
Pray for the healing of a long standing rift between 2 groups of believers here. Praise Father for a small group of sisters (2 families from different groups) who have recently started meeting to read and encourage one another. They live in the same village but neither knew of the others. May they grow in love and trust for one another and pave the way for reconciliation.

meeting together

Noblesse has been encouraging Khalifha, a Laarim Christian in the village of Chawua, to start and lead a DBS in his village. After several months of praying and waiting, Khalifa shared this with Noblesse: “I have started to gather my family and we read the Bible with them…I have invited others and they have come.” Thank God for Khalifha’s commitment to Christ and growth as a leader. Pray that he will be faithful to follow through on his plans to lead this Bible study (the makings of a church!) in Chawua.

New believer

Pastor Guyo reports that they have a new believer coming for regular meetings. His wife has also been coming for some teaching. Pray that the wife will also believe and that they will both grow and share their faith boldly and wisely to make more disciples!

Serving with Light in the Darkness

Pray for this year’s graduates from Bible School as they return to their local villages to serve in ongoing and expanding church ministries. May they Biblically handle with wisdom any spiritual battles as they lead. These areas are steeped in witchcraft, and congregations often struggle under the burden of strongholds, and attacks from the enemy. Pray that believers will live with power and purpose in Christ and know that the authority of Christ will set them free.

Remove obstacles and proclaim good news

Pray for all those who identify as followers of Jesus in town (many workers in government institutions and businesses). Pray that at this time of celebration we will see the opportunities which are available to remove obstacles and misunderstandings and proclaim good news through our lives and words. Pray God would be glorified.

Tea times

Continued concerns over Covid mean our usual big Xmas parties aren’t happening this year, but many tea times are instead. The smaller context actually makes it easier to have spiritual conversations and many in our group are using the character of Joseph in the coming of Jesus to talk about how God talks to us, obedience, and Immanuel/God with us. Ask for courage in these conversations and receptiveness to the Word.

know their Saviour

Please pray for Alagwa believers this Christmas. May they know their Saviour more deeply and share the good news of salvation with many others.

Final weeks

There are only a few weeks left for the Kimatong “men’s team” until Noblesse, Dan and Joel’s terms come to an end. Pray that even in these final weeks the Lord would give wisdom as they seek to help establish the believers as the Laarim church. Pray that God will establish His church among the Laarim. Pray from Jeremiah 17:7-8 for the Christians there: “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Special showing of JF

In one village, there will be an afternoon showing of the Jesus Film especially for women this Wednesday. Please pray that God will prepare hearts to receive him.

Christmas opportunities

Pray for all the planned Christmas sharing, meals and hospitality to be received and responded to -that a breakthrough of a disciple making movement may begin in O land!


On December 23 we are hosting a team outreach party for local followers and local friends who do not yet know Christ. Please pray that the Light of the World would shine brightly during that event and those who believe would be encouraged and bold. We pray that those that do not yet know the Savior would experience the Love of Christ and see the goodness of the gospel of grace.

Being watched

The believers were planning to meet for Christmas but two of the older believers have been pulled in repeatedly by intelligence these last few weeks so they are wondering if the gathering should happen. And if so… where to meet? Both places they have used are being watched now… one of the local brothers, whose wife doesn’t yet believe, opened his home for a small group of men last week… but I don’t think he’s willing to open it up to women or a larger group… pray for courage and wisdom please.

Deep discussion

In class yesterday, one of the students mentioned about the death of a friend and I shared that two of my friends had died the previous week. This led to a lengthy discussion on death, where we believe the dead go, … we touched on paradise, eternal hell, purpose of life, money, God, … and the main discussion was actually about our purpose in this world. The Som** students agreed that our purpose is to worship God, obey Him, serve Him, and relate well with others.
Pray that we will continue with the discussion next week as I want to introduce them to Jesus and the reason He came. We all agreed that this is the most important topic. Also pray that God will touch their hearts to see the true Light of the world especially as we go into Christmas.

We have invited them and other friends for an outing on 23rd December. Please pray with us that God will guide our conversation to explain about Christmas.

Jiye update

Pray for God to open many doors for fruitful ministry for the disciples in Kassengor.
Thank God for brother Shalo in Nauyapuru. Ask God to bless his ministry.
Pray for the Jie disciples to be disciple makers.

Mama S

Mama S lives across the street from me and due to the very hot weather we have been sitting together under the shade on a mat sewing and talking about life. I had the chance to talk to her about Jesus twice. She listens and then changes the topic. Please pray for an open heart to hear the Word.

Focused on Making Money

A young S. Asian mother was raised in a Hindu family but is mostly busy with business and making money. She is open to friendship and seems to want advice about raising her teens. Pray for the Lord to deepen her friendship with a believing woman and that through that friendship she will come to know the Lord.

First time

On Monday December 20, I am hosting a women and kids party at our place. Please pray for me as I share about the Son and His love for them. For some this may be the first time of hearing the good news and for others we pray it will be the time that the Father opens their hearts to learn more about Jesus and choose to follow Him.

