Earlier this month we celebrated a dear friend’s birthday. On the way to the restaurant, she was expressing frustration over how difficult her sister is to live with. I responded to her, saying that Jesus taught us we have to forgive people. I said, “And in fact, Jesus tells us to not only forgive, but to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us.” She thought about it and then said, “Really? Jesus said to do that?” I shook my head and she (jokingly) said, “Well then I’m going to start following Jesus. That’s a good message.”

Please pray with us that God would hold back the darkness in our friends’ lives, that in moments like these, the forces of evil that wage war for our friends’ souls would be held back long enough for our friends to feel the warmth of the Light of Truth and Love. Pray for Christ’s power and authority to break the chains of deception for the Swahili people.