Christmas and Yalda celebrations

Diaspora in Finland: We give praise that the Christmas parties went well.
I was invited to an Iranian traditional Yalda Night celebration after a conversation with an Iranian man at one of the Christmas parties. It was very interesting being the only “foreigner” among about 30 Iranian Muslims. Most were students or professors at the University.
Pray for wisdom in following up with people from the Christmas parties and with 2 of the Iranian men from the Yalda Night party. Pray God would open their hearts to receive Emmanuel.

Increased threats against MBB’s and partners

We have received information that a key suspect linked to terrorist activities targeting Som* Christians was apprehended in Nairobi. Disturbingly, he was temporarily released and is expected to return to court on 10th January.
Authorities have advised for heightened vigilance within the Som* Christian community and partners as they urge the public to stay informed through official channels.
Pray for protection and wisdom for partners as they continue to work in the vineyard without fear.

Drawing Yemenis

Diaspora in Germany: Praise God for 2 new Yemeni friends that I met in another city in Germany. Our visit went wonderfully well with R&M, R gave his life to Jesus today, praise the Lord! Let’s keep praying for him, he is 200 km from us. He was asking if there is someone who can disciple him and he would love to get baptized! He already started talking to the other Yemenis in the Camp.
We know other Yemenis brothers, two are part of Injil and one is leading a group. Praise God how He is drawing Yemenis in Europe.


Pray for Mama and Baba J., whose 7-month old son has severe disabilities and developmental delays. Pray that their faith in God would be strengthened through this trial in their life.

Came to church

Diaspora in Washington DC: Praise God for a former English student who came to visit us and came with us for a worship service at church. His English has grown tremendously and he seems to be growing in his depth of conversation as well. Praise God for his openness to attend church. Pray the Lord will continue to work in his life and draw him to Himself.

Fulness of Life

Please pray that God would break down the spiritual strongholds which continue to hold Alagwa hearts captive. May they be free to know and follow the One who gave himself fully to bring them fullness of life.

Young disciple

Pray for R. a young Antakarana man who has a heart to reach his own people. Pray for him and his discipleship, and for an upcoming training and mission trip he will be a part of in early January.

3 more families!

Guyo has reported that three more herdsmen‘s families have come into the Light! Pray for growth in faith and knowledge, and protection, and that all these new believers will also share the message of the kingdoms of light and darkness with those they love!

Evidence of the grace of God

Marino, one of the early Laarim converts, hosts a church service in his compound. Recently I visited and about 40 people, predominantly children, but also a group of youth, and a few adults came. All sang heartily and were attentive to my teaching. Marino’s son, Daniel, a primary 4 student, read “feeding the 5000” story from the Laarim New Testament. This reminded me of my recent reading from Acts: “When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts” Acts 11:23. Please pray for the growing number of Laarim who have believed and turned to the Lord!

Empower the youth

In a town where opportunities are scarce for young people, Jana dedicates Sundays to instilling wisdom through Bible teachings and practical skills like frying ‘mofo-sakay.’ It’s more than a snack; it’s a strategy to draw them closer to the transformative message of Jesus. Please pray for these teenagers. “Empower the youth of Betroka with grace and knowledge in the face of adversity.”

Repent and believe

Pray for humility to listen to God, to believe that He has authority and speaks the truth in Scripture. Ask for repentance from rejecting God’s grace and from oppressing the weak.

Seek Him!

Praise that there were lots of chances to share about the birth of Jesus and all that was said about Him at His birth. Pray that those who heard would have a growing desire to learn more about Jesus and would seek Him!


Pray that many ladies would come to an evening of cookie decorating and be able to hear the Christmas story.


Thank you for praying for reconciliation. The two Fulani brothers have forgiven each other! Together they organized a Christmas celebration for the entire community- a powerful testimony to their reconciliation. People from the village came and were able to hear the Christmas message. I spent some special time with the children and also told them the story of Christmas with illustrations. Let’s pray that these seeds of the Good News fall into hearts ready to welcome it.

Women meeting

Diaspora in Canada: A small group of North African women meet twice a month to share a meal and discuss a theme. We take a biblical text to begin the discussion. 4 women participate regularly and really enjoy this time. Pray for them, that the Holy Spirit enlightens them and gives wisdom in the discussions.

Parable of the sower

Continue praying for Ruth who still enjoys hearing the word of God and says she has no fear now. (Persecution from neighbours made life difficult for her before but wasn’t violent in any way.) Today, hearing the parable of the sower, she said she wanted to be somebody who followed God well and produced fruit in her life. Pray that this might be so and for her husband that she might be able to explain to him so that he will want to follow too. She has just delivered her 6th child.

Demon possession

Pray for S., who has struggled with demon possession for years and has asked the believers in the village for prayer. Yet he refuses to believe the gospel and turn toward the God who can deliver him. Pray for salvation and healing.

Have mercy

Diaspora in Hong Kong: Please pray for Y, an Indonesian Muslim who is married to a Malian Muslim. Her weary soul yearns for You. May You show us the way to share the gospel with her.
Pray for L as we have been reading the Injil, but her mind has not been stable. We ask for Your mercy upon her.

Released from fear

Pray that believers would be released from fear and that they would stand firm in Jesus…even in persecution.

Source of Hope and Salvation

Pray for Mama Hamisi, a Digo woman, who attended church seeking healing for her sick child. Although her daughter has not experienced physical healing, Mama Hamisi continues to listen to the word of God. Please pray for Mama Hamisi and her daughter, asking that they come to know Jesus as their ultimate source of hope and salvation.