Diaspora in Canada

My friend ‘Ivan’ has been reading his Bible lately and is much more reasonable in conversation. Please pray that God will use what he reads to lead him to real commitment to Jesus as
Saviour AND Lord.
Praise for some good gospel conversations in the barber shop lately, and for fruitful ESL conversations
with Muslim women in our classes.
Praise for an unexpected opportunity to share the Gospel with a friend of ours we hadn’t seen for many years. Pray for further gospel interactions with this person and adult children who are very challenging.
Pray for ‘Lili’ who has a tough life with many heartaches. Please pray for her son to find work
in spite of many strikes against him. Pray for wisdom how to be a blessing to her. Pray also
for the opportunity to share our hope with her in a way she can understand.

Mama H

H is a single mom with two small children. I gave her a book of John and shared Scripture with her, prayed with her and gave her a gift of food from the whole team. Since then, she has asked great questions like “Why was the veil torn when Jesus died?” She has gone to a prayer event with the Kondoa team and expressed that she has never seen this level of love before like our team has shown her. Most recently her, Mama B, and I had a discussion on the urgency to choose Jesus as Lord and Savior. Mama H said she believed that Jesus is the way to be saved. It is obvious that the Spirit is working in each of their hearts. Please pray for a radical transformation in the hearts of Mama H and Mama B, and that they would turn their lives over to Christ.

Raining and reigning

Praise the Lord with us that the rains have come to O-land, the grass is growing and the animals have food to eat. Many animals have died because of the drought – Pray that the economy will improve and God will continue to provide for the physical needs, as well as a spiritual outpouring that they would receive Jesus to reign in their hearts!

Reconciliation talks

Please pray for the reconciliation talks between Lohutok and Ibahure villages. This is to take place on Fri 17th Dec. Please pray for wisdom for those leading it. For the local believers to stand up and speak against the history of violence and revenge and for hearts to be changed. Pray for the peace of God which surpasses all understanding to be present over the days leading up to and days following these talks.

Diaspora in Canada

Pray for open hearts for gospel conversations with my driving instruction students as we spend 2 hrs a week together.
Pray for the newcomer students I’m mentoring in a small group at Freedom International School.
Pray for our Somali friends A and S who have been struggling with families back in Africa who struggle
medically and financially. Pray that we would use this as an opportunity to share the gospel with these
young men.

Heralding the Gospel

“Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you” (Mark 5:19). Pray for widespread outreaches during the five week long break while students are home from school in Tanzania. It is planting season, so it is a busy time, but also families enjoy unhurried time together and it is an ideal time to share the story of Christmas with others. Pray for an massive response to the Gospel message, personally, with friends and family sharing what God has done for them, and in whole communities as guest speakers and choirs go on tour to new areas holding special Christmas outdoor meetings.

Diaspora in Florida

Pray for opportunities to share with our Muslim friends where our inner peace comes from amid all the hardships of loss and grief, on so many different levels, we are going through.

Rooted in God’s words

A Digo woman named Suzan has been doing Bible study for about 3 months. Please pray that her faith will be rooted and built up in God’s words so that she will grow into a channel of the Gospel to her neighbors, overcoming the fear of building relationships with her Muslim neighbors.

Diaspora in Missouri

We’re thankful to have the opportunity to connect with our Somali friend in Noel recently. He’s a truck
driver now and more difficult to see. Pray for how we continue to build our relationship with
him. Pray, too, that through his many travels he will meet other Christian men who walk with the Lord and will share the Gospel with Mo.

Demonstrating God’s love

From 27th – 29th December, a group from the church (southern Chadians) will visit a small village hoping to impart the good news to the people there, doing acts of service – cleaning the market and health work – to demonstrate practically God’s love. Pray that a preparatory visit this coming week will take place and for the 3 day visit that God will protect from logistical challenges and that many might hear and understand the good news. Pray for enough Arabic speakers on the team and that we will meet enough Arabic speaking women to translate into Neem when necessary. Pray for much fruit and that the church will be diligent in following up those who show interest. There is no church at all in this village.

Diaspora in Minnesota

Continue to pray for momentum in the Somali ESL class. Pray that the class will grow and produce great relationships.
Continue to pray for Mr. A. This month he told me that he is no longer a Muslim but that he wants to be a Christian. I responded with, “What does being a Christian mean to you?” His answer did not fully reflect the truth of the Gospel. I have shared the gospel with Mr. A on numerous occasions. I shared it again on that day and yet our time was limited.
Pray for the multiple teams who will be welcoming Afghan’s into our community this month. Pray for the Afghans to see Christ in their actions.

Peace and Provision

Pray for disciples in all villages to share the Christmas message.
Pray for the gospel to reach the remote villages.
Pray for peace between all neighbours of Toposa.
Pray for provision of food as the rain failed this season.

