
Please pray for Mozambicans walking through extremely hard times. Famines, floods, sickness, and extreme hunger have been the reality the last couple of years. Please pray! Pray for understanding and against despair. It is so hard to explain that the Bible tells us these things are the beginning pains of the return of Christ Jesus and to remain strong! Please pray for perseverance, and great faith in the provision of the Lord to sustain us all until His return.

Food shortage continues

Please continue to pray for the folks that are still battling with food shortage after the cyclone. We praise God that we were able to buy another truckload of maize and beans but that doesn’t go very far and will be finished quickly.

Still suffering

People are still suffering from the devastation of the cyclone. Please continue to pray for the food distribution. The folks are still going to need help until early next year when they harvest. We praise the Lord for all the help that has come in enabling us to buy the food.

Continued suffering

Please continue to pray for the Ndau who are piecing their lives back together again. Life continues in the outside world but they are still struggling. Please pray for the new believers to stand firm and resist giving up under hardship. Food continues to be a problem.

Post cyclone

Please continue to pray for the Ndau who have been affected by the cyclone Idai in our area. Many lost family, their homes and their fields. Pray for them as they rebuild their homes and for the World Food Program to continue bringing food until they can harvest again early next year. Pray for our team as we help them -for strength and wisdom in who to help. May we use every opportunity to spread the Good News and for the folks to see Jesus in us.

Food crisis

The waters are receding after the cyclone, but there is food scarcity and the threat of cholera and malaria. Pray for our team working hard to distribute food. This afternoon they took food to the prison. They had no food! Pray the Lord will be glorified among the people as His servants show mercy and love in His name.

Ministries starting again.

All the ministries will be starting up again this week-children, youth, men & ladies. Please pray for the folks leading the ministries, and that the folks attending will be committed for the year. Too often they start off well and then fade away to only a handful. We also pray that the Lord will bring those forward who will be future leaders in the Church.

Exalting Jesus, the propitiation for our sins

“The missionary’s message is the limitless importance of Jesus Christ as the propitiation for our sins, and a missionary is someone who is immersed in the truth of that revelation. ”
Oswald Chambers

Our prayer is that we will continue to teach the Ndau who Jesus is and why he came. In this world today there are many promises being made by false prophets and leading people down the wrong paths. We pray that we will be true to the message throughout our race until we are gone from this life…Pray many Ndau will follow!

May the Spirit tend His crop

Formal ministry is closing for the year as the Ndau are subsistent farmers, and will be in their fields all day working. The children, youth, & ladies’ ministries are already closed and the little Bible School will close at the end of October. Pray for the folks to stand firm, remember what they’ve learned, encourage one another, and continue to desire to have a deeper knowledge of who God is and who Jesus is. The break is a long one- until February. Pray the Spirit will continue the work He has begun in these precious lives.


It has come to the time of year again where the folks are burning their fields in preparation for planting. The downside to that is that they don’t control the fires and many people lose their houses and all their belongings. One of our members here in Espungabera has just lost everything she owns. Please pray for the folks to be cautious and for Mai Bongai as she rebuilds her house…and for the many others that will need to do the same.

Losing our young leaders

We are struggling to teach the young adult leaders as many of them leave to South Africa looking for money to pay the bridal price. In these past 2 months we have ‘lost’ 4. A lot of time has been invested in training but the future father- in- laws set the bridal price very high and as there are no means of employment here they go to SA. Pray for the Lord to bring the right youth leaders to be taught. We are losing a future generation which is disturbing.

Believers needing strength

Please pray for the Ndau folks that have already converted. We are finding that they have difficulties in leaving the cultural issues that go against what the Bible says. Some of them, especially women get pressurised by the unbelieving family into brewing beer for the ancestors and to partake in the ceremonies. Please pray for them to stand strong and to realise that they have the Holy Spirit in them.

