Translation trials

I just got off the phone with one of the translators for the Rangi New Testament. They are in the final checks and are experiencing some trials. This particular translator hasn’t been sleeping at night which makes it difficult to focus on the mentally heavy task of translation. He also often feels pain in his stomach when he goes to the office. Please pray for relief from these troubles and strength to finish the translation well.

School ministry

Pray for the outreach ministry among the Rangi. Pray for the Lord’s provision for the school and other projects which bless the community. Pray that many will hear and believe the gospel!

Children watching JF

Update from Rangi Evangelist: I thank the Lord that today many Muslim children came to my place to see the Jesus video. Please pray that these children will meet Jesus.

Freedom in Christ

From a Rangi evangelist: “There was a young woman named Haulatu who was tormented by evil spirits. I prayed for her and she was released, and continues to walk in freedom. I shared about Jesus with her and she received Him as her Savior. Pray for her. Please also pray for a lady named Zuhura. I have started visiting with her to teach her the good news of Jesus, and she is welcoming this news.” Pray for this evangelist to lead many to Christ. Pray for a strong church to grow among the Rangi people.

Three Prayers

First, thank God with me for Salmada, a lady who shared that she accepted Jesus in 2016, and though her siblings tried to stop her continuing with Jesus, now she called and told me that she still loves Jesus and she is a Christian up to today. Second, pray for my plan to have Compassion International services here. And third, pray for the kids here. There are some who don’t have school fees but they love school.

Serving the Least in the Community

From a Rangi evangelist: Please pray for me this week. There is a mama called F. I began discussing with her about Jesus. Pray for her salvation. The second request is that you pray for two teenagers who are crippled and really need a lot of help. Also please pray for some Muslim families who want to send their kids to Christian school but need school fees.

School Opening Again

From a Rangi evangelist: “Praise the Lord I am able to travel by motorcycle for ministry. Please pray for the work of God here in the town of Busi. On Monday I will reopen the Christian school after the break. There are many children who want to attend. Please pray that all who want to attend are able to do so, and that the Lord will provide so parents can afford to pay the school fees.” (Most of the children are from Muslim families.)

Examples of Transformation

Please continue to pray that the Lord will strengthen the evangelists and pastors who live and work among the Rangi. Pray that the strong resistance to the gospel will be broken down. Pray that the Rangi people will see examples of people who come to Christ and whose lives are transformed by the gospel, and that these will be the leaders of the future. Pray for the Rangi people to have indigenous, reproducing, Christ-centered churches.


Indigenous Training is going well here at EnGedi, 67 people from 9 tribes. We are learning about Progressive Redemption from Rev Miller and Evangelism from Emma and Pastor Israel. The teachings are both great, not only learning the course but being sharpened spiritually. The Rangi, Alagwa, Sandawe, Masai, Nyatulu, Datooga, Iraqw, Hadzabe and Sukuma believers are being shaped this week. Pray for 30 of these men to be called to be pastors.

Breakthrough prayer for the Rangi

“Lord, may Your Spirit convict the Rangi of their sin, Your righteousness, and the coming judgment, in such a way that they can understand and believe.”

A Lame Boy and His Mother

From a Rangi evangelist: May the Lord Jesus be praised. Please join me in praying for a young boy named Majid who is lame and cannot walk. Please also pray for his family who are very poor. Pray for his mother who has begun listening to the good news when I go visit them. Pray for their salvation. Thank you!

Preaching Discipleship to Jesus

Pray that an evangelist and other Rangi believers would be encouraged, equipped, and emboldened during the visit of a missionary today and tomorrow (May 25-26). He’ll be preaching about certain aspects of discipleship from Matthew 10. Pray that the Lord will mightily use the ministry of the Word in the lives of these believers from Muslim backgrounds.

School Children, Church Plots, and Rain

From a Rangi evangelist: “I thank the Lord that in His mercy we were able to teach 57 school children this year. Please pray for those families that have a hard time paying school fees. Please also pray about this: there is a Methodist church that wants to give us property so we can use it for outreach ministry. Of course we’ll need funds to build a building. Lastly, please pray for rain. The farms here are very dry and people are hungry. Thank you for your prayers.”

