Shine brightly

Pray for Mzee S., a respected leader in the community from a different tribe, who is a Christian. Pray he would shine brightly in the community and draw many to the Lord.

Getting ready for Bible teaching

Please pray for the Lord to prepare a group of people to receive Biblical teaching — chronological, systematic teaching from Genesis to Revelation. Pray the harvest would be ripe when the missionaries are ready to start teaching in the tribal language.
Pray for the Lord to divinely appoint language helpers for the missionaries who would not only help them learn the tribal tongue but also be open to eventually receive the Gospel and become followers of Jesus.

Needing rain

Please pray for the many families who are relying on farming for both food for themselves as well as extra income. Planting season has started and is completely dependent on the rain. Pray for God’s favor and provision for these people.

Dreams and visions

As Christians around the world enter the Christmas season, pray for dreams and visions among the Rangi that would lead them toward the King of all Kings.


Please pray for K., a young Rangi man who grew up Muslim but has been exposed to Christian teachings. Pray that his heart would be burdened by a realization of his sinfulness and his need for a Savior.

Turn to Hope

Please pray for Mama Y., who has 10 children and is raising them without the support of her husband. Pray that she would turn to the hope and strength that is only found in the Lord.

Reach out

Pray for the local church in one of the villages. Pray that they would have a heart to reach out to the Rangi people who live all around them.

Rangi New Testament!

The Rangi New Testament was dedicated this weekend! Translators from the organization SIL started the work in 2006 and finished the huge project this year. What an accomplishment and reason to praise God! Please pray His Word will plant many seeds among the Rangi.

Community leader

Pray for T., one of the community leaders in the village. Pray for wisdom as he leads the Rangi people, and that he would show “genuine concern for their welfare” (see Phil. 2:20).

Justice to reign

Pray for G., a young woman who is studying to become a teacher. A professor at her college is pressuring the female students into sexual favors to receive better grades. Please pray for darkness to be revealed and justice to reign.

Lost husband

Please pray for Mama P., who just lost her husband to illness. Pray for God’s comfort and provision for her and her young daughters.

Pass on the message

Please pray for Mama F., who is a Catholic and runs a preschool for kids in the community. Pray that she would truly understand the Gospel of Jesus and pass on the message to her students.

Local high school

Please pray for a high school in the area that has just changed leadership and is now under a Catholic group. Pray that the students from the Rangi tribe and other tribes would hear the Good News of Jesus.

Youth Bible study

I have started a Bible study for about 15 youth in Pahi, some of them are believers but others are not but are interested in learning about the Bible. A number of them come from a Muslim background. Please pray for them as we discuss the Scriptures, that the Lord would draw the unbelievers to Himself and that they would put their faith in Christ and for the believers to grow and mature in Christ.

Needing healing

Please pray for Mzee A., a local witch doctor, who has reached out to the missionaries with some health concerns. Pray that he would realize his own darkness and see the light of Christ through the missionaries. Pray God will heal him physically and spiritually!

Open her eyes

Pray for Mama A., who has shown interest in spiritual matters and had some questions about God and Jesus and how they were different from her Muslim God and prophet. Pray for her eyes to be opened to God’s Truth.

Studying the Bible

Pray for two young men, S. and K., who are studying the Bible chronologically with one of the missionaries. Pray their hearts would be opened to God’s Truth.

Turned her back

Pray for Mama S., who used to be very involved at a local church but has since turned her back on the church and her faith. We still see a heart for God in her and pray she would turn back to the One True God.

Seek and find

Pray for the Muslim community here as Ramadan has started this week. Pray that many Muslims, as they fast and pray for the forgiveness of their sins, would seek and find the True God.

Need more teachers

Pray for 4 teachers that a local elementary school is looking to hire to help with the overwhelming student to teacher ratio (800 students:8 teachers). Pray the Lord would bring Christian teachers that would be strong in their faith and a light to the community!

Demon attack

Pray for A., a young man who is known in the whole village because he sits in the city center every evening and goes through a “demon attack,” as the locals tell us. Pray the Lord would deliver him from his spiritual oppression and use this as a wide open door for the name of Jesus to be known and glorified in the city.

