
Pray for plans that are in progress to go for a retreat for 4-5 days in August with MBB’s. They will be about 30. The secluded location is nearly 3 hours out of the city. They will be going through a training manual on ‘Liberty to the Captives’. Pray that the prayers and declarations in the manual will help set them free, break generational strongholds and release them to be bold and effective witnesses to the saving power of Christ. Pray that they will receive unique resources to provide healing, freedom and keys for applying the power of the cross to claiming the ‘glorious liberty of the children of God’ (Romans 8:21).

Ready to receive

Summer often feels like a season of lost momentum. Schedules change and people travel. Ask that the Holy Spirit would water the truths that have been sown. Pray for Him to stir more questions and curiosity so that when reunions happen heart-soils will be ready to receive seed that will produce 100 fold.

Resist the Devil

Spiritual warfare is ongoing for our local family. Two of our sisters experienced severe attacks recently. Pray that they both would stand firm in the strength of His might and hold on to the shield of faith so the flaming arrows don’t injure them. Ask that these two sisters would walk in victory everyday over lies of the world, the flesh, and the devil. May they submit to Jesus and resist the Enemy so that he will flee. Ask that He would be their Hope and Light in the dark. Ask that the enemy would not be allowed to steal their peace or their sleep. Pray for them to abide with Jesus and soak in His Word so they are prepared for these attacks.

How best to support?

There is disagreement about how best to support those being persecuted. Some argue for extraction, others look toward the future and believe endurance is the way. Pray for unity. Pray that the Name would be exalted and made known.

Pray for peace

There is ongoing civil war in the East and the hospitals are overwhelmed with soldiers needing free care. Supplies and staff are stretched and the resources are not being replenished. Pray for peace.

Grow in agape love

The enemy is always scheming seeking to kill, steal, and destroy; whispering lies that further disunity and suspicion. Ask that the Way, the Truth, and the Life would bring peace and power and freedom to brothers and sisters. May they grow in agape love so the body can be joined rightly to Christ and one another.

Agreed to read

We have had several ladies recently agree to read the Book with us. Pray that they would actually come and read and understand the words. Ask that they would receive the Word into their hearts!


Pray that God may reconnect us with some MBB sisters and brothers that we met at a prayer retreat. They live in the outskirts of the city and we may have to be travelling weekly to meet them for building relationships, mentorship and discipleship. Pray for a safe place to meet and God’s wisdom.

Working together

We want to thank God for a very successful prayer retreat with Som** believers and some missionaries.
We were about 40 in the group for 4 days. What a joy to network with our brothers and sisters as we all praised our God (sang many songs in Somali) and prayed for fruitfulness in the conduct of the Body of Christ among ourselves. The prayers were based on the whole book of Ephesians. Lessons on unity and love in our diversity came out very strongly. Pray with us that God may continue to unite us and grow His Kingdom through us, as we work together as a team in His vineyard.

Needing a safe house

Please pray for a Som** believer named ‘S’ who is being pursued by her mother because of her faith. Her mum is furious and has been calling her names.
‘S’ is worried, fearful and looking confused. It is a serious threat. Pray for God’s peace, comfort and protection. Pray for a safe-house. She is married and has two young children. Also pray that God may touch the heart of this mother, ‘R’, so that she may get to know Jesus as her Lord and Saviour.

New Life!

We are praising Jesus for a new sister in the 1Peter book study group! She decided to follow between meetings and she told the group about her new life this week. The joy and excitement was precious to witness. She is still battling against the lies of the enemy plaguing her especially at night. Ask that Truth would reign in her heart. She is learning how to fight against these attacks. She decided to tell one of her siblings about her decision. He immediately said she was confused and needed to go to a “Teacher.” Ask that he would be curious about her faith and be willing to hear.

Civil war erupting

There is fighting in one of the border cities that has escalated into a civil war. We are hearing of many casualties on both sides. It is hard to see a way forward for peace with so much bloodshed and hatred. So far it is localized to the border but tensions are high elsewhere too. Pray for peace.