Now They are Open

From a Rangi evangelist: “Pray for ministry in the town of Busi- people are now open to receive the gospel. I need a team so we can expand the work of evangelism. Thank you and God bless you.” Pray for God to send workers to this harvest field.

A Christian School’s Inspection

From a Rangi evangelist: “Please pray for a school inspection that I will be having. The government leaders have promised to come and have a look at the state of the school to see if it has met the requirements. If so, they could register the school, if not they will remove it from the list. Also I have a vision to get a Compassion International center on some church land, to continue that ministry. Please also pray in general for the ministry of the school and the church.” Pray for Rangi Muslims to come to faith in Christ through these efforts.

Training and outreach

From a Rangi evangelist: “Praise the Lord, and pray for me. I am attending a seminar (Global Disciples) this week starting Thursday through Sunday and also I’ll be doing door to door evangelism. Join with me to pray for this work of God. Be blessed.”


Praise the Lord for seven Rangi baptized in the past year, especially those from Muslim backgrounds. Please pray for their growth in the Lord and that many others will follow their faith and example. Pray for many Rangi to come to faith in Christ through a Christian school in Pahi.

You prayed…He answered

On Oct 24, 2017 you prayed for this request: “Thank God for his blessing, because we are already roofing a classroom, and now join me to pray for finishing the floor, windows, doors and plaster. This is a place for Muslim high school students to come after school for tutoring and to learn about Jesus Christ.” And God answered: “I want to thank God for the building of a classroom, we are now finishing and planning to open it officially on the graduation day.”

I have talked with the chief of Busi and he accepted to be the guest of honor.

You prayed…He answered

The following request you prayed for about a certain Rangi man named Yusuph: ” Jan 17, 2018 Please pray for Yusuph. He needs a job that will support him till God opens the way to attend Bible school.”
Sep 17, 2018 “We praise God for one Rangi student and four from other Muslim UPGs who have joined Majahida Bible college for Bible Training. Yusuph from the Rangi people is zealous to reach his own as soon as he finishes school.”
And God answered: “We praise God for Yusuph, he’s now in school and he is doing very well in his studies. God has also provided supporters for his school fees. Thank you.” Praise the Lord.

Salvation For Neighbors

Please pray for the salvation of Zaruna and Bisania, Muslim neighbors to a Christian family among the Rangi. Pray that they may hear of Jesus’ love and grace and sacrifice for their salvation at Christmas time. May they be so filled with joy that they “sell all for the pearl of great price,” despite any persecution they may encounter.

Requesting prayer

I thank God Zaruna came to church. Continue to pray for him. Pray also for ten other people I preached to and prayed for. Now others are continuing to ask for prayers and request we continue to pray for them.

This Far The Lord Has Helped Us

From a Rangi evangelist: “Please join me in thanking the Lord for His help to us here. He helped us build bathrooms for our school. Now please pray for His provision for the completion of the classroom, especially the wiring and windows. Besides that, please pray for the kindergarten graduation party on November 30. Pray for the Muslim families who will attend, that they will hear the gospel.” Pray that the school will be a tool in God’s hand for many Rangi families to come to faith in Christ.

A Pastor and His Wife

Pray for a Rangi pastor who came from a Muslim background. Last year he was married. He and his wife began to have problems, and she left him to return to her family. His Muslim father is mocking him for this failure. Now his health is deteriorating. Please pray for this man of God to settle his heart in God. Pray that God will help his wife remember her marriage vows and repent in obedience to God’s Word. Pray that this pastor will have courage, and perseverance as well as mercy and grace as he stays in ministry on his own. Will you also pray for his wife? He doesn’t know what is currently happening with her. He desperately needs God’s direction in this situation. Thank you for your prayers.

MBB students!

We praise God for one Rangi student and four from other Muslim UPGs who have joined Majahida Bible college for Bible Training. Eli from the Rangi people is zealous to reach his own as soon as he finishes school. Pray that many more will come and join the school as these four have done.

