Ready To Answer

Pray for Christians living among the Nyamwezi that they will have the right attitude, the right answer, and not be surprised by the nature of questions from those seeking answers about Christianity. Praise God for hearts that are wanting to draw near to the Truth and an openness to hear about His Word. Pray that those seeking would believe. Pray that those sharing the Gospel will be adequately prepared with knowledge and understanding about our hope in Christ. May we “always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you for a reason regarding the hope that is in you, yet answer with gentleness and reverence.” 1 Peter 3:15

Treasure the Word

Praise God for two new brothers in Christ, who have come to faith out of Islam this week! One is an older man who has been examining the Scriptures for over a year. Pray that in his new found faith he would have zeal to share his decision with others. Pray that he and his whole household would follow Jesus, and that the Word of God would nourish and encourage them. The other new believer is a young man, whose friend has been witnessing to him for many years. He told his friend this week, “I want to receive Christ as my Savior”. His father and brother have also come out of Islam. Pray these three would have influence on the mother, who has yet to receive Jesus. Pray this young man would be as Job, treasuring “the words of His mouth more than my necessary food,” (Job 23:12).


No evidence was found against friends who were held without bail for three months. They are especially grateful to be home just before the new planting season begins. We visted several times while they were in custody, leaving Bibles and booklets. They specifically thanked us for our visits and prayers for their release. Both of them also mentioned excerpts from Scripture that they had been reading while in custody, including the need to forgive those who had accused them. Pray for this as they reunite with family and villagers. As we rejoice over their physical freedom, pray also for their salvation- spiritual freedom. “Bring me out of prison, that I may give thanks to your name!” Psalm 142:7

Remove the Veil

“Lord, remove the veil from the eyes of the Nyamwezi and give them a longing to know your truth, that they may have new life in Jesus.”

Drawn to the Son

Pray for whole Nyamwezi families who are drawn to the Son, hearing chronologically stories about God’s character and man’s need for a Savior. Also the Jesus Film has been shown to numerous groups in public places. The response is unclear except that the film is watched with attention to what is being spoken. Some are requesting to see the again, and if it might be shown at their homes so their entire household and neighbors may see the film. Pray that those curious would know the Truth, and that the Truth will set them free.

Nyamwezi Breakthrough Prayer

“Lord, remove the veil from the eyes of the Nyamwezi and give them a longing to know your truth, that they may have new life in Jesus.”

Drawn to the Son

Pray for whole families who are drawn to the Son, hearing chronological stories about God’s character and man’s need for a Savior. The Jesus Film has been shown to numerous groups in public places. The response is unclear except that the film is watched with attention to what is being spoken. Some are requesting to see the film again, and if it might be shown at their homes so their entire household and neighbors may see the film. Pray for those curious would know the Truth, and that the Truth will set them free.

Prayer for those in Prison

We are saddened by a recent surprising turn of events as two of our closest friends were arrested without bail on serious charges that appear to be fictitious. Pray for their hearts to turn and trust God completely through this tribulation. Pray that through this they would know Christ is Redeemer physically and spiritually. Pray also for their children at home without mother and father. During our visits, we have seen the marginalized have little choice but to accept oppression and corruption as part of life. Praying this would change. Pray while they await judgement in court this week, that they would be granted a fair and just trial.

Prayers for the Dead

Pray for witnessing opportunities with friends who don’t share our faith- they will gather together this afternoon in their individual homesteads to say prayers over their dead.


Praise God for successful drilling of a borehole that has brought forth plentiful water to a village where fresh water was inaccessible. It is wonderful that so many are blessed immediately and may drink from this well! All are amazed and rejoicing to see fresh water come forth from ground that has long been dry. May villagers recognize that this water is from God and desire to know Him. Pray for continued proclamation of the Gospel in the area and receptive hearts to receive living water (John 7:37-39)

Come to the Well

Pray for continued efforts for clean water procurement among the Nyamwezi. A number of wells dry up at this time of year during the six month long dry season, May-October, when rains are nil or scarce. Pray for efforts to restore water availablity to dry or broken wells and in findng locations for new wells. Pray over these locations of water to not only be places for physical refreshment but also for eternal living water to be available at these water sites in the sharing of God’s Word.

