompanying poverty.

Blessed to be a Blessing

Could I ask for prayer for those that we have trained in the TCT programme (Truth Centred Transformation) as facilitators as they work with our little group of believers. Pray that God would grow them in their heart for Him and their understanding that they have been blessed to be a blessing. Pray that our community of believers would also begin to really grasp this at a deep level and begin to live it out. We would love to see their lives transformed by this truth and see it outworking in their own lives as well as in their interactions with others in the community.

Fear not

Pray for believers to be strong in the Lord and not fear their Muslim families or community.

Some church leaders have married outside the faith. Pray they would be faithful to the Lord and not be swayed from the faith.

More laborers

We praise the Lord that there are now three churches planted by local believers in three different villages around Ikongo, and two other villages are asking Jean Baptiste to come start a church in their villages as well. Jean Baptiste is the only Malagasy partner serving in this area at present and is asking for more labourers to come serve with him. The harvest is great but the labourers are few. He hopes to bring two or three believers from these three churches to the Malagasy training in April. Please pray for Jean Baptiste that the Lord will sustain him and strengthen him. Also pray for more workers to join him in this work among the Tanala.

May the good news spread

Pray for Fulani believers to be faithful and bold in sharing their faith with their neighbors. Pray some will desire to spread the gospel to new areas. Ask the Lord to build His church among all Fulani peoples!

Faithful prayers

The events surrounding the girl with the demon has united workers and driven faith to new heights. We are excited to see what God has in store for this island. Ask with us that this would truly be a year of lasting breakthrough.

Forgiveness and peace

Karamoja has been experiencing insecurity since the beginning of January- raiding between clans and people getting shot. Some young guys who went to raid were stoned by another clan. A local lay reader in church and his wife living in another clan had their lives threatened and warriors tried to enter their house and kill them. Please lift up Karamoja! For the warriors to repent and come to Christ, people to forgive rather than revenge kill, and peace between clans.

Fearing God more than man

Pray for Dr. R. Six weeks ago she was convinced that Islam was true and that she would never ever change from following Allah and his prophet Mohamed. Yesterday, she brought up spiritual things again. “I want to be a Christian. I believe that Jesus is Lord and I’ve found more peace in Him than in Mohamed, but I want to go to Europe to become a Christian where people won’t laugh at me. If I become a Christian here people will point their finger at me and say I’ve been lost.” Please pray that Dr. R fears God more than man. Pray for abundant peace in her heart as she figures out what it means to follow Jesus. Pray she continues to seek truth. Pray Jesus speaks directly to her heart the things she needs to hear. Praise Him for what He’s doing!

Church and Students Worshiping God Together

Secondary Students at the Christian school have had after-church -service discussion questions for two weeks now and the response has been so beautiful. The students are thanking us for the opportunity to share with their classmates who don’t know Jesus. The staff are excited for a less formal opportunity to discuss Christianity. We asked an adult choir from a church nearby to come worship with us and help lead our discussion groups. The weeks have been so rich and we praise God for this time of studying God’s Word TOGETHER as church and school.


Praise God for several women who received the gift of salvation! Now for challenging follow up, especially for the ones who live far away! Pray for Ex, New Mom, and her 3 guests to tell others the Good News they’ve heard, and to hunger and seek for more Truth and to talk much with God.

Rain needed!

While some parts of Madagascar are experiencing flooding, the drought is severe in the South of Madagascar, including the Betroka area where the Bara live. Lack of rain has caused the fields to dry up, and now the people are struggling with no food and no water. God has clearly opened doors for us to use Farming God’s Way as a tool for reaching out with the gospel. But we lack the rain that we need to see the rice, manioc, beans and sweet potatoes grow! Please ask that the Lord of the harvest would send rain and enable all the seeds to flourish – the physical and those sown in people’s hearts.

Thirteen Years Ago

Please pray for my language helper who I met 13 years ago in England!
Recently, I have made contact with her and she is studying her religion and she also invited me to study together! She wanted to compare the two Books – Quran and Bible to see what they say about Jesus! Please pray for her, may God open her mind and give her vision, so that she will know that Jesus is her Saviour!

Outreach meeting

“To be Mwani is to be Muslim” to the extreme that many people no longer consider a person to be Mwani if they have accepted Christ. The Pemba team is planning and praying for a meeting on February 22nd. It will be a time of singing, with Bible story and personal testimony shared by two of the Mwani believers. Pray for God to use these connections powerfully for His Kingdom.

Church planting training

Esther reports that a one-month intensive church-planting training is scheduled to be held in March. Eight students have registered so far, but they need ten. Please pray for another two applicants so the training can take place. Praise God that a missionary couple from Tanzania have come to join Esther in the work. Also, she is leading a program at her church to train small group leaders. This is a new thing for the church to have small groups, but the leadership is excited. Pray that the pastor would train the leaders and that this would be a great ministry for the church.

The Pearl of Great Price

Please pray for Islanders who have heard the truth about salvation through Jesus Christ to realize He is their only hope, and pray that their desire to own that pearl of great price will lead them to sell everything else they have to gain Him. Pray also for holy boldness for believers to gather together to worship their Lord and Savior.

