Many families are facing loss recently, lots of people have lost relatives because of tribal conflict, illness, and because of lack of water and food.
Pray for comfort for so many who are grieving. Pray for those who are sick and that they open their hearts to the only One Healer and Way. Pray for Salvation and that they find strength in the Lord in midst of hard times.
Please pray for 30 families who lost their homes in a fire. God has provided money to help with buying food and replacing cooking pans and Jerry cans. These were distributed through the local church. Please pray that the community clearly sees God’s care, faithfulness and provision through this situation. Please pray for the leader of the church and his wife as they seek to love and serve the community and point them to Jesus.
Meeting together
The believers are meeting for Christmas this Saturday! How wonderful that three women who wouldn’t speak to each other before are now all going in one car to the meeting. And both men and women will be present. Pray that trust deepens and this church is bound together by the Holy Spirit.
Mat is a Rangi believer. He and Bobby have started spending time together. Mat wants Bobby to teach him the Farming God’s Way methods and he has told Bobby he wants to learn more about the Bible and be discipled. Pray he will learn more about what the Bible says and have the desire to share with his neighbors.
Diaspora in Canada
An old friend from the Horn of Africa surprised us by showing up at our door after a seven-year absence. After some catching up, the conversation turned to the parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matt 18:21-35). Our friend heard the Gospel. Pray for her response.
Local church
Pray for the local church, that God would envision them for the coming year, bringing unity and a passion for their communities.
Lasting peace
Last month, peace talks between the villages of Lohutok and Ibahure were arranged by an inter-church committee for the South Sudan Council of Churches. It was encouraging to see the church rise up to address this decades-long conflict between the villages. The peace talks seemed to go well, and an agreement was signed between the two villages. Please pray for a lasting peace, that will only truly come by salvation through the Prince of Peace.
Diaspora in Missouri
Pray for our friend, MH, who is from Somalia and is a truck driver. He travels long distances across the USA for his job. Pray he will hear the Gospel and meet vibrant Christians in his travels. Pray that our conversations will include Jesus and the Gospel.
Seeds planted
Dan, Joel and Noblesse have completed their term of service and are now on their way back to their home countries. We are thankful for the faithful service of these three young men. They have spent two years in the remote villages of the Laarim; they have endured sickness, loneliness, heat. They have learned language and shared the gospel. Pray that the seeds of Truth they planted among the Laarim will continue to take root and grow and bear much fruit. Pray for the believers to “stand firm and hold fast to the teachings…passed on to [them]” (2 Thessalonians 2:15).
Diaspora People
Diaspora people are immigrants and refugees who live in our communities. Some diaspora people come from countries and people groups who haven’t had access to the Gospel, such as Muslims. Many have experienced loss of their home culture and family and are disoriented in their new environment. Diaspora people are looking for community and support to survive in a new culture. Pray that they will meet communities of Christians and local churches who welcome them.
Pray for the Bible translators who are not yet believers- as they are learning more and more about Jesus, may they give their whole lives to him.
He’s given up
Roza is really enjoying the year long air stewarding course she’s on… even after a teacher called her out in front of the whole class as a believer! She wanted everyone to know… but not like that! A few students have been a bit ‘cold’ since, but most have been accepting. Ask that as they watch her, she would shine brightly.
Her sister no longer identifies as a muslim (though not yet a Sister), much to her parents’ anger. She seems to be slipping towards depression so pray that she would surrender to Jesus and find joy and peace.
Roza’s father has ‘given up’ trying to persuade Roza to give up Jesus… after she agreed to research with him and ended up using his special library books (he teaches at the mosque) to discredit their ‘prophet’! She’s becoming quite the apologist! Pray that the arguments she presented would really cause him to ponder the Truth
Mama Sam & Mama mKubwa
Mama Sam & Mama mKubwa watched the entire Jesus film in Kirangi with Kelly. They were intrigued but at the same time uncomfortable. Pray the Holy Spirit would pierce their hearts and that Jesus would remain on their minds creating questions for Kelly.
Diaspora in Hong Kong
Pray for Muslims who are attending Chinese language classes in Hong Kong taught by Christian teachers. Pray that their hearts would turn to Jesus through their contact with Chinese believers. Pray for more Muslims to join the Chinese classes.
