Diaspora in Canada

Pray for Ivan and Asher, both Somali, to be free from their addictions. Pray for many Somali youth and young men in Toronto who are caught up in gang violence. Pray that their conversations and interaction with Christ- centered Christians will lead them to freedom in Christ.

Living Hopeless

I sat for hours in a grass thatched hut with a family grieving without hope and no assurance of God’s presence. Such a stark contrast to knowing Jesus is with us through and in every trial. There was no singing of hymns nor acknowledgement of God. The God of angel armies was not welcomed in this home. The sister-in-law of the mother who grieved the death of her 3 year old son was pleading the spirits to let her take on the debt of the curse that was on her brother. Pray that this household will accept God’s message of hope and that they would desire to live in right relationship with the Living God. The message of Christ is so simple and clear that the debt has already been paid, yet most in this village have chosen not to accept this truth. The mother was overcome with hopelessness and fear. Pray she would turn to God and know He wants to give her peace and bless her with purpose. Pray for whole families and villages to turn to Christ.


Life can be hard for children in Ik. Pray they know that Jesus invited the little children to come to Him and be blessed. May they know the Kingdom of God is given to them too (Luke 18:16)

Diaspora in Florida

* Pray more Muslim women will come to our exercise and sewing classes. Pray that these women will be receptive to the Good News and would have seeking hearts to ask good questions.
* Pray we have wisdom as we share our ministry with churches at mission conferences this month. Pray that the congregations will be challenged and moved to share with their Muslim neighbors.

Kids’ camp report

We praise God for a successful week-long children’s camp in Nosybe with 60 children. It seems all had a great time and wanted to continue for another week! We praise the Lord for good fellowship. Also, two of the campers made public professions of faith! Please pray for their continued growth and interest in the things of God. Many were from non-Christian homes, and some of them have told their parents that they want to keep attending children’s club. Pray that more of these children will come to personal faith in Christ.

Diaspora in France

* Praise God for the young Afghan refugee “Omar” that T. has gotten to know via our French class. We had him over for dinner last week. Please pray that as T. is leaving, Omar would connect with other Christian men.
* T. and I have had several Gospel conversations with friends, and were able to connect some of our Muslim friends with Christian friends this past week. Please pray that these relationships would flourish and that these friends would “taste and see” that Jesus is good – and that He is God.

Literacy classes

Sharing stories of Jesus with the ladies at the literacy school has been a major breakthrough from seven years ago when people simply spat on the ground and walked away! We asked Ali to come and share on Fridays as his language and culture is so much stronger. The first few meetings were well attended but slowly they have diminished to just one Christian mama and her two children. There are many reasons for this but essentially it will take time to develop trust. Pray that the day will come when some of the students will take a step of faith and get baptized even though this may be costly!

Diaspora in Canada

* We begin (Lord willing) our English classes this week (October 4th). Please pray that God would be at work in the students who have registered- opening their hearts to search for the Truth as they hear the gospel this year and read his Word.
* We have our first children’s drop-in of the school year on October 2nd. Please pray for many North African families to attend, and for all the logistics with Covid Passports etc. to not be a hindrance. Please pray for these families to come to Christ.
* Pray that the Holy Spirit would really guide K. and I. May we serve with humility and do everything for the glory of God.

Diaspora in Missouri

Pray for eight Muslim Sudanese who are enrolled in a Programmable Logic Controller program at a community college. They are having significant interaction with Christian teachers in the intense program.

Lent her copy

Went to read with Joy and discovered she’d lent her copy of the Word to a friend! A childhood friend who is asking lots of questions. Awesome! Got her set up with the Word on her phone which she is thrilled about because now she can easily send verses to others by WhatsApp. Ask for continued boldness, thirst for the Word, her friend to truly read it and the HS to soften this friend’s heart to the Truth.


There are new believers who are doubting, shrinking back, writing publicly that they no longer follow Jesus because of fear/family pressure/or because of disappointed expectations of what God “should have done.” Pray that as believers share with others, they would disciple them faithfully and that each one would be rooted and built up in Christ, strengthened in the faith.

Sick and Lost

The mother of a believing couple on one of the islands is very sick. The family is poor and can’t afford to send her to get treatment. Pray for wisdom and provision regarding where to send her for treatment. Pray also for family members as they care for her.
A sister here was recently questioned by her brother about her beliefs. She didn’t deny Jesus and happily welcomed him to her house to discuss more. He didn’t end up going, but they have talked on the phone since then and all seems to be okay. Pray for D’s brother to be saved.

May seeds grow

Lift up Dan and Joel’s relationships with the people whose garden is near their house (Louren, Lopiir, Nadukuo, Rebekah, Nangide, Teresa). Pray the Lord will open their ears and hearts to the gospel as Dan and Joel greet them when they come to the gardens. Pray for boldness (and language skills) for Dan and Joel to share truths from God’s Word with them.

