Praise God for the godly Tanzanians He has sent to our team! These are skilled professional men & women sacrificing to work in the most impoverished, marginalized unreached region of Tanzania to reach the Swahili for Christ. In the world’s eyes it is utter foolishness to choose to serve where we are! God has recently filled 2 desperately needed positions with an overqualified accountant and a couple who is well known for their Christian leadership & integrity on a national level. The accountant is willing to work for a fraction of the salary he deserves and the couple has turned down a salary because they are able to live off their own personal investments & income. We are in awe of how God builds His Kingdom. Pray He will protect our team from the evil one, sin and temptation. Pray that our team DNA will be that of Christ and His Cross – that we would die to ourselves so that Christ will be made famous among the Swahili.