The Digo are fearful of the coronavirus. Their county has been sealed shut and unbelievers have no certainty of salvation. Please pray that during this time of fear and suspicion, the believers in Christ will shine because of their bold hope of eternal life, and that the Digo, who have been zealous in the past for Islam, will become zealous for Christ.
Diaspora in Philadelphia
Pray as we help our Muslim friends who are dealing with loss of job and having a baby any day now. Pray that we’d have opportunities to share the hope of Christ with them and other Muslim friends who are anxious at this time.
Suffering and Hope
Ishmael is dying from advanced liver disease. Today he heard the gospel although he is so sick that maybe he hardly heard it. Pray that somehow, God might open his mind and heart to understand and believe. Otherwise he will die without hope, maybe soon. Pray for his daughters, Z and F, and one of his wives, KH as they watch him suffer unable to do much to help. They too have heard the gospel. Pray that seeds sown will bear fruit.
Recently Mohammed Abdel Nabi, one of few Neem believers, died from liver cancer. Pray for his wife, Fatuuma and adopted children. His family have not visited them because of his Christian faith. Her family couldn’t visit because of the virus. Pray that his death will bear witness to the hope we have in Jesus.
The Good Shepherd
Pray that the Good Shepherd will protect the Datooga shepherding communities and villages. Pray that the Lord will send evangelists to start ten new churches in Datooga towns that do not yet have believers. Pray for supernatural openness and receptivity to the gospel.
Diaspora in France
Praise for renewed phone contact with T. by her initiative after 2 1/2 months of silence. Pray for wisdom in speaking truth and hope in conversations with her, for provision for her and her daughter as they have no income now and are living on rice and pasta (and for many others who are in dire need).
Praise for word that some areas in the city where islanders and N Africans live aren’t affected with the virus; pray for the many who are hospitalized, to turn to Jesus in their physical weakness and isolation.
Pray for wisdom in conversations giving truth in phone calls; ideas of how to be a Light with neighbors and others.
Till He Comes
Pray that the Borana will draw close to Christ and that families and believers will remember His death and resurrection till He comes. Pray for protection from illness and hunger during difficult times.
Diaspora in Europe
Praise God for new disciples and seekers in La Rochelle.
Pray for Discovery Bible Study happening in Malta – for fruitful discipleship.
Pray for protection for team in Jerez as they deliver needed food, supplies and compassion to refugees stuck in.
No tourism income
The island of Nosy Be, which is usually bustling with tourists, is being harshly affected by Coronavirus and all the travel bans that come with it. Lift up the small businesses and the people who were relying on this income. Ask that in the midst of the fear and uncertainty , they would meet Jesus. Ask that while they can only see lack, they would have their eyes opened to see abundant provision in their saviour. Ask that God would have mercy and use mysterious and miraculous ways to provide for their material needs.
Diaspora in Canada
Our team is reaching out to unreached African and Muslim people in Canada.
Pray that the Holy Spirit would create an ever greater longing for hope and salvation during these rapidly changing weeks.
Pray that through phone calls, mailings, virtual meetings, social media—and ways we haven’t even yet thought of—we would have more and more opportunities to point New Canadians to the Saviour.
There are encouraging signs that people are eager to learn and gather. They want more stories, but the story sets are not yet ready in their language. They want to meet with others but in the current circumstances this isn’t easy. Ask that God would move and draw many to Himself, even without the polished, perfectly articulated stories in their heart language…. and that all the glory would go to Him.
Diaspora in Portland
We continue to engage various North African families via What’s App and other social media. We delivered flowers and food to several of these dear families yesterday and received very grateful responses. Pray for an openness to the Gospel.
Pray for a single Somali mother and her boy we have adopted. They just moved up from Salem and we are their family. We have been providing food and supplies and transportation for them. Please pray that they will be open to the Gospel.
Pray for Mama A. After hearing the Good News many times, she remains incredibly skeptical that it is for her. Ask that God will break through in the places she lacks understanding in order to bring her and her family to salvation.
Pray for faith on Easter
So many are willingly receiving passages and reading of the cross and resurrection of Jesus…please ask that hearts would be stirred and unwilling to rest until they recognize the truth of Jesus.
Diaspora in USA
Pray for creative ways for us to continue to spread the gospel even though we are sheltering in place.
RM is helping start a street evangelism program at his church. We want to do training over Zoom so when the ban is lifted, we have a number of people who are ready to share the gospel with people who will be experiencing restored freedom of movement, but with a lot of lingering spiritual questions.
