Reading the Scriptures

My friend F* returned to his country this month and I gave him a Som* Bible as a gift. He has been calling me often to update me on his progress in resettling. I have already asked him to read the gospel of John. Please pray with us that God will give him the time to read it as the Scriptures are in his language. He has written two books in his language, so this should be quite interesting for him.

Diaspora in France

It is some time since we saw our young friends Emile and Emily. He is returning to the islands during the summer break – pray that they will remain faithful to one another during the time apart. Pray for their son, Lee, who is headstrong and difficult. It will not be easy for Emily to care for him during Emile’s absence. Most of her family are also away in the coming weeks. We hope to see her – pray that she will be willing to discuss spiritual things with us.

Lord, intervene

Lord Jesus open the eyes of Joseph. Joseph is a man with four wives in Likawage community but every time he prohibits his wives to continue with their faith in Christ. Two weeks a go, he made the decision to divorce anyone who continues coming to the church. Ask God to intervene!
Also pray for two believers (Halid and Eric) facing difficulties with their relatives. Pray for wisdom and favor.


I have been meeting with a young BMB (Believer of Muslim background) who has been so encouraging in his grasp of the meaning of Scriptures, despite no formal education. Pray that He will be bold and winsome in his witness, and many others will also respond and receive God’s Gift of grace through Jesus!

Gabbra workers

After so many years of work and prayers, we are excited to see God raising local workers among the Gabbra community in the Hills.
There are two youths that have been doing evangelism and teaching at the current churches and recently a young lady has joined us for women’s ministry.
Please pray for these three local workers and for their financial support. May they persevere and grow in wisdom to reach their own people.

1 Peter 2:15 & 17

“For it is God’s will that by doing good, you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people…Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.”
Ask that the believers in D-town would have what they need from God’s Spirit and word, to live good lives among people who persecute them. Ask that they would have unity among themselves and that the enemy would not be able to divide them through fear or jealousy.

3 new villages

Together with our partners and myself, this last week we visited 3 new villages with the Jesus Film:
Pastor Tomoeira went to Atanambao
Pastor Haja to Sakamahily
Me and Pastor Emanoel to Besakoa.
All Bara villages. Pray that many will respond to the gospel message.

From Isaiah 56

Lord, please gather the Maba to you. This is a difficult part of the world to live in, and workers say there is “much sadness” encountered in the health care work there. Please give Maba people joy in your house of prayer. Please help them know how to bind themselves to you, to love your name and be your servants.


One of our team went to visit a older lady from the local church who lives over an hour’s walk from the village where the church is. She took two other believers with her. One was the lady’s son, and the other a church elder. On their way home, both were excited: we should do this EVERY week! She really needs to be visited and encouraged regularly!
Praise God for this realisation and the stirring of passion in these believers to serve others in the body of Christ. Pray for them as they think about their need to take initiative. May this conviction become action and may the Holy Spirit continue to stir up within them the compassion to reach out.

Influential people

The Kanembu people are known in Chad as business-people, with influence and power. Please ask that the team there will meet the “Lydias” and “Priscas and Aquillas,” – influential people who will accept the message of Jesus and open their homes to the church. Each team member (soon to be 5 adults) would like to make 2 -3 friends in M-town, with whom they can share the message of Jesus.

Discipling an MBB

One of our colleagues in Church Som** ministry is an MBB. He told me today that he feels overloaded and wondered if I could disciple and walk with a new MBB who lives close to our ministry Centre.
Please pray that M* (assumed name) will agree and that the Holy Spirit will work in our hearts as we walk the journey of faith together. Pray that as we study the Scriptures through materials like ‘Come follow me’, that we will both have our hearts renewed and transformed for God’s glory.

TD seminar

Praise God for a transformational development seminar held for two days at Eburru on July 5-6. Five Dorobo church leaders attended. Pray that they will take what they’ve learned and bring it back to their churches and that they could develop practical projects in their communities to allow the church to have more opportunities to share the truth about Jesus.

