Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

Pray for Nyamwezi children that they would be freed from the darkness that binds and they would experience God’s forgiveness and joy of new life in Him. Pray that they would see the light of Jesus even if their parents are steeped in darkness, that they would know personally God’s love and peace. Pray that children would be saved, and carry His message into homes. Pray that in Christ whole families would be brought to saving life in Christ.

Update on The Arabs of North Africa

Praise God for multiple opportunities, especially in public transport, for Christians intentionally living amongst the Arabs, to be asking questions which often lead to opportunities to talk about Jesus. Pray that these conversations would lead to further meetings and to Bible studies, ultimately resulting in people trusting in Jesus.

Update on The Samburu of Kenya

Martin and Joy Koch, missionaries to the Samburu, will be going on Home Assignment for eight months. They leave their small village of Lchakwai on May 20th. One of the Samburu pastors from another area has committed himself to visit Lchakwai four times, for a week each, while they are gone. He will preach at the Sunday Service in Lchakwai, visit homes, and encourage believers and seekers. Pray that another Samburu pastor will come during the months that he is not able to come. Pray that nothing will hinder him from coming as he plans. Pray that God will richly bless that ministry.

Update on The Dorobo of Kenya

Pastor Julius spent three days in hospital. I went to visit him and talked with his doctor from the US who confirmed Julius did have chronic leukemia and it was now entering the acute stage. The doctor said Julius would have a ‘rough patch’ ahead of him. And he gave him some IV chemotherapy in addition the an earlier form of chemo by pills. We got Julius released from hospital on Friday May 6 and Julius and his brother Jackson spent the night with me in Naivasha. Julius was feeling nauseated and we prayed for him that night. On Saturday May 7 Julius attended a men’s Bible study from our Naivasha International Fellowship and we laid hands on him and prayed for him again for healing. Then it took most of my day to slog through the mud on the road up to his house. By God’s grace we delivered him to his family and manage to slither out again. I felt down having left him. But I continued to pray and ask God to show us his will for Julius to guide our prayers. After reading Acts 3 it certainly seemed we should pray for his strength to be returned. I called a day or two later and Julius said he was feeling good and much stronger. God is answers, but please continue to pray. He has a followup appointment for June 2nd for the doctors to check his blood levels.

Update on The Rangi of Tanzania

The Rangi have a tradition that is super close to the sacrifice of redemption. If one person does some sort of major offense against another, they will kill a sheep to “heal the body/flesh.” Pray that the Rangi would understand in a deep way how this relates to our need to have OUR flesh healed with God because we have wronged him.

Update on The Antakarana of Madagascar

Please pray for a young man in the village of Marimbehely on Nosy Mitsio. Yesterday while working with cows in the ricefield, he seriously injured his leg: either dislocated at the knee or torn muscles/ligaments. The local communities are very concerned for this young man. The TIMO team was able to provide boat transport to a nearby village where they are attempting special massages and other traditional remedies. Team members have also prayed with him and with other villagers present. Please pray that God would answer these prayers, heal this young man, and make himself known in love and power to the Antakarana people.

Update on The Alagwa of Tanzania

Neighbour Update:
Praise God that a neighbour lady and her husband are both eagerly listening to the
Alagwaisa Bible stories together. They have also asked for and are reading
gospels in Swahili and Rangi. They are also praying with us and are eager
to understand the Gospel. Please pray for them, that God will continue to
open their hearts and eyes as they work through what it means to follow
Jesus. Pray that they would continue to have the desire to know more of
God, and to experience relationship with Him. Please pray that this couple
would follow Jesus, and lead their whole family to do the same. (Praise God
that two of their sons and one of the son’s wives have been secretly seeking
Jesus for some time).