Lord, Heal and Restore the Days
Lord, we lift to You ministers of the Gospel as they interact with others and are more likely to become ill from exposure to viruses. We pray you will protect, heal, and restore strength to them. Joel 2:25 promises, “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you.” Pray for leaders as they encourage others during this troubling period of physical attack on the body. Pray for the ministry of the church to new widows, orphans, and those grieving. Pray for unbelievers who are anxious to know the Gospel of peace, finding peace with God in all their circumstances.
Diaspora in Canada
“I” is a friend from Somalia who calls frequently. He made a commitment to follow Jesus in the past. But he struggles with mental health issues. His relatives plan to take “I” back to Somalia soon. Pray that Jesus will heal “I”‘s mind and heart and that he will remember his commitment to follow Jesus.
Open doors
Pray for the work among the islanders living in Madagascar. Pray for open doors into islanders’ lives and homes and for hearts to be transformed by the word of God.
Seek the Lord
Pray for the Didinga people, that as local believers share God’s Word with them, they will “seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near…the wicked will forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts… [they will] turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on them…He will freely pardon” (Isaiah 55:6-7).
Monthly gathering
One of the sisters wants to see the local believers grow in fasting and prayer. She wants everyone to gather for monthly corporate fasting. Ask God to guide them. Pray for unity amongst the body here and they would continue to make meeting together and encouraging one another a priority.
Needing help
Pray for Bilton, our South Sudanese brother who is working in the Toposa village of Lolim. There are several challenges he faces that he asks prayer for: learning Toposa – he is finding this language difficult to learn; work in the clinic – Bilton is serving the community with his training as a clinical officer, but the needs and health challenges in the community are great; sharing the gospel – Bilton has discovered that the best time to meet with people is in the evenings, however by the time he is finished his work at the clinic he is very tired. He is also quite alone in the work. So, pray for language learning, his work in the clinic, opportunities to share the good news of Jesus, partners in ministry, and strength from the Lord. Pray for many in Lolim to be receptive to the gospel message.
Needing more workers
Marlene has been back in Ohilang for about a week now. She is closing her ministry there for a time, either to lead the Inbound team, or until the team builds up again so she won’t be out there alone. Pray that these few weeks she is in the village will be a blessing, both to her and the community. Pray the Lord will continue to strengthen and build up the Lopit who have come to faith. And keep praying for more workers to participate in reaching the Lopit with the gospel.
Push through
Please pray for one lady who was initially and for a long time full of excitement and joy to study God’s word and was thinking about baptism. She now seems to have “hit a wall”, as we call it. Please stand with her and pray she will persevere. Whether she is now counting the cost, or is facing some other barrier, may she push through and surrender her whole life to Jesus. Pray for other seekers, that they would push through the barriers before them.
Visit home
It was great to have a visit with Angelo a couple of weeks ago when he came through Torit on his way to Kimatong. He has had a successful semester in his nursing program in Kenya, and chose to spend his month of holidays back in the village. Pray that during his time among the Laarim, he is able to “set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12); pray also that Angelo will hold fast to the calling he has received to be a witness among his own people. Please lift up Angelo and Noblesse as they travel by road to Kenya over the next few days.
Pray the Lord will strengthen the little church among the Digo, filling the believers with His Spirit, encouraging and strengthening each one, and granting grace to many more to believe.
Jordan was able to arrange for the mission coordinator for this region and one of the women in the church, to go out to Iboni to visit Luka and Umjuma. Owinja and Betty spent 3 days with Luka and Umjuma, participating in their ministry to the Lopit, as well as encouraging them through fellowship. Betty came back to Torit with a new perspective about the plight of the Lopit. Truly “the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Pray that Owinja and Betty will serve as catalysts in the Torit church to send out more laborers to preach Christ among the Lopit and other unreached peoples in South Sudan.
Strengthen the church
Pray for the Borana believers to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Hm, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God.
Read and share
Pray for the Y people who have been given the scriptures to continue to read them and share them with others. Pray that many would believe and put their faith in Jesus.
eyes opened
Ask the Lord to continue to heal and strengthen John and to bless the translation work. Pray for Suri as they read God’s word in their own language, that their eyes would be opened to believe the message.
