The Day of Salvation

A Zigua widow lady came to her Christian neighbours yesterday and asked to be saved. She had heard them singing and praying many times and felt something inside her heart was drawing her. She received Christ and was set free of demons. She handed over all her charms and they burnt them. Later they also went to her home to burn further charms. She then called her closest relatives and told them that she had become a Christian and that she will not take part in any witchcraft ceremonies anymore. She physically felt a very heavy burden was lifted off her. Please pray that she will be filled with God’s spirit and grow in knowing her Saviour Jesus more and more. Pray for her physical and spiritual protection, and that God would bless the work of her hands.

Needing freedom

Pray for O as she grows in her faith, pray that she would be protected from evil and that she would experience true freedom from the darkness of her past.

Relief Food and the Word

Praise for more work for food relief funds which are now coming to an end this week. Praise God for the work accomplished helping our community, and for the Word of God that has been sowed in their hearts. May many come to Jesus!

Needing welcome

A young woman has just returned to her home country and is asking to connect with the body of Christ there. Pray that she will be bold to tell her family of her faith and that the local believers will welcome her.

Little Light

Pray for Ohima. This boy of five is on fire for the Lord. His name means fire and he is living up to it. He absorbs everything taught during his family Bible study and shares it with others. At lunch time in school he tells the older children they should thank God for their food and when they ask him to pray he asks God to help them so they can pray too. Pray that Ohima may grow in knowledge and understanding of the Lord and continue in boldness for His kingdom.

Hungering for the Lost

Praise God for the new believers who are hungering for their lost neighbors to know Jesus as their Savior too. At Christmas Bibi C brought 2 of her granddaughters to celebrate a meal with us & hear the gospel. Mama F did the same in bringing Mama Bird. And today Mama A brought a young searching man to come hear the gospel after he had heard her testimony of God’s healing & salvation and witnessed how the body of Christ has loved her. He responded to the Gospel & wants to join us tomorrow in church to testify & worship with his new family!!! Praise be to Our Lord God! Please pray for the salvation of these precious people & pray for it to spread!

Seeking Fellowship

Just after Christmas, a man came explaining how he’d come to be a new believer in Jesus. He was now seeking a place where he could fellowship and learn more about the Bible. His wife had prayed with us earlier that year for her unsaved husband while she was pregnant and in distress. In the last year the Lord has touched this husband’s life in a number of ways. He is now convinced Jesus is the Son of God! Pray this young couple would grow in depth of knowing the Savior and that they would share Christ with their neighbors.


Pray much for a S. Asian teenager and her cousin who have understood their own sinfulness and the uselessness of trying to be good enough to earn heaven. They know that Jesus offered the perfect sacrifice for sin and that they can receive Him by faith. Now they are pondering whether to do that. Pray they will!

Wisdom to Fear the Lord

Job 28:28: “And He said to the human race, ‘The fear of the Lord-that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.”

There is little fear of God in Karamoja. There is more fear of the devil and of curses, but Jesus is thought of by people who have heard about Him as a kind of Santa Claus. Please pray that our Father will pour out His Spirit of the fear of the Lord on the Karimojong to make them wise. Pray that He gives them revelation of His holiness and power so that they are in awe of Him, shun evil, and their fear of the enemy is broken. Pray that the Karimojong not only see but personally know our mighty Father for who He is.

Camp funding

Again this summer, we will be running a Christian camp for diaspora children here in Canada. Because our campers come from refugee and new immigrant families, we want to raise about 4/5 of each camper’s cost. For 80-100 campers, that adds up to about $25,000. Please pray for fundraising efforts this winter and spring. And pray parents will allow their children to come hear the gospel.

Listening Next Door

A young Somali man listened to the gospel from his bed in the hospital as the man next to him prayed with a missionary to receive Christ. Please pray that he will remember the Scriptures he heard, and that he too will decide to put his trust in the Saviour.

Prayer day this weekend

Pray for the Pentecostal church in the village of Kapalu. They will have a prayer day and assembly on Saturday and Sunday. Pray that the Ik hear the truth from God’s word and desire to draw near to the Lord. Pray for the pastors and church leaders, that they remain committed in faith and lead the church well. Pray that they demonstrate Christ’s love and example in the church, village, and to the neighboring tribes.

