Lord, send laborers

Antanosy territory is quite hard to reach, and particularly deprived of commerce, basic education, medical care and supplemental food sources. Subsistence farming is the norm, as is child labor (mining, fishing, agriculture). There are so many challenges: lack of infrastructure, poverty, hunger, isolation. Pray that the Lord will stir hearts and call out specific people to leave everything and serve amongst the Tanosy; pray that the Malagasy Church would be brokenhearted and compassionate for these people. Ask God to bring a church planting team, and those who can bring the Good News to this remote area of Madagascar.

New church and answers to prayer

Thank God for Brother Shalo’s new church in Nauyapuru. Pray for the provision of audio Bibles for the church and for each believer to grow in grace and faith.
Thank God for peace between the Jiye and their neighbors.
Thank God for the new school and new air strip in Kasengor.

Bible stories

Lift up those working amongst the San people in Tsumkwe, Namibia. Ask for continued strength and energy as they disciple believers there in the Way; pray for those seeking to build relationships in the community, that they would become spiritual guides to the lost, leading them to Jesus. Pray that the stories from the Bible Story Project which have been shared amongst the San would make deep roots in their hearts, and that the Way, the Truth and the Life would be known to them. May the Lord send more and more workers to San to spread the Good News there.

Pray for peace

Let’s unite in prayer for peace among the tribes of our district (Marsabit). There are many conflicts happening recently, including between family members of the Gabbra and Borana people. Houses have been burned, people killed by shotguns and others seriously injured.
In our region it’s been peaceful, but the fact that it is happening to family members of the tribes we work with consequently affects our community and people are concerned. Pray for peace, protection and for God’s manifestation among these tribes.

meeting weekly

Thank God for the motivation of neighbor women to meet weekly for Bible study.
Pray that they will not fear sharing their faith with their friends.
Pray for provision of jobs for them since many are jobless.

persecution and outreach

Pray against the spirit of persecution in Toposa villages. Ask the Lord to protect and defend His people.
Pray for unity among ministers. Pray for open doors for fruitful ministry. Pray for outreach teams in Kapoeta going North, East, and South.

Lord bring freedom

Pray for a spirit of earnest prayer to be poured out on the churches located near the Rangi. That the church goers would be awakened to pray earnestly for the Lord to bring freedom from spiritual bondage for the Rangi people who do not know the way of salvation through Jesus Christ.

4th Letter from prison

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet you first in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and may the grace and the blessings of the Lord be with you all.

I want to share two areas of concern I have since being in prison: I have seen youths being arrested in the police station that I am detained in, and the reason they got arrested is drugs and alcohol. I have seen the hopelessness of those young people, they don’t have hope, and they don’t have people who take care of them. These problems are getting worse in the communities.

Pray for healing from drugs and alcoholism for the young people here. Pray they will find people who love them and take care of them, and pray many will find the hope and the peace and the love that only Jesus Christ can give. Pray for a breakthrough from this addiction of drugs in the community that are affecting mainly young people.

The other problem that I have seen is an increase of children with autism being brought to the police station. When a child with autism gets lost, they bring him to the police station, and I see this as a problem facing the community. Pray that these neglected and unloved children will find people who will take care of them, and who will love them.

Thank you so much my dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

A grieving hilltop

The village mosque sits atop the highest point in the town. Two related big family groups who live closest to the mosque have both lost beloved loved ones in drawn out illnesses in the last six weeks- a 44 year old mother and a 54 year old father. Pray that all the effects of this and the sharing surrounding it will shine God‘s love, compassion and saving grace through Jesus – that even this hardest of times may be used to convict peoples hearts of their need for Jesus as Savior and Lord!

Summer school

Pray for our English Summer School for local kids. Parents send their kids to learn English and make a mess (science, art, cooking) – something they are definitely NOT allowed to do at home! Good opportunities to speak values into these kids’ lives (like don’t swear!!), get to know parents, and be involved in the community. Please pray for good connections with the parents. Thanks so much!

School ministry

Praise that the Harvest team went well, the two men were fully a part of ministry and had a good impact on the young men in the community.
Pray for the school ministry. The Malagasy missionaries teaching Bible stories in the school were told they were no longer allowed to go. Pray for wisdom as the team tries to find out what the issues are from the community elders.

