Pray for the local island body to have a hunger for God’s Word. Pray for engagement with local Scripture apps among island believers and non-believers alike. Pray for growth as they feed on God’s Word. Pray too for the desire for regular fellowship and study together. Continue to pray against fear and pray for genuine faith and conviction of sin.
Father making threats again
Pray for our island sister, ‘Rachel’. Her father has begun making death threats against her. She isn’t afraid, but she felt like it was wise to alert the police and the Justice Department to his threats. Her father has also barred her and her son from going to their fields. Rachel is praying and waiting on the Lord about how she should respond to this. Pray for wisdom for her with her father. Pray too for discernment from the Holy Spirit as she answers islanders’ questions about Jesus.
New interest
Praise the Lord for new interest in His word from two friends on the plateau, Mary and Elisheba. We have started studying with Mary but Elisheba has been busy with the election. Ask that, now the election is over, Elisheba would be free to study with us, and that Father would open both their hearts to understand His plan and their need for a Saviour.
People of light
We have been helping an islander and her aunt who travelled to the mainland for medical care. Give thanks for this opportunity to serve an islander and show Jesus’s love – the doctor treating them is also a believer! Ask that their interaction with so many people of light would impact them deeply and bring them to Jesus. Ask for wisdom for the doctor and a good medical outcome.
Foundations crumble
Pray that many islanders would search for truth. May God give them boldness to seek answers. May many be set free from the darkness of Islam. May the foundations that have been shaken by recent events continue to crack and crumble. May the name of Jesus be exalted in this place.
Rachel update
Pray for our island sister ‘Rachel’ as she continues to face opposition to her faith in her village. One man is frequently insulting Rachel and Jesus over the mosque loudspeaker in the evenings. Remarkably, Rachel isn’t bothered by this, but she prays for this man and others in her village to have a change of heart toward Jesus. May this man and Rachel’s entire village have dreams and visions that lead them to Truth.
Lies be broken
Pray for « Dwayne » who loves to debate the Quran and the Bible. He consistently and aggressively attacks the Bible and the deity of Jesus. While at the same time, he sees no fault in the Quran. Please pray for Dwayne to have an encounter with Jesus through a dream or a vision. Pray for the bonds and lies of Islam in Dwayne’s life to be broken in Jesus’s name.
A new way
Pockets of violence have erupted on several islands over the past few weeks, due to
old rivalries, misunderstandings, poverty. Pray with us for the peace of the Lord to reign in the islands. May He show people that there are better ways of dealing with conflict.
May they see that violence only serves the darkness, and the Dark One himself. May
they see in Jesus a new way of showing strength through humility and forgiveness.
Know when to speak
Pray for our island sister, ‘Rachel’. She has been bold. She has been fearless in the face of all the opposition that has come against her. She has remained faithful and
steadfast, even though the enemy has tried to silence her over and over. Each time,
her faith grows and more people take notice. Pray for discernment for her now
following recent events. May she know when to speak and when to be silent.
Pray for the local body as they react to what has happened to her because of her boldness and how the Lord has delivered her. May fear be cast from their hearts in the name of Jesus and may they grow in courage and faith.
Cyclone Chido hit the islands Saturday. V1 was the worst affected, with 20 known deaths and 250 injured and many more expected, and massive damage. The other islands also had flooding and wind damage. Please ask for comfort for those who have lost loved ones or homes, and provision for those in need. Pray for aid to arrive quickly for people who have lost everything and need shelter, food, and clothing. Pray for believers to be a blessing to those in need. May the Lord use this devastation to open hearts to Him.
Pray for mercy for the people of Mozambique as Chido now heads towards them!
Books being translated
Rejoice with us about the many new books of the Word being translated, checked, and tested.
Ask for wisdom and protection for our translators. Praise that a new mother-tongue-
translator is getting involved with the team checking and that this is going well.
Pray for the DBS (Discovery Bible Study) group of ladies that was started a week ago. It’s tricky to do the study in French and island language at the same time. Pray for wisdom, open hearts, and the right people to come.
Celebrate the coming of Emmanuel
As we head into the festive month, pray that we would have opportunities to share the
good news of Emmanuel, God with us. Ask for wisdom as we consider how to celebrate with local believers across the islands.
