Pray for all the new believers in O land as Ramadan begins. They are at many different stages of maturity in their faith – mostly very newborn and immature. Pray that they will grow in knowledge, wisdom and understanding of God’s love for them, and that Jesus Paid It All at the Cross – and there is nothing more they need to do to earn their forgiveness.
Kingdom of Light
One of the young believers shared this story recently:
“I had a dream one night and a man came to me in shining light. ‘I am Jesus’. Jesus told me that he loves me and has forgiven all my sins when he died on the cross for me. He said that he has given me eternal life. Then he told me to tell others about the Kingdom of Light and not to be afraid. I will give you great joy as you do this.”
Even before this dream, the believer had been sharing the two kingdoms story with many people, about the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. He’s been calling many others to follow Jesus. The dream spurred him onwards with greater vigor and purpose.
Several people as a result have come into the Kingdom of Light! Pray for these young and new believers to grow and share with others.
Build Your church
Pray for the believers to grow in deeper understanding God’s love and the significance of the cross and resurrection that reveals God’s depth of love for us all. More opposition is expected with religious leaders in the area as they try to grab the new lambs and drag them back into the kingdom of darkness. Pray that the NBs will not just endure persecution, but thrive in faith and in their dependence on Jesus and embrace the persecution.
May God’s Church be built and thrive here! We trust that the gates of hell will not prevail against it–as Jesus promised.
Praise God for a few more brand-new lambs in Jesus.
With this fruit, the challenge to disciple them is big, messy and time consuming. The devil is also not pleased and working hard to destroy and discourage some of the new believers – pray for their protection. Pray that the believers will hunger after Jesus and learn to abide in Him and grow in faith and godly practice.
Grow in knowledge
We had a really encouraging visit with the wife of a New Bel. She said it was the first time she ever heard the Christmas story! She’s also making great progress with memory verses and praying together.
One of the other New Bel’s wife and stepsister came into the light this week. Our first follow up visit was ok, but with frequent disruptions from a crew of cute 3 year olds. Pray that each seeker and NBs will grow in knowledge and understanding and closeness with our Savior.
Christmas feast!
The cow has been purchased for our Christmas feast! And we’re looking at what days to best have a mini kids club. Pray for God‘s guidance, strength, and fruit through all the details and work of these events! Pray that He will draw many more O into his wonderful kingdom of light, and for continuing growth for those already in!
Make the most of Christmas opportunities
Much of our team will be away for December- we appreciate your continuing prayers for:
–Positive discipleship, and growth for and through all NBs.
-Continuing good security.
-Health and strength for the hot season.
-God‘s leading and Holy Spirit filling and blessing of every interaction for us, our team and all NBs.
–Wisdom and strength for how to make the most of Christmas sharing opportunities!
Last stage cancer
Pray for a young lady, W, who is coming home from the government hospital on palliative care with a last stage, painful cancer. Pray that W will receive Jesus as her Savior, and for God‘s comfort, grace and peace to help her, her family and us through this hard time.
Encouraging reports
We rejoice in more encouraging reports from the main ‘Timothy’ Shepherd, of follow up discipleship meetings with some of these farther away recent new believers, and more yet taking God’s gift and coming into the light.
Pray for lots of fruitful growth!
Fragile sprouts
Some days are challenging and discouraging as planned discipleship meetings with some fall through and we see signs of the ‘weeds and rocks’ in some of these new believer soils. We need your prayer so much! Keep praying for hunger and thirst for more knowledge and understanding and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to grant growth of these fragile sprouts! Thank you!
Protection and Provision
Pray for hunger and thirst for truth in the New Believers’ hearts and all through our communities! Pray for God’s protection and provision physically and spiritually! Recently some country wide warnings of insecurity and kidnapping of foreigners were issued. It was nice not to have them directed personally at us – but reminded us to keep on our guard and made us thankful for the mitigations we have in place. Thanks for continuing to pray for good security here in O-land.
Dry season
It’s the long hard dry season when the herdsmen are working long hours to keep their animals alive. The cows only get a drink every other day and it’s a long walk back to the scant grazing. There is little milk available for anyone! The hyenas abound and are whooping and threatening the herds all night long – offering little rest and no relaxation. Pray that the rains will come early (due the beginning of November). Pray for the spiritual reign of Jesus to be crowned king of many O hearts and lives.
Lord build your church!
The new believers seem to be getting more and more verbal persecutions and pushback from the community and their families. My visits with three of the ladies yesterday felt discouraging and like they are withdrawing! Pray for all of their protection, and that the joy of the Lord would be their strength and that the Holy Spirit would fill them with wisdom in all of their responses and choices and decisions! Pray for wisdom and strength for us as well! So far the men have expressed some of the challenges they’re facing, but have still been faithful in coming for study, etc. Pray especially for the main shepherd leader and his family! May God build his church here and make it strong and help it grow!