Diaspora in Portland

Please pray for one of our Somali sisters here in Portland. She was coming to a church gathering for a while and was engaging in spiritual conversations, but lately has been struggling with depression and has been pulling away from believers in the area. Please be praying for healing for her heart and that she would be drawn into the beauty of Jesus.

God has given the same gift

Pray for unity in gospel proclamation among the different church denominations living near to the Rangi; that they would fall silent before God and say like Peter, “If then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God’s way?” (Acts 11:17)

Needing peace

There is insecurity in Kapoeta county. Pray for the Lord to intervene and bring peace and stability to the region.
Pray for the Didinga, Toposa and Buya communities to avoid conflict and seek peace.
Pray for the government to make wise decisions.

Youth program

Pray for our youth program focusing on unreached M people groups. We are exposing many families, children, and their parents to the living word of God. There are between 40 -50 persons every Sunday that are ministered to. We have planted and watered seeds of the gospel faithfully, we trust God for increase. Pray people would arrive on time so they don’t miss important sessions. Pray for stamina and wisdom for those serving and teaching. Pray for many to bow their knee to King Jesus!

Hanging around

Pray for growing relationships with the many kids who hang around Dan and Joel’s compound, especially Lowuyo, Dominik, Lokwar and Lomua. Pray that as Dan and Joel live out what is to follow Jesus, their lives and their Words would preach the gospel and draw these boys to relationship with God.

Bible School Students

Pray for twelve Bible school students, as they return home to their village ministry sites among the Nyamwezi. Each has studied evangelism and discipleship activities. Pray they would put into practice what they have learned, that the Lord would use them to lead others to Christ. Pray that new groups would be formed to discover and learn God’s Word together. “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” (John 17:17)

Luka improving

We thank God that Luka was able to go to Juba last month for medical treatment. He received a new concoction for his skin rash that seems to be helping. Please continue to ask the Lord for complete healing. Pray that through Luka and Umjuma’s discipleship, the believers in Iboni will become a strong, unified body of Christ among the Lopit.


Noblesse has felt a tremendous amount of suffering and loss as he has seen many of his disciples either leave for refugee camps or killed in raids. When he was with us in Torit last month, he shared how deeply connected he feels to his community in Chauwa, so these losses have been significant. Pray that Noblesse would be comforted by “the Father of compassion…who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we have received from God” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

Hearing the Gospel

Pray for Stacey – a teammate met her at the gym and with follow up conversations helped her get the Word on her phone. They will start reading together.
Also, a pregnant lady fainted in town this week- teammates sat with her while waiting for her husband to come. He arrived, stayed to chat and they both heard the full gospel message – probably for the first time… including others who had also stayed around to help the lady. Pray for them to want to know more.


I want to ask for prayer for one of my friends from the coast of Kenya. Her mother-in-law, who was an influential family matriarch, passed away very unexpectedly last week. My friend shared that her whole family is struggling to process the loss. Please pray the Holy Spirit will use this opportunity to reveal His Truth to them, and that Jesus might even visit her, her daughters, and her husband in their dreams.


Pray for the 12 Dorobo pastors who are having a three- day seminar this week on how to set up a Savings and Credit Cooperative to help with the chronic poverty in their community. There are many scriptural applications in the teaching. Pray these men will be instrumental in bringing positive change in the lives of the Dorobo members of our AIC churches.

Translation work

The books of Genesis and Exodus are now complete in Lopit and work on Mark has begun. The translation team are hopeful to have a draft of Mark by the end of year. As more and more of the Bible is translated into Lopit, pray that, “the unfolding of [God’s] Word gives light; it gives understanding to the simple” (Psalm 119:130).

Diaspora in Missouri

Pray for “MH” who works at a meat packing plant in SW Missouri. Recently he has experienced stomach problems and is seeking medical consultations. He’s planning to move to another state so he can get a job driving commercial trucks but the stomach problem has prevented him from moving. Pray that MH will hear the Gospel from his Christian friend before he moves.

Diaspora in Canada

Calgary and Edmonton, Canada have a combined Muslim population of 230,000. Many of them come from North Africa. Some of their children will be attending an August summer camp in Alberta. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be working on their hearts, preparing them for the Gospel truths they will hear at camp.

