Diaspora in Canada

Praise that Ra. (Algerian man) has now done 2 Christianity Explored studies and is asking
some good questions through our study of Mark. Pray for Ra., that the Spirit would open his eyes to his guilt and need of repentance and of a Savior.
Pray for R&F (Algerian Berber couple) who are applying for Refugee status and have a
court date for May 19th. Please pray that F. would come to faith like her husband, and that
they would be granted residency.

May His Word Bear Fruit

Many Samburu in the area surrounding the village of Lchakwai have received a “Treasure” (a solar-powered MP3 player). Each Treasure has three Bible story sets, Christian songs, and some books of the Bible recorded in Samburu. Pray with us, that as Samburu hear the Word of God through these treasures, the Word will bear fruit in their hearts.”As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10,11

The God of the Impossible

When we left Tabora there were fears of looming disaster from locusts, too much rain (and now the corona virus). Praise the Lord our little community of believers wanted to share a meal for Easter but didn’t think they had the finances to pull it off. Well, they stepped out in faith and the God of the impossible met them and they were able to enjoy celebrating Easter with a shared meal. We ask that this boldness in stepping out will be the beginning of bigger and bigger steps of faith and trust in the Lord that our believing community will take, and that the Muslim neighbours will be witnesses to God at work in and through them, and as a result will be drawn to the one true God.

Moved by the Holy Spirit

All those involved with church ministry are deeply missing gathering for fellowship, visiting, and encouraging each other. However, we know that the Holy Spirit is not restricted by this crisis and He continues working in people’s lives. Our prayer is that during this time of social distancing, each believer would feel moved by the Holy Spirit to seek to get to know Him more and more intimately. Let’s also pray that this be a time when each believer can take the initiative to be a voice of Jesus among their own families and neighbors.

Lost lamb

Pray for a young man who seems open to the Truth. He is disillusioned with his religion. He has come several times to discuss Bible stories. Pray the Good Shepherd will bring him into the Fold.


Please pray for a young man who declared his intention to get baptised. Please pray for God to strengthen this man’s resolve to follow Him with all that he is.

The Ring of Truth

As South Asians come in contact with believers and hear about the differences in what the Bible says versus what the Qur’an says, may they hear the ring of truth in Scripture and may faith come by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. May the Lord save many S. Asians during Ramadan in 2020.

Disciples sent out on mission

The Toposa, Nyang’atom, and Jiye disciples being trained the past three months have returned to their villages with commitments to engage 74 new villages in their areas. Over the past two months there have been 40 new baptisms! Two of the members of Mark’s team have also engaged the Murli and Kachipo people. Pray for these 17 disciples as they begin their ministries in these 74 new locations and fulfill their faith commitments. Ask the Lord for a great harvest.

Ten for Ten Villages

Please pray that in the next year, ten evangelists, missionaries or pastors can be sent to ten Datooga villages to start churches, and that the Lord will enable them to do that work.

Blind and Unable to Speak

Pray that the solar listening devices we have passed out to several Dorobo villages will be listened to and absorbed into people’s hearts during this time of social distancing in Kenya. Each listening device, called a Treasure, has the entire Bible in Maasai. Pastor Jonathan Nang’ari requested one last week, saying he had a new believer in his church who was blind and unable to speak, but wanted to learn more about the Bible. So I sent a Treasure by G4S courier.


East Africa has had abnormally heavy rains this rainy season. For some, this has meant a good harvest, for others, too much rain has meant a poor harvest. Please pray for the Sandawe and others that they would be able to harvest sufficient food for the coming year. Pray also for Believers that they would be bold in their witness both in word and deed.

Leaving the Old Ways

The Zigua have been Muslim for many years, but these days they are beginning to leave that old way behind and learn about Christ and His salvation. Pray that those who have come to faith in Him will share the good Word with others and that their evident joy and peace and freedom will convince those who are still undecided.

A Solid Rock for the Zaramo

The Zaramo are created in God’s image and yet they need to know Him. Pray that during this time of fear of death, they will hear the good news of eternal life in Christ and turn in faith to Him. Pray that their reliance on Islam for answers and hope will be broken, and that they will realize only Jesus is a solid Rock to build on.

