Children’s ministry

The children’s ministry has started again in full force. The first day (today) more than 340 children came. Hallelujah! Pray for these children to learn and grow in faith.

Also we had 2 days of training with 5 pastors from the Reformed Church of Madagascar, and our partners visited 4 new villages with the Jesus Film.

Diaspora in Canada

Praise that my friend H is faithfully attending church with him and is continuing to grow in his faith. Please pray that his siblings will be led to Jesus as well.
ESL classes on line and in person are beginning soon, as well as in home tutoring with our friends here. Please pray for many opportunities for gospel engagement here.
Please pray that as the weather cools, people will be drawn to faith around the fire – backyard meetings at our house. Please pray particularly that our high-rise neighbors will come.

Open doors

Please pray for open doors to share with our friends and neighbours in NA2 capital. Pray for the local body as they develop leaders and shepherd new followers.

Diaspora in Atlanta

Praise the Lord for a successful first African Friends Party, and that one woman put her faith in Christ that evening.
Praise the Lord for new introductions to African women at the local hair braiding salons.
Pray that many Africans come to the ESL classes and meet Jesus there.
Pray that our local churches will be prepared to welcome and incorporate Africans into our fellowship.

Put their trust in the Lord

For a few months now, Jacob has been going with Lolimo to do an oral discovery Bible study in the village of Karamarok. Lolimo attends the primary school with some of the boys from that village who are believers, and he wanted to invite his friends to meet together for Bible study. After their first visit with Jacob, they agreed to start meeting weekly at their home in Karamarok to continue doing DBS as Angelo had done in the past. Jacob is pleased with the participation from these boys and is praying that from among them leaders will emerge and be equipped to lead the Bible study themselves. Please join him in that prayer, and that many more people in Karamarok “will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord” (Psalm 40:3).

Diaspora in Spain

Please pray for wisdom, discernment and open doors as I look for bridges to love, serve, and build friendships with Saharawi people in Jerez.
Praise God for my visit with a Saharawi friend, S. She told me that she is interested in learning English and will talk to her friends to see if there are others who would like to learn.
Pray for a disciple making movement among the Saharawi that spreads farther and faster than anyone could ask or imagine (Eph 3:20).


Please pray for a lady I met in a village today while sharing a Bible story. She is severely mentally and/or spiritually ill. Please pray for deliverance for her.
This is a great opportunity for God to gain glory and fame in this village.

Diaspora in Portland

A Syrian young man and I have been meeting and texting back and forth for a while. This week, he told me his refugee mom in Lebanon had just asked about me. He’s told me that his deceased Orthodox father had a love for Bible study with Syrian evangelicals. Pray this Portland son would carry on his dad’s love for God’s Word!

Leadership training

We are hoping to start up a church leadership training program. Please pray for discernment for us as we move forward with this new adventure. Pray for our hearts to be in tune with the Holy Spirit and may He raise up godly, committed leaders who will inspire their fellow brothers and sisters to grow deeper in their faith. Pray that the Spirit would provide lots of opportunities for those involved with the training to be bold and put into practice what they are learning.

Missouri, USA

Pray for more students to join the Noel ESL classes. Pray for good interaction with students and opportunities to talk about spiritual things. We are asking for receptive and soft hearts to listen and not just hear the Gospel news.


Many of the Saharawi who live in Jerez are spending time this summer visiting with their family members in the refugee camps in Algeria. Please pray that as they gather and spend time together, they will have spiritual conversations. Pray that those who will return to Jerez, come open and ready to hear about Jesus.

Love of Jesus

A couple weeks ago, a local woman with connections to our church lost her home and all her possessions in a fire. The church came together, donating various items and seeking to support and encourage her. Please pray that the love of Jesus and His provision shown clearly to her through this event would impact her spiritually, and that the local church would continue to step up and serve their community in His name.

Diaspora in South Carolina, USA

Our Congolese refugees are getting settled here in the Charleston, SC area.  We are able to take the Congolese refugees to church so pray their hearts will be open. God is giving opportunities to share our faith.