Deep love

“Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” Col. 3:14. Pray for deep love and honesty to be the hallmark of all the believers who gather as church here.


This week after class when the students left, I stayed behind to wrap-up. Within a few minutes, Is***, an old student, walked in as he saw the windows open and knew there was someone indoors. He said he was just passing by to say hello.
Then he surprised me when he asked about the number of chapters in the Bible, and then went on to discuss about some of the people found in our Book and their book. He then said that there is very little difference between our faiths (which is not true!) and that it is important to find the truth (which is true!).
I suggested that we should both get time to have a study of the Books. He agreed but mentioned that he is currently busy with college work. Pray we could study together.

Please pray that God will open doors for time and opportunity to study His Word with my friend and that his eyes and heart will respond to the truth of the gospel.

Psalm 89:15-17

May more Karimajong people decide to walk in the light of the Lord. May they learn to acclaim the Lord and enjoy the blessing of life with Him. May they rejoice in His name and celebrate righteousness (instead of darkness). Lord, you are their glory and strength – help them to recognize you.

Start studying

One of the teachers who had stopped studying our Book came to me after class and said that he wanted to resume learning about the things he’d recently heard. So, for the past month, my team leader has met with two of the Arabic teachers, reading the Word and processing through a set of questions designed to help them engage and understand the common themes. Praise Father!
A few weeks ago, one of the teachers confided in me that his wife had had a third miscarriage. I told him that I’d like to meet her and pray for her. Last week, she came to our house. After some small talk, we got to share the good news and she let us pray for her in Jesus’s name. I wasn’t really sure what she thought of it all, but at the end she looked up and expressed how grateful she was. She has never had a friend to discuss meaningful things with or take time to pray over difficult news. Hopefully this is the start of a fruitful friendship. The teacher has told me that he wants me to start studying the Book with his wife. Pray that this might be her desire too!

Ugandan missionaries

Please pray that God will provide for Ugandan missionaries who have been working in the Ik ridge. With insecurity in the area and retirement of some key partners, the future of their work seems uncertain. “We don’t really know how our work will look like or if we will be able to carry on. But we are trusting God. Pray that He will open doors.”

Warmly received

Praise God that the Jesus Film in Alagwaisa has so far been warmly received. Praise God for the way it has given courage to some secret believers to want to share more boldly. May they follow through and share with others. Pray for wisdom as further showings are planned and more than anything, pray that the Holy Spirit would use this tool to reveal the truth of God’s love in Jesus to many people.

Many Say Yes

Pray for people’s yes to be a heart and life changing yes. Many say yes to Jesus the first time they hear the Gospel message. But it may be that they haven’t received Christ in their lives as it is acceptable culturally to lie to gain a relationship. Are they saying yes to Jesus or are they saying yes to relationship with the Gospel bearer? At the end of the day, we find many are not willing to go deeper beyond friendly tolerance of living side by side with God’s people. Pray that the seeds planted and Gospel given will work in their hearts and they will evermore grow dissatisfied with religious practice and crave instead a personal relationship with the risen Lord.


With the aftermath of Civil War still looming in Northern Mozambique, it took a coalition of troops from SADC as well as Rwanda, the US, and other countries to drive insurgents away from the larger cities. So far, they are fleeing into the jungle and skirmishes have been rather small. There are a lot of talks about rebuilding the nation but this is a highly sensitive issue. Pray with us for peace and for the government to prioritize developing and training Mozambicans.

Diaspora in South America

May the Lord enable His church to intentionally engage with immigrant people, understanding that the presence of the nations among us represents an historic opportunity to be and to proclaim the good news.
Pray for the Senegalese family that we are working with (Ma., Mo. and baby Mo.; Amie, Mam. and Do.).
Pray for Ai. She is Mozambican and Muslim. She is open to the gospel, but she has many fears, including her family.
Pray for wisdom in working with Senegalese, knowing the best moments and ways to approach,  and what to say, choosing the moment to present the gospel to them.
“His soul shall abide in well-being, and his offspring shall inherit the land.” (Ps. 2)


Pray for Kalifha, a Laarim man, who is leading the Bible study in Cauwa. Pray for him, and other Laarim believers, to grow to maturity in order that they may “be shepherds of God’s flock…examples to the flock” (1 Peter 5:2,4).

Shown interest

Please pray for my friend and neighbor Mama S. She is a Muslim. She has shown interest in going to a Bible study with me, but has yet to go. Pray she will.

Diaspora in Kentucky

*Praise God for the various evangelistic initiatives to Somali immigrants and refugees in our city. Please pray for ongoing gospel conversations and that Somalis would desire to read the Bible.

” Remember not the sins of my youth or my transgressions; according to your steadfast love remember me, for the sake of your goodness, O LORD!” (Ps. 25:7)

Strive together

Pray that the believers would strive together for the sake of the gospel not frightened by any who oppose them. Praise Jesus for the handful of faithful men who are growing in courage and welcoming others.