Eternal Facts on Film

Praise for continued opportunities to reach out to remote villages of Nyamwezi sharing the Jesus Film in three locations. Pray that the Lord will quicken hearts to receive the Good News and for people to understand and believe as they hear God’s plan of salvation through Christ. Pray for local partners in the process of planting churches in these rural villages as people respond.

In The Throne Room

Directing our prayers to God in His throne room, we are assured of His listening ear on behalf of the Nyamwezi to become part of His Kingdom. Pray that the Nyamwezi would consider carefully their spiritual condition as Ramadan ends. Pray that they would realize their need for Jesus as their Savior, for many have heard the Gospel and not yet made a decision to trust Christ as their Savior.

Sweeter Than Honey

The Nyamwezi are widely known for their skills in beekeeping and harvesting honey. A welcomed guest may be offered honeycomb dripping with sweet honey. Deliciously sweet! This month many spend extra time reading as they fast. Pray that those who have Bibles or are listening to the Bible on audio players will find God’s Word sweet to taste and desire it more than honey. Psalm 119:103 “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”

No Longer

Pray that the Nyamwezi will no longer think of their identity as being primarily Muslim, but will begin to identify with Jesus the Messiah, and follow Him.

Hear Our Cry, Oh Lord!

We know God will answer at the right time! The Lord hears and answers when His people cry out to Him. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work among those who have heard the message to respond in faith. Keep praying for what our hearts long to see – an established church among the Nyamwezi. Pray for boldness in proclaiming the Gospel message among the Nyamwezi, effectively sharing the Good News and the meaning of Christ’s final sacrifice on the cross. Pray for believers from among those who have heard. Pray for the harvest!

Whom Shall I Send?

Pray for local congregations and partner missions to join in opportunities to reach the Nyamwezi. Pray for Tanzanians to be engaged in church planting movements among the Nyamwezi.
Pray that churches would be deepened by prayer for the lost and in sending out their own. Pray for courage and equipping of local believers to respond to the call, “Whom shall I send, and who will go?” to engage with their Muslim neighbors in sharing the Resurrection and the Life in everyday context.


Pray that the Spring rains will continue and that the Lord would bring forth an abundant harvest to sustain subsistence farming families throughout the year. As you pray for crops, please lift up introductory training in April for farming techniques that integrate godly principles for more yield in properly caring for creation. Pray for twenty to attend and for attendees to be people of peace and influence in the community; bridge people who would have their hearts open to God’s truths and to communicate those truths to others.

Amulets, Charms, and Binding Cords

Many Nyamwezi believe that wearing amulets and charms will keep them safe. Some charms have bits of bone or powders in them, or small bits of paper with Koranic verses written on them. Many young children can be seen with lengths of black cord tied around their bellies or wrists, or wearing a necklace of black cord with a small pouch tied to it. Pray against the spiritual forces at work, for freedom from fears that bind hearts, and that those who are believers in Christ may boldly proclaim the Good News and introduce others to the One who made the materials in the charms and bracelets. He is more powerful than those materials or the powers ascribed to them. He is Almighty. He is the Victor over darkness. He sets the captives free.

Opening Doors for Witness

Pray for an increase in the frequency of sharing Bible stories so continuity is not lost. Pray that the Nyamwezi would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus as believers proclaim the Gospel message regularly in homes and to individuals. Pray for more open doors to share God’s Word as relationships are built in villages. Pray that the Nyamwezi will see the real Jesus we know and love and that they would know God longs for a personal relationship with them. May the Lord keep opening doors to the lives and hearts of those who are lost, in households and in neighborhoods.