More songs of praise
We want to see more songs of praise written in local island languages! Ask for local
believers to have the inspiration and confidence to write songs, and for wisdom in finding people to produce and record them for others to enjoy and be inspired by.
Rachel has been arrested! The order came from authorities on the big island. She was arrested because of a video she publicized on Facebook of her sharing about sin according to the New Testament. The police have said that this action is illegal. They say that Rachel is free to follow Jesus, but she isn’t allowed to publically proclaim this. She has to stay overnight at the gendarmerie. Tomorrow morning, she will go before the justice, and they will decide what her punishment will be. Please pray.
Pray for friends of team member T. ‘Muki’ has been studying with T for a while, and now his son ‘Mtsa’ is regularly coming with him. T gave him a set of Bible storybooks in the local language – ask that the stories would impact him and point him to J. An old friend of T’s, ‘Bako’, overheard the group praying together – ask for God to soften his heart.
Bible story books
Team member A has been having good responses to reading children’s Bible story
books with her friends. After reading the book about God’s promise to Abraham and
Isaac’s birth, Ma Nora wanted more stories about them. She allowed A to open the
Word with her and study about Abraham offering Isaac. Believer Ma Rhoda turned up
at just the right time to help! They have a plan to keep studying – please ask that this
would happen, and that more of Ma Nora’s family would get involved.
Rachel update
Thank you for praying for our island sister Rachel. Here is an update from this past weekend. The judge told Rachel that she needed to go to the Justice Department on Saturday with her paperwork. So, she went. Long story short, the Head of the Justice Department said that no one has a right to take her property and if anyone comes, her father or her father’s brother or anyone else, and tries to claim the property or tries to intimidate her into leaving, Rachel is to take a photo of the person and send it to the Justice Department and that person will be arrested. Also, the Head of the Justice Department said that she is free to follow Jesus and share her faith. This was all incredible news, but the Lord wasn’t done. An hour or two after Rachel shared this news with me on Saturday, she called me and said that the Justice Department had called her. They said that her father had gone to the Justice Department since she’d been there and he told the majority faith judge that he has dropped all charges against Rachel and as far as he is concerned she is free to do whatever she wants. Praise God for defending his daughter!
Please pray for a local man, Uhaju, who at one time made a commitment to Jesus but has struggled without community. We prayed for him and his wife to get pregnant, which happened, but now their newborn baby has died. Pray for comfort and somehow something good to come out of this. Ask God to draw Uhaju and his wife to Himself.
Facebook posts
Our partners from another organisation have made some videos with stories
from our Book to go on Facebook. People will be able to contact someone if they
want to know more and it will connect them to a local brother/sister who has been
trained to connect with people over messages/calls. Please pray for these videos to
be well-received and lead many to Jesus.
Be transformed
Some of the i2 lady believers have continued to persevere in meeting on the 1st and the 15th of every month. Pray for the momentum to continue. Pray for Jesus to become the most important thing in the lives of all the local believers. May they be transformed by the Good News.
Pray for our island sister ‘Rachel’ whose father is threatening to tear her house down and take her land after hearing she has become a believer. She continues to choose Jesus over worldly possessions. Pray for a radical change in her father’s heart. May he have an encounter with Jesus and be transformed. Pray for Rachel to lean into the Sprit’s wisdom regarding this whole situation and may she have patience to wait on the Lord’s timing for her next steps. Pray too for other islanders watching what’s happening with Rachel to feel emboldened to ask questions about the great treasure that Rachel has found in Jesus.
New believer!
On the medical team on the plateau, team member J has been helping local believer
‘Harvey’ to lead a seeker through Romans. This weekend J asked the seeker if he
believed Jesus died for his sins and if he followed Him, and he said yes! Thank Father with us for this wonderful news, and ask for wisdom for ‘Harvey’ in leading him through next steps, as J leaves on home assignment this weekend.
Translation workshop
Pray for a translation workshop on translating epistles happening this week. Translators from across the three islands will be coming. May the Lord grant patience, clear communication, and insight as so many different languages and cultures will be present. Pray also for S’rg as he leads the workshop, for peace, protection over logistics and technology, and for fellowship as workshops like this one offer a chance for greater bonding between the translation teams who don’t often see each other in person.
