Jonah is a kind generous young man who loves spending time with us. He comes with a very dysfunctional family history and does not want his son John to grow up in that kind of environment. Pray that as we spend time together, conversations will turn to the ultimate, perfect Father and he will be drawn to His Son as he tries to ‘play it safe’ and participate in the fasting month here. He loves being a dad and is so proud of his son. Ask that this family will come to faith in the Son and that John will grow up learning the truth.
Lasting suffering from cyclone
Crops were destroyed by the cyclone in February and many people are still struggling with famine and poor immunity from disease. Friends have died. We’re told some people are so desperate they are selling their children for food. Please pray for God’s mercy and provision for suffering people and for opportunities to share the Bread of Life.
Pray for holiness and effective witnessing of Bara believers to their families, that the Gospel will spread among them.
Pray for the Bara children that they can find Christ in the children’s programs. Pray for the Bara women that they can be set free from oppression.
Faithful shepherd
This last Sunday a Christian shepherd that had participated in our Bible study for nomads in 2019, came back and told us he has been sharing the Word of God to his people in his village and now there are 25 new believers, including the main elder of the village. They are asking for more teaching and would like to become part of ‘our’ church family. His testimony is: “I used to watch my family’s animals, but because of the drought, most of them died, so now I have more time to spread the Good News, but I also need help to make my people understand better the Bible.”
Please pray for these new believers, pray that the Lord would send us more workers so we can continue discipling and building up the Body of Christ in the Hills among the Gabra people. Praise Jesus for this open door and for wisdom as we make arrangements to visit and continue teaching this new group of believers. God is moving!
Not be ashamed
Pray for Karana who are followers of Christ. Pray they will not be ashamed or fearful to proclaim to their families and communities that Jesus is God in the flesh, died for the forgiveness of sins of all people and now lives forever in power and glory.
Sharing in the midst of chaos
The last week of fasting is often chaotic with Eid shopping as well as people greatly anticipating the end of the fast. Pray for opportunities for both us and local believers to share personal testimonies with many in the midst of the chaos. Pray for intentional, bold sharing to happen. May the Lord open hearts to receive His Good News.
Loneliness amid Celebrations
As the end of the fasting month approaches people here are now excited about the upcoming Eid celebration. Although it is a huge feasting celebration like other big annual holidays, it can be a hard time for families or individuals who are struggling financially or feeling rejected or excluded. Pray that in loneliness and rejection those who are struggling might find comfort from Emanuel, God with us. Pray that the words of Truth and Life and Love would reach those who are hurting today.
Night of Power
Tonight Muslims around the world will stay up all night praying and seeking God, asking for their sins to be forgiven, for revelation, and for dreams and visions. It is the holiest night of the year. It commemorates the night the prophet Muhammad received a revelation of the Quran. Pray that God will give many a revelation of Jesus.
Calling him
For several weeks Love has been going to a small village named Tiiringot, to share the Bible stories translated into Laarim in two compounds.
While there, she met a young man, Amos, who came and helped her share the Bible story in one of the compounds. It turns out that he knew the stories and had been discipled by previous team members some years back. Please pray that Amos would understand that the Lord is calling him. Pray that he would take this opportunity to grow in his walk with the Lord, and to share with his community the hope and new life he has in Christ.
Health issues and faith
Diaspora in Toronto:
Praise for a great time of fellowship, Bible reading, and prayer with Asher and Henry today. Asher had not called or answered calls or visits for two weeks. Praise that he is sober and happy… pray for his continued health and recovery.
• Pray for Alvin, son of a believing family, who has serious health issues, and is very angry with God about them. Pray for him to encounter Jesus and find healing for soul and body.
• Pray for Henry, another Christian brother with mental health issues, that he will find other Christian friends to encourage him and that he will find constructive ways to serve God.
As we end the season of fasting, pray that people will realise the futility of trying to attain the glory of God through their own efforts and that they will search for the true way from Christians. Pray for those (few) who have said that they want to follow our Lord, that this period will make them search to know more whether through audio and video files (e.g. Lumo) or through asking questions. Pray that they will also talk of the better way to those of their friends who are fasting.
Soften her heart
Theresa (Sandy’s sister) speaks excellent English and teaches it to high school students in a distant city. She is a joyful person but struggles with depression and loneliness as she lives alone away from family. Julia spends time with her whenever she visits her sister Sandy. Ask that the Son would soften her heart and that she would have a hunger to know the truth and seek it until she ‘finds’ the Son. We have shared scripture with her by text on her phone. Ask that she would download the whole Word and read it.