Update on The Sandawe of Tanzania

Sometimes there are difficulties between believers who are trying to reach the unreached with the gospel. We know these are typical schemes of the enemy to prevent the Lord’s work from going forward. Through prayer we can stand with these brothers and sisters, asking for help to walk in victory over Satan’s troublemaking. “Lord, please fill the Sandawe churches with your Spirit. Let humility richly abound. Let sin be confessed, cleansed and stripped of its power to bind. Instead, let the Holy Spirit flow freely in and through Your people with supernatural power, grace and love. Heal any divisions by deepening each person’s relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, that as Your people abide in Him, there will be rich unity. May compassion for the lost, the priority of the gospel, and the honour of the Lord Jesus Christ be the compelling motives in each person’s heart. Please send more workers into that harvest. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.”

Update on The Zaramo of Tanzania

Pray for an elementary school class of 4th and 5th graders who observed a classmate delivered from demonic oppression when their Christian teachers prayed in Jesus’ name. Pray that as these students meet for prayer in the teachers’ home, they will clearly understand the gospel and put their faith in Christ for salvation. Pray also for the salvation of their parents, who allow the children to attend the meetings. Pray that as they come to faith in Christ and grow, the children will stand publicly for Jesus all their lives.

Update on The South Asians of East Africa

Please pray that the Kenyan South Asians that are Hindu would come to understand Christ’s captivating holiness and that He is not “one among many” but unique in His Divinity.

For the Kenyan South Asians of a MusIim faith, please pray that they would see Christ as not just an upstanding Prophet, but as he truly is, the divine Son of God.

Update on The Rendille of Kenya

From one missionary: The church in Korr lost its senior pastor, Jamhuri, this past January. The church has elders and a pastor keeping things going, but we need a good replacement for Jamhuri. The local area will be deciding who should be the replacement and we are praying for a strong godly man.

From another missionary: The Korr AIC church is not totally without leadership since they still have the assistant pastor, David Gargule and a strong group of elders who help guide the church. Having said that, it is clear that the church feels the loss and absence of Pastor James Kholbakha very deeply. The Area Church Council is due to discuss the appointment of a person to fill this post very soon. Pray for the Lord’s guidance to the right man.

Update on The Rangi of Tanzania

Pray “ahead” that for future Rangi believers, they would be like the apostles in Acts 5- not afraid of the threats or punishments of others, but that they would be prepared to be open and bold.

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

Pray that, like Apollos, preachers among the Nyamwezi would learn to handle the Scriptures accurately, and that God would equip bearers of His Word with eloquence of speech, and enthusiasm in the Spirit. Pray that they would tell the whole story– Old Testament to New Testament. Pray that missionaries and national evangelists would be able to bring out “proof after convincing proof from the Scriptures that Jesus was in fact God’s Messiah” Acts 18:28

Update on The Islanders of the Indian Ocean

Medical facilities are less than ideal on the islands; incompetence, old equipment, and lack of basics like reliable electricity are all part of everyday life here. This means at times of serious illness islanders will try every means possible to send their loved ones overseas for treatment. Pray that God would use these trials to bring people to the end of themselves so that they would cry out to him. Pray that those islanders being treated overseas would meet Christian doctors and nurses and hear his truth and experience his love. Pray that we would see people healed here on the islands when prayed for in the name of Jesus.

Update on The Mwani of Mozambique

Mwani; thank God for some conversions which have been reported among the Mwani in the last two months through the ministries of different organizations in the region. We pray that these new disciples will gain the heart and passion to share the same message with others in the community.
We pray also for the success of the two Radio ministries among the Mwani. Pray specifically that the missionaries will get face to face contacts with keen listeners that the listeners may believe. Pray too that the presenters on these programs may have the wisdom in choosing the right stories in the right order and that they may answer the resulting questions wisely.
Makwe; the team of four missionaries here have began to visit one of the villages each week (every Friday); they shared the Gospel with several people these two last weeks. Pray that they will find an open door to talk to many more people, that those who hear will believe, and that there will be lasting fruit. We pray specifically for them to find the man or family of peace in this community.

Update on The Samburu of Kenya

A Samburu TIMO Team recently finished. The two single men on the team started meeting with the men of Moru every Friday night to hear a Bible Story recorded in Samburu and to talk about it. A missionary named Martin has been going up to Moru Friday evenings to continue that meeting, now in the home of one of the men. However, participation has been poor. Pray that God would move those men to desire to know God more. May some of them make a commitment to Christ and eventually be the leaders of a church in Moru. Pray with us to that end.