Dreams and visions

Pray for the Lord Jesus to reveal himself to many Muslim Rangi people in dreams and visions, and for hearts to be open to hear and accept the truth of the Gospel.


Pray for S., a friend of ours who was accused of stealing equipment from a school in the village. Pray for the truth to reign and a fair trial. Pray for open doors for the gospel through this hardship.

Difficult season

Pray for Pastor P., the pastor of a local church here, and the church leadership. The congregation is going through a difficult season, including a court case, and the leadership needs wisdom and guidance on how to lead the flock well and bring unity to the believers.


Pray for Mama and Baba J., whose 7-month old son has severe disabilities and developmental delays. Pray that their faith in God would be strengthened through this trial in their life.

Demon possession

Pray for S., who has struggled with demon possession for years and has asked the believers in the village for prayer. Yet he refuses to believe the gospel and turn toward the God who can deliver him. Pray for salvation and healing.


Pray for the many people involved in witchcraft in the village. So many people live in constant fear and mistrust of others as there is a strong spirit of jealousy and greed among the people, which leads many to seek dark forces/witchcraft in order to hurt their fellow community members. Pray for the light and love of Christ to set them free!


Pray for the 34 teenage girls graduating from a local Christian high school in the area this Saturday. Pray that they would know the Lord personally and follow Him with their lives.

Pray for healing

Pray for Mama M., a single mom of four children who has recently miscarried her twin babies. Pray for her healing – physical, emotional, and spiritual. May she be drawn to the light of Christ.

Pray for his salvation

Pray for an elderly man in the village, Mzee I., who is a political leader in the community. Pray the Lord would convict him of his sin and that he would repent and be saved.

Point to the Light

Pray for the local elementary school that serves 800 Rangi children. Pray for more Christian teachers and helpers to point the students to the light. Pray for the children to hear and accept the good news.

Burdened with the call

Pray for the believers who live in the Rangi villages (a great majority of whom do not actually belong to the Rangi tribe) and the churches they belong to. Pray that they would be burdened with the call of the Great Commission and reach out to their neighbors and communities. Pray for many Rangi to believe!


Please pray for the village kids who spend time with the missionaries. Several of them have been reprimanded and/or physically punished by the Muslim religious leaders of the village for doing so. Pray that the light and love of God would bring life into their hearts.

Ministry of the church

Pray for the ministry of the Church in Busi and also the Kindergarten.
Pray for the Lord to work through the new evangelist in the village of Keikei as he settles into ministry there.
Ask the Lord to glorify Himself in all the work going on in Pahi.

No hope

Please pray for Mama Amina and her family, who live next-door. There are several kids, no father figure, no job, not enough food, and no hope. Pray for doors for the gospel to be opened and for her to believe.


Sheila, a young Rangi orphan girl, gets to spend her Saturdays after school at the home of a Christian. Pray she sees and hears and comes to know the Love of Christ for her.

Mama Joyce

Pray for Mama Joyce to have opportunities to shine for Jesus and proclaim his name among her Rangi neighbors as she helps care for the orphans and the poor in her midst despite being poor herself.

Getting closer

Pray for Mama S. She and Shara have had many conversations about Christ. Mama S has gone to Bible studies and been engaged with Christians through Shara. She has even said she’s “getting closer”. Pray for ultimate conviction of sin and desperate need for a Savior.

in-depth discipleship

The two Rangi men who accepted Christ in November have both moved down to Dar and have started an in-depth discipleship program with a very godly local believer. Praise God for this opportunity and pray for continued strength against the enemy and maturing of their faith.

Remain close to God

Pray for S, a young Rangi girl who accepted Christ a few months ago. She went back to the village for school and is so thirsty to learn more but there’s no one in the village to teach her. Pray she will remain close in God and pray earnestly. Pray also as she hopes to tell her father about her conversion, pray he will receive it well and that the Lord would even miraculously work in his heart through his daughter.