Pray for those who have just come back from the Hajj pilgrimage, many went in search of forgiveness of sins. Pray that as they return home they would recognise that nothing has changed in their hearts, that they still have no freedom from the power of sin. Pray that they would cry out to God for a true and lasting forgiveness. The pilgrimage ends with the festival of Eid when they will remember the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son. Pray that Gd would give many islanders the faith to believe in Jesus’ willing sacrifice for them.
Update on The Islanders of the Indian Ocean
Here on the island the ‘Big Wedding’ season is coming to an end. For the past month or so islanders have lived and breathed weddings. These weddings are long, lavish events that consist of conspicuous displays of wealth and are the primary way to achieve status in island society. Pray that as island life returns back to normal many would recognise an emptiness in their hearts that has not been filled by all the festivities. Pray that many would recognise and repent of the envy in their hearts towards those higher up the status ladder. Pray that God would show them the path to lasting joy and a lasting position of honour.