Update on The Datooga of Tanzania

Pray for the young Datooga children assisting their parents looking after livestock – for protection of them whilst they are out herding – from sickness or accidents. Pray that they will hear the gospel and receive the Savior who is the good Shepherd.

Update on The Fulani of West Africa

There have been deadly clashes between Fulani nomads and farmers in Northern Nigeria for decades. Hundreds have been killed the past several months. The Nigerian military is meeting with representatives from the Fulani community today to find a solution to the violence. Please pray for God’s mercy and wisdom for those involved in the meeting, that a fair and lasting solution can be found. May they find true peace by bowing the knee to the Prince of Peace.

Update on The Gabbra of Kenya

Join us in prayers for three specific Gabbra men whom have the potential to be Christian leaders amongst their own people into their own villages. Pray that they feel in their hearts God calling them to be part of the Great Commission. Pray that they find encouragement in the Lord when facing adversity. Pray for their families and for wisdom as they start to be discipled.

Update on The Dorobo of Kenya

Be in prayer for Pastor Julius Ngayami. His teenage son Solomon died last week following some severe headaches. They sought medical help and even had an MRI, but Solomon died in his sleep. Since then Julius has been feeling extremely weak. Doctors said it is just the stress. But today he felt so week that he was taken by ambulance to St Mary’s Hospital in Elelementeita where he’s been admitted. I talked to him on the phone and he seems very tired and down. He’ll see his doctor tomorrow and we’ll know if it’s related to his feeling low after losing his son or whether his blood disorder is gaining an upper hand on his health. Pray for strength and healing in both his body and his spirit. Julius has served as a catalyst for much of our Dorobo outreach, encouraging others and preaching and sharing his faith.

Update on The Zaramo of Tanzania

A Zaramo family has heard 37 Bible stories in chronological order, but has been unwilling to make a decision to put their faith in Jesus or confess Him publicly. Pray that the word that has been planted in their hearts and minds will bear fruit.

Update on The Nyamwezi of Tanzania

Pray for a missionary’s plans to travel with a local official as he has invited him to go meet the surrounding village leaders. Pray that in these visits, missionaries and national church workers would be welcomed into these villages. Pray that people’s ears would be quick to hear, and God’s joy would be revealed in His love.

Update on The Zaramo of Tanzania

Pray that the Zaramo would learn the story of Joseph from Geneiss, and believe that even if their families reject them for following Jesus, the Lord will still care for them and display His glory.

Update on The Rendille of Kenya

The Rendille church, AIC Korr, has schools under its jurisdiction. These are training students from nursery through high school – about 800+ students in total. There are several requests regarding these schools:
a. Many students are not saved. We have students from various unreached tribes in northern Kenya. We also have Muslim students, traditionalists, Roman Catholics, and nominal Christians. We are praying for the salvation of all who come.
b. We are also praying for truly committed teachers who see their teaching as a ministry for God and not just a job. We long to see Christian schools that make a difference.

Update on The Alagwa of Tanzania

Men’s Retreat Update: many reasons to be thankful!
Praise God for the 12 men who went with the men from our team to study the
Bible and learn together. Praise God for the witness of the church that
hosted the retreat, that was commented on by many of the men that went.
Praise God for the many questions that the men felt free to ask, and for the
truth that they were able to hear. Praise God that many have arranged to
keep on meeting weekly. Please do continue to pray that God will by His
Spirit will continue to draw those among the men who have not yet decided
to follow Him. Please pray for strength and confidence for all of them as
they face questions from their families and communities. Pray that the many
seeds planted in hearts will bear much fruit.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

Ephesians 6:12 For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood {contending only with physical opponents}, but against the despotisms, against the powers, against {the master spirits who are} the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere. We would request intercession for the Karimojong and those who are discipling them with this truth in mind. The opposition to truth here appears oppressively overwhelming at times.

Update on The Rendille of Kenya

The Islamic Academy concept met with considerable resistance from the Korr community. The Muslims in turn blamed the Christians for inciting the community, so it has brought some friction. Please pray that the local church will see this as an opportunity for loving outreach.

