Feasting on the Word

Thank God for one Alagwa man who taught the word of God to a few people using an audio player last week. Pray that he will continue to teach others and also feast on God’s word himself.

Caring for People

Pray that the Lord will have mercy on North Madagascar and will continue to keep the virus from spreading. Many people are coming to churches in the cities because they are afraid, so pray that the churches there can welcome them, share the gospel, and care for them.


A young Rangi woman was recently delivered from evil spirits. Pray that she will put her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ so she will be protected by the Son of God from the evil one. Pray for many Rangi people to come to faith in Christ, confess Him openly, and be delivered from Islam.

Just a Start

They were an unreached tribe. Christians went and shared the good news, and a small group of believers began gathering. For a while, there were baptisms and even a small church. But the missionaries and church outreach workers have all left. More are needed in order to complete this good work that began and then halted. Pray for the Lord of the harvest to send them.

Courage and Hope

The ongoing terrorist attacks in Northern Mozambique continue to spread fear and uproot many Mwani men and women from their homes. Pray that the Lord will encourage isolated believers and give them courage to spread the Gospel even while the land is troubled.

Young widow

Pray for a young widow woman, M, who has studied the Bible with us a lot, but doesn’t seem to have a real hunger to learn more and grow. Now she has been making some decisions which have led most of the village to conclude that she is living immorally. Pray that she will seek God‘s leading in all her decisions, and obey and be pure, and wholeheartedly decide to follow Jesus and become a strong disciple!

Another sister!

One more sister has believed! It was beautiful to watch her biological sisters pray over her, tears streaming down their faces as she confessed that Jesus Christ is Lord. Please ask for the rest of the family (men included) to believe and may many more families turn to Christ together.

Fellowship Under the Tree

Please pray for Papa M and his family. That the seeds of faith would grow in them. Pray that the church under the tree would grow and reach many Muslims and that those who have started to attend the meetings will remain strong in the Lord. As people like Papa M overcome their fear of the spirits, may the light in their hearts draw many in the community closer to freedom in Christ.

He’s on a Two Week Journey

A pastor and missionary to the Datooga is on a two-week trip through a vast area of their tribal homeland, looking for ten strategic locations to send missionary pastors to plant churches. Please pray for safety on his journey and a warm welcome from villages that still need the gospel. Pray for the Lord to raise up and provide support for the pastors who will go. Pray for the word of God to spread rapidly among the Datooga.

Still Spreading

Large areas of Samburu have received the gospel, churches have been planted, and leaders well trained in the Scriptures. But the Samburu tribe covers a very large area, and there are still many villages and towns without the gospel or a church, where old ways and traditions keep people from pledging their loyalty to Jesus. Pray for those who are working to take the gospel to them.

Sharing face to face

Two believers just recently shared their testimonies face to face with friends. Praise Jesus for their increasing courage. Ask for God to guard the truth spoken and to bring life.

Discovering the Bible

Pray for those who are discovering the Bible through reading it with their Christian friends, that they  will put their faith in Christ and find Him faithful to make them His strong and courageous witnesses, even to the ends of the earth.

The Prince of Peace

Please continue to pray that those Borana believers who know Christ will be messengers of peace to their communities, and that as Borana people come to know the Prince of Peace, they will carry the gospel to other tribes around them who have been traditional enemies for generations.

Closed Borders

As Madagascar continues with closed borders due to Covid-19, pray for provision for the people who are affected by the shut down of the tourism industry and regional travel.

Water Catchment

A water catchment is being built by a group of faithful believers in a Gabbra community. This water project aims to bless many families during drought season. These believers have faced so much opposition by non believers, but they have shown humility and have been praying that those who have been mocking them would repent and follow Jesus. Our prayer is that through this water catchment, many who are thirsty will come, experience God’s love and provision and will desire to drink from the Living Water.

Meeting Weekly

Pray for a group of three or four Alagwa in one area that have started meeting weekly with church members for prayer and teaching. They have also started coming to worship on a Sunday too. They came to Jesus with their need for healing; may they surrender their whole lives to him.

God at work

Multiple villages are facing persecution after turning to Christ. In one village, young warriors are angry at the lack of alcohol, that girls are worshiping God instead of dancing with them, and that their witch doctor has come to faith. Pray for these disciples and their leaders to stand firm in their faith.

Update: God is at work! We just ended church service and it was wonderful. The Lord has done great things after the persecution several weeks ago. The church has grown- we had more than 300 people including youths, who asked for peace!

The Bread of Life

Pray for Mama M. She has an impressive hunger for the Word of God and is often asking questions to understand what she is listening to on the audio Bible. Pray that this hunger won’t be satisfied until she and her family come to confess Jesus Christ as Lord.

Outreach and follow-up

We are starting follow-up and outreach to old areas and new areas on the 28th. We have four different teams of 3 going out with the Jesus Film in different directions. Pray for fruitful ministry and many to come to Christ.

Meeting online

One woman is now meeting with 5 others online and is reading the Word consistently. Another just shared the gospel with a friend online and that friend believed! Please ask that all these online connections would be grounded in the truth of the gospel and ask for increasing consistent discipleship.

2 extended family groups to disciple.

There were 2 extended families groups interested in Bible study before Ramadan, but they wanted to wait until the fast finished. Now they’ve been giving lots of excuses. Meanwhile another family has agreed to 2 studies and invited another visit. Pray that God will get 2 groups going and that the studies will lead those families to receive Jesus as Lord and become strong disciples who will make more disciples!

Believe and Speak

Please pray that each believer would live lives according to the truth of the gospel. And may they believe and speak unashamedly of the gospel.