Chance to share

Diaspora in Minnesota: Praise God I was given a chance to share at the Somali Community Center event. Pray for opportunities to have follow up conversations.

Counter culture

Pray for the Spirit to work in the hearts of our local brothers and sisters. Walking counter to the ingrained culture is so difficult. The ways in which their core cultural norms are opposite to the way of Jesus, stunts the growth in Christlikeness. Division, pride, and hardness are valued where as unity, humility, gentleness and kindness are not.

New believers

In Ambilobe there has been fruitful evangelism in rural villages by Malagasy Christians trying to reach the Antakarana. Pray for the Disciple Makers and the new believers that they will grow in faith.

Sweet times

Pray for opportunities to love on neighbors and friends this week as many people are very against the idea of “Christmas” thinking it has to do with drunkenness and debauchery. Pray for sweet times of sharing cookies and time and the Truth of Jesus with all we meet.

Winter camp

Diaspora in France: Pray for the AEM International Student winter camp from
27th Dec – 2nd Jan. Pray for many students to register and for the team as they prepare the program and share the Gospel and live as Christian community for the week. This has proven to be an excellent time for students who have been participating in the international students gatherings throughout the year to go deeper in discovering Christ and his church.

Pray for those in prison

Pray for those who are still in prison for the sake of the gospel to have sweet intimate times with Jesus, be used mightily to reveal the glory of God… and that God would reunite them with their families soon!

Listening with interest

Pray for ‘Beth’ who has been listening to parts of the good news with interest. Just this last week her husband divorced her. Where can she go? Who will help her? She told me that she has kept everything in her head that we talked about and saw (parts of the Jesus film) last week and is thinking about it. Pray that I can continue to talk with her after she has travelled to ask her brothers for help. Pray that God will console her in her difficult situation. Her husband had not been giving her anything to live on for two years so maybe he is no loss except that living without a husband means a low status in this community. Pray that she will believe!

Preaching over Christmas

Yesterday I started my trip to Njombe with Matthew and Joel. This is a week long trip where we will be preaching over the Christmas Holiday. Plan is to be back next Wednesday evening. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the people as they hear the Word preached. That they would be challenged to be witnesses to the Hope that is within them to their Muslim neighbors.

Christmas meal

Tomorrow we are organizing a Christmas meal with the neighborhood, Pray that God reveals himself in a very special way. Sunday will be our Christmas service with the small church community, pray that everyone will be encouraged and strengthened. Also continue to intercede for Peace on this island- the violence continues.

Christmas play

We are preparing a Christmas play for the 25th with young people and children. Please pray for:
– practical aspects of putting on a play and peace to manage all the little unforeseen events
– that parents come to see the performance (the majority do not go to church)
– that the Christmas message touches many hearts

Still needing reconciliation

Pray that the main challenge that is dividing the two old men in our ministry location will be solved and that the body of Christ will unite and worship the Lord together.


Pray for local brothers and sisters as they feel the isolation poignantly if they don’t have anyone to celebrate Christmas with.

Share the Story

In these days leading up to Christmas, many local friends are asking questions and expressing curiosity about our celebrations. Pray for all the opportunities to share the Story. Ask for open hearts to see the need for a Rescue. Ask for eyes to see the Light of the World.

Christmas carols

We are going to sing Christmas Carols on December 23rd to the patients at the Good News Hospital and share a simple gospel message and written story. Please pray that as the patients and their families hear this, that they would be overcome by God’s love, grace and mercy in sending His only Son to earth!

Following Christ

‘Helen’ stood up in church two weeks ago and announced that she wanted to leave Islam and follow Christ (NB, the church is entirely southerners with no MBBs). She is not a local lady but came from a Muslim family in the south. Her husband having been a church goer became a muslim and married her but now has become ‘nothing’. Helen lives in the same compound with her husband’s first wife. She noticed the women of the church visiting the other wife after she had twins and was attracted to the community. Visiting Helen I found she had understood little of Islam and now understands little of the gospel. So, we have started looking at the ‘God story’, a chronological bible storying film. Two other ladies from her language group plus the first wife have joined us. There is much need for basic teaching for many church goers. Pray that these ladies will grow in their faith and become witnesses amongst their Neem neighbours. Pray that their husband will also turn to Christ. Praise God for the stirring of the Spirit in Helen’s heart.

Dispute in the body of Christ

We have a large number of MBB’s in a prayer network group. There has been some dispute within the group relating to leadership and some are suspecting some leaders are in this group for personal financial gain. Please pray that God will soften the hearts of all the team members and especially the leaders and point them to Jesus. May God reveal His plans for each of them. May there be love, forgiveness and unity in the group.


Many teas and Christmas parties happening these coming weeks. As people ooh and ahh over the decorations and sweet treats, ask for opportunities to share the story of Emmanuel.

Parenting class

Diaspora in England: Praise God that the Kids Matter parenting course finished so well and for the new relationships built. Pray for these mothers to seek God.
Pray for opportunities to share the Christmas story in English classes.

Still unwell

Bible translation is going well, we have a draft of the books of 1 & 2 Timothy.
I am still not feeling well, please pray for me.

Holiday Gathering

Pray for the large holiday gathering today bringing together believers and expats from around the island. Pray that it would be a unifying event that encourages everyone to share the joy and hope of the season with their friends and families. Pray for the kids that will attend and especially for the group that has prepared some songs and a drama. May we see families grow in their faiths together.