Plight of women

Girls are married when they are still very young, from the age of 12 years old. Pray that the light of God will shine and change people’s attitude and worldview. Women have long days. They work from 5 in the morning till late evening. Pray for them, like Hagar, to see the God who sees them.

for seeds to sprout!

A gifted Fulani teacher was asked to go to a nearby village to share of Jesus. Over 30 men and women and children gathered to listen for over an hour and then asked questions. Ask that these truth seeds would take root and grow to abundant fruitfulness!

Easter celebration

Sunday we will meet together with Fulani believers to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Pray God’s incredible sacrifice will become more meaningful to all of us.

Lord make a way

Please pray for the Fulani women who have shown interest in the gospel but whose husbands are not yet open. Their husbands have not permitted these women to come to the believer gathering. Ask for the lives of the husbands to be surrendered to Jesus!

New identity needed

Pray the Fulani would understand and embrace the good news that we were created to be sons not slaves of God.

Another believer found!

A man with two wives lived a bit out of town, but when expat believers visited him, they found that he already had the Word and other literature about Christ. He said that he wanted to believe but wasn’t sure how! A respected traveling brother stopped by to explain to him the way of salvation and he surrendered to Jesus! The leader of the same community also chose to follow Jesus and rejected any suggestions to turn back to Islamic or animistic solutions when there was trouble. There was a gathering of Fulani believers in this community in a Fulani home for the first time this new year. Both of these leaders explained to those who came that they need to be 100 % committed if they want to follow the new way. Then the leader asked each believer by name to pray. Pray for growing faith and courage for these who have believed!

First baby born to believing parents!

There was another first in our Fulani community! A baby was born to believing Fulani parents! This is a beautiful new opportunity! Pray for the parents as they make decisions about celebrating the birth of their child, and as they teach their child the way of Jesus from the beginning. Pray for their marriage and for many more to learn from their example as godly parents.

Suffering for Christ

Pray for the believers who are suffering for their faith. Pray they would stand firm. “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when His glory is revealed…. Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.” 1Peter4:12-13, 19.

For the few believers

The few believers are struggling to read the Bible for themselves. Pray that they may know and understand the truth as they struggle to read the Bible.
Pray that they will overcome rejection from the society and their close family because of their new faith.

Pasture for their animals

Fulani are pastoralists and they depend on pasture for their animals. Pasture is very scarce. Pray for enough rains in order to harvest sufficient animal feed during the short rains in the months of July- September.

Pray for hunger for God

Many Fulani follow their religion more as a lifestyle and hence stick to that religion as part of their culture. Pray they may have hunger for God and seek Jesus Christ.

Inferiority complex

Fulani, being a small ethnic group, feel inferior to other dominant groups,and are neglected by society. Pray for God to help them overcome this feeling of inferiority.

That they may know how to read and write

On many occasions as we interact with Fulani, they have shared with us about their desire to know how to read and write.The Fulani feel segregated by the country’s type of educational system because they are a minority group. Pray for them to have a system in which they can feel they are part of the community.

Finding the true path to God

Pray for the four new believers to grow in their understanding of the scriptures and have courage to share what they’ve experienced with others. Pray their families would believe. Pray for those who are listening to the scriptures to believe. The chief recently shared that he had prayed and asked God to show him the true path. That night he had a dream and God showed him the way of Jesus was the true path to God. Pray that many more would have similar dreams!

New life!

Praise God for 4 new believers among the Fulani! Pray for them to be bold and tell others what the Lord has done for them. And praise the Lord for the dedication of the scriptures in the Fulani language. May many read it and believe.

Praising God for a team placed among the Fulani

Praise God for a team of Christians who have recently settled among the Fulani in order to live and proclaim Jesus among them. Pray for quick adjustment, for the learning of the language and culture, for good team dynamics and that even early on, God will be leading the team to those who can be receivers and transmitters of Jesus’ love.

Pray for peace among the Fulani

There have been deadly clashes between Fulani nomads and farmers in Northern Nigeria for decades. Hundreds have been killed the past several months. The Nigerian military is meeting with representatives from the Fulani community today to find a solution to the violence. Please pray for God’s mercy and wisdom for those involved in the meeting, that a fair and lasting solution can be found. May they find true peace by bowing the knee to the Prince of Peace.

Update on The Fulani of West Africa

Praise God for a team of Christians who have recently settled among the Fulani in order to live and proclaim Jesus among them. Pray for quick adjustment, for the learning of the language and culture, for good team dynamics and that even early on, God will be leading the team to those who can be receivers and transmitters of Jesus’ love.

Update on The Fulani of West Africa

There have been deadly clashes between Fulani nomads and farmers in Northern Nigeria for decades. Hundreds have been killed the past several months. The Nigerian military is meeting with representatives from the Fulani community today to find a solution to the violence. Please pray for God’s mercy and wisdom for those involved in the meeting, that a fair and lasting solution can be found. May they find true peace by bowing the knee to the Prince of Peace.