New believer

Pastor Guyo reports that they have a new believer coming for regular meetings. His wife has also been coming for some teaching. Pray that the wife will also believe and that they will both grow and share their faith boldly and wisely to make more disciples!

Christmas opportunities

Pray for all the planned Christmas sharing, meals and hospitality to be received and responded to -that a breakthrough of a disciple making movement may begin in O land!

Raining and reigning

Praise the Lord with us that the rains have come to O-land, the grass is growing and the animals have food to eat. Many animals have died because of the drought – Pray that the economy will improve and God will continue to provide for the physical needs, as well as a spiritual outpouring that they would receive Jesus to reign in their hearts!

Follow up on young O patient

G is back home and we PTL for healing from the acute medication reaction, and a solid diagnosis to help us with her long term treatment. Pray that her young and timid faith will keep growing and spread to her mom, grandma, uncle, grandpa and her whole extended family as a catalyst for our community to respond to Jesus’ invitation to come and follow Him!

Family units to believe together.

Cal is a young O believer who we’ve prayed for in the past. He’s been stagnant in his faith after marrying a Muslim wife, but recently he told us he’s been sharing with her and she’s also become a follower. He’s also been faithful in 3 recent Bible studies, and encouraged his wife to follow up with us as well as studying with him. Pray that their faith grows strong and deep, and spreads among their extended family too.

Drought-Pray for humble and wholehearted repentance.

The drought continues – and gets more and more serious here as each day passes without rain! Animals are weak and dying. We pray from 2nd Chronicles 7:13-14 that people really would humble themselves and turn (repent) from their sin, especially that of not receiving God’s gift of grace through Jesus! May there be a spiritual breakthrough here, and may God have mercy to send the rain (physical and spiritual!) Our team is still in the midst of a second distribution of food and this has also brought many opportunities to share. May all the seeds sink in and find that good soil in many hearts!

Healing and growth

A 15 year old girl was sent to the mission hospital after a severe reaction to a treatment. Pray for physical healing, and that she’ll hear more Good News as she’s there and solidify her young belief and grow to maturity.


A woman came asking for prayer to help her “illness” of evil spirits. Five followers of Jesus circled her with Good News and prayer. G prayed to accept Jesus as her Savior, Healer and Deliverer. We then used Jesus authority to pray for her to be set free and healed. Pray for G to grow in her faith and walk in full freedom in Christ. We’re supposed to meet her again today (Thursday).

God’s drawing

Pray for M, a new O Community Health Worker who is getting much prayer and exposure to the Gospel- may God draw her and her extended family to Jesus as His strong disciples who would be used to make more disciples!


God’s drawing: Pray for M, a new O Community Health Worker who is getting much prayer and exposure to the Gospel- may God draw her and her extended family to Jesus as His strong disciples who would be used to make more disciples!

Breakthrough prayer: Growing!

A big encouragement through O MBB team-mates Y&S beginning work in a new village! May the Holy Spirit pour in and through them with the wisdom and power of the message of the Messiah and the cross! Pray for breakthrough response- that God will make things grow!

Drawing many O.

May God the Father draw and enable many O to come to Jesus in response to all the Gospel seeds that are being sown regularly! John 6:44 & 65

Miracles, boldness, and the Holy Spirit filling

“Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your Word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭4:29-31‬ ‭NIV


May God call and equip long-term mission-minded nurses to join our outreach team – we need one more Kenyan and 2 ex-pats. The medical ministry brings so many opportunities for deep relationship building and sharing the Good News, and Jesus’ power, authority and saving grace! Though it seems impossible, let’s ask God even for 2 O Christian disciples of Jesus as nurses for our two dispensaries.

Discipleship groups

So many O have heard the gospel, and many even express much interest. It is such a challenge to get them to actually meet regularly for discipleship or more study. Pray that two men of peace who are welcoming, would be instrumental in starting 1-2 new groups for regular study of God’s Word, and may the Father draw them to choose response and obedience to become faithful disciples of Jesus.