Monthly meetings
Down in the capital the local sisters were meeting monthly to read together and
support each other, but this hasn’t been happening since the main leader ‘Esther’ and
some of the other more confident women travelled. Please ask that, now more
people are back, they would get back into meeting regularly.
Grow in service
Pray for the saved on our island to grow in service to one another and in the knowledge of God. May they grow in using their spiritual gifts in love, patience, and humility for the good of the whole body. There are many different small expressions of the church around the capital region. May those who teach and shepherd teach and shepherd with the measure they have been gifted, encouraging all to serve with the gifts Jesus has given them that they may grow in the full knowledge of God, being mature in Christ who is the head.
The believing couple that got married a couple weeks ago are planning a celebration service
with the local body today. May the Lord be honored, the believers encouraged, and
the couple properly celebrated. Believers marriage celebrations are still very rare here. May
this service inspire future believing couples in how they approach marriage. Another believing
couple are considering marriage, having only expressed interest in each other
recently. May the Lord grant that they can hear Him through their emotions for one
another. Proverbs 15:22 “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they
succeed.” And also praise that believers are wanting to marry believers!
Pray for the distribution of audio listening devices with Scripture in the local language
on them. Pray for wisdom in who to give them to. Pray for the Living Word of God to
transform the lives of islanders as they listen and engage.
Translation work
Translation work continues. Please pray for a new local translator who joined the project this week. Pray for wisdom to translate well. There are multiple open doors for Bible study with locals. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself in His Word.
Translation work
Translation teams are hard at work across the islands. Each island has its own language and the Word needs to be translated into each language to make it easy and comfortable to use. We praise the Lord for every person who has helped translate the Word into island languages so far.
Each island has a portion of the Word printed, and more available on phone apps.
Please ask the Father to encourage and protect our translators, and use His Word to
bring many to salvation.
Meet together
The Vanilla Island believers had a meeting last week with ‘Esther’, a believing leader from Clove Island. She challenged them to be in the Word regularly and to be meeting together regularly. The men and the women split up and each group made plans to meet bi-monthly. Pray that they would follow through on their commitments. Pray too that each one who truly claims the name of Jesus would be transformed by the Good News in such a way that other islanders will see the difference and be drawn to the Lord.
Believing couple
We rejoice with a believing couple on this island who got married this week. The
husband is from this island and it is still rare to have local believers marrying other
believers. (Just last month a Christian leader was married to a Muslim.) May the Lord bless this new marriage and grant it to be an example and light to other local believers as they walk out their singleness/married lives in faithfulness to Jesus.
Join husband in faith
Ma Fiona is the wife of ‘Aiden’, a brother on the plateau. She has never shown an
interest in learning more about Jesus. She is a quiet lady but keen for friendship, and
recently we’ve been able to have more spiritual conversations with her. Please ask that her heart would be open to studying the word with us, and that she would see the reason for Aiden’s hope and join him!
Pulled back
On the plateau, medical team member J had been having encouraging meetings with
two seekers, but both have pulled back recently. Pray the Lord will stir their hearts and give them courage to continue seeking after Truth.
Twice monthly meetings
The local lady believers are planning to study together on the 1st and the 15th of
every month. Also, the ladies have been paired off by our island sister, ‘Rachel’, with the hope that each pair will connect throughout the month. Pray for this new endeavor to go well. May the ladies be excited and motivated to meet together. May they begin to thrive through more regular fellowship.
The Chosen
One team member will start studying the Word with a family (a man, his brother and
his wife). They have watched The Chosen show with French subtitles and want to
know more about the man in the show! Pray Jesus will reveal Himself to them.
A couple of women who work with local brother ‘Harvey’ are very close to accepting Jesus as Lord, or may already have done so. But they are isolated out on the south coast, not near either of our teams. Ask for wisdom in how to support them best. Praise the Lord He is the Good Shepherd and cares for His sheep.
Word apps
Pray for the Word apps to continue to be shared, especially the books of John and Mark. Pray people would be excited to read the Word in their heart language and that their hearts would be open to the Truth.
Alpha course
We are doing a version of the Alpha course with some interested islanders. So far 8 islanders (both men and women) have been faithfully coming. Pray that this course would bear fruit in their lives and that they would share what they are learning with others.
New praise songs
On Saturday we are recording some new praise songs with new singers. Pray that it is a blessing to many people and that the message is understood and causes many to seek to know the God we sing about!