* Here in Strasbourg we are looking towards reopening our café, potentially just as take-away coffee and baked goods. Please pray that God gives us wisdom in this.
* Lockdown in France lifted on Dec 15, and I have been able to have friends over again! I’m looking forward to continuing that this month, but I need wisdom in whom to invite, and how often. Praise God for the good spiritual conversations – especially the recent occasion to tell the Christmas story with a new North African friend, Alice! She said she wants to invite me to her home sometime this month – please pray that this friendship develops! Please pray also for more conversations and openness with other friends that I meet up with.
* Pray for two Middle Eastern friends – one who is engaged and pregnant and looking for mom-friends, and her sister who is seeking. Please pray that God would use this time to draw them to Himself, and that He would show me how to be a good “older sister” and friend to them both.