Update on The Ik/Teus of South Sudan and Uganda

Since beginning of March we have a lot of Karimajong people here on the IK ridge. They came with a lot of cattle, ploughing fields, cutting trees … Please pray, that the Karimajong don’t exploit the IK and will leave the place very soon.

Update on The Aringa of Uganda

1. Pray for the Aringa Muslims that the Lord turns their hearts to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.
2. Pray for leadership crisis affecting the existing Churches among the un-reached people groups.
3. Resources to reach the un-reached.

Update on The Rangi of Tanzania

Please pray that the Rangi would understand that accepting Jesus as a prophet doesn’t mean that they have accepted Jesus for who He really is, and in fact they dishonor Him by seeing Him as less than He claimed to be. Pray for the few who have enough understanding to choose to trust Him as God and Savior to appreciate and take to heart the parable of the seeds that fell on different soils, that there is danger in being a type of soil that does not bear fruit. Pray that they would be the kind of people who bear thirty, sixty and a hundredfold.

Update on The Dorobo of Kenya

We made our first survey of the Dorobo people in 1991, found they were about 20,000 strong, spread through Kenya’s highland forests and only a handful had heard the name of Jesus. It’s 25 years later and we plan to do another survey to see how God’s Word has spread through this group of traditional hunter gatherers. We know we have started about 25 AIC churches, but we also know others have joined other church groups or moved away and started small house churches. We know we’ve sent about 28 men to Bible college. Some are pastoring, others are working with NGOs, others have changed denominations. Pray for me, Shel Arensen, and for Julius Ng’ayami as we meet with pastors, ask questions, fill out survey forms and try to get a reasonable count of how much still needs to be done in planting Christ-centered churches among the Dorobo people of Kenya.

Update on The Rendille of Kenya

One item for prayer for the Rendille is the push of Islam. Quite some time ago the Muslims declared in an open meeting that they were going to push to see Islam rooted in Rendille. Their only problem place was Korr due to the strong church there and the Christian schools. There has been a further push to build a madrassa (Islamic school) in Korr which promises free schooling right up to university. Up to now, the move has met with resistance from the community.

Update on The O of East Africa

Two new Bible study groups of men are hearing God’s Word. So many seeds have been planted over so many years! Pray in Jesus name against the spirits of fear and deception – pray that God’s Grace in all of it’s Truth will overwhelm people by the power of the Holy Spirit, and that the first big extended family group will RESPOND and become Jesus disciples – who will share with MANY others who will become disciples of Jesus….
PTL that the 1.18kg premie is now well over 2kgs and doing well! Pray that the mom will also GROW in knowledge and spiritual understanding!

Update on The Zaramo of Tanzania

Pray that the Lord will remove the spirit of fear from the Zaramo, and instead send His Spirit of power, love and discipline. May they not fear being rejected by family and community if they follow Jesus. May they not fear they’ll be observed having conversations with Christians about spiritual things. May women not fear being divorced by their husbands if they become believers in Christ. May they not fear to meet together, but instead may house churches spring up in many villages, with believers who love to meet together to worship the Lord. May they not be ruled by their fears, but may they count it all joy to confess Christ and suffer for Christ’s sake.

Update on The Gabbra of Kenya

Praise the Lord for the people who are listening and being taught the Scriptures in small Bible studies. Thank God for the ones who have confessed Jesus as their Savior and are in the process of getting to know Him more in their Christian journey. Pray they keep strong in their conviction of Salvation and faithfulness to the Lord, being a witness to their neighbors and relatives. May they daily experience God’s grace, love and care for every detail on their lives.

Update on The Zaramo of Tanzania

There are 5 Tanzanian Christian teachers among the Zaramo who have been trained in church planting. Two of them are elders in the church and oversee the Christian preschool. Pray for adequate support, perseverance, encouragement, and open doors to share Christ with students and their families. Pray for the Christian teacher, Emmanuel, who returns to run the preschool in June. Pray for many students to enroll and faithfully pay their tuition so he will be supported adequately.