Come out in the open

We are now part of Som** Prayer Network. This groups is made up of MBB’s and missionaries from other organisations. We seek the Lord’s guidance as we passionately seek His face as we move forward as joint labourers’ in His vineyard. In the last meeting, an MBB requested that we pray that they will no longer be seen as a secret (home) church but come out in the open and boldly declare that they are part of the Church of Christ that is lighting the world. Please pray with us for that.

Wanting to get married

There are several unmarried brothers who really want to get married. We are pleading with them to not marry unbelievers but they feel like their options are so limited. We long to see God establish marriages where both know Him and can be heirs together in the grace of Jesus.

New study

We are starting a book study with 1 follower, 1 new believer, 1 seeker. Ask that the words of 1Peter would be used to enrich, quicken, strengthen, convict, inspire, and draw these dear ones close.

Meeting with a Sheikh

Please pray for me as I have a meeting this afternoon with Sheikh Ab**.
Pray for God to guide my conversation and give me wisdom to share what He will place in my heart.
Also pray for my protection from the schemes and plans of the enemy. Please pray for God to soften the heart of this friend and make it fertile ground for the seed of the gospel.


Please pray for a breakthrough among Somali that many would believe that Jesus is Emmanuel.

Death threat

Urgent prayer request just received from a wife of an MBB. (Both husband and wife live in Nairobi.)

She has informed a colleague that her husband’s uncle has arrived in town from the USA and is on a mission to eliminate him.

The uncle says that his nephew is embarrassing the community for forsaking their faith.

Pray for God’s intervention, for strength to stand strong and a peace of mind for the family.

May this uncle know Jesus and may Jesus be born in his heart during this season.

6th Somali Heritage Week

This weekend the Somali Cultural Centre in Eastleigh, Nairobi is holding their 6th annual activities week to tell their stories using arts, book fair, story telling, cultural performances, Somali plays, art & craft exhibition, etc …

Please pray that we will be able to use this opportunity to connect and network with old and new friends and make appointments to engage with them at the venue or at a later date. We pray for boldness to engage with clarity from the Word and ask for God’s wisdom, guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

New seekers

There are reports from several cities of workers being approached by new seekers who are asking questions and who are willing to meet to read the word. May the Light shine and the Word speak and may the seeds sown have opportunity to grow!

Winter clothes

A local brother, on his own initiative, has launched an effort to help the street kids of his city. He has identified 25 children for whom He plans to provide “winter” clothing (coat, shoes, trousers and long sleeve shirt). Even though he has lost his teaching position due to his faith, he sees that there are those in greater need than himself. We see the work of the HS in his life! Ask that Father would provide for him and for the ‘least of these’. Ask that our brother would boldly and wisely follow Jesus’ example of Word and Deed.


Y* came into our office and found me with a nephew doing a Bible study.
I had met her before and she had shared that for her secondary school exams, she chose to do CRE (Christian Religious Education) as a subject and she scored an ‘A’. But she did this to pass her exams, as Islamic studies are harder.

Pray that God will open her time to join us and be able to hear God speaking to her heart as we study the Scriptures and pray together.

I was away last week and therefore did not attend a weekly prayer group, but am told that she attended.

New outreach tool

Now that outreach tool Al Masira is in the Som language, we are utilizing it! Pray that more local friends would be willing to commit to watching all 13 films with a facilitator. We are especially hopeful that one whole family will keep watching now that they’ve seen the first introductory lesson.

Home visit

While visiting my students at home last Sunday, God opened a door to me for share the salvation of Jesus Christ and read the Bible verse John 3:16 with Nasra and Muna. At the end of our conversation we held hands and prayed together. Praise the Lord! May the Holy Spirit open their minds and hearts, and let them see Jesus Christ is their saviour.


One of our local doctor friends says a major contributor to the famine is Qat (an imported green leafy stimulant). Many of the men who used to be the nomadic herders and knew how to keep a herd/flock healthy through the dry season are addicted to chewing. The woman and in most cases children tend to be the ones in charge of the animals now. The understanding and foresight of those gone before has been lost and not handed down. Pray against the stranglehold this drug has in the horn.