Filled with doubt
Pray that during this month, as many strive to seek God more devoutly, that their hearts would be filled with doubt and a lack of peace about the path that they are on. Pray that many would begin to search for truth as they find Islam empty.
How was Christmas?
On the day after Easter, a Muslim neighbor asked, “How was Christmas?”, clearly not knowing Christians had just celebrated Christ’s resurrection, or its meaning. It was an open door to share with her the hope we have in Christ that those who believe in Christ are forgiven of all sin, promised a place in Heaven with Jesus, enjoying eternal life with Him. Pray for boldness in local believers to share of their Lord Jesus Christ with those whom they live among.
Clear testimony
Diaspora in Georgia:
Lord, please save the seven international students in my ESL class: Edem, Aliyeroh, Sayaka, Paola, Mayra, Nayeli, and Veronica. May each of them give a clear testimony of faith in Christ by the end of our class mid-May. Thank you for bringing them to my class to read through the gospel of John together this year. Thank you for the clear evidence that several of them now believe in Christ and consider themselves Your disciples.
New villages reached
Pastor Tomoeira has been broadcasting the Jesus Film for the past 3 months. He visited 21 villages and reported 25 Bara being baptized in one of these villages!
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Open to the truth
Pray for the Muslims that we have been sharing Jesus with, that their hearts would be open to the truth of the Lord. Abdu, Adu, Rah, Mus, Sha, Abdu, Sali and Ani all have been hearing about Jesus and have a good relationship with us. Pray that God brings more opportunities during Ramadan to share the good news.
God’s Spirit
Pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit in O hearts – that many will be drawn to Jesus and become His strong disciples!
Praise for T
Praise God for T, a young woman from my community, who chose to respond to Jesus’ call to follow Him. She sees the Holy Spirit at work in her life in that she no longer gets angry with her mother-in-law when she makes a remark to her! She has already come to worship twice but for the moment she will first be taught by the women of the Christian family, in order to be ready to face all the remarks that await her when it will be obvious to all that she is part of the Christians.
Prepare them to receive
Diaspora in Georgia:
Lord, please deepen friendships with Amna, Misha, Huma, Saba and their families. Thank you for the prayers you have answered already, demonstrating to them that you are the living God. Open doors for the gospel and for consistent Scripture engagement. Prepare them to receive Jesus as their Savior.
Come Follow Me
We have two MBB engaging with our pastor and regularly working through the “Njoo Nifuate” (Come, Follow Me) program – designed specifically for believers of a Islamic background. Please pray for their progress and understanding, and that this may build them up in their faith going forward. Pray also that we, as a team, may know how to best use the tools available to us to reach the people we are working with.
Want to follow
Pray for ‘Faye’, ‘Ruth’ and ‘Jane’ who have said they want to follow the Lord. Pray that God will transform their hearts and give them a great thirst to understand more and to know God better. All are illiterate and one has no telephone. Pray that we can meet regularly to study, especially during this difficult time of Ramadan. They are not at a level of faith to not fast.
Diaspora in Minnesota:
Pray for Mr. H. who is dissatisfied with Islam and its strict tenants. Pray that he seeks after the truth and understands the gospel.
Jonah & Sandy and their little boy John are probably the neighbors we spend the most time with. They could be our kids. We have fun together and they are grateful to have some “adopted” grandparents nearby. They are a bit disillusioned with the belief system here. Sandy has said how fasting is such a burden and she feels God loves her anyway – and she is right! Pray for more conversations that point her to understanding that Jesus is the way the truth and the life. AND that we will be able to read the word together.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30
Church in Beangezoka.
The church leader died suddenly two years ago, and a young man called John, had to take over. He is keen to learn and to lead the church. He regularly gets sermons and Bible studies provided by our own local radio station, which he uses to minister to the church. He also follows a regional theological training.
The church has recently got two new young couples, who are still in the stage of finding their way in Christian faith. Praise the Lord for them.
Please pray for John and a few faithful believers.
Boldly share
Pray for new and prior O believers to be filled with God’s Spirit of wisdom and understanding to boldly share the truth of Grace to save – not works – and to stand firm and strong in God’s full armor against all persecution or temptations of Ramadan!