Wait patiently

Time in the Word was so special and humbling to see the HS use it to crumble the lies Joy’s husband has been saying: “You have all these family problems because you are far from God since you turned from Islam – that’s why your prayers are unanswered.”
But when we looked at Elizabeth and Zacharias, how long did they patiently wait for an answer for a child? Perhaps they even stopped asking given their age. But they didn’t ‘give up’ on the Father or His goodness. Instead, “they were both righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord.” With every human reason to be angry with God and the shame He allowed them to endure, they patiently continue to draw near and trust the Father. Please ask that these truths would comfort Joy and give her fuel for more spiritual conversations with her husband.

Diaspora in Spain

Pray for the new home churches at Puerto Real (with trafficked women), Puerto de Santa María and Sanlucar.
Pray for R & H in Zagora (Berber ministry) and the new people reached at Ar-Rachidia. I
need to travel soon to oversee the ministry. (More than 1000 people reached with the medical team, mainly the interpreters interested in Jesus.)
Pray for wisdom during 2022 to start affinity events with the 2,000 people reached in Cadiz during covid.
Pray for my health (after my bad experience on my last trip to Sahara desert – one guy tried to kill me) sometimes I am filled with anxiety.

Diaspora in UK

Thank God for the increased attendance by women to the activities and for the spiritual interest especially in the sewing group where we share God’s word each week.
Ask God to show us how best to present the meaning of Christmas in each ministry setting (sewing,
Friends, Homework club, international families & students) and for receptive hearts among those who

Compassion in Drought

​In the face of more than 2 years drought that has hit the South of Madagascar, bringing famine and misery to the local people, we, as servants of Jesus Christ, are compelled to help our dear Bara People. For this reason, we decided that again, a hand of compassion would show them what it really means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
So, we are providing food (rice) to locals. Our priority is children at risk, widows, elders and sick people among the Bara.
We are working in partnership with the local Evangelical church, we intent to distribute the rice donated in 4 Villages. We have 3 more to go.
Pray Christ would be glorified and many would believe in Him.

Diaspora in France

• For New Year’s this year, we are organizing a camp where we will have international students, (believers and unbelievers) and families over a period of four days.  Pray for the Lord to guide us and give us wisdom as we prepare for this camp. Pray that living in a Christian community for a couple of days will open their eyes and many will come to/ back to the Lord.
• Christmas is a huge part of French culture. This gives us an opportunity to share the Gospel. We are using this opportunity over the next couple of weeks to explain the real meaning of Christmas. We will be having conversations around Bible texts on the birth of Jesus and other themes. Pray for there to be at least one person in the next couple of weeks with whom we can start Bible studies that are more profound.

Hope and Joy

Pray for open hearts in our community as we share that the Light of the World has come as Emmanuel whose message is one of Hope and Joy. Pray many would listen to this good news and believe!

Diaspora in Washington

We praise Jesus that “Nancy’s” family continues to worship with the church and an adult daughter is
studying God’s Word with a co-laborer. Please keep praying for the other seekers and
believers from this country to seek the Lord in community together.
We praise Jesus for wonderful Thanksgiving celebrations with our students. Pray that the Thanksgiving lessons taught, prayer, hymn singing and folk dancing are cherished among our friends and continue ongoing spiritual conversations among co-laborers and students.
Pray that God will save “Anthony” soon. He is the son of a believer. We have had many late night conversations with him exploring who God is. Pray that God gives faith to believe.
God is so merciful in mobilizing His church to help with the incoming refugees to our city, there are so
many and many lack any support whatsoever. Pray that God will enable His messengers in the pulpit to speak boldly about how God is sending a wandering flock here that need the Good Shepherd.

A Wedding

Please pray for a young S. Asian woman who is engaged to be married this month. Pray that as she and her parents go through the wedding, the Lord will speak to their hearts and help them see that marriage is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. Pray that Jesus’ great love and grace will be clearly revealed, that they will put their faith in Him.

Busy Students

We gave a short break to everyone (teachers and students) and when we contacted the students on our return, they said they were busy with their college studies and can only attend 2 days a week.

Please pray with us that God will release these students from their busy schedules. Also pray for our trip with them to climb a mountain in the Rift Valley on Saturday, that we will have opportunity to share what God will place in our hearts. Please also pray for God to open other opportunities to share during the extended holiday break.

Diaspora in Hong Kong

A North African Muslim teenager who was lost was found-he had gotten into a terrible accident and all his organs were damaged. He has now improved, however he isn’t able to walk again. He was discharged from the ICU and is back home. It will be a hard time for this family especially for his mum to take care of him. Pray for his mum and our continual sharing of the gospel with her.
Our adult Chinese class will have 3 new students and the old students will continue. Thank God He has brought West African Muslims to our class and pray to them to know Jesus and accept Him.
Some African Muslim men do not allow us to visit their wives and children. Pray God opens the doors for us.
Pray for a church willing to learn more about cross-cultural ministry and have a one day course with
outreach on Dec 11.

Mzee M

Jared took Mzee M to the coffee shop the other day. They talked about the Gospel and Jared realized that he has much of Genesis memorized. He recently went to the prayer event from the Kondoa team and enjoyed himself and even engaged in conversation about Scriptures. Praise God for the knowledge he has, and pray he will come to know that Jesus is the only Way to Truth.