Heart’s desire

Our hearts’ desire and prayer to God for the O is that they will be saved! We testify about the O that many of them are zealous for God – but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they do not know the righteousness of God (through Jesus), they seek to establish their own, and so they do not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ (the Messiah) is the fulfillment of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. Pray that many O will submit to their need for God’s Gift of Salvation and Righteousness through Jesus the Messiah! (Paraphrased from Rom. 10:1-4)

Bind the strongman

Pray the Lord would ‘bind the strongman and plunder the house’ of Islam and free many Tuareg from bondage and darkness. (Mark 3:27)

New workers for the Gabbra community

Currently, Hurri Hills is hosting two appointees for a site visit, and they are willing to return to the field as full term workers.
Pray that God continues opening doors for their support, language learning and they will be able to return early the next year.


Pray for unity of heart and vision among pastors to reach the Bara. Praise God for a recent breakthrough in healing of relationships and pray for a fruitful season of outreach together.

Healing and Hope

Please lift up our friend Jan, whose husband was recently diagnosed with liver cancer. Please pray for healing of his body. This family has heard the good news many times. Ask that they will turn to Jesus as their true hope.

Man of peace

Please pray for the village where missionaries Ambrose and Esther have been going to regularly to share stories from the Bible. Praise God for one of the leaders in the village who has been a man of peace- showing receptivity to the gospel message, and mobilising village members to come and listen too. Please pray that God will bless this man and his family, that God will clearly reveal himself to them, and also that this leader will continue to draw men and women to hearing the gospel story.

Diaspora in UK

Pray for our outreach week at the end of July. We have a team of 12 coming from AIM short term and we hope to have many volunteers from the local church and other surrounding churches. Please pray for the ongoing preparation and for fruitful opportunities to share the gospel. Please pray for the follow up to this week, including gathering contacts, making friendships and possibly inviting people to an Al Massira course.


On July 7th we prayed for Angelo caring for his ill brother Lobom. Lobom passed away a few days ago. Pray for Angelo and his family and our team as they grieve this loss.

Bible songs

Pray for Joseph, working among the Nyang’atom in a remote and difficult area. He has written 300 Bible songs. Pray people would listen to these songs and believe the message.

Sharing the Bible

Praise God for the secret believer who received an audio Bible last month. She travelled to see her extended family and whilst there, played Alagwaisa Bible portions for them every day. She also asked them good questions to help them understand the passages.
Please keep praying for her, that she continue to share and teach especially the ladies in her neighbourhood.


Mike, our neighbor, has decided to download a copy of the Bible and wants to read it from start to finish. Please ask that God would reveal Himself in His Word and move in Mike’s  heart, drawing him to Himself.

Christ’s love

The Kairos graduates from the last seminar have been envisioned and inspired, and last Sunday they decided to go to people’s houses to give them gifts and pray for them. Pray these acts of love will continue and many neighbors will respond to Christ’s love demonstrated to them.

Shepherds in the Hills

Lately several shepherds have been around our location in Hurri Hills and it’s been a great opportunity to share about Jesus. They have watched the Jesus film and gotten the solar audio bibles to listen to as they travel around leading their herds.
Some of these shepherds had never heard about Jesus and now are understanding the meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. One of the shepherds declared: I didn’t know how sinful we all are, now I understand how to be clean of wrong things I do.”

Pray that as these shepherds carry the bible and listen to it, they feel the Holy Spirit ministering to their hearts and many others will come to Jesus.

New students

We just want to thank God for answered prayers. You helped us pray for God to bring back students after Ramadhan. His plan was different. He answered with new students and new helpers for our team, and there is enough work and helpers in the vineyard.
We also want to thank God for great connections after a day outing during Eid Al-Adha holiday and God provided us with opportunities to share His love.


