Diaspora in Portland

* Pray for my North African friend. I gave her an English/Arabic Gospel of Luke inviting her to read the story of Jesus’ birth. She gladly accepted it. Please pray that she will read it and keep on reading. I hope to meet with her soon to talk about it. Please pray that God will soften her heart towards Him and give her the faith to believe what she reads. Several of us have shared the Hope we have a number of times.
* Pray that I will make the most of every opportunity as I interact with neighbors and others in our community; that I will have good questions prepared that lead to Spirt-led conversations and open hearts.

Diaspora in Washington

* We Praise Jesus! The brother of N was safely returned to his family the week of Christmas. N is proclaiming the power of God in mercifully answering our prayers with his return. (A ransom was paid by the family.) Please continue to pray this family sees the need for a final ransom payment paid by the blood of Jesus. Romans 5:8-9
* We praise Jesus! Mommy & Toddler class has had consistent attendance of at least 2 families each week with 5 other families coming sporadically. Please pray the Lord opens their hearts to the words of Jesus and salvation. Acts 16:14-15
* We praise Jesus! God has physically healed many of our friends and students for his glorious purposes. Psalm 96:3
* We praise Jesus! He has provided many spiritual conversations focused on his words among unreached people in this area and we ask him for more!! John 10:27-28.

Diaspora in Missouri

* Praise that our house church in Noel is growing.
* Pray for our Somali and Sudanese communities in Noel. The African store, the Mosque and another storefront burned to the ground on December 28th. One individual passed away from serious burns, several have lost their homes and belongings, and this business was a vital hub of these communities. Pray with us that this will be a unifying event for the local church and the city.
* We are planning to have question and answer sessions on medical topics with our different people groups beginning this month. Please pray for the planning, good participation, and opportunities for fruitful discussion pertaining to the Gospel beyond the sessions.

Diaspora in Florida

* Pray for our two imam friends.
* Pray for Li. online Bible Study which starts today (Jan 6).
* Pray for Ladies Tea with Muslim friends on January 9
* Pray for “N”., a Muslim man, who is very aggressive and requires a lot of emotional energy from me.

Diaspora in California

* Praise God that His mercies are new every morning! Great is His faithfulness.
* Pray for our team to be bold in our witness and united in spirit as we continue to meet up with International students. May they come to faith in Christ. Pray that the Lord softens their hearts so to be receptive to the Gospel.

Diaspora in Florida

Pray for open hearts and open schedules for our imam friends. We are working on the Abrahamic Faith Study Bible. Pray for us to decide on the right platform to use (digital or print? Which app if digital?) And pray that our imam friends will be excited to study with us.

Diaspora in Canada

Praise for about 30 North African ESL students, 10 of whom meet at our church regularly.
Pray for these students – that many will come, and come with open hearts, to our Christmas event (online and in person) where we will share the gospel.
Pray for our Impact Kids, about 12 families who will receive a tin of candy canes, a Christmas card and a children’s Christmas book explaining the gospel.
Pray for Yu., Sa., and Lo. who have begun reading the Bible. Yu. was excited at first, but it
seems as though his wife (who is a more devout Muslim) has scared him and he has had some excuses this past week for not getting together.

Diaspora in France

Pray for H who has heard the Gospel and is willing to start reading the Bible together. Pray that God will work in her heart.
Pray for wisdom and favor during the Christmas season as we share the Gospel.
Pray for more workers. We need more full-time workers, especially in La Rochelle. Pray that the Lord would send workers into the harvest.

Diaspora in Canada

We are under lockdown in Toronto, but the schools are still open. About half the kids at the local
public school are opting for in home learning but really struggle. Please pray that we will be able to continue to help the kids who can’t use Zoom with their homework, and that as we go we’ll be conduits of Christ in word and in deed.
Please pray for my friend J. who has moved from being hard in his opposition to the Gospel to coming to church (once so far) with me  and appreciating prayer.
Pray as well for our Somali Christian friends who are scattered around the city and for divisions to be overcome.
Pray also for deliverance for our Somali Christian friends who struggle with mental illness and addictions, and for me to be an encouragement to them via phone and visits.

Diaspora in Malta

Please pray for the South African church here in Malta to have vision and passion to share the Gospel with migrants and Maltese.
Pray for the new leaders that have been raised up: that they would not be discouraged but instead be renewed in His Spirit and remain steadfast. May the Lord open a door for fruitful ministry.