Wedding seeds

A mission family had a big Christian village wedding celebration for their last born. So much was shared throughout the weeks of preparation, the wedding day and the follow up – pray that the seeds and relationships will bear lasting fruit and many O will be drawn to respond and receive Jesus!

A grieving hilltop

The village mosque sits atop the highest point in the town. Two related big family groups who live closest to the mosque have both lost beloved loved ones in drawn out illnesses in the last six weeks- a 44 year old mother and a 54 year old father. Pray that all the effects of this and the sharing surrounding it will shine God‘s love, compassion and saving grace through Jesus – that even this hardest of times may be used to convict peoples hearts of their need for Jesus as Savior and Lord!

Breakthrough prayer

“Father, these O hearts have remained hard and resistant for way too long. Pour out your spirit to convict their hearts and draw them into responding and receiving salvation through Jesus, by your grace, and by their faith, as your gift. Oh how they love gifts! May many O. receive this best gift ever and become your strong disciples! In Jesus name!“


So many O have made a profession of faith in Jesus, then as persecutions mount in the months that follow, they backslide and turn back. Pray that God would bring a group of O believers to come to Him together in genuine faith, to stand firm against all the schemes of our enemy the devil, to be strong disciples who will love and serve their master whole heartedly and they would make more disciples of Jesus. Pray God would start this ball rolling, and draw even these backsliders back to Himself!

Translation couple

One of our strong and faithful O believers is doing the work of Bible translation. His wife has struggled so much after receiving Jesus as Savior, but then wanting to please her family – turning back and forth and back and forth. Ask that God would strengthen ‘Kadie’ as she has now moved to a new area away from her family to be with her husband in his translation work. May she find a sister to walk with and encourage her there in the Lord. May her faith be genuine, and she become strong in the Lord, ever more in love with Jesus as her Savior. And may their husband-wife relationship be strong, deep and growing.

Kay’s husband

Kay’s husband asked her why she was not fasting. She responded by reading with him John chapter 10 about Jesus being the Good Shepherd. She told him that since God had already provided this wonderful gift for her through her Good Shepherd, she can fast anytime she wants as praise and thanksgiving to God for this gift. She told him she’s praying for him to also receive this wonderful gift. He was very angry and didn’t speak to her all evening. But the next day he seemed normal again. Pray for wisdom and grace for Kay as she lets her light shine, and pray for her husband and extended family to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Medical ministry opportunities

For the O. Pray for J and M, a Muslim teacher who engaged with a gospel presentation sharing time for an hour as IV fluids dripped into his sick wife, who was also listening and asking questions from her bed. Pray that the Holy Spirit would use these seeds, and so many like them to penetrate and enlighten peoples’ hearts, and draw them to respond by receiving Jesus’ love and saving grace!

Year of response

“O Lord, open the blinded eyes, give life to the deadened hearts, that they may see, understand, turn and be healed by You.” May 2021 be the year of response, and a movement of people coming to know Jesus as Savior!


S, a man newly diagnosed with diabetes, has been open to listen to God’s Word. Pray that his fear will cause him to turn to Jesus, to embrace God’s grace in all of its truth.


“Oh Lord, enlighten the eyes of many O hearts and draw them to come to Jesus and to become His strong disciples who will make more disciples! In Jesus powerful name, amen.”

Persevering in prayer!

Our friend Z has made very little progress with her physical rehab from her stroke. We have had great opportunities to love through our deeds and our words. So far the family have remained resistant to Jesus. They are planning to move her back to the home village of her oldest brother, H, the leader we have also been praying for. That will be better for her long-term physical care. Persevere with us in praying for God’s healing grace for a physical and spiritual miracle: for salvation and that she would be able to walk again!

update on Frank

As Frank continues his clinical officer training, pray that God would put those in his path with a powerful witness of Jesus’ love and grace. Pray that Frank would be drawn to come to Jesus as Savior and make him Lord of his life. Pray that Frank would become useful to God as a strong disciple of Jesus among his own O family and communities!