Gabbra Neighbors

One of the communities in the Hurri Hills of Kenya is populated by the Waata People. This community is very reluctant to receive the Gospel. They follow traditional beliefs and worship evil spirits. Pray for strategically open doors for building relationships and sharing the Good News. Pray that this community may see God’s almighty wonders and turn their hearts to our Lord Jesus!

Bible Stories

Several S. Asian women receive Bible stories on their phones each night. Pray that as they listen, the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ will shine on their hearts and they will receive the Savior as their own.

Evangelism from House to House

Pray for house to house evangelism that will begin among the Rangi people tomorrow, and for new believers Vero and Rebecca to stay strong in their faith in Jesus. Pray for the training of Rangi believers who want to study theology and the Bible, and those who are feeling called into the ministry. Pray for a reproducing, indigenous, Christ-centered church among the Rangi.

Radio Messages Translated

One of the believers from Memba and another Makhuwa Pastor have been helping to translate radio messages from a Christian program. These will be used to make up a book on God’s plan of redemption. It is a bridge book that helps new readers to understand the Bible. Please pray for this translation team. They suffer much to be outspoken believers.

May they call out to Jesus

Pray for this Borana family: Three sons came to Christ. The father took one son to be put in jail, but the mother was able to get him released. Christians have helped the sons. Now a sister has died of cancer. Pray that the father and mother will come to faith in Christ through the ministry of loving Christians at this time of grief. Pray for the sons to stand strong in the faith.

Warriors hostile to the gospel

Among the Jiye, women are receptive to the gospel, but young men are hostile. These men see themselves as warriors, and drunkenness is a stronghold, along with their traditional beliefs. Pray that they would hear God’s call to be warriors for Him and to be filled with the Spirit rather than with alcohol.

Strength to Overcome Trials

J lost his father last week due to sudden death. This young servant of God really goes from trial to trial: house broken into, some family members giving him trouble because he is a believer, pursued with false cases, sickness and now losing his dad. It looks like the evil one is really roaring after him. Please continue to pray and support him. He is doing great work among his people group. Four villages have been reached with quite a few committing their lives to Christ.

Aid for Refugees

Due to terrorist activity, many refugees are arriving in Pemba with just the clothes on their back. As we seek to help them with some basic food supplies, pray that the love of Christ will be displayed through our actions. Ask for divine opportunities to share of the hope that we have amidst the current darkness.

Faithful Perseverance

Pray that God will help new Zaramo believers continue in faith as they study God’s Word and grow in grace and the knowledge of Him. Pray for faithful perseverance.

Witch doctors being saved!

Witch doctors are the order of the day among the Toposa. Since the gospel has entered many villages, most of them have gotten saved! Some are church leaders now. At one baptism of 60 people, most of them were witch doctors! Praise God for what he is doing and pray for these leaders to be used by God to bring many to Him.


Pray for Lokine, our person of peace among the Ik. Ask God to continue to work in his life and establish him in the faith and make him a blessing to his people.

Prayers for Nyang’atom

Pray for disciples in Lotimor and Kauto
Pray for new churches and believers in Kauto
Pray for teams to be able to visit Lotimor soon
Pray for provision of a motorbike for visits

A New Thing!

All through Ramadan and Eid and now carrying into these following days, it has been a really special season for the Y community! There is an outpouring of the HS that I haven’t seen in my years of being here! They are having dreams and visions (and we are too in regards to them!) and they are responding to the Word. I’ve had several people come forth on their own and ask me out right to share The Story with them or teach them about the Book. We’re seeing healings and other answers. I’ve had many new Y relationships brought across my path which I sense are all really divine connections, and I have several relationships that were previously really hardened and opposed to the Good News and the Word now really softening to it. It’s a beautiful beautiful season! And we want more! More of His Spirit and power and love and truth being poured out on these precious people. Please especially remember “Julia” and my Y momma- two women that have either had a dream or were in a prophetic dream.

Christianity is good, but

A friend from the local church went into the market to share the word of God. That itself is a positive sign as the church has not been active that way. Two ladies told her that they see that Christianity is good. There is love, people come and share the word of God in the market, there is not the violence and vengeance that they see amongst their own people. But… “We couldn’t change. Muslim is what we are and have been.”
Please pray for the Neem that their eyes will be opened. So many people here do not understand anything of their belief system but go through the motions of praying and fasting etc. believing that is what helps them, while also wearing many charms and living in fear of being attacked by bad spirits. Meanwhile, vengeance and violence and corruption is rife.

Prayers for Jiye

Pray for disciples in Kasengor, Lopyat and Buma among the Jiye.
Pray for peace with neighbors
Pray for God’s provision of desperately needed hospital, schools, and water.
Pray for faithfulness in the disciples’ lives.
Pray for the Jiye disciples in refugee camps.

Open Hearts and Open Homes

During this pandemic time, good things have been happening in Ambatozavavy – Nosybe with the church plant. Instead of having church service in one place, we now have house church three times a week. Christians are keen to lead meetings in turns and their close neighbours are not shy to attend. Also, new people are more interested and want to host the gatherings in their homes too. God is good!

Diaspora in Portland

Pray for our friend K. from Syria who is struggling with leukemia- it got worse during Ramadan. Please pray that God will open his heart to the Gospel. He is very religious.
Pray for open hearts as the team passes out Trader Joe bread- that their Muslim friends will find Jesus to be their Bread of Life.

Knowledge of the Truth

Please pray for a S. Asian family who are having some interpersonal struggles, to come to the knowledge of the truth that is in Jesus and realize He is the answer to their needs. Pray that they will give up their reliance on Islam and put all that behind them, and that they will eagerly embrace the Way of Jesus.