Diaspora in Brazil

Pray for Brazil, the cases of COVID-19 are increasing again where our members are working, therefore, we have started some restrictions again. Pray that our teams, along with volunteers, will continue to manage this situation with God’s guidance.
Pray for all of our refugee and immigrant friends that we are sharing our faith with. Pray that the Lord will put the right words on our lips that will touch their hearts and minds.
Pray that God will bless the Refugee Christmas outreaches that our teams are preparing in different cities.

Diaspora in Kentucky

Praise God for opportunities to encourage a believer back in the Horn. Please pray for this brother’s faith and provision as he is struggling to find a job to provide for his family. Praise God that he is sharing the Gospel with his wife. Pray for her salvation.
Praise God for the growing prayer group for Somalis here in Kentucky. Although we had to postpone a special Somali engagement training because of Covid restrictions we will still meet virtually for prayer and encouragement

Diaspora in UK

Indoor socially-distanced activities have relaunched:
– Thanking God that we have relaunched indoor activities for Friends (women’s group) and the girls’ Homework Club (ages 11-18).
– Pray for God’s provision of attendees, for open hearts and health.
Christmas story presentation for Muslim women:
– Pray for friends using 6 weeks of English lessons to read portions from the Bible of the Christmas story.
– Pray for our next Zoom sewing session on the 14th Dec. We will share an Arabic/English presentation about the announcement of Jesus’ birth (Luke 1). Pray for open ears and hearts!

Diaspora in Portland

We have had to close Pamoja English classes till at least the beginning of January. We are switching back to online classes till things open up. Please pray for God- ordained conversations on our zoom meetings.
Please pray for our Sunday house church. S. from Somalia has not come the last couple of times. She is making excuses each time. Please pray that God will give her a hunger and thirst to come and hear from God’s Word. A. from Algeria has been coming regularly and is growing in his faith.

Diaspora in France

Praise God for some good conversations over the last week. Please pray that as restrictions in France ease that I can meet with the friends I’ve been having spiritual conversations with.
Pray especially for a new Moroccan friend I met a couple weeks before the recent lockdown. Pray that during this Christmas season I would be able to share the Gospel with her, and that God would give her a soft heart to really hear it.

Diaspora in Washington

Please join us in prayer for the Mommy & Toddler class launching on Saturday mornings. We ask God to send his Holy Spirit to guide this time and trust His work in the lives of our student’s children. Luke 18:16+17
We praise Jesus! I have been able to connect with a brother in Christ from DRC during the new evening men English conversation classes. Last Tuesday during class, God provided and I used Genesis 1:2 and Luke 1:35 to explain the deity of Christ and pray with N’s family, Please pray for our friend N’s family. Her brother was recently kidnapped and is being held for ransom in her home country. We pray for his safe release and this family to find their ransom already paid by the blood of Jesus. Gen.50:20 and 1 Peter 1:19

Diaspora in Portland

The Ethiopian Youth Bible Club is moving to a natural point of decision, and only the Lord knows which of these dear young people truly understand the Gospel and have personally trusted Jesus. May we have wisdom to work in harmony with God’s Spirit as He invites them to receive His mercy.

Diaspora in France

Praise for the two zoom international cafe club meetings since lockdown. Though few in number, two stayed for the Bible study afterwards. Pray for the Word to bring fruit and the many North African students to return when we start meeting in person again the 11th and the 18th.
Pray for fruitful phone conversations with islanders in the next 10 days before I leave to the States for Christmas.

Diaspora in Detroit

On December 5th we are Christmas caroling for about 35 families in 5 groups. These are all people we have relationships with. Please pray for the message of Christ to be made clear.
As families get their food donation this month may they be fed physically and spiritually.
Pray our group would be both bold through the Holy Spirit, proclaiming biblical truth, and be willing to host someone in their home during the month.

Diaspora in USA

Our street evangelism team has three more outings this year. Pray for open hearts.
Pray for a guy named Ch. I met last week while evangelizing. He claims faith but has many struggles. I am trying to start a bible study with him, but he has been hesitant. My wife has been witnessing to two Indian coworkers, one also took a job at the same clinic so will still be working with her. Pray that as she shares Jesus with them, that they will be drawn to Him.