Fasting to Draw Near to God

During the month of Ramadan, April 24-May 23, many South Asian Muslims will be fasting and praying, hoping to draw near to God. Pray that this year, 2020, the Lord will speak in powerful and clear ways during the month of Ramadan to enlighten their minds and help them see the light of Christ, who is the image of God. Pray that we will hear of many coming to faith in Christ.


Pray for the Rangi people who have come to Christ to stand firm in the Lord. Pray for the ministry of deliverance from demonic oppression as believers lead those who have been tormented by demons to freedom in Christ. Pray for a movement of the Holy Spirit to bring many Rangi families to faith in Jesus for their salvation.

More deadly than Covid19

Pray for God’s mercy on the Fulani during the Covid pandemic. Pray they will follow health directives from the government and not believe superstitions. Pray we can have many conversations about ‘the most deadly disease known to man’ that no one but God can cure. It started in the Garden of Eden and we’re all infected. Pray many would joyfully accept God’s treatment!

Perfect Timing

We praise God for the rain in Gabbra territory. This rain has come at such perfect timing. Now people don’t need to walk long distances for water and for grass for their flocks. All villages are well supplied which helps people to be more settled in this period of traveling restrictions. God is sovereign and does watch over His people. Let’s pray that people recognize this as a provision of our dear Father and how much He loves us.

Mystery of Trinity

Many are willing to hear the gospel but are unwilling to believe because they do not understand the mystery of the Trinity. Ask for faith to believe God tells the truth, to delight in the infiniteness of God, to be in awe and wonder and believe by faith what we cannot fully see.

Asking to Learn

The Swahili Arabs need Jesus but cling to Islam. Recently a number have begun learning about God through discovery Bible studies. Others are also asking to learn. Some have believed and confessed Christ. Pray that this movement will accelerate and that Jesus will be honored and glorified through how He works in this people.

Three Disciples

Please pray for three disciples in one village. They have been studying and praying together with one of our team but that team member isn’t currently in that location. Please pray that this will be a great opportunity for these women to organise to meet together and encourage one another without outside impetus. They have also been more stirred recently with the need to tell others about Jesus. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to empower them to be bold and courageous.

Seeking More Openly Now

The Somali people have suffered wars, famines, and now pestilence. More than at any other time, they are beginning to seek openly to find out about Jesus without fear of how others will react. Please pray that God will use this time of intense stress to bring them into the glorious freedom of the children of God through faith in Christ.

Pastor in Lchakwai

We praise God that a Samburu pastor has been spending three days a week in the village of Lchakwai since we left the end of January 2020. We praise God for his faithfulness and for his burden for the people to know Jesus. Pray with us that God will bless his ministry among the women of the church, and that God would use him to draw Samburu men to Jesus.

Good news

Praise God Bibi H has recovered from all the complications from her bladder stone removal surgery! To welcome Bibi H home, the young adults from church rebuilt the walls of her home that washed out from all the record rains. Pray Bibi would continue to see the love of the local body of Christ and give praise to her savior Jesus for her healing!
Praise God 4 new believers from the new church plant in the village down our road were baptized on Easter morning! Pray for them to grow strong in the Lord.

A Burden for the Ik

Praise God that He has put it on a number of people’s hearts to want to live among the Ik to minister the gospel to them. Pray that all these workers’ needs will be supplied to them. Pray for the right timing and open doors, since travel is restricted. Pray that the Lord will be preparing the hearts of the Ik people to receive Jesus Christ. Pray also that the Ik people will have access to the Scriptures in their language, and will love to listen to it.

Listening and Understanding

Praise God more and more people listening to our Gabbra/Borana radio station. We had handed out 200 radios to many villages before lockdown so they could listen. They are certainly using the radios and more villages have requested we send them radios. Some have even called the station to say they have understood sin and salvation and have received Christ as Saviour due to the special COVID programs we have put on air! Please pray we can stay on the air and keep broadcasting the Word of God.

Pray for families to believe

Praise Jesus for some bold sisters who are telling their family of their faith; pray that families would believe. Pray for believers to find believing spouses, for parents to teach their children.