Bible being translated

The completion of the Laarim Bible is on track for 2023. Pray for the translation team to persevere and work hard to finish, and for good cooperation from the community as they do language checks. As the Laarim hear God’s Word in their mother tongue, pray for them to declare: “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path” (Psalm 119:103).

Diaspora in USA

There are several thousand Somalis living in Louisville, Kentucky. Many work at meat processing plants and own small businesses. Pray for divine meetings and crossing paths with local church members so they can experience God’s love in deed and in truth.

New pastors!

We serve among the Samburu in Maralal, Kenya. A few weeks ago, eight men were licensed as pastors! Please pray for unity among the pastors and workers, and that their love for one another will show that they are truly disciples of Jesus (John 13:35).

Diaspora in Canada

An Eritrean family’s eldest son in Toronto has been showing interest in Bible discussions. May his interest lead him to the Gospel and his need for salvation in Jesus Christ. Pray for his family to enter in to his interest and hear the Gospel as well.

Sunrise Bible study

Marlene has recently been able to start a bible study with her neighbors in Ohilang, meeting every Monday and Friday morning just after sunrise. Pray that everyone will be faithful to come, be eager to learn, and will grow in their understanding of who God is.

Diaspora in France

Pray for the Indian Ocean Islanders that live in Marseille, France. Pray that they will meet Christians who share the Good News. Pray that the Spirit will implant specific spiritual truth in their hearts that will lead them to Jesus.

Still in prison

Please continue to pray for our friends in prison for their faith. They have still not had their final hearing. Pray the Lord would sustain and encourage them, and give courage to the judge to do what is right.


There has been a series of riots and violence across the island caused by the indigenous people not welcoming the immigrant population, who are largely clandestine. Pray that the local believers would model Christ’s unconditional love and peace. Pray that the different gatherings of believers would be a safe place and somewhere to find true security and refuge in Christ for people of all backgrounds.

Bored and Lonely

A young Muslim South Asian woman has been hearing the gospel for about five years, since she was fifteen. Recently she asked questions for two hours and eagerly received a Bible of her own. Her parents both work all day, and she is home alone, studying online. She said she is very bored and lonely. Please pray that she will find God’s Word fascinating, and that Jesus will cure her loneliness with His friendship. Pray that she will want to continue to ask questions and become a disciple of Jesus.

A baptism!

Praise the Lord that A, a mum of three, has publicly declared her faith in Christ and been baptised! Pray she would stand strong in her faith even amidst opposition from family. Pray she would boldly share her testimony with her neighbours and friends.

Good Gospel Conversation

Bobby was able to have a good gospel sharing conversation with a couple of men the other day that are both Muslim. He was able to share and read scripture with them. Pray that the Holy Spirit would convict them and they would be open to accepting who Jesus is and what he has done for them.

Not Understanding

A young S. Asian woman comes from a divorced home. Her father is Saudi and her mother is Tanzanian. She was married as the second wife to a middle aged man, whose children from his first marriage are her age and disrespect her. She miscarried her first two babies and has not been able to get pregnant again. Recently she heard the gospel and read Scripture. She asked good questions, but seemed not to understand the spiritual concepts at all. She received a Bible. Please pray she will read it and that the Holy Spirit will give her an understanding of the deep things of God. Pray that she and her family will be rescued from the domain of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of God’s beloved Son.

Prodigal son

Moh., who initiated and brought students together for our English class, has been seeking to understand some English phrases/words. He sends me messages on WhatsApp, and I reply. Recently he asked me the meaning of ‘prodigal son’. This was a great opportunity to add to my answer the way the father forgives his son when he returns and welcomes him home, … God also waits for humans to realise that they have done wrong and ask for forgiveness and welcomes them back when they do.

Pray that when we meet physically, he will want to know more. Pray that God will put into his heart similar questions where we will only be able to get the answers from the Bible.

Local language used at school

The French government is encouraging local languages to be used in schools so that children grow up with a stronger understanding of their mother tongue. Pray that this would play a part in raising a generation with greater literacy and an opportunity for them to read and understand Bible stories in their heart language.


A S. Asian woman has heard the gospel a number of times and received a Bible. She loves to spend time with people of other ethnicities and religions. In fact, she prefers outsiders to Muslims. But she resists putting her faith in Jesus as her Savior and says she is trusting her religion to save her and does not want to change. Please pray for a breakthrough.