The famine among the people in the countryside is dire. Though rains have started, it’s not in time to rescue those in the more desert areas. Children and animals are dying. Even in the cities food prices are soaring and everyone is feeling it. Pray for God’s mercy.

Final appeal

The brother in jail is in his last stage of appeal, all previous ones have failed. We are asking that this final one would be heard with a favorable outcome. And if not that he would persevere under this trial and serve his sentence counting it fellowship with JC and as an opportunity to keep walking in The Way before a captive audience.

Shelter of the Almighty

One brother has felt released from the paralyzing fear of being found out and has been really boldly sharing with 3 friends. 2 seem to be following the Way now! But the enemy came at him with lies and fears this week. Ask that he would be renewed in his trust that he is in the shelter of the Almighty.

Needing jobs

It’s is really difficult for our local brothers to find and/or keep jobs. One bother was recently offered a position but it was taken away at the last minute. Ask that they could find meaningful work so they can offer a meaningful contribution to the community.


We still have a brother and a sister in jail serving 3 and 5 year sentences. So far the advocacy groups have not had any success. Pray for the Lord’s mercy and sustaining grace.

Work as a team

Our church is hosting a dinner towards the end of this month for about 30 MBB’s. Please pray that God will help us start working together as a team in His vineyard; that we will celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness for bringing us this far. Pray that God will show us how to work as a team to bring in more Somalis to His Kingdom.

New teammate

We just met a new member of our team. He is a MBB and a former Sheikh who was in charge of a mosque in a neighbouring country. He has been through Bible school, has studied Hinduism and Buddhism, speaks 8 local languages and now learning sign language. We consider this a blessing and an answer from the Lord of the Harvest to send us labourers into His harvest field! We believe that God wants him to strengthen the team with training in Apologetics. Pray with us that God may be glorified through his teaching and testimony and many will believe and be saved.


We know of 2 followers recently sentenced. One brother at the coast for 3 years and here in the capital a young 18yo sister, who was turned in by her mom, got 5years.
Advocacy groups are attempting to get involved and appeal. Pray for mercy and their faith to remain strong.


We want to give thanks to God for peace that has prevailed in Kenya before, during and after the national elections. We are now excited that we will resume our classes and physical contact with our students and S.* friends. They were not willing to meet until after the results were announced and all was peaceful. We thank God that we all prayed, He heard, and He answered. Glory be to God!

Lord save me!

Jesus recently gave a close friend a dream of him walking on the water and Peter going out to him and then crying out, “Lord save me!” She said at first she thought she wanted to say that to him!! And then she thought, “No, that’s not for me, I can’t.” And then she was overcome by fear and woke up. We are asking that she would be more afraid of not calling out to him and having him rescue her, than she is of her community.

Too busy

Pray for another friend, Mo*, who has a Bible and some Bible study material but appears be too busy for us to sit and study. Pray for Holy Spirit’s guidance and intervention in this.

Reading the Scriptures

My friend F* returned to his country this month and I gave him a Som* Bible as a gift. He has been calling me often to update me on his progress in resettling. I have already asked him to read the gospel of John. Please pray with us that God will give him the time to read it as the Scriptures are in his language. He has written two books in his language, so this should be quite interesting for him.

Discipling an MBB

One of our colleagues in Church Som** ministry is an MBB. He told me today that he feels overloaded and wondered if I could disciple and walk with a new MBB who lives close to our ministry Centre.
Please pray that M* (assumed name) will agree and that the Holy Spirit will work in our hearts as we walk the journey of faith together. Pray that as we study the Scriptures through materials like ‘Come follow me’, that we will both have our hearts renewed and transformed for God’s glory.

New students

We just want to thank God for answered prayers. You helped us pray for God to bring back students after Ramadhan. His plan was different. He answered with new students and new helpers for our team, and there is enough work and helpers in the vineyard.
We also want to thank God for great connections after a day outing during Eid Al-Adha holiday and God provided us with opportunities to share His love.


Pray for our sister “Hope” who has been detained. The word is they will go to trial soon. Lord give her mercy, courage, and grace. Turn the hearts of those in authority.