Diaspora in Canada

We continue to have good fellowship with 3 Somali young men. Br. is helping one learn to drive and another has asked to do English practice. One young man named “A”, who was previously a bit guarded, has started talking about his story and the trauma he experienced in Somalia. Pray that we would be the listening ears he and others need. We pray regularly with two of them, please pray that Jesus would become real to them and we would have opportunities to share more of the gospel.

Diaspora in Kentucky

Praise God for Somali friends we are making and the relationships that are developing. One of the couples we met in Walmart lives in an apartment and has a business close to our house. Please pray that these relationships grow and bear fruit.
Pray for other Somalis who have shown interest in English help through Refuge International. Pray also for volunteers from churches to meet this need and to be witnesses.
Praise God for a core group of people who have overseas experience in the Horn here in Louisville.
Please pray as we develop a training to help the church confidently engage Somalis with the Gospel.
Praise God for His great faithfulness.

Diaspora in UK

One of my language students who had previously left Islam told me this week that he had attended an Arabic speaking church last week for the first time. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to open his eyes to the new life that Jesus has to offer him.
Praise God for the increased attendance via Zoom for Women’s International Sewing group this past month. Ask God for a spiritual harvest from devotions provided during sewing time.
Praise God for the arrival of a family now getting involved with ministry in the “Somali” area of the city.


Diaspora in Canada

We’re in a semi-lockdown mode right now. We’re connected with a lot of families whose kids struggle when things are “normal” at school. With schools here going partly or fully online, and families sharing computers between 5 or 6 kids, parents working two or three jobs to keep afloat, and many parents unequipped to help their kids with even the basics of elementary school but passionately wanting their kids to succeed, and kids thinking maybe it’s all just an extended vacation, and a whole lot of fear of COVid and economic concerns – parents here are really stressing. Please pray for these kids, wisdom for us as we try to help as many of our friends as we can with their kids’ educational needs and pray that we may not grow weary in doing good and be the salt and light of Jesus in the process.

Diaspora in Detroit

We are praising God for the start of two citizenship programs this past month. This has been a great touch point for many of our friends who have been here 3-5 years. Please pray they can learn both American citizenship and heavenly citizenship as we have both curriculums going.
Please pray for individual interactions during Thanksgiving, and planning for a Christmas caroling event.

Diaspora in France

Praise for a small kid’s club that happened in mid-October. Pray for the truth they heard to take root in these young lives. Pray for the cases of Covid to be reduced to be able to have more outreach to children after this month of lockdown.
Praise for the city-wide prayer march on Oct 31. Though the lockdown prevented us from going far from home, we were able to cover all of Marseille virtually. Continue praying that God will bless this city, and the Spirit will blow open spiritually dark doors into HIs glorious Light.
Pray for wisdom and sensitivity and truth-filled conversations with the latest lockdown restrictions. Zoom and WhatsApp connections are not possible for many. Pray for creativity and opportunities for connections during the hour per day exercise or shopping we are allowed.

Diaspora in Missouri

The community garden is officially closed as of October 31st. Praise God for how He has used the garden to build relationships within the diaspora community and to open doors to collaborate and form partnerships with community agencies. Pray for ongoing relationships and gospel seeds to grow!
Pray for open hearts among my patients and hospital staff and opportunities to share Truth.

Diaspora in Canada

Praise: “L” (Algerian) and “S” (Tunisian) are studying the Bible!
Prayer: Please pray for our 20 new ESL students. Most of them have been in Canada for less than a year. Please pray that God would convict them of their need for a Saviour. Please pray that despite the COVID restrictions, we can have a Christmas celebration where we can share about Jesus.
Please pray for “S”, that as he goes through the Al Massira Bible study and reads his Bible, the Holy Spirit would convict him of his sin and need of a Saviour.
Please pray for “L” that as he reads the gospels for the first time (mostly because he is convinced that Jesus never claimed to be God) he would be confronted with the Truth, that he would meet Jesus and understand his need for Him.

Diaspora in Minnesota

We can praise God that I had an opportunity to present the gospel to our soccer team, which that day had 9 Somalis participating. Pray for the family of some of these boys, as we continue to develop relationships with them. Pray that they will be able to come to our home for Thanksgiving as they have committed to doing.
Pray that I can find refugee families to connect with some of our volunteers.