Diaspora in Florida

Pray for deepened friendships and communication with our 3 imams with whom we interact.
Pray for renewed relationships with the ladies’ side of the ministry, Sarah’s Daughters. The imam’s wife has withdrawn a bit. Ask the Lord to bring women to us with open hearts.


Mike is reading the Word. He has started in Genesis. Please ask that Father would open His heart and mind to truth. Ask that Mike would be overwhelmed by the magnitude of this revelation as he begins to see the big picture. Pray that he would ask questions.

God our refuge

Much of the raiding in Karamoja is over livestock but there has also been an increase in raiding houses for whatever goods they can carry off and also poultry or other smaller animals. For my friend C who lives on the very edge of Moroto she has had thieves try to break in her door at least five times since January. Each night she piles as much as she can against the door to block anyone from breaking in. The other night she called me and asked for prayer as the raiders were once again trying to break in. I prayed with her, thinking of Psalm 91 and other Scripture that focuses on God’s protection. The next day she came and said everyone was OK. Shots had been fired at some of her neighbours’ houses but no-one was killed. Please pray for ones living in very vulnerable housing and who struggle for the few belongings they have and yet are targets for such raids. Pray that they will put their trust in Jesus.

Diaspora in UK

Refugees in the Croydon area, a mixture of UPG’s including people from Sudan, the Horn,
Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq.
This month, the Croydon Refugee Day Centre is starting a new ‘Wednesday Welcome’ drop in session which will focus on relationships and social needs. Please pray for the Lord to draw many refugees to the center with open hearts to hear the gospel.

Draw them back

Pray for a local believer who is struggling with her two teenage daughters. Pray that God would give her patience, wisdom and ability to forgive. Pray that the Spirit would draw these girls back to him and protect them from those who might do them harm.

Diaspora in Portland

Please pray for fruitful conversations as we take a group of internationals to the farm in Trout Lake, WA on Saturday. Also pray that God will be preparing the hearts of our students to hear the Good News this new term.


Godly wisdom

Continue to pray for our new believers. Some of them are facing very difficult challenges and circumstances, and are struggling with discouragement. Pray that they receive godly wisdom on how to proceed and stand firm in the Lord.


Pray for brother Johnson as he ministers among his tribes Suri-Kachipo and Murle.
Pray for disciples Mark and Samuel to be more faithful.
Pray for multiplication in all villages.
Pray for peace in Jonglei state.

Cleanse your children

Cleanse your children, Lord. Deliver them from the old habits and the oppression of the enemy. May they boldly speak the name of Jesus with the authority you give and walk in freedom.


Thank God for the growth in the area.
Pray for the disciples from this tribe attending the Intensive Discipleship and Leadership Formation training this week.
Thank God for the provision of disciples’ needs.


Pray for three disciples attending the Intensive Discipleship and Leadership Formation training this week.
Pray for Kassengor villages that Simon will be able to help motivate house churches.
Pray for Lord’s provision for Jiye outreach.

Know God’s love

I have made you known to them and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.’ John 17:26

Please pray for the church and believers amongst the Alagwa. May they know God’s love more and more and may they truly love one another. Let their love for one another be known and bring glory to God in their communities.

Preparation for Baptist

Soon we are going to have the first baptism event ever in the Hills. This is a huge step for the ministry. Most people have never seen a baptism and it is our prayer that the Holy Spirit minister to people’s hearts as we teach them about the meaning and importance of baptist for believers.
Also praise God for those who are eager for the date that they will be baptized. Pray for the ministry team. We have been facing so many spiritual forces, may God give us strength and wisdom as we move forward to establish a Christ Centered Church in the Hills.


Please pray for local churches as they share food with those who are struggling with hunger. Pray that the food may reach those most in need, and that people may see God’s love and concern for them.

Willing to risk

Sovereign Lord, gather your children together. Give them hearts that are willing to risk meeting young believers, willing to use the gifts of the Spirit to encourage the church, willing to forgive, ready to be transformed.