Listening Daily

Please pray for ten young women who are listening to daily “Bedtime Bible Stories” by WhatsApp. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open their eyes, to behold wonderful things from God’s Word. Pray that as they begin to understand, they will want to study God’s Word more and more. Pray for new life in Christ.

Persuade others

Ask for each believer to grow in love for their families and be courageous to identify with Jesus and “because they fear God, persuade others” (2Cor 5:11)

Come, Follow Me

Please pray that the Zaramo will find that Jesus is the answer to their problems. Pray especially that the young men in Zaramoland who are looking for meaning, for purpose and for direction will be challenged by Jesus’ command, “Come, follow Me.”

A Rangi Girl

Praise the Lord that a Rangi girl has accepted Christ, been baptized, and is growing up in Jesus. Pray for the Lord to help her complete her studies and that He will use her life and testimony to bring other Rangi into the household of faith in Christ.

Preparing for Ramadan

South Asians Muslims will soon be preparing for Ramadan. Meanwhile, many have made friends with Christians and some are learning Scripture. Pray that there will be a breakthrough during Ramadan, and that the light of the knowledge of the glory of God will be revealed to them in the face of Christ.

Filled with Compassion

Pray that the Nyamwezi will hear the gospel from other believers, evangelists, and pastors who are filled with compassion for their lost condition and who believe that it is possible for them to leave Islam and follow Christ. Pray for a great movement to Christ among the Nyamwezi people.

Let not your hearts be troubled

Pray for those who are suffering from PTSD or depression or anxiety because of past or present persecution. Ask that each believer ‘be filled with joy and peace as they believe in the God of hope’ (Rom 15)

Other Believers

Pray for the Ndengereko to meet believers from other tribes who share with them the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Pray that they recognize it is the truth and believe in Him.

feeling cut off

Please pray for the small groups of believers who were meeting but because of curfews and quarantines cannot meet now. All live at home with unbelieving family so they are afraid to do digital meetings. Ask that each one learn anew how to read Scripture alone, and that they will have boldness to encourage each other even through texting/chats.

Sealed Shut

The Digo are fearful of the coronavirus. Their county has been sealed shut and unbelievers have no certainty of salvation. Please pray that during this time of fear and suspicion, the believers in Christ will shine because of their bold hope of eternal life, and that the Digo, who have been zealous in the past for Islam, will become zealous for Christ.

Diaspora in Philadelphia

Pray as we help our Muslim friends who are dealing with loss of job and having a baby any day now. Pray that we’d have opportunities to share the hope of Christ with them and other Muslim friends who are anxious at this time.

Suffering and Hope

Ishmael is dying from advanced liver disease. Today he heard the gospel although he is so sick that maybe he hardly heard it. Pray that somehow, God might open his mind and heart to understand and believe. Otherwise he will die without hope, maybe soon. Pray for his daughters, Z and F, and one of his wives, KH as they watch him suffer unable to do much to help. They too have heard the gospel. Pray that seeds sown will bear fruit.
Recently Mohammed Abdel Nabi, one of few Neem believers, died from liver cancer. Pray for his wife, Fatuuma and adopted children. His family have not visited them because of his Christian faith. Her family couldn’t visit because of the virus. Pray that his death will bear witness to the hope we have in Jesus.

The Good Shepherd

Pray that the Good Shepherd will protect the Datooga shepherding communities and villages. Pray that the Lord will send evangelists to start ten new churches in Datooga towns that do not yet have believers. Pray for supernatural openness and receptivity to the gospel.

Diaspora in France

Praise for renewed phone contact with T. by her initiative after 2 1/2 months of silence. Pray for wisdom in speaking truth and hope in conversations with her, for provision for her and her daughter as they have no income now and are living on rice and pasta (and for many others who are in dire need).
Praise for word that some areas in the city where islanders and N Africans live aren’t affected with the virus; pray for the many who are hospitalized, to turn to Jesus in their physical weakness and isolation.
Pray for wisdom in conversations giving truth in phone calls; ideas of how to be a Light with neighbors and others.