Breakthrough prayer for Ik

Please pray that the Ik would understand and live out the gospel, becoming a light on the mountains, shining the hope of Jesus to the surrounding tribes.

Discerning Truth

She was telling me the story of Cain and Abel, explaining to me that Cain had killed Abel because they both loved the same sister. But, when I gave her my phone and let her read the story for herself, she did not argue at all. She said, “It wasn’t that way at all. God didn’t accept Cain’s sacrifice.” Pray that as she, and others, read “spiritual stories” and watch TV, they will be drawn to the truth and be able to distinguish between truth and lies.

Radio programme

Pray many would listen and respond to the daily radio program which broadcasts the Gospel of Luke, Bible stories, and local believers’ testimonies.

A Struggling Boy

Praise God for a little M boy who has been coming to hear Bible stories. He seems to be fascinated with Jesus but struggles with being a very naughty little boy. Please pray for him to realise that he needs to be washed from his sins and become a new creation by putting his faith in Christ, and that he will influence the other children by becoming Jesus’ follower.

New found boldness!

He has been a believer for years, and has been drawn close to the heart of Jesus, feeding continually on His Word. However, there has been much fear, and he had distanced himself from the lost. This week, someone recognized the words he spoke as coming from the NT and asked him if he could receive a copy. With great new courage, this brother gave a stranger the Word of God. Pray for continued boldness and that this believer and others will disciple others!

Breakthrough prayer for the Dorobo

Lets pray with the Dorobo churches their breakthrough prayer: Set our elders free from their addiction to honey wine and let them be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Three Young Women

Please pray for three young Alagwa women who are all Christians. They are all under pressure from their families in different ways not to come to church, and even for some to abandon their faith altogether. Please pray that each one would know comfort and strength from the Holy Spirit to continue to stand firm in their faith. Please also pray that their families might see their faith and also come to know God for themselves.

Breakthrough prayer for Digo

Please pray that as the Digo have been known as the most zealous of the coastal peoples for Islam, that now they will become the most zealous for Jesus.

Film to faith?

Praise God that in a small town in CAR the Mbororo recently had the opportunity to watch the Jesus Film in their own language: Fulfulde. Pray that God would work in the hearts of those who watched the film. Pray for wisdom for those who will be following up with them—asking them questions and encouraging them to consider faith in Jesus.


A new believer is planning to be dunked this month. Pray for the logistics and for wisdom for those involved in organising. Pray for him to be filled with the spirit, for his fiancée to respond in faith as well, and for many others to be drawn to Him.

Easter songs

It is a joy to hear, during the day and even into the night hours, the sound of children singing enthusiastically, joyfully about JESUS. Singing is a part of the life of the Laarim people, and now there are songs created by Andrew, Angelo, and other Laarim speakers to express the gospel message. Pray with us for the completion of appropriate songs for the Easter week story, and that the message of Easter, relatively unknown here, will impact the lives of individuals and bring transformation to the communities.

Praise for fruit in the lives of some Karimojong

Praise the Lord for the few that are truly understanding the relationship that they have received through accepting Christ’s sacrifice for their sins. They have a true hunger to know Jesus better through the Word of God.
Pray that this hunger spreads as these believers share what they’re learning with their people.

Not Choked by Weeds

Pray for those Datooga new in their faith that they will not be choked by the pressures of life; pray that they can draw strength from the Son of Man; and pray that as they mature in faith they can themselves draw others into fellowship with Jesus.

Plants That Grow Without Rain

In November, a Rangi evangelist taught some Rangi farmers a method called “Farming God’s Way.” They planted simply without plowing, and used a ground cover. People were making fun of them, saying they were lazy and didn’t clear the ground properly before planting. Kijuu visited them again this December and took photos and prayed with the farmers. Because of the lack of rain, they are the only farmers with anything growing. Now everyone is interested how they did it!

A Witchdoctor Leaves

Praise God the Muslim witchdoctor from another town that had moved in to set up practice next door has cleared out without a word. We have been praying he would find his work utterly ineffective & flee! We are beginning to build relationships with the household that remains. Pray for Christ’s witness to pour out to our neighbors!

