Cattle raiding

As the start of the dry season is upon us, please pray that the constant raiding and killing would stop,  and not increase as it usually does at this time of the year. Pray that the gospel would penetrate deeply into hearts to change the Toposa from the inside out.

Running the race

It is exciting that the Toposa are being reached by many church teams who come at the invitation of missionaries. Please pray that all those who hear the gospel message may grasp it with both hands, run with it, and make it known among their own people.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

South Sudan is experiencing so much turmoil, as conflict continues to be the main topic on everyone’s mind. Hunger follows shortly behind, and although we have asked for prayer for this before, it is now even more of an issue for the people of SS, including the Toposa. Please pray.

Pray for provision of food for the Toposa

As in the whole of South Sudan, there is great numbers of people suffering with hunger. The predictions for this country for starvation are alarming. Please pray for the Toposa to not only be able to get enough food, but that they would humble themselves, as the Lord says in 2Chronicles 7:14 So that the Lord would hear and forgive their sins and heal the land.

Pray for rain for the Toposa

The dry season has been particularly tough this year, the heat, dust and dryness causing much hardship. Please pray that the life giving rains would start soon and be a good rainy season. But more importantly that they would turn to the One who can give water that will cause them to never be thirsty again.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

As in the whole of South Sudan, there is great numbers of people suffering with hunger. The predictions for this country for starvation are alarming. Please pray for the Toposa to not only be able to get enough food, but that they would humble themselves, as the Lord says in 2Chronicles 7:14 So that the Lord would hear and forgive their sins and heal the land.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

The dry season has been particularly tough this year, the heat, dust and dryness causing much hardship. Please pray that the life giving rains would start soon and be a good rainy season. But more importantly that they would turn to the One who can give water that will cause them to never be thirsty again.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

The Toposa are a strong and large people group in Eastern Equitoria, but majority live their lives without any knowledge at all of the Lord Jesus Christ. A few stalwart missionaries, pastors and believers live in the region conducting outreaches, teaching, bible storying among the people and communities that are open to them. Please pray for those that labour among them, that they may themselves be blessed so much by having the privilege of sharing the gospel and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ to the lost and dying.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

It is already dry and dusty and it is only the beginning of the dry season. Food is already very expensive and in short supply. Please pray that the ongoing revenge attacks on other tribes and from other tribes would come to an end. Drought, poor crops and revenge killings are all more than enough for the Toposa to need to turn to Christ. Pray this would be so.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

There is work going on among the Toposa, gospel work, which would certainly appreciate your prayers. Pray that those already established in ministry among the Toposa would not become discouraged. Pray for more workers to join together with the existing workers, all to aim to reach those who have never heard the wonderful message of salvation through Christ alone.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

During the summer months of both Europe and the United States, teams of people make themselves available to assist the missionaries on the ground with whatever is needed. This has been such a blessing to so many missionaries, but what a blessing and encouragement it is to the South Sudanese people who receive them. Praise God for the teams who have visited and helped the Toposa this summer. Pray that seeds that were planted would take root and grow in the hearts of those the seeds have been planted. Thank God for these teams and may many more come to this harvest field.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

Tension is easing after a time of fighting in the towns, between a couple of people groups causing many to flee and sleep in the bush at night. Pray that the gospel would be made known to not only the Toposa but other warring people’s in their area. Pray that peace would return in this troubled country.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

A group recently went to investigate areas where the Toposa live, and to investigate means to reach the Toposa and plant churches. Please pray that as this group, from various mission organisations, ponder ways and means, that God would guide and lead them in the way to move ahead. This is a large people group and they still remain UNREACHED!

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

Storying has been very successfully done among some of the Toposa. Praise God for His Word bearing fruit. A group of concerned people of various churches and mission organizations met the last week of January to discuss how to reach more of the Toposa, One man reported, “When I let prayer supporters know of a specific place, God starts to work. When I tell them of particular individuals needing prayer there, His works takes off!!” Pray for the Kenyan missionaries and their families involved in these storying ministries; ask God to supply all that they need, and give them much fruit for their labors!

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

God delights when sinners turn from their evil ways and live. Prayer for the salvation of the lost, (in this case the Toposa) is perfectly consistent with the heart of God. Ezekiel 33:11

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

God is partnering those called to reach the Toposa. United under Jesus Christ, with one goal – sharing the good news of Salvation in Christ. Pray for the workshop on storying the Bible ongoing at present. That eyes and hearts would be opened, even among those attending the course.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

There has been a lot of discourse between numerous mission organizations who have a heart to work together to reach the Toposa. Please pray that this new and encouraging attempt would come to fruition and that God in His grace, would use this to reach many for Him.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

As God tells us in Ezekiel 33:11, that He delights when sinners turn from their evil ways and love. May our prayers for the salvation of the Toposa reflect this and so be perfectly consistent with the heart of God.

Update on The Toposa of South Sudan

As development among the Toposa people increases and becomes established, please pray that the leaders would recognize that Gods Word would be the key that unlocks any true future development. That they would invite Christian input and involvement in greater and greater measures.