Pray for 13 disciples bring trained in Naliel, South Sudan, for 2 months. Pray they will be faithful men who will train others also. Ask Jesus to build His church among the Toposa.
Diaspora in UK
Pray for refugees and asylum seekers who are in temporary accommodation, often just a small hotel room, as they get used to living with the Covid-19 restrictions. Those who have recently been allocated housing face the challenge of setting up a home while on a limited income at a time when some store shelves are empty in the food shops.
Church buildings are closed but many churches are providing on-line services and members are ‘meeting’ for worship, some of which are getting a lot of people logging on to them. Please pray that in these uncertain times many people who may be reluctant to enter a church building may be led to check out their local church on-line.
No COVID19 Confirmed
Even though numbers are slowly rising on the nearby French island, so far there have not been any cases confirmed on our islands. But we recognise that testing hasn’t been done properly either. So ask that God would protect this country – as the health system would be quickly overwhelmed. If the virus is indeed already here, ask that the government would become aware and for wisdom as they make decisions.
Diaspora in Florida
Praise God for a productive trip to India for David last month. Praise for the leadership trainings that took place. Pray that discipleship will go up another level.
Pray for wisdom how to keep in contact with our Muslim friends during this time of C-19 restrictions.
two by two
The Ju/hoansi language is one of the hardest to learn, but is beautiful to hear with its different clicks, tones and noun classes. Lift up two men who are being discipled by a worker who’s still learning the language. Pray for these two as they have started to go out and share the Good News. Ask that the Gospel would come to the people in a clear and understandable way and they would be obedient to its teachings.
Diaspora in Portland
A long- time ESL student of RH, an older Iranian, is dying of cancer. He’s heard the gospel, but has not believed yet. Pray with us that Ja. would believe in Jesus as Savior.
Pray for our team as we learn a new way of connecting with our widespread international friends- that we will have eternally significant conversations.
Power of the Gospel
Praise God that three Nyang’atom believers are currently being trained in disciple multiplication for another two months in Naliel, South Sudan, together with 10 others from neighboring tribes Jiye and Toposa. This is a monumental occurrence since these three tribes have historically been enemies. What a testimony to the power of the Gospel!
Diaspora in Canada
Pray for a Somali seeker friend to find Jesus, and realize she’s already been sought out by Him. Also for her to find suitable housing soon.
Pray for a Somali believer who has separated from his family and isn’t making efforts to get back together. Please pray for reconciliation and restoration.
Pray for another mature Somali believer whose daughter is dating a Muslim man. Pray with us that they will realize the danger of this, and repent and that Jesus will be glorified.
training and outreach
Pray for Joseph and Nakelio who are leading a discipleship training program and follow up among the Jiye for the next 3 months. Pray for much fruit.
Diaspora in Detroit
Praise for technology that is allowing us to stay connected with our Muslim friends.
In lieu of doing an Easter event, we are going to put out an Easter bag with a bunch of goodies for the kids and some evangelistic materials too. Pray they will be well received.
Our Muslim friends are scared, please pray our church team can cast Christ-like hope in their lives.
Pray for new opportunities to reach out to our friends during this weird and difficult time.
Pray for our online ESL classes which we hope to start this week.
As a team we have continued to stay in touch with all of our friends through an online chat/video platform. This is helping us stay connected with them. This has been the most helpful.
Visiting Restrictions
Pray for the Spirit to draw many. Due to the spread of Corona, our team is unable to visit our Mwani friends and neighbors. Pray that in this time of our physical absence, God will continue drawing many to Himself–through dreams, the audio Bible, etc. Pray that God will continue to work in the lives of those who attended the Mwani meeting in February and for creativity in how to continue discipling in the midst of limited social interactions.
Diaspora in Missouri
Praise God that He continues to open doors for the community garden in Noel. Pray that the garden will be a place of peace and rest during this difficult time and that it will open opportunities for spiritual discussions.
Pray that I will serve the Noel community well in my position as Health Director and that strong relationships will be built with the diaspora community as we walk through this pandemic together.
Also pray for Mo to seek after the Lord with all his heart.
Praise God for 79 believers being baptized! Among these mostly Toposa believers were 2 Jiye leaders. Praise God for what He is doing among these people groups!
Diaspora in UK
Praise for the opportunity to connect with people electronically.
Praise for an opportunity to rethink our ministry activities amid social-distancing measures.
