Praise the Lord for His provision of food through the UN last month as well as abundant rain and crops nearing harvest. For now food continues to be tight for many families, but there is hope.
Please pray for Aaron, a church leader at the Ohilang church. Give thanks for his growth in the Lord over the past year and pray that the Lord may continue to grow and strengthen him. Pray for perseverence, boldness and trust in the Lord as he often needs to stand up under cultural pressure.
Desparate for rain
Ask God to provide a good rainy season and plentiful harvest. People are hungry and struggling after several poor rainy seasons. And pray God will open the hearts of the Lopit to see Him as their provider in this life and the life to come. Pray they will turn away from rainmaker worship, and worship the one true God.
Pray for rain
Pray for good rains to arrive this month as the community looks to planting. Pray they would acknowledge the Lord has the provider of all good gifts and bow their knees to Him.
Continued unrest
Pray for mercy for the people of South Sudan. They continue to suffer as rival armies clash and political factions vie for power. Many are fleeing to refugee camps. Pray for trauma healing and provision for these poor suffering people.
Lopit is ‘Abuna’
‘All is well’ in the Lopit region, as the title indicates. Bible studies are well underway among the men folk in a few villages around the Iboni area, we praise God for this news as these men eagerly await their study time each week. Relationships are being built and built up, again we just praise God for this happening – its all about HIM!!! Pray and praise our Almighty God!
Two by two
Pray for the new believers among the Lopit. They are struggling but hanging in there. 3 members of the old TIMO team arrived safely back to a wonderful welcome by the Lopit. Praise God! Pray for more laborers in this beautiful harvest field. The fledging church needs mature godly leaders. Please pray!
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
Praise God that some AIM/AIC missionaries are returning to the Lopit. They were so very warmly welcomed back, it was a great encouragement to witness. But please pray for the Lopit as they are experiencing greater hunger than ever before. Many want to, or have, left for the refugee camps in either Kenya or Uganda mainly due to starvation rather than the terrible conflict in the country at this time. Please pray for those left behind, that they would turn to God and be saved. That they would put their trust and hope in Him.
Hunger a growing problem among Lopit
AIM Central Region leader and South Sudan leaders recently visited the Lopit area where the TIMO team were located to see how they were doing. The leaders were distressed to see and hear of worse hunger this year than in many years past. With some of the previous TIMO members about to return, they are going to struggle to minister back in the area with such wide spread hunger and lack of food. Please pray for them to have great wisdom and inner strength to handle this growing problem. May they present Christ into the situation in relevant and sensitive ways.
Team members preparing to return to Lopit ministry
Three of the TIMO team members are preparing their return after their home assignment. Please pray for them as they prepare, raise their support, and look forward to their return. Pray that they would find those whom they had ministered to would be standing strong in he Lord. Their return date is unsure making it difficult for each of them, please pray that Gods timing would be known by all concerned.
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
AIM Central Region leader and SS leaders recently visited the Lopit area where the TIMO team were located to see how they were doing. The leaders were distressed to see and hear of worse hunger this year than in many years past. With some of the previous TIMO members about to return, they are going to struggle to minister back in the area with such wide spread hunger and lack of food. Please pray for them to have great wisdom and inner strength to handle this growing problem. May they present Christ into the situation in relevant and sensitive ways.
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
Three of the TIMO team members are preparing their return after their home assignment. Please pray for them as they prepare, raise their support, and look forward to their return. Pray that they would find those whom they had ministered to would be standing strong in he Lord. Their return date is unsure making it difficult for each of them, please pray that Gods timing would be known by all concerned.
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
Please be praying for the new Lopit converts from those last few months of the TIMO Team. Pray that they are able to remain in Christ and not be tempted into falling back into their old ways. Pray for them to know the wonderful Almighty God who loves them more than any of us will ever realise. Pray that they are an encouragement to each other.
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
Inter tribal conflict continues to breed hatred and death. Their desperate need of the wonderful message of Salvation in Jesus Christ is the only answer. Praise God for the TIMO Team which is nearing the close of their 2 years living and ministering right in the heart of two Lopit villages. Pray that as they prepare to bid farewell, the Lopit who have had the privilege of hearing what Christ came to do, will be able to stay in Christ as the team depart.
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
The TIMO team are due back any day now. Please pray that those they left to continue the work would be found to not only have survived, but to have grown and flourished during the teams absence. Pray that as the team begin their final unit, they would have a clear sense of the Lords leading for their future.
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
The TIMO Team have gone away from Lopit for their month out, where they experience another ministry in another location. Please pray for them, but please pray especially for the 5 new believers during this time. Pray that the way of the world does not tempt them to return to it.
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
Exciting news just received:
5 new brothers and sisters in the Lord!
For the very first time in the last year and a half, something new has been seen. Many new faces in church who shared their story of wanting Jesus now to reign in their lives. Such moving news that among tears and praises that were offered up, these 5 new believers were welcomed into the fold. Please pray for these new converts, pray for the follow up by the team and give our Lord the praise He deserves. The names of these new believers:
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
The Lopit have a deep spiritual belief around teeth of babies. Upon not understanding the pain a child goes through when teething, they have a practice of cutting a whole in the baby’s mouth with a knife or nail and removing the baby teeth before they come out as they believe they are evil. Unfortunately many children have died here from this practice and now poor Jubilee is extremely sick and having a hard time recovering from this practice. Please pray for her safety and health! Please also pray That as the TIMO team continue to try to educate, that people will have an openness to hear and not cling so tightly to their world view on this issue that kills many.
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
Cholera has broken out in the Ohilang and surrounding villages. In the space of 4 short days, 6 people died. In one family they lost 2 of their children. There was a quick response by a team of health care workers from a nearby clinic, and they seem to have got some control of the situation. Please pray for this situation to cause the Lopit people to turn to the living Almighty God for their salvation. Please also pray for our TIMO team to remain healthy.
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
The TIMO team living among the Lopit have just returned from their time out. Please pray that those they live amongst would welcome them back and want to know more about what it is that brings them back and keeps them living there with them.
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
Eph 4:18 tells us that because of sin, people’s hearts are hardened against the message of Gods Word. Please pray for wisdom in seeing a breakthrough for reaching these people with the precious message of freedom and salvation in Jesus Christ.
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
The rains were late to this region. The Lopit lean heavily on their ‘rainmaker’ and his so called powers. When the rains failed to materialize this year, the rainmaker had to flee for his life. Please pray that the ‘rainmaker’ would be just one of many to come to know the saving power of The Lord Jesus, and be set free from this false bondage of fear.
Update on The Lopit of South Sudan
The Lopit TIMO team, living in 2 Lopit villages, continue to need our prayers as they learn culture and language in order to reach the Lopit with the wonderful gospel message. They face day to day issues like culture shock and adjustment issues. Please continue to pray for this team. The Lopit need Jesus Christ.