In the middle of the night team members have been regularly woken up by the drunken cries of a witchdoctor outside their bedroom window. They’ve asked their neighbors what it’s all about and all they get is a giggle and off handed response that it is nothing at all. But it is disturbing and disruptive. Our team members have been told that the witchdoctor’s brother died from a ritual gone wrong on the beach recently. The Swahili have seamlessly syncretized Islam with their traditional witchcraft. Pray that this witchdoctor will one day soon be walking the streets proclaiming his salvation in Jesus & his freedom from witchcraft & alcohol. Pray for the protection, peace and rest for this team family and for all the believers here who are surrounded by a constant onslaught of spiritual warfare as God establishes His Kingdom in this historically Christ- resistant, churchless village.