Troubled by demons

Please pray for a woman called Mama Ntoki. She is troubled by demons, and she has now become willing to seek the help of Jesus Christ. I prayed for her, please pray that she will be healed and that she will make the decision to follow Jesus completely. Also please pray for Joria to walk worthy of the Lord and give his life completely to Jesus Christ.


I have received a message from Bu in Kon TZ of three ladies who have regularly come to church on Sundays. One of the three has fully accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, and the other two are still seeking to know the truth. Please pray for Ami, Zuhu, and Had (fake names), but real seekers! Thanks

Rangi Bible student!

Pray for Y. Eliakimu from Bu, a Rangi who has a call to serve God among his people. He is going to Bible College. Please pray that God will use him to reach many with His saving arm.

A Sent Team

Please pray for a team of believers who will move into a Rangi town in 2019. Pray that God will prepare many Rangi hearts to hear and believe the gospel. Pray that the local churches, made up of people from other tribes, will work side by side with the team. Pray that more and more Rangi people will come to faith in Christ.

Blessings and Needs

From a Rangi Evangelist: This week join us to thank God for his blessings of rain on the Rangi homelands. Here in Busi it’s raining; crops are doing very well. Pray for my little son Baraka, he has not been well. Pray for our ministry work here. Pray for the Muslim kids we minister to, that God opens their minds to the truth of the gospel.

Prayer For Healing

From a Rangi evangelist: “Please join us in praying for the family of a man named Mohamed and his wife, named Joria. Joria is ill, and they have been to many witch doctors but she has not been healed. Then today she came to my house to ask for prayer for healing. I prayed for her and we will keep praying for her. Please pray with us for her healing and for their salvation. Thank you.”

Faithful and Persevering

Praise the Lord for the faithful Tanzanian Christians who live among the Rangi in order to share the gospel with them. Pray for the encouragement of each one, that they will persevere and see fruit.

Guests Came

Praise God that even though one invited guest did not attend the Easter service, four others came and watched the Jesus film with the Rangi evangelist’s family. Please pray for their salvation.

Easter Guest

Pray for a Rangi Muslim woman who will be with an evangelist at Easter. Pray that she may hear the gospel and put her faith in the Saviour, with her family.

A Year of Decisions

Please pray that in 2018 many Rangi who have been listening to the Word of God will choose to put their faith in Christ and confess Him openly. Pray that some of these will be influential leaders in the tribe, and that their example will encourage fearful people to be bold.

Asking Again, Knocking Again

From a Rangi evangelist: Pray again for Yusuph who he needs a job, for God’s way to join Bible School and for his family to know Jesus as their Savior. Pray also for my family’s needs. Thank you and blessings in Jesus name.

A Rangi Evangelist’s Prayer Requests

From a Rangi Evangelist: Please pray for Yusuph. He needs a job that will support him till God opens the way to attend Bible school. Secondly pray for more students to enroll at my school. The other need is to raise money for finishing the classroom. Pray for my family’s needs and support to help us to continue with His work here. Be blessed in Jesus’ name.

A Nursery School Graduation and Two Wives

This week we need prayer for graduation here at Mwikalo Muuja nursery School. Join us to pray for a man named Zungu and his wives. We continue sharing the good news with them. Thank you for your prayers for us and God bless you all.

Faithful Men and Women

Praise God for the faithfulness of several Rangi evangelists and pastors, and the courage of their wives to persevere in sharing the gospel together. Pray for more and more Rangi to become believers in Christ, and to share the good news about Him among their people. Pray for the power of Islam to be broken among the Rangi.

May God Do A Miracle

S is a wonderful young lady who, together with her husband, has been given understanding of a lot of the Gospel. She has experienced the love of believers, and yet has not expressed any desire to become a believer herself. Please ask that the Lord would really do a miracle and move in both her and her husband.

Already Roofing the Classroom

Thank God for his blessing, because we are already roofing a classroom, and now join me to pray for finishing the floor, windows, doors and plaster. This is a place for Muslim high school students to come after school for tutoring and to learn about Jesus Christ. Thank you and be blessed in Jesus Christ.