Keep in step
Pray for protection of all believers from the schemes of the evil one and evil men. Pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out daily in fresh and powerful ways! That we ALL truly ‘keep in step with the Spirit!’ and abide deeply in Jesus – and that we’ll see much lasting fruit!
New schemes
Outside madarasa teachers have been brought in and are teaching the children so diligently and forcefully. They are also starting new classes for the women to be instructed in Islam. Pray against these new tactics to strengthen Islam. And pray specifically for the new believers’ families to realize what is happening and hunger, instead, for God’s word, and grow spiritually in Christ.
Grow and Share
Pray for more Holy Spirit enlightening of hearts and quickened understanding and growth. These new believers are like newborn babes- they need lots of discipling and growth. Pray for all of the new believers and their families and for the main Timothy2:2 shepherd’s protection from all the schemes of the evil one, and that they all will grow in wisdom, boldness and understanding! Pray they continue to share with their friends and loved ones and bring them to Jesus!
Wisdom for discipling
As several new believers have come to Jesus recently, it is a challenge to best be able to disciple and know how to gather them together. It’s an exciting time yet feels very fragile. Pray for protection from every attack of our enemy, and for empowering understanding, wisdom, growth, and boldness from the Holy Spirit, for each one to reach out to their wives and families and friends!
More fruit
PTL that God continues to work in O-land. This week a seriously ill young man, Ray (pray for healing as he safely reached good care, and had successful surgery), and his visitor both prayed to receive Jesus. The next day, another young man was brought by the ‘chief Shepherd’ here, and also came into the Light. Praise the Lord and pray for growth in each of their understanding and intimate walk with Jesus!
Grow deep!
This week another young man came into the light! PTL! He has a childhood history of being one of the hardest and naughtiest kids. We pray that his and all of the other newly believing hearts are genuine and will be soft to grow and be strong disciples for Jesus! May they have freedom and courage to gather together as a group to worship and study and learn more! May they all grow deep in relationship with Jesus!
Good Shepherd
We PTL that young shepherd families are coming to Jesus! Two of the believers came together for some study time. Usually it’s 1 on 1, but we pray they will come to trust each other more, and have freedom and courage to gather together! We pray they will each grow strong and lead and keep sharing with more! One is a natural leader, and he is working at learning to read! May God bless those efforts. May they all come to love the Good Shepherd and have deep relationship with him!
Believing Families
I had one of the believing wives come and spend the day with me on Friday and had some great study, worship and scripture memory time together. Pray that the believing family units may grow together!
It’s all so fragile, but so exciting to finally see these signs of growth in the body of Christ here in O-land! Keep praying! And don’t forget about good Security – every day is a day of God‘s grace here – we praise Him for it and pray for more!
Pray for growth in wisdom, knowledge and depth of personal intimate relationship with Jesus for the believers! Pray for husbands and wives to become strong disciples of Jesus together and wisely share the Light by word and deed with their loved ones!
Grace to stand
The spiritual battle continues in O-land! PTL for continuing RESPONSE! The chief local Shepherd continues being discipled and sharing with more and teaching others what he learns. Pray for protection, & that the new BMBs will not fear, will grow in knowledge, faith and understanding! Pray they will boldly declare God’s Grace to be saved and forgiven through Jesus’ work on the cross to their loved ones and neighbors. Pray that they become strong disciples, faithful in prayer and hiding God’s Word in their hearts, deep in relationship with the Lord, and in Jesus mighty power so they can stand against all the schemes and flaming arrows of our enemy the devil!
Accusations and threats
An update on AICMD Pastor G and E, persevering through false accusations by a group of troublemakers trying force them to leave. They’ve been in Nairobi nearly 2 months. A big meeting is set up for early June. Pray that God will direct every detail – and this which was meant for evil will be turned into much good, advancing God‘s kingdom powerfully. It is because of fruit that our enemy the devil is attacking us and our team in so many ways! Pray for protection for all!
Discipleship challenge
Pray for the young, O herdsmen families, who are walking in the light. Regular discipleship is such a challenge because they’re frequently gone with the animals. Pray for a fresh daily outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and fruitful discipleship, and lots of time together – that God will open a way for that – so they can grow in intimacy with Christ, and understanding more of God‘s word and power, and use His full armor for any persecutions that are likely to come.
