Bold sisters

Praise Jesus for bold sisters who are telling their family of Christ! Their mom declares Jesus is Lord, but wants the Koran and Mohamed to also fit in somehow. Pray for continued boldness for each believer to testify to the gospel of grace. Ask for fathers and brothers to believe too.


In two villages, Zigua people are grieving because their Christian friends who lived among them for three years and were sharing the stories of Jesus have now returned to their own countries. Please pray that all those who have heard the gospel will put their faith in Christ, and that they will keep in touch with their friends who had to leave.

Sorrow and faith

One sister’s friend was killed by militia. Another sister’s friend died of Covid and the family was shut away, unable to mourn. A third lost a long-awaited unborn baby. Pray that in the midst of death, each believer would remember that Jesus knows what it is to have a friend die. He proclaimed to the imprisoned John that the lame walk, the dead are raised, the blind see, the poor hear the good news… and blessed is he who is not offended on account of me.’ Pray that believers would trust when they do not understand. Ask that they would share in the fellowship of his suffering and the power of his resurrection.

New Team Leaders for an Unreached Village

Pray for the preparations that are being made for a new team out in one of the unreached villages in our district. Ever since we showed the Jesus film there last year, they have continued to ask us to come back. We are excited and thankful that God provided team leaders who were recently able to go out and visit this village to get a feel for it and find a house to rent! Pray for all of the preparations to go as smoothly as the Lord would allow, that God would continue to prepare the hearts of those who He will place on the team to be ready to serve Him and this village, pray for wisdom for the team leaders, and pray for the Lord to draw many many many of these people to Himself as His good news is proclaimed there!

Tourism Hit

There are currently no COVID19 cases confirmed on the island of Nosy Be, but people are still feeling its effects. The island depends heavily on tourism. Since Madagascar has closed its borders indefinitely, that source of income is completely gone. Many people pick ylang-ylang flowers and sell them to a factory to be turned into oil. But the price per kilo is one fifth of what it was last year. People are struggling to pay their loans and feed their families. Pray that the church would come together to help people. Pray that God would show Himself to them as the Great Provider.

Church Leaders Being Trained

Regarding Sandawe and Datooga, because of Covid-19 Pastor Emma Shilikale has shifted gears to accomplish his Indigenous Leader’s Training. Instead of a large gathering bringing trainees from all of central TZ, Emma is traveling around to each cluster to distribute the training materials. So he’ll teach each smaller group cluster, then they’ll continue to work on it in their locations, and he’ll follow up with them by phone and another visit. Pray for safe travels for him and that the Lord would use this format to equip His people for service.


Pray for wisdom in knowing how to more forward with a discipleship group on Sundays. Will it be possible to meet in two smaller groups? People are afraid to meet, but still very much in need of community. Ask for them to sense the Spirit’s leading and for unity.

Like the Samaritan Woman

Please pray for the few Rangi believers to be like the Samaritan woman, who was so excited about having found the Messiah and so transformed by her encounter with Him, she brought many others to believe in Him, too.


Despite cases now being confirmed on the islands and some deaths of prominent leaders, whose symptoms looked very much like the virus, some people are still refusing to believe it is here. They are still carrying on life as normal. Ask that they might realise the gravity of the situation and act accordingly. Ask that in a spiritual sense too, they would have their eyes opened to the seriousness of the situation and cry out to the only One who can truly Heal.

Hard times bring salvation

People in Bara land are so afraid of this virus that they are crowding into the churches! Our partner churches here are doing 4 services every Sunday to accommodate all! Starting at 4 in the morning! We’ve seen many Christians repenting from their sin and committing themselves to be faithful.
We’ve had many Bara villages pleading with us to come; they want to see the Jesus film. We can’t go but Pastor Emanuel is going. He has been in more than 6 villages the last 4 weeks broadcasting the film (and following the recommendations for COVID-19). More than 1000 people have watched the Jesus film and The Last Judgment.
So the hard times bring glory to God and salvation to people!

Passion for the Word of God

Borana churches have a passion for the Word of God. Please pray that those believers who have the Word in written and recorded form will be immersed in the Word, meditating on it day and night, discussing it in their homes and with friends wherever they go. Pray that the Word of God would find good soil and bear much fruit.

Multiply and Grow Strong

Please pray that the Ndengereko believers and churches would multiply and grow strong, and that God would send more evangelists, pastors and missionaries to carry the good news of Christ to them.

Comments and Questions

Gabbra radio listeners keep calling in to the station with comments and questions. In fact one comment that really blessed us was a caller calling to say that our sermons were too short. He said the message was so sweet he did not want it to end. Another wonderful call last week was a man saying to keep an eye out for him because he was going to spread this wonderful message of Christ wherever he went and would tell the people to tune in to our station to hear more. Praise God for spiritual fruit! Pray that the radio will continue to broadcast with a strong, steady signal.