R is one of our best language helpers. She’s been with us for more than 6 months. We are growing close to her family, but when it comes to spiritual matters, they are quite closed. I once asked for help translating the creation story, but there were parts they wouldn’t discuss or even give me the words for, such as the idea of being ‘created in God’s image’. Please ask for openness.
C hasn’t been around for a couple of weeks due to exams but she came back this week and has continued to ask questions about our Book. We are happy to answer but would like to do a more thorough study with her. As she is under 18, we will be seeking permission from her parents and want to also invite the whole family. Ask for a fruitful time together.

Diaspora in UK

* Praise God that the Welsh government has eased restrictions: no social-distancing if we wear masks in public indoor settings. This is the first time since March 2020 that the International Women’s Sewing Group will be back in church working together on sewing machines. Please ask God to provide both helpers and ladies to attend as we seek to share God’s love through Word and deed in these Monday sewing classes.
* We are thankful that one immigrant lady has spread the news about Homework Club in the community. Join us in asking God to provide both teenagers who will come and Christian helpers.
* In this academic year, also pray that God will continue to strengthen relationships between the helpers and families in the Somali community.

Soften his heart

Pray for the translation work as we near the end of John and move towards the book of Acts. Praise God for one of the translators who is continuing to seek Jesus and is keen to share the good news with his friends. Pray for another translator who has recently softened a lot towards Jesus. “Please God, continue to soften his heart that he would follow you with his whole life!”

God’s drawing

Pray for M, a new O Community Health Worker who is getting much prayer and exposure to the Gospel- may God draw her and her extended family to Jesus as His strong disciples who would be used to make more disciples!

He supplies every need

Our friends are already worrying about food scarcity during the rainy season. Pray that they would stay focused on gratitude and would know hope that is far more dependable than the weather.
All of our neighbors have small gardens in their yards, and we have been able to share seeds with them. Please pray that God will continue to multiply the harvests here both in terms of food and in people’s hearts. We believe that He supplies every need.

Diaspora in South Carolina

* Through our friends in Kenya we have learned that some of their relatives are living in our area. They are Sikhs but not so devout. Our Sikh friend in Kenya is a believer but none of his relatives in Kenya or  the US are believers. Pray that God will give wisdom as we look for ways to connect with them.
* Continue to pray for the new church plant in that area to have a burden and outreach to these migrants coming into the US.

“Consider my affliction and my trouble, and forgive all my sin.” (Ps. 25:18)

Diaspora in Portland

* We are starting the school year, and are excited to begin classes again! We would appreciate prayer that the classes would go smoothly and that we would have lots of students coming this year.
* We are starting to find times to meet with students outside of class. Please pray for Jesus-centered conversations during these times!

“My eyes are ever towrd the LORD, for he will pluck my feet out of the net.” (Ps. 25:15)

Audio Bibles

Audio Bibles with 55 Bible stories and 17 Bible songs in the Toposa language are ready to go out to the Toposa. Women are using these audio bibles to lead Bible storying groups and are making new disciples and disciple makers. Praise God! Pray for the distribution of these audio Bibles, that they will get in the hands of those who will be receptive to the Truth and will “acknowledge God…and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind” (1 Chronicles 28:9).

Pray for believers

Paul declared in his letter to the Colossian believers that “since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding” (1:9). Let us remember the Laarim believers today and pray this same prayer for them. Pray today for Maria, Kalifha, Loduko, Lokolong, Lowuyo, Yaba, Kileng and others (God knows their names!).

Children’s Bible

Rachel and Mama F. are Muslim ladies who live across the street me. They frequently ask to read my children’s bible and on occasion ask me questions about it. Pray the Lord would speak to them in His Word.

New pastor

Praise God for our new AICT pastor who is spending time learning language and culture here. Pray that God will continue to strengthen and envision him as he serves here.


God’s drawing: Pray for M, a new O Community Health Worker who is getting much prayer and exposure to the Gospel- may God draw her and her extended family to Jesus as His strong disciples who would be used to make more disciples!

Be faithful

Pray for the church in Chukudum to be faithful in going up the mountain on Sundays for prayers. Pray that even in the absence of missionaries and local pastors, the believers in Nagishot would “continue to work out [their] salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12), and that God would work in them “to act according to His good purpose” (2:13).

Diaspora in Wisconsin

* Praise the Lord for a very successful soccer tournament and a great family picnic. Pray that the relationships built during these two events will bear fruit for the Kingdom.
* Pray for our workers’ Fall kick off meeting at our house on September 19th. We are thankful for the many workers that have joined our team and we pray that they will be encouraged to continue doing ministry.

“Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I an lonely and afflicted.” (Ps. 25:16)