The price of fuel has increased 44%! This will have a major impact on our main ministry (driving to remote villages showing the Jesus Film) as well as the cost of food, supplies, and electricity for everyone. Pray for God’s provision.

Diaspora in Canada

Children’s Bible camp ministry is beginning!  Please pray that the Holy Spirit would move in parents and youth to prepare hearts and fill all 7 camps.

Our newest MAC member, M.M., leads a thriving ballet and dance school in Lethbridge, Alberta. Through the month of July she will be leading three 1-week dance camps especially for immigrant children. Please pray that Proclamation Dance Camp will open many doors to New Canadian kids and their families!

Bible studies

Please pray for two men who recently joined a bible study here. One man said that he hadn’t heard the bible taught before and wanted to keep coming. Please pray that their hearts will be open to hearing and understanding the truth, and that the gospel will transform their lives. Please pray that God will continue to add more who want to know Christ and understand the bible.

Returning home

A Brother is preparing to return to his home with his family’s blessing to start groups.This Brother needs a job & identity once he returns to the region. Pray for God’s blessing, protection, and much fruit.

Bible distribution

Odilo just finished a second Swahili Bible distribution, 221 more Bibles in the villages of Usandawe! Pray for Church growth through the study of His Word.

Diaspora in Arkansas

Continue to pray for our truck driver friend, MoH, that he will hear the Gospel while he is driving across the country. Praise for the continued contact with him and his willingness to see us.


Radio station

Pray for the church-run FM radio station that broadcasts gospel programs all over Kenya, and also broadcasts our programs. There is a management issue that threatens to shut down the station. Please pray for the Lord to intervene.

Harvest Time in Tanzania

Pray as Gospel campaigns take place throughout Tanzania, most often held in July. This week, there is a 3-day gospel assembly in Tabora, filling a large soccer field. All who believe in Jesus are invited to come praise God and bring others who need to know God’s love. Pray for God’s harvest for unsaved friends, neighbors and even strangers who pass by and hear God’s Word preached. Thank the Lord for the open door to preach in public places in Tanzania. Ask God for individual revival among the thousands who attend and for fervent follow-up and unity among participating churches. May the Lord bring forth much fruit. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2

Diaspora in UK

So grateful to God for the 30+ ladies who came to the final English and Sewing day presentations with Biblical messages. Please pray that they will remember these Gospel conversations and that their hearts would be hungry for the Truth.

Eid al-Adha this weekend

The biggest holiday in Islam, Eid al-Adha is this weekend. 1.8 billion Muslims around the world will celebrate by sacrificing a sheep, goat, cow, buffalo or camel in remembrance of Abraham’s sacrifice of a ram in place of his son.
Pray that many will “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world” has come and offers salvation to any who will believe.

Diaspora of Washing DC

Please pray for my friend from West Africa. She has received a Bible and often asks very good questions. This past Sunday, without prompting, she drove herself and children to church without us and worshipped with other brothers and sisters from West Africa. Please pray that the veil of islam from her family heritage be lifted and she will see “God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Cor. 4:6


More than 15,000 Moroccans arrived in Mecca Thursday to perform the annual Hajj pilgrimage. This annual event usually attracts 2 million Muslims as a required pillar of Islam. This year 1 million international pilgrims will be allowed after a two year restriction due to Covid.  Pray for Jesus to meet with these earnest yet lost worshippers. Pray many would be disillusioned with Islam and have courage to seek Truth.

Diaspora in Atlanta

Pray with us for the Lord to bring seeking African immigrants to each one on our team. Pray for friendships, opportunities to share the gospel, and churches to welcome them.


Angelo has been working hard at his nursing program in Kenya, ever with the intent of returning to serve God among the Laarim. Recently his younger brother, Lobom, became terribly ill in South Sudan and was sent to a hospital in Kenya for evaluation and treatment. Angelo is now looking after his brother while busy with his studies. Please pray for these brothers: for healing for Lobom (physically and spiritually), and for strength for Angelo.