A Great Encouragement

Praise God that a Borana Christian has been appointed the Assistant Bishop for his large district. Pray that all over north Kenya Borana people will hear the message of the gospel, learn the Word of God, and grow into Christ-centered churches.

Where they Graze their Animals

Please pray that the Borana will graze their animals in areas where there are Christians, and that they will hear the Word of God. Pray that they will feel a deep dissatisfaction with the doctrines of folk Islam, and realise that they need a Saviour who is stronger than the spirits and who will set them free from their sins.

Reading Aloud

Please pray that Borana Christians will spend more time reading their Bibles aloud to friends and relatives who can’t read for themselves, and that faith will come from hearing the word of Christ.

Redeemed from a Futile Way of Life

Please pray that the Borana people will realise the blood of Christ was shed to redeem them from their futile way of life inherited from their forefathers. Pray that they will fully appreciate the great sacrifice their Redeemer paid and will put their faith in Him.

May God’s Word Not Return Void

Pray God’s Word will do what He says it will do among the Borana- penetrate the hearts of the believers and NOT return void among the Borana people.

Deeper and Deeper

Pray that the Borana believers will grow deeper and deeper in their unity and in their spiritual maturity in Christ, and that they will share the gospel to the farthest corners of the Borana tribal homelands. Pray that through their brave witness many will be liberated from Islam and freed to serve Christ.

Two Tribes As One

Borana people have not always gotten along with Gabbra people, although they speak basically the same language. In Christ, however, may this generational sin gradually be replaced by a deep love and a realisation that they are “one blood,” one family of God. May Christians from both tribes share the gospel eagerly with those from the other. May this love persuade others to also believe the gospel and come to faith in Christ.

Tribal Clashes for Grazing Lands

Because of the severe drought in Northern Kenya, pastoralists like the Borana have been having clashes with other tribes who also want to graze their animals in areas where some grass still remains. Often, people are killed. Please pray that God will send rain to northern Kenya, and that those Christians among the Borana will refuse to be involved in tribal warfare but instead be agents of peace.

Bibles Given and Given

Please pray for more and more Borana to learn to read and receive Bibles. A Borana church loves to order Bibles and give them away to people who still need Jesus. Pray that through this Bible distribution many will be saved.

The Next Generation

Please pray that the Borana church will continue boldly sharing the gospel in those towns and villages that still remain mostly Muslim. Pray that believers will be trained in the Scripture and that the next generation of Borana believers will be eager to follow Christ even more passionately than their parents did. Pray that Borana believers will begin to share Christ with neighbouring tribes who formerly were their enemies.

May They Eagerly Seek Assurance

Pray that during Ramadan, Borana believers will find that their Muslim friends and neighbours are eagerly seeking to read Scripture with them and talk to them about how to know for sure that their sins are forgiven and they have the hope of eternal life.

Young Borana Mother Saved

At Bori Junction, 20 kilometers from Moyale, at the usual Sunday worship service a young Borana mother was saved. Praise God He is building His church among the Borana!

Meeting For the First Time

In a new settlement 60 kilometers south of Moyale a plot was ‘designated’ for a Borana Church. Nine local women and AIC members from nearby villages cleared part of the plot last Saturday and built a 10′ x 20′ “place of worship”. This building is sticks (tree branches from the clearing and a sheet of plastic on the top to protect from the sun). On Sunday they met to Worship the One True God our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ. Praise God for this precious gathering!

Given a Place in the Prison

Two weeks ago in Moyale town Africa Inland Church was finally given permission  to build a church building on the Prison Compound. The permission comes after a long delay and much opposition from ‘others’…even though the ‘others’ have had their Islamic place of worship for many years. Please ask the Lord to bless the ministry to prisoners and to ransom many from the kingdom of darkness and bring them into the kingdom of His beloved Son.

Terrible Drought

The drought in Kenya continues, with many animals dying and people suffering. Please pray for rain for Kenya. And pray for the Spirit’s water of life in people’s hearts and lives.