Praise report from outreach

We give praise for the 3 ladies that gave their lives to the Lord this past week. Two of them brought their paraphernalia from the the witchdoctors to be burnt and the other is going to bring hers as her house was far away. Please pray for them to stand strong and for Joachim & Matteus as they disciple them. Another 3 gained for the Kingdom and lost to Satan! Pray for their protection from Satan as he will try and get them back. We also pray that they will be shining lights in the darkness.


Pray for a 10-day outreach starting tomorrow. Pray for the Lord to prepare hearts to hear and receive the gospel. There will be children and youth outreach, Bible study for men and women, and showing of the Jesus film. Pray for much fruit.

Rites and rituals

Working among the Ndau we see on a daily basis how Satan is controlling them by fear, rites & rituals and ceremonies. No freedom. We pray for this bondage to be broken and folks to have freedom in Christ. Jesus came so that we could be free….pray for the Holy Spirit to move mightily among them.

Encouraging one another

Pray that the believers will encourage one another and build one another up. Ndau culture, like many African cultures, is community based, but there is an underlying jealousy. No one is allowed to ‘get ahead’. Please pray for a genuine love to be portrayed amongst the believers and that others would be drawn to the Lord by their testimony.


This weekend a young couple got married in the church. As Christianity is still new for them, they know this is the right way to do it. Our prayer for them and other young couples getting married is that they will put God into their relationship and not cling to traditions.

Rain, fields, and maize

We received alarming news this morning:
From Joachim-the river has come up and most of his field is under water. (Dombe/Sambanje)
From Matteus-his field is so water logged that the wind blew his maize over and it is lying flat in the mud. Some of it is starting to rot. (Makumba)

This is indicative of many fields. If the rain continues there will be hunger again this year. Please keep everyone in prayer.

Jinx & Dawn

Rain and more rain

We are so thankful for the rain and cooler weather. But, it has been raining for more than 10 days now and if it continues will destroy the maize that has been planted. Please pray for good harvests this year.


It is the time of year when the folks are preparing their fields by burning them. Sadly the fires are getting out of control and burning houses to the ground. Many have lost their houses already. Please pray for good rains this year so that the folks can have good harvests.

Leader needed

Recently one of our leaders David went to be with the Lord. He was a wonderful Godly man serving in a very dark spiritual area. At his funeral we had several witchdoctors and prophets. David was a shining light in that darkness. Pray with us for a God chosen leader to take his place.


The past few months we have been focusing on what the Bible says about marriage. Pray that the husbands will love their wives as Jesus loves the Church, that the wives will submit to her husband as the Church submits to Christ. The Ndau are polygamists which leads to disharmony within the family. Our prayer is that they will make God their centre.

Ladies conference

On the 13th September the annual Ladies Conference will start in Chimoio and finish on the 17th. From our area there will be 60 ladies attending and we will be hiring a truck to take them to and back from Chimoio. I am super excited as we have never had so many go and I think that it will be of great benefit to them. They learn so much at these conferences and the topics addressed are pertinent to their lives and lifestyle. Can I ask you to please pray with us for the travelling, conference itself and for those bringing the studies?

Conviction of sin

Pray for conviction of sin among the unsaved Ndau and that it will encourage them to seek the peace and deliverence found only in Christ. There are so many still living in darkness.

Seeds being sown

Pray for the seed that is being sown among the Ndau. Pray for those who hear the message, that Satan will not come and take it away from their hearts and prevent them from believing and be saved.


The Ndau are living in a spiritually dark world controlled by many witchdoctors. Pray for those that have converted to stand strong in the Lord as they face many challenges. Some might lose their homes or be cast out the community. Pray for the witchdoctors themselves to see God’s mercy and grace.


Amongst the Ndau, children are not a priority whilst young. There is an emotional disconnection between parents and children. Please pray with us for the new Christian families for love to be demonstrated to the children  and for the cycle to be broken.

Marriage bonds

The Ndau are a polygamous group and as this is an unreached group many of those converting have several wives. Please pray for the whole marriage relationship. Pray that:(1) the husband will love his wife (wives) as Jesus loves the church, (2) that the wife (wives) will submit to her husband as the Church submits to Christ, (3) that the children will be God fearing and obedient to their parents.