Drawing Out Stories

Please pray as chonological Bible Storying is ongoing in a number of settings among the Nyamwezi: at homesteads, under trees, in villages, in schools, at neigborhood children’s clubs. These meeting times provide a place to share each other’s stories about drawing either closer or farther from God, and hearing God’s narrative from the Scriptures of His stories for our lives. The Nyamwezi are already aware of the supernatural realm and are open to talking about the Creator and spiritual matters. Pray for relationships as they are built, faithfulness in coming to hear God’s stories, oneness as a community, and for hearts to understand God’s unfailing love for each person, whatever their story.

Christian Neighbors: the only Jesus some people will ever see

Approximately one-third of Nyamwezi say they are Christian. They are the neighbors who may be the only Jesus some people ever see. Please pray that they would reach out in conversations with their non-Christian neighbors and share their stories of salvation and how God is personal in their lives. Ask that God’s love would be unleashed. Pray for those who are drawn to relate with their Christian neighbors, that they would likewise be drawn to God and come to know God in their own lives. “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” James 4:8

Faith Comes By Hearing

As we look this advent season to our Hope in Jesus Christ, we praise God that New Testament audio Bibles will soon be ready in the Nyamwezi language. Access to scripture is an essential component to church planting in any culture. Due to low literacy rates, many Nyamwezi must hear, rather than read, the Bible. They have a strong oral tradition and a keen ability to memorize detailed stories. Pray that many will hear the New Testament and listen to it intently. Pray for completion of this audio project by Faith Comes By Hearing, and for distribution in this vast region. Pray that the audio Bibles will help many come to salvation, gain basic biblical literacy, and grow in their faith. For the first time in their lives, these people will have the opportunity to hear the Bible in their own language, study it, and allow it to change their lives.

Sowing Seeds

Pray for Nyamwezi farmers as planting season begins now. The first rains have come, a reason to give praise back to the Lord of the Harvest! Nyamwezi people are largely agriculturalists, so every able bodied person takes to the fields now to plant. Some lack seed to plant as yields from last year were short and all of the harvest crop was used to feed their families. Other seeds were destroyed by weavels or worms. Now people must find ways to purchase still viable seed in the market as well as hoes. During this season, pray for spirtual seed as it is sowed in many ways throughout the Tabora Region. Pray for the ground to be fertile where spiritual seeds are sown. Pray that spiritual seeds will take root.

What Does Jesus Mean To You?

Praise God for the eleven leaders in a mosque and others who viewed the Jesus Film! Pray that they would respond to the call of Jesus, as Lord and Savior. Pray they would desire further conversations about Christ. One man stood afterwards and said, “I am 83 years old and have never heard this story. Thank you for sharing it with us.” Ask God for a hunger and thirst for the truth and for the atmosphere of openess to continue.

Name Changer

Pray for Christian women who have converted to Islam in order to be married to a Muslim. One woman, I will call her Angel, attended a vibrant Christian church for 15 years, sang in the choir, and then she married a Muslim. As part of her conversion to Islam, Angel has taken on a new Muslim name and is being taught how to worship in the mosque. After five years, she still feels like an outsider. As we read Scriptures together, her face lit up with joy, and she recalled a choir song that she had once sung. She sang it aloud and has not forgotten any of it. Pray that she will be able to return to worship and fellowship with others knowing Jesus as her Lord.

Eternity In Their Hearts

“He has put eternity into man’s heart” (Ecclesiastes 3:11), so the Nyamwezi have eternity in their hearts, but they strive to enter Paradise by living rightly by their works. Pray that they would know the “depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!” (Romans 11:33), understanding that in Christ, they are fully saved by grace.

I’m sinless!

A 16-year old Nyamwezi boy explained sincerely that he expects to go to Heaven because he has not sinned. He seems to believe he is sinless, or at least hasn’t committed any “major” sins, or he may have a perspective that shame or guilt is only present if you’re caught. Pray for understanding that all wrong doing is sin (1 John 5:17), for pride to be broken, for acknowledgment of sin, and for people to know they need a Savior.