New teammate

We just met a new member of our team. He is a MBB and a former Sheikh who was in charge of a mosque in a neighbouring country. He has been through Bible school, has studied Hinduism and Buddhism, speaks 8 local languages and now learning sign language. We consider this a blessing and an answer from the Lord of the Harvest to send us labourers into His harvest field! We believe that God wants him to strengthen the team with training in Apologetics. Pray with us that God may be glorified through his teaching and testimony and many will believe and be saved.


Pray for the Intensive Discipleship and Leadership Formation training that starts next week in Naliel:
Pray for the new leaders attending to be motivated to put training into practice.
Pray for the facilitators and the training to be fruitful for the Kingdom.


Last weekend, a local church put on a four-day outreach in their village, Ruhatwe, which is situated about two hours from where our team is working. Our team joined them and it was a wonderful opportunity to work alongside the local church and mobilize them to reach their own people. Please pray for those who heard the Word, and that the seeds that were planted would take root and bear fruit. Please pray also for the Ruhatwe church, that they would be encouraged to witness boldly to those around them and to continue to be lights in their community.

Soften their hearts

Pray that the Lord would soften the hearts’ of the village leaders to let the children come and learn. The kids have a desire to learn about the Bible.

New church

The whole village of Olpiro (Datooga village in Ngorongoro) will be moved to Handeni Tanga. Because of this movement, the AICT is planting a new church in the new area. Meshack, one of the students who recently graduated from Geita Christian College will go to work as a missionary in that new area. Pray for Meshack, that God will provide what he needs to settle in Handeni, and pray for the Datooga that they will know Jesus in the new area.

Critical time

One of the believers I have mentored recently went to a Bible training with his wife. But after just a few days the wife left him. They have had some challenges in their marriage for the last two years. The husband still wants to continue with his studies despite the fact that his wife left him. Pray that God will reveal himself to this man and his wife at this critical time.


The translation team has drafted the Gospels of Luke, Matthew and Mark, Acts of the Apostles and Colossians.
Although all these portions of Scripture have been drafted, they still need to be tested in the community and in villages surrounding Mandritsara. Since it is the aim of the translators that their Tsimihety Bible translation speaks to the unchurched as well as to the churched members of the community, more testing among the unchurched is necessary.
Please pray for the team:
• that there would be good communication both within the team and with the translation consultants working with them.
• that they would get good constructive criticism as they check their drafts in the community.
• that by the end of the year the team would have the Gospel of Luke ready to publish and distribute.
• as they read the portions of the Bible in their own language, that many Tsimihety will come to God and know Jesus as their Saviour.

Separated from God

Pray for these people, whose animistic and folk Islamic practices keep them separated from God. Ask the One True God to give them insight to see the hopelessness of this idolatry, and to reveal to them that the Son of God has come to give them eternal life (I John 5:20-21). There are Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) amongst the Nahara; they are using the local radio to bring the Gospel across the region. Ask our Sovereign God to open the ears and hearts of many Nahara, and that they would abandon Islam and exchange their old lives for new ones in Christ.


Pray for people to read and understand the Bibles they were given during the outreach a couple months ago. Ask the Lord to build His church among the Sandawe.

Youth outreach

A youth outreach is being planned for October. Please pray for preparations and that this event may be impactful within the community!

Families of God

Pray for encouragement for small church gatherings of believers. In some places it may only be two to three families who are led in worship by a local evangelist. However, some evangelists are growing weary and discouraged to lead the handful of people who come to the Sunday service, and see even fewer who participate in other church activities. Pray that those meeting will be faithful and their faith will grow in the promises of God. Pray for whole households to come to faith in Jesus and attend together on Sundays. Pray as they meet that they will encourage one another and be led well by the evangelist. Pray for unity and working together to expand the reach of the Gospel message to their unreached neighbors. Many of these smaller churches are also working to build a permanent structure as a meeting place. Pray that this will be a joy to see what God is doing amongst them. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

Young girl

Su* is a young girl, around age 10, who has lately been speaking a lot about Jesus. Our youngest daughter has had conversations with her about salvation and they have read scripture together. Today she told me that when she grows up and leaves her parents’ home she will become a Christian. Please pray for her that she will know exactly why she needs Jesus and that she would have the confidence to follow Him.