Sometimes there are difficulties between believers who are trying to reach the unreached with the gospel. We know these are typical schemes of the enemy to prevent the Lord’s work from going forward. Through prayer we can stand with these brothers and sisters, asking for help to walk in victory over Satan’s troublemaking. “Lord, please fill the Sandawe churches with your Spirit. Let humility richly abound. Let sin be confessed, cleansed and stripped of its power to bind. Instead, let the Holy Spirit flow freely in and through Your people with supernatural power, grace and love. Heal any divisions by deepening each person’s relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, that as Your people abide in Him, there will be rich unity. May compassion for the lost, the priority of the gospel, and the honour of the Lord Jesus Christ be the compelling motives in each person’s heart. Please send more workers into that harvest. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.”