Needing protection

Pray for a young woman who just texted last night to say she was going through difficult times. Her specific request was: may God keep evil people away from me. Ask for her protection from the evil one and for her to abide in the shelter of the Most High.

Needing faith

Ask for faith for a young man who loves Jesus but isn’t sure of the whole gospel. He is planning to meet believers this week to talk. Ask that he will believe the Word and show his love in the obedience of faith.

Encountering Christ through His Word

Please pray for the Alagwa who are helping translate the book of Luke, especially those who are not Christians. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would open their eyes and give them the skills and wisdom they need to translate God’s word. Pray that they would encounter Christ through his word and commit their lives to him.

Pray for Peace

An extremist group has been attacking villages in Northern Mozambique since November. Pray for the traumatized villagers as they seek refuge in Mocimboa town. Pray for believers there as they reach out to them. Today friends are delivering aid. Pray for their safety along the road. Pray that what the Evil One means for harm, the Lord will mean for good- to bring about the salvation of many!

Pressed to Capacity

Pray for wisdom as the primary school is being pressed to over capacity with applicants. Pray for solutions that bring families to Christ and help students get an education.

God as their Shepherd

The Toposa raise, look after, guide, and protect their cattle- they understand shepherding. Pray that the Good Shepherd will find them, and  take care of them and guide their hearts to embrace Him.

Local worship songs

Pray for one local believer who is working on five different Scripture songs. He is using several different local music styles and we hope the songs will inspire others to write their own songs, as well as help believers memorise Scripture and make sung worship a key part of their gatherings. Pray for the Spirit’s inspiration as he writes these songs and that even as he writes them he too would be changed by them.

Falling walls and open hearts

Pray for the Nyang’atom, that the walls of resistance to the Gospel will fall, and their hearts will be open to hearing the Good News that brings Life and Hope.

Need for face to face disciplers

Continue to ask that the Berbers who have reached Europe would find believers who know their language. One believing young woman just sent a text asking about the apostles. Another wrote asking about Catholicism. Praise Jesus for their hunger to learn and for texting… but please ask that they will find face-to-face disciplers.

Living Water in the dry season

Pray that during this dry season, the Lokwa would cry out to God, and that He would deliver them. Ask the Provider that He would provide Living Water that will satisfy their thirsty (Psalm 107:4-9)

Gospel fruit and growth

Pray that the Gospel goes among the Kachipo, bears fruit and grows, just as it has been doing around the world. Pray for a church to be planted, and grow so that it will spread the Gospel to the surrounding communities.

“Thank You For The Gift”

Praise God that a Muslim Babu (grandfather) sent a message of thanks for the gift he received of an Arabic Bible. Please pray that he and several others who are learning to read Arabic in his household will read it, and that the Holy Spirit will guide them to passages that will help them come into eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

A Rangi Evangelist’s Prayer Requests

From a Rangi Evangelist: Please pray for Yusuph. He needs a job that will support him till God opens the way to attend Bible school. Secondly pray for more students to enroll at my school. The other need is to raise money for finishing the classroom. Pray for my family’s needs and support to help us to continue with His work here. Be blessed in Jesus’ name.

An Arabic Bible

Praise God for many opportunities to share Scripture with a S. Asian Muslim family. Most recently an Arabic Bible was given to the grandfather. Please pray that he and others who can read Arabic will read it. May there be something about reading the Words of Life in Arabic that is even more convincing than in English, and may they put their faith in Christ.

Like Sheep Among Wolves

We are sending off another new Rendille high school graduate to university and it feels a bit like sending sheep to the wolves. Pray for Somo. He will be living in the hostels, where many students explore their newly gained freedom from home rules and live lives full of sex, drugs and “fun”. May God protect Somo and keep him strong. Pray for Dibo and Andrew, two other graduates who continue with university studies – both are staying close to God and need His protection.

A Huge Step For Her

Please pray for the 5 believers who were baptised Christmas Eve, for their discipleship and strengthening. Pray especially for one of them who had been possessed and oppressed by serious demonic forces for many years. She had been challenged to follow Jesus a number of times over the last few years and has been prayed for many times. In the last few months, she finally accepted her need for Jesus and decided to follow him. This is a huge step for her. Please pray for her protection, and that the Holy Spirit will teach, strengthen and protect her over the coming weeks and months.

