Justice and Mercy

Pray the Kachipo would one day have a culture that administers true justice and shows mercy and compassion to others (Zechariah 7:9-10) because their hearts have been change by the Gospel.

Needing someone to go

Pray that the remoteness of the Kachipo’s homeland will not deter believers from going to live among them and proclaim the Gospel to those living in darkness.

Know the Lord

Pray the Kachipo would know Christ as the Lord, and that apart from Him there is no other saviour they can turn to (Isaiah 43:11).

Translation work progressing

During the last two weeks I have been teaching the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi) team (five young men) an introductory course in the principles of Bible Translation. This week we are working intensively on the writing skills and on the orthography of the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi). In the coming weeks we start the translation of Mark. Praise God for this!!!

Praise also that we have found suitable office space and rooms for the future translators to live in Aman, Ethiopia. Pray that they will adapt to the place and working environment soon.
Pray for good team work, for protection (spiritually and physically), and also for enough finances (until now, we have only initial funding and no full long term coverage).

Rain, Mosquitoes, Malaria

As the rains come, so do the mosquitoes. Pray for those who are vulnerable for serious cases of malaria, that God would heal them and they would be given opportunities to know the Gospel during their lifetime.

Wisdom and Guidance

Pray for wisdom and guidance as AIM seeks to be put into service to foster a reproducing, indigenous, Christ centered church among the Kachipo of South Sudan. This task faces many impossible obstacles, but we believe in a God who specializes in the impossible.

NT translation work starting soon!

We are about to start the New Testament Translation for the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi).
In the last few weeks Pastor Dunyi from Mewun and Matthias Feurer from Wycliffe Ethiopia (who has been working for several years amongst the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi) in Ethiopia, met in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) to lay the foundation for the Bible Translation. Pray for us, as we are putting a translation team together. May God provide committed mother tongue translators. Pray for more finances. Pray also for spiritual and physical protection.

Planting crops and the Word

As the rains come and people start planting crops, pray that Word of God is planted in the hearts of the Kachipo. Pray the Truth will bring great fruit and changed lives.

Someone to go

Pray that Christians will go to the Kachipo and share the Gospel with them so they have the opportunity to hear of and call upon Jesus to be their Saviour (Romans 10)

Following His Call

Praise God for answered prayers! Upon his request, J has been released  from his role in the government. This frees him up to follow what he believes is God’s call on his life: to translate the Bible into his people’s heart language: Suri (also known as Kachipo).

Pray for him and the team as they plan and start translating the Bible. Pray for unity, grace to learn together, and the necessary preparations needed.


Hope at Easter

As Easter comes, pray that the Kachipo will come to know the One who died for their sins and wants to give them new, full life (John 14:6). Pray that they would place their hope in Christ alone.

Soft hearts

Pray that the Kachipo will have soft hearts when the Gospel is preached to them, and that they will believe in the Son and have eternal life (John 3:36)

Refuge and Fulfillment

In the middle of a dusty, hot, and dry season, pray that the Kachipo find refuge and fulfillment in the shadow of their Creator (Psalm 36:7)

Gospel fruit and growth

Pray that the Gospel goes among the Kachipo, bears fruit and grows, just as it has been doing around the world. Pray for a church to be planted, and grow so that it will spread the Gospel to the surrounding communities.

Hearts of God’s Love

Pray that the Lord would direct the Kachipo’s hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ (2 Thessalonians 3:5) and that they would bow their knees before Him and worship.

Any news would be good news

The Kachipo are on our hearts and in our prayers, but so little information is getting through to us for prayer updates. The Lord knows them and loves them. Pray He would send laborers into this harvest field.

No news is good news?