Threats intensifying
Threats against us and our team and local believers are intensifying. Pray for the safety and protection of all believers and especially for the home guards and chiefs who are risking much to provide increased security for us. Pray that these security risks will be used by God to bring new life & to draw many O into His Kingdom of Light! Pray that God would convict the men intent on doing harm and they would repent and find Life in Him.
New believers!
Persecution and threats are increasing. Pray that the new believers will not fear, but will grow in knowledge, faith and understanding, that they will boldly declare God’s Grace to be saved and forgiven because of Jesus’ work on the cross. One couple had to go into hiding for a time because of threats. Pray that they become strong in prayer and hiding God’s Word in their hearts!
Persecution and grief
Pray for Mike, an O believer who has been persecuted for his faith. He grieves over having his wife taken away from him and given to another man. May the Joy of the Lord be his strength! May the fellowship of sharing in Christ’s sufferings bring Mike and all of us into deeper intimacy with Jesus as we realize fully that He is worthy of our sacrifices and suffering.
Pray in Jesus’ power and authority against all the schemes and flaming arrows of our enemy the devil, to keep the O People in bondage and darkness.
Submit to God
Our hearts desire and prayer to God for the O is that they will be saved! We testify about the O that many of them are zealous for God – but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they do not know the righteousness of God (through Jesus), they seek to establish their own, and so they do not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ is the fulfillment of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.
(Paraphrased from Rom. 10:1-4). Pray that many O will submit to their need for God’s Gift of Salvation and Righteousness through Jesus our Lord!
Joy of the Lord
Pray for O believers and the team for the joy of the Lord to be our strength! May our daily abiding in Christ bear so much lasting fruit for his glory! He is worthy!
Trusting in God!
May the spirit of the living God draw many O in 2024 to trust in him with all their hearts, to realize the bondage of their darkness and come to Jesus as true freedom in the Light! May they truly see and hear, and understand God‘s grace through Jesus, grace in all of its truth – and turn and be healed in every way!
Stand firm!
Mike, the strong believer from our area for many years – working with our team in outreach, and as a Bible translator, is facing a new series of hard temptations. His job, and his wife have been successfully wrenched from him by her family and all of their tactics. Now the community spokesman is offering him a huge monthly salary and a new young wife, if he will only turn back from following Christ. Pray for God‘s strength and joy in the Lord, that Mike may stand firm, and continue to grow in his love relationship with Jesus, and that God will provide for him in every way!
3 more families!
Guyo has reported that three more herdsmen‘s families have come into the Light! Pray for growth in faith and knowledge, and protection, and that all these new believers will also share the message of the kingdoms of light and darkness with those they love!
“Can the people of Jesus help?”
Due to El Niño rains in Kenya, there has been significant flooding in many parts of Kenya, affecting rural communities, like ours, in particular. We are hearing from friends and neighbors that flooding has cut off road access for transportation and food. Roger has been contacted repeatedly in the last couple days by friends and leaders, sharing that it is becoming very hard and even desperate for some who are unable to obtain food. It is heart wrenching to hear the stories. People are hungry and their kids are hungry, and parents don’t have anything to give them.
The village leaders, chiefs, and elders asked Roger to participate (via WhatsApp) in a big meeting yesterday morning. Leaders have asked whether the people of Jesus can offer any help. Please pray. We are organizing a food drop by air but need funds to buy food.
Gospel spreading
May the Lord‘s message ring out through all of our AIC team and BMB‘s in O-land! May the Gospel come not simply with words, but also with Power, with the Holy Spirit, and with Deep Conviction! May many O people welcome the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. (from 1 Thes. 1:4-8)
Great potential
Pray for Iffy to come to know Christ. He’s a young man on a medical internship at our mission hospital. He is open to hearing and studying God’s Word, but has not yet received God’s gift of salvation. He has great potential for being a leader in our medical ministry if he would submit to Jesus instead of Islam.
Key couple
May Guyo & Mary understand more of God‘s truth, growing in faith and wisdom and knowledge. May they boldly proclaim and live out God’s kingdom of light, with many of the other young couples.
May God’s Spirit convict and draw many O to become strong disciples of Jesus! May they truly understand God’s amazing love and grace! May the O hunger and thirst for God‘s truth and righteousness!
Stand firm!
A new wave of persecution from Muslim leadership has broken out against the believers in O land. Ask the Holy Spirit to emboldened, protect and empower all of the believers with the Joy of the Lord to be their strength! One specific meeting will take place on Tuesday to try and cause finalized separation and divorce for Mike from his family. Pray that what the enemy means for evil will be turned into good.
God’s word is shared through daily Bible readings with several Muslim community health workers. May they respond to the truth by believing in Jesus, as their Lord and Savior! May God‘s word go forward with power, with the Holy Spirit, and with deep conviction!