Ohilang Fires

On Dec 13th fire destroyed 48 homes in the Ohilang community. Give thanks to our Father that no lives were lost and there were no major injuries. Pray that this sad event might be used by the Lord to draw people to himself. Pray that the Word shared during food distributions following the event might take root and bear fruit and that the word and deeds of love shared with this community in their time of need might point them to their loving heavenly Father.

Translation check

Another translation consulting check will begin today the 15th of January. Pray for the technology to function well and for the work to continue to move forward.

Opportunity through Vet skills

Chief Mama Tchad told us their cows are sick and dying. He requested help–a vet and meds. This seems like an invitation and opportunity to have a direct impact among the Mbororo by meeting a real need. Pray that a Christian vet with a heart to use his/her skills for Gospel impact would come and treat their cattle.

Jesus Film at Christmas

Thank you for praying for our Christmas Feast for our staff. It was a joyous time of thanking the Lord God for His enablement of all the hard work and results produced this past year. We had a great opportunity to share the reason we have such hope for the future on the coast through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We were thankful that many families stayed on to watch the Jesus film. Praise God! Pray that all the seeds of the Gospel planted that day would sprout and bear fruit that endures!

Ask for gift of faith

A Pakistani believer and an Arab believer are meeting with a young Arab woman to study the Word regularly. Praise Jesus for her courage to meet despite opposition and ask for the gift of faith! Pray for others who are seeking that they would meet bold believers.

Influential family to Kijabe

A woman, we’ll call her Z, is heading to Kijabe Hospital on the 15th for a surgery. She’s a very respected women’s leader in the community. She’s heard and knows the Gospel well, but has refused to receive it because of her family – she says that she just can’t go against their wishes. Even her late parents told her not to become a Christian, and she says that she wants to honor them. She’ll be escorted by her brother C.H. and his big wife. C.H. is a retired leader of the O – also a good friend who we’ve frequently shared the Good News with. ***Pray that they will encounter Jesus over and over in powerful fresh ways through the Body of believers there at the Kijabe (Mission) Hospital. ***Pray that they would RESPOND and RECEIVE God’s Grace in all of it’s Truth! ***Pray that they would then influence and lead many other O to receive Jesus! Also pray for Z’s complete healing and restoration.

Breaking strongholds, giving bold worship

Lord, please break strongholds of lies and dissension, and save many Somalis who will spread Your Word around the world, coming boldly to worship You together in Spirit and in truth.

Praises for a great start to the new year

Praise God that the Lord is moving in the Didinga Hills! We had a good Christmas and New Years celebration and people are excited to see what the Lord will do in the new year. Eleven people who attend the Nagishot church want to be baptized. In another area where the Jesus film has been shown a few times, the people asked for someone to come and story the Bible. So we’ve been Bible storying each Wednesday morning to an eager group of listeners! Pray for these who will soon be baptized and this group who are hearing the Word of God. And pray for more workers to come join the harvest here.

Rain, Crops and Malaria

We are in the rainy season in Bara lands. That means: A lot of rain, plantations growing, food, water to drink, but also, malaria. Malaria kills people in the South. Children are the most affected. Because of Bara rituals, they usually don’t go to the hospital. And 90% of Bara villages don’t have access to health care. In most cases the hospital is hours from the village. Another problem is the corruption (fake medicine, high price of injections) among doctors… So, please, pray for this time, that God protects people from Malaria and also that they discover in Jesus Christ, the help in time of need.

Intensely Tested

Please pray for a S. Asian family who have turned to Jesus out of Hinduism. They are being tested in a number of ways, especially in compromises to their integrity in business. Pray that the Lord will give them freedom from anxiety and care for their needs, helping them to pay off their debts and live within their means. Pray for a job for the husband that not only brings income for the family but also opens doors for him to minister to people in the name of Jesus. Pray for their healing as they struggle with some health issues. Pray for their encouragement as they cast all their cares on Christ.

God as our Rock

As insecurity seems to be a part of living in South Sudan, pray that the Lokwa would know the Rock as a firm place to stand amidst all of the turmoil. Pray that they would know their Maker personally (Psalm 95) and look to Him for their strength.


We produced a 2017 calendar complete with the proverbs of Solomon and island proverbs – in both the local language and English. We will be giving these out over the next few weeks in many different locations. Pray that God’s word would surprise and provoke further interest, pray for good conversations as we distribute them.