Word and Deed

R is still in Ambondrona, a different part of the island, working on translation. It’s harder without a team. Pray that God would bring the right words to her mind and that He would use this story for His glory. The church in the village of Ambatozavavy is handing out packages of rice and beans to help old and frail people, and Christians in the village. The need is so huge at this strange time! Pray that people would be drawn to hear more from the church.

Translation Work

Praise God for the way the translation project has been able to continue despite lockdown.
Three-hour long phone conversations have meant drafting can continue each day, another
bel has been reading and testing finished drafts and the other local translator is finished up
an epistle by hand in his home village. With the extra time we have also been able to put
more time and thought into other aspects of the translation project – praise God for how He
continues to move us forward!

Faith Lived Out, Visible and Attractive

We ask that the Lord would protect our little group of believers, that He would fill them with His Spirit, growing their confidence and trust in Him. That their faith lived out would be visible and attractive to those around who don’t believe and trust in Him. We ask Lord that there would be an increasing distrust in and dissatisfaction with the old beliefs that the locals have traditionally held to. We ask that the Lord break down the barriers that have held people captive, that they may be able to hear and accept the truth of His Word.


From Mark Keter among the Toposa: Urgent prayer needed!. We are in time of trial and persecution, especially the disciples and their leaders. Already 3 other churches have been burned down by Toposa warriors. Pray that the believers may stand firm in the faith.

Praying for true faith

She is still trying to gain a reward by suffering to feed the poor in Ramadan, but she studies daily the truth of Jesus and knows that He is Lord. She prays to him for true faith and sincere repentance. Please ask that she and others who are seeking let go of all the lies of Islam and surrender completely to Jesus and follow Him.

Diaspora in UK

Praise for Bible stories being shared over Zoom as part of the English lesson with women from
the “Friends” group. Pray for a spiritual hunger and realization of their need to accept Jesus as their Saviour.

Denying Jesus

It’s been a long month of Ramadan with increased isolation for believers bc of Covid and war… and two new believers wrote with doubts, denying Jesus, praising Mohamed. Both are being swept along by the raging stream of Islam as all around them dance around the altar of Mohamed. Pray that they will repent from fear and stand firmly on the rock of Christ. Pray that they will wait for fire from heaven and declare: The Lord Jesus: he is God! Please pray against fear, weariness and doubt.

Believers being discipled

Pray for Angelo and Noblesse as they begin using the newly developed discipleship material with some groups of believers. Pray for wisdom as they disciple oral learners to know and follow God’s Word. Pray for these Laarim Christians to “live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way…growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might” (Colossians 1:10-11).

Ten Women

Ten unsaved women, mostly South Asians, have been listening to short Bible stories by WhatsApp every night for a month. Tonight, they will hear the last story, which includes an invitation to put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior, and to respond by messaging that they have done so. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to work mightily in their hearts and bring them salvation.

Diaspora in Detroit

Pray that our students will continue online ESL classes during Ramadan. This has
provided a great way to stay connected with them. Pray God will soften their hearts and they will seek after Truth.
Pray that as a team we can continue to find creative ways to share hope during this time
of COVID-19 “sheltering in place”. Praise for the technology that is allowing us to stay connected with our friends during this time.

Strangely Dissatisfying

Please pray that the Digo people will find that Ramadan this year has been strangely dissatisfying. Pray that they will realize Islam has not brought them peace nor the hope of eternal life. Pray that they will long to know the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. Pray that they will find Him and follow Him zealously.

Night of Power

Ramadan is coming to an end for our Mu$lim community here. Tonight is the 27th day of Ramadan,  known as the night of power. Tonight, while Mu$lim’s are diligently trying to please God and hear from Him, let’s pray for the people in the world of Islam, and specifically for many O here to have revelations, dreams and visions that will lead them to Jesus, and cause them to seek for Jesus and receive Him as Lord and Savior!

Stuck at Home

A family of staunch Muslims are spending months together in a small apartment, fearful of Covid-19, fasting all day, feasting half the night, suffering occasional power and water shortages, seeking to gain merit with God and draw close to Him through their prayers and fastings. Pray that the Spirit will reveal the futility of trying to make themselves good. Pray that they will read the Bible they have in their house. Pray that their eyes will be opened to see the light of the glory of God in the face of Christ. Pray for them to talk together as a family about the hypocrisies and disappointments and contradictions and unanswered problems in their religion. Pray that they will admit it does not satisfy the deep longings of their heart, nor make them feel close to God. Pray for the God of salvation to break through to bring them His salvation through faith in His Son.

Diaspora in France

Pray for good conversations by phone with islanders during this month of Ramadan. Pray for a dissatisfaction with Islam and a longing to know God personally.
Plead for those islanders  who are sick, for their hearts to turn to Jesus, and for some, even with
their last breaths to remember any truth they have heard and respond in trust.

Intense Spiritual Struggle

Please pray for an Alagwa believer who is going through a time of intense spiritual struggle. Please pray for her to fix her eyes on Jesus and see afresh the hope she has in Him. Please pray for a significant breakthrough in the coming days and weeks.