May Mutual Respect Bring Opportunities to Share

Our hospital sits in a remote, isolated Muslim majority (>99%) region, in a country where Muslims are a minority. Our staff are majority Muslim from a UPG but with a few Christians (defined locally as non-Muslims) from distant parts of the country. Although not a faith based institution, a recent clinical meeting was ended in prayer in Arabic to Allah by our Muslim anaesthetist. The other day another meeting was also closed in prayer, this time by a nursing officer not from our UPG, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord & Saviour. Both times respect and reverence was shown by all during the prayers.

In a country where tribal and religious differences are exploited for power and governed by fear, may such mutual respect grow and lead to greater sharing of the heart of the good news, person to person.

A Whole Family Has The Scriptures

Please continue to pray for the D family’s salvation. They have several Bible story books, verse cards, several tracts, and a Bible at their house now. Please pray that they read the Word and talk together about it. Pray for the family as a whole to come to a decision to follow Christ. Pray especially for those who are most influential in the family to decide first.

Very Diligent

The three Malagasy missionaries, Melias, Thadee and his wife Haja, who work in and around Ikongo come with exciting news almost monthly.

The new Antanala Christians are very diligent in their activities. They already reach out to other Antanala and some are doing very well. The missionaries organised prayer meetings every evening and the new Christians followed this example in their own village. They do an interchange between them, they are praying for each other, and they are doing bible study together.

In Ambalavolo, new Christians are involved in God’s work and they are very diligent to share the gospel with others.

An Arabic Teacher Learns English

Our team is using a house for English classes where Arabic is also being taught. The Arabic teacher has asked us if he can also learn English. Let’s pray that one of our men and this teacher can organise a class together and that he will see something different in his sessions with the Christian-the love of Christ. Let’s pray for his salvation and that he will eventually become a teacher of the Scriptures and the Gospel.

A Fresh Shipment

We were able just recently to get a fresh shipment of the Msingi (foundation) Bible study books. We’re planning to distribute them to all the churches in Usandawe for them to use for discipleship Bible studies. Pray for these new believers especially as they work through the study, that their faith would be established firmly, and for older believers to be equipped anew! Pray that the Sandawe Christians would share the gospel with unbelievers.

Young man repents

Praise God for working in a young man named Lovemore, convicting him of sin and giving grace to repent. Pray he will walk in newness of life and testify to his friends and family the good things God has done.

First baby born to believing parents!

There was another first in our Fulani community! A baby was born to believing Fulani parents! This is a beautiful new opportunity! Pray for the parents as they make decisions about celebrating the birth of their child, and as they teach their child the way of Jesus from the beginning. Pray for their marriage and for many more to learn from their example as godly parents.

Now Filled With the Holy Spirit

Praise God for Abdullah, an older man who has been a powerful witchdoctor his whole life. He was told the Gospel and he fought with the spirits in him who were telling him to resist the good news. However, he decided to leave the work of being a witchdoctor, the spirits left him and he is now filled with the Holy Spirit. In this last month he has continued to remain firm in his decision, bringing 3 others to Christ as well. Pray that he can remain firm despite the fact he is now without a job or income. Pray that he can continue to be a bold witness in the face of much opposition.

Pray for 3 Rs: Rain, RNs, Response!

RAIN: desperately needed to end the drought and avoid serious consequences in our area.
RNs: Both medical workers in our 2 clinics depart by the end of March – Pray that God will call and equip 2 to minister Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Healing long term in outreach to the O together with our AIC Team.
RESPONSE: That the O’s eyes be PERCEIVING, their ears really HEARING and their hearts UNDERSTANDING God’s Truth so they may TURN and be HEALED!

Not Afraid, Just Not Willing

The village chairwoman came to ask us to make photocopies of their holy book (the Koran) to make charms. No, we answered, we can’t do that. Now she is saying that she isn’t afraid of the Bible, but that we are afraid of their book. Pray for a break through!

On the other hand, we are praising God for bringing rain to us the day before a traditional rain ceremony was planned. Now people are out planting instead of engaging in traditional spiritistic practices. This was a huge encouragement to our new Zigua believer!