A new sister!

A lady has proclaimed herself to have believed, and prayed for salvation through Jesus. Pray for the discipleship connections and follow up teaching to go well- this is where the seeds are so often choked, or fail to form good roots. Pray that she will grow in faith and have courage to share with others and make other disciples!

Update on Z.

We’re still ministering to Z: praying, sharing, loving and working on rehab – slow progress and continuing resistance to the Gospel. She was ‘forced’ into occult ceremonies- which actually deepen the darkness and bondage. Keep praying for God’s miracle of saving and healing grace in Jesus name.

Stoke! Opportunity for a miracle!

We have prayed for Z before: She and her brother are natural leaders. She is a best friend and clinic assistant and has had a severe stroke this past week. Our hearts are burdened with the physical needs for rehab and healing! Our hearts are even more burdened with the spiritual needs, knowing that right now she is perishing without Christ. Pray for a breakthrough against the kingdom of darkness – for God’s gracious drawing of her and her family into his kingdom! And for the physical healing for Z in the name , Power and authority of Jesus the Messiah!

Grace to receive for “Frank”

A young man we’ll call Frank is in medical training, and has been working with us in our medical ministry to get more experience and knowledge during his Covid delays from finishing his schooling. So Frank has been exposed to daily Bible teaching, prayer and regular witness through our clinic work. He’s gone from strong resistance to softened seeking for truth. Pray that the Holy Spirit would convict his heart and draw him to the Father as a strong disciple of Jesus who will be used powerfully to make more disciples….

God’s drawing power!

Pray for God to lead us to share with those who He’s been working in and drawing – that all of our team may bear much lasting fruit.

Chiefs and leaders

Pray for our O chiefs and leaders, and their extended families to respond to the Gospel message! May they lead their people into the most important decisions ever made – to become disciples of Jesus who will be obedient to go and make more disciples.

A genuine seeker.

Pray for O who is diligently seeking for answers and understanding of Scripture. May God convict his heart and draw him to become a wholehearted disciple of Jesus who will make more disciples who will make more…

Answered prayer!

Thank you for praying. PTL that God has convicted Mike’s wife to turn away from seeking to please people, and commit to wholeheartedly following Jesus (again!)  Pray that she’s genuine and will bear eternal fruit! Pray for God’s empowerment of Mike in Scripture translation, and that the organization will allow him to move back close to his home and family – who need him.

Chiefs and headmen

Pray that God would draw our Chiefs and sub- Chiefs and headman and their families into his kingdom. This would take a miracle of God‘s love and saving grace. May these leaders be allowed by their community and used by God to lead their families and people to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior!

Mike’s wife

Mike is a strong O believer who is also a gifted Bible translator. His wife continues to struggle- She has proclaimed faith in Jesus, but has no fruit. Pray that she would whole heartedly follow Jesus and not keep trying to please her family and community. Pray that her and Mike could have real unity in following Jesus together and leading their family in godly ways.

God’s armor

We know from Ephesians 6 that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world. Pray against these evil rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, pray in Jesus name and authority that they will be prevented and frustrated in their work to keep O people in fear, bondage, darkness and deception. Pray that MANY O will have courage to respond to the Good News that is broadly being shared, and that the people movement of becoming disciples of Jesus may begin yet in 2020!

Drawing natural leaders.

Pray for H and his sister Z. They are both natural leaders in the O communities. They both have serious health concerns, high BP, diabetes and strokes in their recent past. Pray that God would use these stressful concerns to draw them to himself, that they would repent from following I$lam, and lead their families and community in following Jesus, and making disciples.


Pray for O backsliders who at one time proclaimed that they believed and received Jesus as Savior, but then due to community persecutions and pressures they turned back to I$lam. Pray that they wholeheartedly come back to follow Jesus, embrace persecution and become mighty tools in making more disciples of Jesus.