Praise that the international women’s sewing group has been asked to make face masks for local health care workers since there continues to be inadequate Personal Protective Equipment supplies.
Pray that people will be spiritually hungry to have a relationship with God through Jesus.
Hard hearts
The O do not like the idea of social distancing- most refuse to stop shaking hands in greeting, saying that it shows a lack of faith in God not to touch. They’re quite convinced they’re right. Hard hearted even! Pray that God will soften hard hearts to His eternal truths of salvation through Jesus alone! May the Holy Spirit draw many into His kingdom of light while they still have the opportunity to receive His grace in all of His truth.
Diaspora in Portland
Pray for our precious volunteers who are continuing online classes with the Pamoja students and regular phone calls to see how they are doing.
Pray that this will be a great time for them to develop deeper relationships with the students and that God will use them to share the lasting hope we have in Jesus.
A Mighty Flame
Pray for the Digo who have been listening to the gospel and the Scriptures to realize the fallacies of Islam and put their trust in Jesus Christ as their only way to God. Pray that their zeal for Him and their love for Him will be a mighty flame. Pray that many churches may be established in all the Digo villages, so that everyone has an opportunity to hear the gospel.
Diaspora in USA
Praise: During this time of “staying at home”, A., our Hindu friend, has been live streaming our church’s services on his own! Pray for him to receive God’s gift of salvation.
Pray for the Friday night Zoom meetings with International Students to be well attended and that we can find creative ways to reach out to students and share the gospel remotely.
Too Ambitious?
Ten new towns, ten new missionaries, ten new churches planted by the end of the year. Is that too ambitious a project? No matter what troubles come, no matter what the barriers are, may the Lord do abundantly above all that the Datooga believers and evangelists and pastors ask or think, and glorify the name of Jesus greatly.
Diaspora in Wisconsin
Our challenge is to find new ways to keep in touch with our friends here in Barron at the same time keep each other safe. Pray for opportunities to keep in touch with our Somali friends and to have spiritual conversations regarding the Christian’s eternal hope.
Staying In
Please pray for a S. Asian family who are in stay-at-home mode these days. They now have been given a Bible and a number of Christian books, as well as some books discussing differences between Christianity and Islam. Pray that they will avidly read and discuss and be convinced that Jesus is truly the Son of God and that they can have eternal life through believing in His Name.
More than Conquerors
Pray that flooding, locusts, terrorist threats and Covid-19 will not halt the spread of the gospel among the Borana, nor weaken the churches. Pray that instead in all these things they will be more than conquerors through Him who loved them.
Please pray for Mozambicans walking through extremely hard times. Famines, floods, sickness, and extreme hunger have been the reality the last couple of years. Please pray! Pray for understanding and against despair. It is so hard to explain that the Bible tells us these things are the beginning pains of the return of Christ Jesus and to remain strong! Please pray for perseverance, and great faith in the provision of the Lord to sustain us all until His return.
Wide Radio Outreach During Times of Trouble
Please lift up our radio station at this time, BHB Chalbi FM. With all services and gathering on hold by Government request, we have moved all our outreaches and services ‘on air’ with lots of interactive programs. It is a huge increased load to our studio staff and to our power capabilities (due to ongoing rains and overcast skies, our solar and wind power sources are failing to keep up). So pray for power and for the radio staff to be able to keep up. Also, pray for more and more listeners and open hearts to hear the Good News! This may be their only life line at the moment.
Certain Truth in Uncertain Times
We are still waiting for the first confirmed case of COVID19. We do not know how this is going to progress.
This is a key time for sharing truth with people, and I’ve had some great opportunities in the last few days. Ask for wisdom in our interactions with people. Given that it’s such a social culture, people are unlikely to self-isolate. The normal practice if someone is ill is to go and visit them! Pray for protection on our own health, and that we will not infect others unawares. One of the things we can do is help people understand what’s going on, and advise them about precautions, and model those ourselves.
Some other considerations: What will translation work look like if we try to do it remotely? How can we encourage followers who live in other villages, and get resources to them? Ask that this will be a time of growth for them, and a time when many people seek the Lord.
Fear not
Pray for all the believers here during these uncertain days of Covid19. Pray for bold witness and peace. We are standing by this verse – Isaiah 41.9-10:
I brought you from the ends of the earth and called you from its farthest corners.
I said, you are my servant. I have chosen and not rejected you; do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am you God; I will strengthen you; I will surely help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.