Reading but not yet believing

“Rachel” had been given a Bible a while ago. She said, “I was reading about Abraham and I looked for Ishmael and I couldn’t find him. Isn’t he in the Torah?” Her eyes don’t work well, so her daughter read aloud the passages in Arabic of Hagar and Ishmael. When we continued to sacrifice of Isaac, she said, “In the Koran, it isn’t Isaac; it is Ishmael.” She still spoke in amazement of Abraham’s obedience and said that even today, they offer sheep on the Eid so that their children can live. When I explained that Jesus’ death paid for our sin and allowed us to live, she told me that this is another place the Koran and Injil disagree. Even after hearing about how Jesus lovingly chose to die for the purpose of our life, she shook her head. Pray for Rachel and her two daughters to continue to read the Word, and to believe in our only hope: Christ’s death and resurrection.

Hunger for the Word

Pray the Didinga would be hungry for the word of God and eager to know Him. Pray for clear bold gospel proclamation and grace to believe.

“You’ve got to hear these words!”

Praise God that over 90 people plus a truck and its crew showed up for Bible study last week. It was impossible for all to hear but those who could hear listened intently. Many asked for a Treasure (MP3 player) afterwards so that they could learn at home. On another day an old man stood up in the middle of the study and turned to the crowd farther back and said, “Quiet down back there and huddle in closer. You have got to hear these WORDS!” They don’t want to miss even one morsel of the spoken word. A fitting close to the study of Hebrews. God is so good!

Oh to see a church planting movement!

Pray for Pastor Guillaume as he gets training in church planting movements, to know how to apply what he’s learning to the Sakalava church plants he’s involved with. Pray for these churches to have the vision of sharing their faith and planting many more churches!

May Chief lead his people to Life

Pray for the Chief, who was baptized recently. Pray he will study the Bible and do what it says and live a life worthy of the Lord. Pray he would be bold to share God’s goodness and the salvation He offers with his people.

Conviction of Sin

Two young women from a South Asian family will be meeting with a Christian woman to hear the Bible story of the Ten Commandments, and the requirements of God’s holiness. Pray for the revelation of the Law to bring the conviction of sin, and pray for them to be led to faith in the Saviour.

Baptised In The Ocean

Last Sunday a local woman, who had been spiritually searching and attending our church here for a while, finally gave her life to Jesus & professed her faith in Jesus Christ as her Savior!

On Christmas day one of the new local believers was ocean baptized right here! Praise God for this bold witness and beautiful encouragement to the believers!

Praise God for opportunities for our team to share God’s witness with some of our neighbors & even some of their children! Some of these children are coming to church with our children now. Pray for their physical & spiritual protection & for the salvation of their whole families!

They Continue Hearing the Good News

Please pray for the Rangi people in the town of Busi who continue hearing the good news. Pray for those who are learning about Christ, that they will put their faith in Him. Pray for encouragement for the evangelist, P. as he continues sharing with them.

Let the little children come

Pray for the pastors being trained in children’s ministry and Sunday school. Pray they will see the value of ministering to children and raising up the next generation of believers. Pray for grace and strength for the youth of the church to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. There are many temptations and obstacles and little encouragement.

The Wife Is With Her Husband

Praise the Lord that the influential M man’s wife is also ready to follow Jesus with her husband. They are talking over how to share this with the man’s father. Recently the man shared with his Muslim father the recordings of Bible stories “from creation to Christ.” The father listened and did not object to them. Pray that when this family confesses their decision to follow Christ, the father will not be angry but instead will be moved to consider receiving Jesus as his Saviour, too.

Gospel recordings and chai time

Pray for the scripture recordings being made for audio Bible distribution. Pray for eager listeners and many to embrace the Truth.
Pray for the ‘old man chai and discovery Bible study time’ that the Lord would bring salvation to the households these men represent.

God is at work

“…my Father is still working…”, said Jesus. And He is! This is one of the greats truth Bible tells us. God is still at work.

In the village of Amatomaña, another witchdoctor, name Bera, gave his life to Jesus. He wants to know Jesus better and follow His “lalana” (way).
Please pray that Bera can understand the Gospel and doesn’t fall in any kind of syncretism.

Warm welcome

Pray for the Karimojong to warmly welcome the new teams and help them learn language and culture. Ask the Lord to open hearts to the Good News the teams are bringing.

Suffering for Christ

Pray for the believers who are suffering for their faith. Pray they would stand firm. “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when His glory is revealed…. Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.” 1Peter4:12-13, 19.