May salvation come
It’s been two weeks since the start of Ramadan. In my community, most of the men and a lot of the women are fasting. Please pray the Lord Jesus reveals Himself to them in dreams, visions, and whatever other way He chooses. Pray for B, a son of the chief who has been trained as an imam. Pray that in his sincere search for forgiveness and God’s approval, he will find the True and only Way. Pray for the chief’s other children and wives that salvation would come to this family and many others as well.
Afraid to come
Recently several community members have shared that they want to learn more about the Bible and come to our Sunday gatherings but they are afraid of the spirits inside of them and that they will be angry and even kill them. Others are afraid of spouses not being OK with it. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in a mighty way and that these barriers will be broken down. Pray many would come this Sunday!
Gathering Friday
Pray for island believers on i3 as they gather Friday to remember and celebrate together Jesus’ death and resurrection. We expect around 70 people. Pray that it would be wonderful time of fellowship, filling all with this good news and the joy to share it with others.
Easter bags
Diaspora in Michigan:
Our annual Easter bags are being handed out to 48 families April 3-16, with the help of local volunteers. Pray the gospel seeds sown would bear fruit, and it would foster relationships too.
Easter events
Diaspora in California:
Pray for activities with International Students during the month of April. Specifically pray for Easter events this week. May we explain the Easter story clearly and may hearts be open to understand and receive the gospel.
Pray for several students, some Christians and some Hindus, who are meeting in small groups for Bible Study. Ask the Lord to speak to them in His word.
Our partnership with the FJKM ( Presbyterian church of Madagascar) has been fruitful. In February we visited a village together in the region of Anaviavy. The famine was killing people. We went with relief supplies and donated rice. The Bara of this village said: “No one has helped us! Thanks for helping.”
The result is last March, 40 Bara came to Christ, burned their witchcraft things and are being discipled. Praise the Lord.
We continue to have trainings for the local followers about once a month. In the trainings, we teach the importance of abiding, prayer, sharing the Good News, and Bible study. Pray for discernment in how to encourage participants to hold each other accountable Pray for the participants to continue growing in their love for His Word and may their lives be continually transformed by His Good News.
Planned from beginning
Pray for ‘Heather’, Nicola’, Mary’ and ‘Hannah’ with whom I have been going through a film from creation to Christ which explains how God has planned a saviour since the beginning and shows how sin brings sadness and destruction. Pray that this might lead them to see their need for Jesus and the lack of hope in their own religion.
Love and Joy
Sarah (Fred’s wife) has been a huge blessing to us, bringing us meals, helping Julia host events, and sharing her life with us. She faithfully does her prayers and diligently tries to follow their beliefs requirements, but she has no hope. Please ask that Father would show her that He personally loves her and wants to free her from this life of bondage and fear, and has provided a means for that freedom through His Son. Ask that she would understand that her motivation for spirituality can be love and joy rather than fear and shame. Ask that we would have opportunities to discuss His truth with her.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
John 8:36
Dreams and visions
Pray for all those fasting in Wonderland that as they seek God’s favour and spend time contemplating their relationship with God and seeking forgiveness that they would have a revelation of their loving Father who provides a way of forgiveness and a relationship through Jesus. Pray for dreams and visions.
True God
“Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites (and the Karana) is that they may be saved. For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.” (Romans 10). Pray that God will show the Karana during this month of Ramadan the god they serve is not the true God, and that the Holy Spirit will speak and touch them so that they will meet the True God in their hearts, i.e. Jesus Christ.
Set apart
Please pray for David’s weekly visit with Kalifa as they spend time in God’s Word and in prayer. Pray that this is a mutually edifying time for both David and Kalifa. Kalifa’s wife, Naji, is not a believer, so please pray that Kalifa’s life as a Christian would encourage and inspire Naji to commit her life to Jesus as well. Pray that the Lord would also use the time Tessa spends with her as a time of discipling her into the Kingdom of Light. Pray that Kalifa, Naji, and their children would be a family that follows Jesus, choosing to be set apart as children of the Light.
Navigating Ramadan
Pray for Antakarana believers known and unknown as they navigate Ramadan in their communities. May they be winsome and wise in their interactions.
Family following
Recently we saw a new family choose to follow Jesus together. Praise the Lord! Please pray for them as they grow in understanding and knowledge about God and His Word. They live a significant distance away from the village and the church (as do many other believers), so please remember to pray for all of them in their isolation – that they may stand firm in Jesus and value highly fellowship with other believers.