Walk in faith
Pray for the believers to fix their eyes on Jesus and walk in faith, pleasing the Lord and sharing with others the good things He has done.
Hold on to Jesus
Please pray for Swahili believers, especially one who was divorced by his wife after he received Jesus Christ as person savior. Eric has been saved since beginnig of this year and he was baptized April 2021. After this event his wife complained and went to the government leader but she didn’t get any solution from then, so she made decision to leave Eric.
We continue to encourage Eric to hold on to Jesus Christ. Pray for him.
A Warm Welcome
The church’s visit to a nearby Neem village to tell them about the reason for Christmas went well: A good proportion of the church went, some to cook, some to pray and others to do acts of service and then go to visit people on the streets and in their homes. People warmly welcomed us and showed interest in listening especially to Neem audio recordings about the Christmas story. We also showed the Jesus Film with a good attendance.
Pray for this village. Many whom I spoke to had never heard of Jesus. The great challenge is that most of the women and children only speak Neem. I am learning Neem (pray for me) but there are no others in church who do. Pray that I can return to speak truth and that others of my small church here might also go.
The harvest is ripe but the workers are exceedingly few… Pray to the Lord of the harvest.
Growing interest
Noblesse has struggled with getting a DBS group started in the village of Ngarahac. The village is far enough away that it requires him staying overnight, and the number of people interested in attending the Bible study has been very small. However, he was encouraged recently by increased attendance, as well as by meeting a woman, Natiyote, who expressed the desire to learn the Word of God. Pray that her desire would continue and would grow, and that she and others in the village will faithfully attend the Bible study.
Go viral!
Praise the Father for resources being developed in the local dialect. A recent video of the story of Jesus from birth to ascension is being sent to local contacts. Ask that they would forward it on and the Truth would go viral!
Pray for Simon Lomwa, Lokure Mary, Peter Peta, Lochakuwa, and chief Lochebei who are church leaders in Jie. We praise God for newly planted churches in Nawoyagule and Lobarbar and their leaders Sarah and Angelo. Pray for the church to be strong despite the physical hunger and thirst that is sweeping the Jie people especially the area of Lopeat due to the drought.
Out of darkness
“…because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.’”
May many Alagwa will be guided onto the path of true peace, wholeness in God. Praising God for his tender mercy, we ask that Jesus, our rising sun, would lead Alagwa out of darkness and the shadow of death.
Women’s ministry
Umjuma is trying to start a women’s ministry in Iboni. Her desire is for all the women in Iboni to come together. That’s a big dream! But pray that she will be faithful to whatever the Lord is calling her to do, not to give up, and not to become discouraged. Pray the women will come and that God “will make [Umjuma] a light for the Gentiles, that [His] salvation may reach to the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 49:6).
New sister!
We’re celebrating a new Sister… heard yesterday that a friend of Roza’s who she met in April, gave her life to Jesus on Christmas day! Pray for Roza as she walks with this new Sister and that as this Sister ‘comes off the mountain top’ over these next weeks, that her joy would be rooted in the Light and Life from the King of kings!
Study together
We have only seen *Abraham and *Salome once since they asked for a Bible. They are both working as teachers and very busy but have a break from 23rd Dec to 4th Jan and they plan to see us then. Pray that an opportunity for us to study God’s word with them both together and that God’s word would speak to them as they explore the Bible they now have in their home.
Joyful noise
“It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High…to the music of the ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp” (Psalm 92:1-3). Lokwan and Lomua are 2 boys who meet in Kali for Sunday morning worship. They recently made shaker instruments for use in the Sunday gathering. Pray they (the boys and the shakers!) would be used to make a joyful noise to the Lord. Pray that the believers and seekers meeting in Kali would continue even after Dan and Joel leave next month. May God grow this church in greater ways than we could ask or imagine.
Faith’s light
Faith is a young Didinga woman who has been discipled by Jacinta in Fara Sika. Recently she came back from school and went immediately to the village to spend school holidays with Jacinta. Faith is a committed believer with a heart for her people. Pray that Faith would be a light among her people, declaring God’s salvation for all who will believe; that she will “say to the captives, ‘Come out,’ and to those in darkness, ‘Be free!’” (Isaiah 49:9).