The old saying that ‘No news is good news’ doesn’t necessarily ring true in this land. As we have no one in this area to report about this unreached people group, we can only imagine what is happening there. The country is in desperate need of prayer as it teeters on the brink of returning to full scale war, and so this area and people group are needing us to lift them up to the Lord. May He make Himself known among them, that they would hear some good news, that of salvation in Jesus Christ alone, in amongst all the daily bad news that permeates South Sudan.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

Please pray for those Kacipo men and women, young and old, who were seen some time ago now, to be potential leaders, that they would step up and boldly take responsibility to share the good news of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ to the rest of the Kacipo who live and work among them.

Continued Prayer for the Kachipo

As little news reaches us from among the Kachipo tribe, may we nevertheless pray for them. Pray that in the quiet times, God will be clearly seen, causing the people to long to know our amazing Creator God, whom we love and serve in the area of prayer.


Easter has just passed where many individuals must have heard the wonderful message of Salvation only in Jesus. Please pray for them. Pray that their hearts would welcome that tremendous message.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

As little news reaches us from among the Kacipo tribe, may we nevertheless pray for them. Pray that in the quiet times, God will be clearly seen, causing the people to long to know our amazing Creator God, whom we love and serve in the area of prayer.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

Easter has just passed where many individuals must have heard the wonderful message of Salvation on,y in Jesus. Please pray for them. Pray that their hearts would welcome that tremendous message.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

With the New Year upon us all, the Kachipo must have great hopes for South Sudan. Please pray for encouragement for them as they face this new year. It is easy to be discouraged as the drought and war have destroyed so much of this land. But as the government and rebel forces meet this month, pray that an agreement and accepted interim government may be formed to bring peace to this troubled land.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

With the New Year upon us all, the Kachipo must have great hopes for South Sudan. Please pray for encouragement for them as they face this new year. It is easy to be discouraged as the drought and war have distroyed so much of this land. But as the government and rebel forces meet this month, pray that an agreement and accepted interim government may be formed to bring peace to this troubled land.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

The rainy season has been poor this year, the war has disrupted lives, the people are already hungry and the dry season is just around the corner. The Kachipo are among so many in this country who need outside aid. Please pray that as they seek physical assistance, they too would seek spiritual assistance. Pray that the church there would be a sweet refuge as people seek after God.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

We hear so little about the Kacipo, but feel confident that the Lord knows them as well as He know us. With this in mind, please pray for them, that the gospel message of Salvation in Christ, would be made known to them. That their lives would be transformed.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

South Sudan has just had its 4th birthday as a new country. This came not with celebrations as many had hoped, but with hunger, conflict and fighting, cholera etc. the Kachipo are not directly involved in the fighting, but they suffer the consequences, as does the whole of the country. Please pray for peace! Please pray that the message of salvation through the
Lord Jesus Christ, is the only way to heaven, will be spread through this and other unreached people groups in South Sudan.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

Please pray for this people group. They have very few able to teach them the Word of God. Pray to God for mercy for these people, that the Lord would raise up workers for this harvest field. The country is being ravaged by war and few people are willing to come to this land. Pray for peace so that the Word of God can spread to the Kacipo along with the other Unreached People Groups.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

Investigations continue and seeking medical assistance is being sought after our last prayer request for the Kacipo. Continue to pray for this, but above all, that the Kacipo would seek our Lord during these very difficult days.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

News of many people dying of an unknown disease among the Kacipo is filtering out. Please pray for tentative investigations to get some medical doctors to be able to go there to investigate the reason for so many deaths and then to have the capacity to get medicines in to prevent more losses of life.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

The bible tells us what we need to know about divine things and the way of salvation, but how can the Kacipo hear if no one goes to tell them this message? Please pray for workers, more and more, to make themselves available to go and tell this people about Jesus.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

This people group do not know about salvation through The Lord Jesus Christ. They need us to lift them up to the Lord, they are lost without Him. Let us do this, as He enables us, as often as they are brought to our minds. Pray that they would be brought to our minds often.

Update on The Kacipo of South Sudan

This is a wonderful people group but so lost without Christ. Malaria and general illness kills many each year. Many die without ever having heard the gospel message explained to them. Please pray for them, pray that we would have workers willing to live among this people group and able to take the Word of Life to them.