Ephesians 6:12 states, “For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

A frantic old lady came into our living room and started talking a mile a minute in Gabbra, and we could only understand a few words like, ” I have had enough! I don’t want them any more” Rachel tried to explain that our Gabbra was basic, and we needed a translator; but she continued, “You know Gabbra. You know Gabbra.” Then continued in her explanation. Praise God our translator (also driver and mechanic) arrived just in time and helped with translating for us.
She had been sleeping on the ground and traveling from village to village looking for peace. She was convinced that Satan was in her house and she was told by the shaman that if she entered her house she would die. She had visited all the shaman and religious leaders of every sect and religion looking for a cure; but every time she attempted something, her fear would grow and not only was her house haunted, but she now felt that Satan was following her everywhere like a hyena on her trail. No matter where she went, she was in horror. Wherever she tried to sleep, she would be tormented.
Finally, she had come to us, for there was no other place to go. Rachel and I then had the joy to share with her the power of Christ. We told her stories of His time on earth, and how He had healed so many. We explained that He had power over Satan, and His minions, and how He desired to save us. We shared about the need to be saved and the need to be not only released from Satan’s grasp but firmly latched onto Jesus’ hand.
For almost an hour we shared the wonders of Jesus Christ, and the joy it is to be found in Him. We then asked if she wanted Jesus to be her Savior. She turned to us and said, almost exasperated, “That is why I have come! There is no other way!” We then had the privilege of praying over her and leading her in the sinner’s prayer. What joy filled her small figure, and her face began to shine!
We then walked to her house, which had been vacant for 6 months, and and she boldly took the first steps inside. We followed her in and knelt to pray. The old lady took my hand as we began to pray for Jesus’ blessing and protection over that home and asked, in His name, that all spirits of darkness and fear leave that place. What a joyous prayer time as we felt the room lighten up and the Holy Spirit around us.
As we closed our prayer time, Rachel asked the lady, “How do you feel in your house now?” And with her white hair hanging freely down on her cheek and a huge smile on her face she declared, “I am free! The house is free!”
Our hearts rejoiced as we walked back towards home thinking of the awesomeness of our God! Yet we are still in prayer for this woman, that God would sustain her and help her to stand in a village which is bowed down to shamanism and Islam. We know that if she stays strong, and clearly shares her story, it will be a huge statement to the community. Please pray with us for her that she may stand strong and that many more would come out of the darkness and into the light!