Diaspora in Portland

Please pray for S & E, our Iranian Christian friends living near Portland. They long to be in
ministry. As he recently prayed and fasted about God’s will, he suddenly lost his IT job. Pray for
wisdom to encourage them as they seek the Lord’s direction.
Please pray for our Ethiopian evangelist friend who told us a few days ago, he is finding unusual
opportunities to talk about the Lord with Muslim friends and relatives struggling with fears and

Children’s ministry

Pray for the children’s ministry among the Lopit. Children are coming! Please pray that the Lord will continue to grow these kids in His Word, and that He will call more workers.

Conviction and transformation for the O.

Many of our close O neighbors and those from far away who come to our clinics continue to hear the Good News. As they seek forgiveness through their Ramadan fasting, may God convict their hearts of their need for His grace through Jesus to forgive their sins, and transform them to hunger and thirst for His truth and relationship with Him! Pray this specifically for 2 extended families we’ve been sharing with, F&H and SG.

Diaspora in UK

Give thanks that despite the current restrictions we have been able to find churches in Bristol,
Southampton and Portsmouth to welcome refugee families who moved from Croydon
into their areas over the last six weeks. In each case within a day of their arrival, Christians were
there to welcome them and help with the practicalities of moving into a new home. Pray for these refugee families to be open to friendship and hearing the Gospel.

An Open Door to Visit Soon

Several months ago, we prayed for a Hindu woman who has struggled with mental illness and depression. I gave her a Bible, but at the time she wasn’t reading it much. She’d even planned to return it. But recently, during this time of the pandemic, I began texting Bible verses to her. She found strength in verses like Isaiah 41:10 and Psalms 40:1,2. A couple of days ago, we texted and she claimed that she has put her trust in Jesus Christ! I would love to talk to her face-to-face but she is staying inside because of the pandemic. She says that her brother is defaming her everywhere, and she needs strength. Pray that the Word would speak to her boldly and that she would be encouraged by what she reads, and that I would get an opportunity to see her soon.

Suspicious and fearful

The Didinga people are suspicious by nature, and fears (and misunderstandings) surrounding Covid19 have led to a wariness of our team up on the mountain. Because of this, the team has opted NOT to have any planes land up there to bring them supplies. In a place with no market this is a very short-term solution. Please pray for the emotional impact this decision has on the team, as it makes them feel even more isolated and cut-off from the world. Pray that remaining in Nagishot will give them many opportunities to share hope in Jesus with a people who are “darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts” (Ephesians 4:18).

Diaspora in Canada

Please pray for the youth of our community. Two more were sentenced to life
imprisonment last week for murder. The youth here hold life cheaply. Please pray that
we will have the opportunity to share with the youth how much Jesus values them, and
how much he values all others as well.

Destroy the charm!

Please pray for F who was prayed for and demons were cast out. Yesterday, she was prayed for again and there was still demonic activity, although less. A long time ago the lady’s husband had placed a Koranic charm at the door frame and is unwilling to get rid of it. It was expensive. Tomorrow, our teammate and some other believers are going back to talk to the husband about destroying the charm. Please pray for his eyes to be opened, that he will destroy the charm. Pray both he and his wife will commit their lives to Jesus.

The Body Of Christ Ministering

A praise for Rendille ministry is that the Rendille believers are ministering to the missionaries, who are all learning a lot about Rendille culture and how they care for the sick and injured. One family had a motorcycle accident while their fellow missionaries were sick, so the Rendille believers took care of them. Please pray that the ministry of the body of Christ will make an impact on unsaved Rendille and bring them to faith in Jesus.

Local leader being trained

Noblesse is doing well. He is using literacy training to spread the gospel. He has a DBS bible study group on Saturday and Sunday now. When Kaliva (Laarim believer) is in Chauwa, he is leading the DBS group on Sunday, with Noblesse coaching him. Praise God for raising up leaders from within the Laarim! Pray for their growth and spiritual protection.

Diaspora in USA

Pray for an MBB in North Africa that we know. She is a mother of three teenage children. Her
husband was abusive and left them several years ago. She has been diagnosed with breast
cancer. During the pandemic she’s unable to see a doctor. She’s dependent on gifts to get her
through paying rent and buying food. Pray for her three children and their future.
Pray for Mo from Noel, MO. He’s from Somalia working at a chicken processing plant. Pray that
we can continue friendship and overcome social distancing restrictions during the pandemic.

Asking to study the Bible!

Kenyan missionaries, Robert and Carol, have been really happy to see the Lord actively at work. What has been so encouraging is having people ask them to study the Bible, which has never happened before. They now have five DBS’s in their village and the sixth one is on the way. Their prayer is to have the locals lead without them. In addition to this, is the discipleship program they have been leading. They are hoping the team will continue the program while they are gone on leave. Please pray for Robert and Carol as they stand for the Lord in the midst of many challenges.