Knowing the Good Shepherd

Pray for believers to be bold in speaking forth the truth with those who believe that Christianity and Islam are simply two different “dhehebu” (denominations), worshipping the same God. Pray that the Nyamwezi would know God not as a distant supreme being, but as their Father who longs for a personal relationship with them, who sent His son to die for their sins, who leads us as a Shepherd. Pray for those ministering to the Nyamwezi that they would not “cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.”  Acts 5:42

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

What a wonderful time is Spring, which arrived September 22! The weather is warming, and leaves are begining to emerge on the trees. It is as if all the trees are just bursting forth to praise God that the winter dry season is ending. This new life in the trees awaits the rains- please pray that the rains will come as hoped for in October and November. Pray that hearts will be ready to hear the Gospel message, that lives of people reliant on their own means to reach God, will be changed to new lives in Christ.

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

We are living amongst people who do not follow Christ. We are asking God that we would have eyes to see them as He sees them – as His people who will accept Christ and become part of the Kingdom of God. Pray that the Nyamwezi will be freed from their bondages and unclean spirits that hold them. Pray that they will understand new life in Christ. Pray that they will work out the difficulties of their life with Jesus as their rock. Jesus cares about all people and has a plan for all to come into a personal relationship with him. We ask that you join us in praying for a people movement among the Nyamwezi. They need light!

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

A visit to a mosque for an open-community dinner led to a request for solar lights for the building, the leaders inside explaining, “As you can see, we sit in the dark. We need light.” Please join us in praying for light for our Muslim neighbors, and how to respond to this request. John 8:12 “Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

• Nyamwezi, especially in the outlying villages, have limited access to medical care. Imagine paying several days’ wages just to get bus transport to a medical center. Imagine not even having cash on hand for such a trip, since most Nyamwezi are subsistence farmers. Praise God for funding for a new clinic building that will be in walking distance for several villages. However, the road washed out during the last rains. Pray that the government will fix this road so heavy trucks with equipment and building materials can be brought to the site.

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

Pray that the Nyamwezi would seek answers for the truth. Recently an imam walking down the road stopped to engage in conversation about questions he had about Christianity. Several witnessed the dialogue exchange, and listened to a clear presentation of the Gospel. Pray for more opportunities like this and for people to accept Christ.

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

• The Nyamwezi are in the middle of the six-month long dry season. Water is scarce and one must travel farther and farther by foot to haul buckets of water as the water holes dry up. Many working among the Nyamwezi are seeking to locate places for drilling boreholes; places which will become a gathering place for physical and spiritual refreshment. Pray for the Lord to lead in choosing locations, and for funding of these water projects.

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

• The 3/10/2016 prayer request was for “introductions and opportunities to build relationships with Nyamwezi people of influence in the community”. Praise God for having met many leaders and people in influence both in the town and in the village. Recently village officials came to ask if we would host 40-50 children who lack a classroom building for Kindergarten. We replied the same as Jesus, “Let the little children come”. Pray for continued connections with these leaders, the children, and their parents.

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

• A centennarian who had turned many in his family to Islam died. As one of his grandsons was driving a motorcycle to come to his funeral, he was hit by a train and died. Grief tore through those mourning at the wake, with no certainty of going to Heaven for either of the deceased. Pray that these coinciding deaths would lead the family and attending mourners to consider the assurance of salvation found only in Christ. John 5:24 “”Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.”

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

Pray that God’s unity would prevail, as missionaries from various organizations met together for a Prayer Summit on July 6th for those working among the Nyamwezi. Pray for unity, blessing, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Pray for networking to begin among Nyamwezi who have a passion to reach those in their tribe.

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

Thank you for praying! A local official has taken us to two local schools. A Christian school sent $200 for a desk campaign, and this has meant so much to the villagers, as well as giving us an open door to the community. Most of the teachers are not from the area, and many are Christians who have an open door to reaching these kids. Pray for opportunities to meet with teachers who are like minded and want to take the Gospel door to door as they make home visits to their students. Pray for wisdom to develop a good long-term strategy.

Pray for truth to be revealed among the Nyamwezi

Pray that despite blindness of Islam, misunderstandings about Christ’s atoning work would be made clear. Pray that the Nyamwezi would believe God’s promises and place their faith in Jesus Christ. Pray that those who come to Christ would be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:17- “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”