Diaspora in USA

R & C are looking at some new discipleship relationships. Pray those go well and that we can help develop some young faiths.
R has met a Sudanese guy at a local coffee shop! Pray for open doors to share the gospel with him.

Glorify God with One Voice

Pray for many Ik people to hear the gospel and be saved. Pray for this gospel to spread from person to person, family to family, village to village. Pray for a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit to form believers into churches, and for the Ik to glorify God with one voice for their salvation.

Diaspora in USA

Praise for the opportunities we’ve had with Int’l Students to share fun times and the gospel recently. Please pray for the seeds to bear fruit.
Please continue to pray for A., an Indian Hindu student who has shown a great interest in attending church and learning about Jesus.

They Heard It On The Radio

Praise the Lord for many Gabbra villages that have heard the Scriptures via Christian radio and are begging for evangelists and missionaries to come share more with them. Pray for leaders to be trained quickly, and for this new openness and hunger for the gospel to continue to spread far and wide. Pray for a reproducing, Christ-centered church among the Gabbra, and for the missionaries who work among them to be full of wisdom and strength.

Diaspora in UK

Pray for more volunteers at the Thursday night Homework Club with middle and high school Somali girls.
Pray for the startup of another homework club using Christian University students as the tutors for the immigrant middle and high school children.
Pray for spiritual fruit within each ministry activity. Please join us in praying for at least one person from each ministry to accept Jesus as their Saviour in 2020. Bearing in mind that some ministries have gone on for years with no visible spiritual fruit, this is a bold request.

Direct Their Paths

Praise the Lord for the Dorobo churches, pastors and leaders, evangelists and missionaries who are planting new churches in areas where Christ is not yet known. Pray for the Dorobo who feel called by God to be cross-cultural missionaries to other tribes without the gospel. Pray for the Lord to direct their paths.

Diaspora in France

Praise God for E., an eastern-European Muslim teenager who wants to study the Bible and is drawn to Jesus. Her family has been coming to church regularly, but she is the first of the four to step forward like this, and she’s afraid of how they (and her extended family) may respond. Pray that we can start studying the Bible together.
Praise God for R., my friend who’s studying with me via text. We are discussing the Messianic prophecies, and she’s already linked them to Jesus. Pray that God would speak to her and her husband and reveal Himself to them both.

Datooga People Coming To Jesus

Praise the Lord that more and more churches are being planted among the Datooga. Praise the Lord for the Scripture recordings that have spread far and wide. Praise the Lord that there are many Datooga who are coming to faith in Christ. Please pray for missionaries to be raised up who will live among the Datooga in some of the villages that have no witness and no church yet. Pray that they will be able to stay a long time and train leaders who can carry on when they are gone.

Diaspora in Brazil

Pray for the B. family as they visit the city of Caxias do Sul in February so that we can prepare the last details of partnerships and they can start their assignment there in March.
Pray that God will help us to advance in the relationships that we already have with our African friends and we can start making new disciples of Christ among them.
Pray that the Brazilian church and its members will know how to welcome the refugees and the immigrants as Jesus welcomed us, without fear, but with generosity and love.

Continuing to Meet

Praise the Lord that the Borana Christians continue to meet for Scripture reading, worship, and evangelism. Pray that their churches will continue to be united in spirit, intent on the purpose of making the gospel known in every Borana village and town. Pray for a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit among the Borana.

Diaspora in USA

Pray for RAISE, a non-profit organization in Noel Missouri, to find a building to base its services for refugees. There’s a vacant grocery store building that would serve well but the asking price is too high.
Pray for wisdom in coming along side members who are in need of support and encouragement.
Pray for our (slowly) growing relationship with Mo from Noel.

Faith in Christ

Pray that in many towns and villages, Bara people will come to faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Pray that the Lord will gather them together into Christ-centered churches. Pray that those churches will multiply and plant more churches. Pray for a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit among the Bara.

Diaspora in Portland

Pray for the ministry in Portland through our friendship center. M & J particularly, have never had such intense opportunities AND opposition, all at the same time—there is definitely stuff going on behind the scenes! (even spiritually)
Remember our prayer request for the Iranian ESL student who is very ill with cancer? My Christian Iranian friend and I have set up three appointments with this student and his wife—and a medical emergency has stopped us each time. Finally, last week, MC and another Christian Iranian met with him, prayed, and shared the Gospel again. But he was still not ready. We are sad, but while he still has breath, we pray for a change of heart.

They Are Listening

Pray for two young Somali men who are in contact with Christians and enrolled in a program that includes Bible study several times a week. Pray that through the Scriptures and through the circumstances of their lives God will lead them to recognize that there is no salvation except through Jesus Christ. Pray that they will commit their lives to Him and become bold and faithful witnesses.

Diaspora in Wisconsin

Praise for a very fruitful Pastors/Imam meeting and lunch last month. Keep praying for the follow-up discussions with the imams. Pray for open and soften hearts and a willingness to hear the Gospel News. Pray that their presumptions about Christianity will not keep them from wanting to know the truth.