Kenyan Borana purchasing Bibles for Ethiopian Borana

A group of Borana Christians {about 24 people because there are 24 Bibles in one box} from different churches put aside 20/= kenyan schillings a day [this is equal to about $.20] for a whole month so they could each buy one Borana Bible to give to other Borana Christians up in Ethiopia who do not have a Borana Bible. They originally did it for only one month, but have continued and others have joined them!

Three Important Questions

Pray for wide use of three important questions a missionary has been teaching Borana believers to ask others…(1) Who is Jesus? (2) Why did he come? (3) What does he want me to do? Pray for Muslim Boranas to learn these answers: (1) He is the Messiah and King. (2) He came to suffer & die for our sins. (3) He wants me to deny myself, pick up my cross and follow him.

Update on The Borana of Kenya and Ethiopia

A group of Borana Christians {about 24 people because there are 24 Bibles in one box} from different churches put aside 20/= kenyan schillings a day [this is equal to about $.20] for a whole month so they could each buy one Borana Bible to give to other Borana Christians up in Ethiopia who do not have a Borana Bible. They originally did it for only one month, but have continued and others have joined them!

Update on The Borana of Kenya

Pray for wide use of three important questions a missionary has been teaching Borana believers to ask others…(1) Who is Jesus? (2) Why did he come? (3) What does he want me to do? Pray for Muslim Boranas to learn these answers: (1) He is the Messiah and King. (2) He came to suffer & die for our sins. (3) He wants me to deny myself, pick up my cross and follow him.

Update on The Borana of Kenya

A second young Borana man will be attending Bible School next year, starting in May at Ukamba Bible College. Pray that he will be equipped and trained for lifelong fruitfulness in evangelism and pastoral ministry.

Update on The Borana of Kenya

A Borana student is finishing his first year at Bible College. Please pray that he will grow in his relationship with the Lord and will be well-equipped to minister to his people as a faithful pastor one day. Pray that he can afford to graduate, and pray for others who would also like to attend Bible College to become Borana pastors.

Update on the Borana of Kenya

A Borana student is finishing his first year at Bible College. Please pray that he will grow in his relationship with the Lord and will be well-equipped to minister to his people as a faithful pastor one day. Pray that he can afford to graduate, and pray for others who would also like to attend Bible College to become Borana pastors.

Update on The Borana of Kenya

It is a delight for us to hear and see Borana believers walking in the truth; to see them practicing and speaking the truth. It is a delight to see them take the initiative in organizing, supporting and launching plans for outreach to their own people. This local group of Christians had taken the initiative to organize buying Bibles for those who need them but do not have access to them. The goal was to give 216 Bibles away. I was ‘jumping for joy’ to see these Christians initiate, organize, carry out and support the plan by themselves. I know some of these people. Some can easily afford to do what they did; others are doing it at a great sacrifice. Praise The Lord, for all those different kinds who pledged and then gave! Pray that these Bibles would be read and begin changing the lives and hearts of those reading them to follow Jesus!

Update on The Borana of Kenya

Ali is a young man who lives near a church and occasionally came to a Sunday service. The Pastor started a Bible study for young men in the neighborhood and invited Ali to attend. Ali came and within six months he understood that Jesus was offering him forgiveness of sins, fellowship with God and a home in heaven. Ali has decided to receive Jesus as his Savior and the joy of the Lord now fills his heart.Pray for Ali and his new life in Jesus!

Update on The Borana of Kenya

A young man, a senior in High School who had attended church all of his life, gave his life to the Lord at the weekly Bible Study. He said, ”I now truly understand what it means that my sins are really forgiven, that Jesus died to pay my debt that I couldn’t pay…I am free I feel like soaring to the heavens”. Please pray for this young man to continue to grow in his faith and share Jesus with those around him.

Update on The Borana of Kenya

C is a Muslim woman in town. Her younger brother came for a visit and he had recently become a Christian. He talked with C about Jesus and pleaded with her to give her life to Jesus. C refused. At night, C had a dream of a man in white and he told her to read John 3:16. She awoke, not understanding the dream. She slept again and had the exact same dream again with the man telling her to read John 3:16. The next morning C told her brother about the dreams. Her brother said that John 3:16 is a verse in the Bible. He found the verse, read it and C committed her life to Jesus and chose to follow Him.