Paul said to the people in Listra, that God didn’t leave the peoples without testimony of Himself, but “…He did good by giving you rains from heaven, …” ( Acts 14:17).

The Bara live in a total rural society, and rain is indispensable. Even though we are still in rain season, we are not having enough rain, and that brings problems to the entire country. The crops won’t produce, the herds won’t have enough grass, there will be little water to drink, and the result of this will be financial hardship, more assaults, break- ins, famine, etc.

Please, would you pray for rain? We are in desperate need! I remember Elijah when he prayed for rain and God sent it. I remember Joshua, when the Bible says that “..there isn’t a day like this, when God heard the voice of a man…” God still hears our prayers. He still cares for us. He still answers our prayers.

Could you please cry out to the Creator and sustainer of all things, who give “..rain from heaven…” ?