Life carries on

The ceasefire seems to be holding, although there have been rumours of sporadic attacks by the government forces and complaints by the opposition party. Loads of folks have returned to their homes and life is carrying on. Many are living in darkness and their eyes need to be opened to the Gospel. Pray that we can make inroads during this period of calmness in spreading the good news.

Death all around us….

Lately we have been hearing of so many deaths- some from old age but mostly from malaria and AIDS. Many, many people are dying without knowing the truth of Jesus Christ! Please pray for the Ndau to see His light and for Jesus to use us to extend His Kingdom.

Pray for these evangelists

Pray for Isaac and Loveness being trained and sent out as evangelists. Pray God will open a door for fruitful ministry for them and bless them will all they need.

Young man repents

Praise God for working in a young man named Lovemore, convicting him of sin and giving grace to repent. Pray he will walk in newness of life and testify to his friends and family the good things God has done.

Let the little children come

Pray for the pastors being trained in children’s ministry and Sunday school. Pray they will see the value of ministering to children and raising up the next generation of believers. Pray for grace and strength for the youth of the church to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. There are many temptations and obstacles and little encouragement.

Praise and serious prayer needed

We praise the Lord that the ceasefire between the two parties has been extended indefinitely. With the peace, we were finally able to go out and visit the folks in the bush. We were shocked by the increase in dabbling with witchcraft. Please pray for a turning from traditional practices of witchcraft and false prophets- our people are dying in fear and darkness! There is plenty of “lip” worship in the churches but little “heart” worship… they are so lost.


A ceasefire has once again been announced for 2 months and the military convoys have been stopped. Pray that it will remain peaceful all over the country and all adhere to the ceasefire.


Recently we heard that there was going to be a “ceasefire” for 7 days- an agreement which was made by the heads of the the main political parties. This made us very excited as we have been hearing of more and more fatal attacks happening in our area resulting in the folks not going to their fields (once again). Two days after the announcement a leader of the opposition party was killed. When is this going to end? Please continue to pray for the nation and especially the Ndau in our area that are being affected. Pray against the senseless killing of innocent people and for those who believe to stand strong in the Lord.

May the Light shine!

The Ndau people are a people group feared by many because of their powerful ancestors and witchdoctors. They are bound by these. Please pray for the bondage of Satan to be destroyed over them that they might live a life of frreeedom in Christ. How they live in darkeness! Pray for God’s light to penetrate that darkness….


Please continue to pray for the Ndau in the rural areas. Normal way of living has changed drastically for them over the past few months. Over the past few years it was a battle to “survive” because the rains did not come on time thus giving them poor harvests. This year many are not going to prepare their fields being fearful of the soldiers and police that are roaming around. At the roadblocks much of their “stuff” gets confiscated or they have to pay to pass. The soldiers have also been known to demand “relish” such as goats, chickens and even cattle from the folks. Life is not easy for them. Please continue to pray for them as well as the peace talk mediations that have once again been postponed to the 7th November 2016.

Pray for peace in Mozambique

Please continue to pray for peace in Mozambique and especially our area that is a ‘hotspot.’ Daily the incidents of intimidation, violence, theft, and killings are increasing. In Espungabera itself, where we live, things are stable but the military presence has multiplied. The folks living in the rural areas that have not fled are not sleeping in their houses at night for fear of being killed by the soldiers. Sadly, many farmers will not be planting this year which will result in huge ‘hunger.’ Please pray for our Church leaders especially Matteus, Joachim and Bhakosi that have stayed on and are encouraging their members whilst they are feeling vulnerable too. Matters has been feeding his members at his house and recently ran out of food. Praise the Lord we were able to find a solution to help. Please pray for this desperate situation.

Ndau Church Plants

Praise the Lord for the church plants amongst the Ndau. Praise the Lord for strong leadership amongst the churches of central Mozambique. Pray that those who know the Lord will be willing to step out of their comfort zone and preach the gospel to their neighbors.