Diaspora in Washington

We praise Jesus! At a recent English language learning outreach, I was sharing the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. One of the students interrupted and said “the king believed in the God of Daniel.” That same student almost immediately downloaded the Bible app in their language. Pray with us that God reaches this family through His word in their heart language. (Luke 24:32)
We praise Jesus! One of our students sought prayer about bad dreams after a recent lesson about Jacob, Pharaoh, and Joseph. Join us in praying for relief from the disturbing dreams and an invasion of the King of Glory into her dreams. (Psalm 24:7)
Pray that God sends us more and more African UPG’s to the ESL classes and outreaches. Pray that they come with a hungering for the good news of Jesus.

Diaspora in Portland

Please pray for A. from Algeria that he would grow in his love and knowledge of the Lord.
Please pray for S. from Somalia that her eyes would be opened to the truth of the Good News.
Please pray for D. from Gambia that he would be able to attend our Sunday fellowship. Please pray that God would open his eyes to the truth.
Please pray for safety and health for all of our students and teachers as we continue to hold English classes each week at PH.
Please pray for fearful hearts among our diaspora friends to turn to the one who can bring healing.

Diaspora in Brazil

Pray for the relationships that our teams are making with Muslims refugees.
Pray for the Portuguese classes that are starting up again in Passo Fundo and Tabejara.
Pray for the contacts and visits that we are resuming with our partner churches and that are interested in our refugee outreach training.
Keep praying for the health and safety of all our members, even though the situation of Covid-19 is much better, we still have many cases and everyone needs to take care.

Diaspora in South Carolina

This month I will begin making home visits to members of the diaspora community with chronic health issues and both expectant and new moms. Pray for opportunities to both demonstrate and proclaim the love and hope of Christ.

Diaspora in Portland

Continue to pray for the Sunday Zoom class of Ethiopian youth who for the last 4 months have followed God’s Story through the OT. Nov 8 we pick up the Story in the NT. May the truths of salvation through faith in Messiah Jesus’ sacrifice now become real to their hearts!
Praise God that little things are sometimes surprisingly caught, just through life on life. Last week our Ethiopian evangelist friend shared how he was “storying” Acts 12 in segments to his family in the evenings, and they were loving it!

Diaspora in Philadelphia

Continue to pray for GROW ESL classes and attendance on ZOOM. Pray for wisdom when to have in-person classes. Pray for relationships to grow during COVID.
Pray for plans to invite several Muslim friends to a Thanksgiving meal. Pray for good conversations with each of those who attend.

Diaspora in Canada

* Praise we have had regular time of fellowship with a few muslim Somali young men at our home. Pray for open hearts, and that we would boldly proclaim Jesus to these guys.
* Pray that we would have clarity with moving forward in ministry during covid as many meetings have been cancelled or are very cautious.
*B & CL have been asked to speak, pray that the body would see our vision for the diaspora ministry in Winnipeg. Thank you for praying!

Diaspora in Portland

Pray for our weekly Ethiopian Youth Bible Clubs on Zoom. Lately the youth are beginning to feel freer to ask us questions—serious questions! And our Ethiopian colleague told us the other night that, around the corners—not visible on our computer screens, some parents are also listening in on these Bible lessons! We certainly need God’s wisdom.

Diaspora in Canada

* Praise for about 300 bikes given away over the summer, and significant relationships built in the process.
* Thanks also for solution to our storage problem for the winter – a school that has a large Yazidi population has a settlement worker, who requested our help with getting bikes into the hands of the kids there. I am working on finding a time when I can interact with this community to repair and distribute bikes.
* Pray that conversations around our back yard fire pit, bike rides, and continued Jesus conversations will happen with our many new found friends.
* Pray for safety and wisdom as we continue to engage with our many friends who have requested tutoring and help with educating their newcomer children.

Diaspora in Florida

Pray God’s Spirit would open the hearts of two Imams, A and S, with whom Da and Ke are working.
Please also give thanks with us for a very successful outreach picnic: The imam left the picnic smiling. I texted him after I got home: “A, thank you for bringing your people tonight. I really enjoyed it.” The imam replied: “You’re welcome Ke. We felt the same way. You guys are awesome.” So, seeds planted, relationships begun or strengthened. We are grateful to God for what He has done.

Diaspora in Detroit

* Beyond our group there is momentum for a new Arabic- speaking  Muslim Background Believers’ church in Dearborn. Let’s pray this into reality!
* A lot of classes are starting for us this month including 3 citizenship classes. We want these to be a gateway into relationships that the gospel might be shared.
* Please pray for wisdom to know what to prioritize especially in these days of online schooling.
* Wisdom on if and what to do for Thanksgiving and Christmas events.